Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.

namespace Box\Spout\Writer\XLSX\Helper;

use Box\Spout\Writer\Common\Entity\Worksheet;
use Box\Spout\Writer\Common\Helper\FileSystemWithRootFolderHelperInterface;
use Box\Spout\Writer\Common\Helper\ZipHelper;
use Box\Spout\Writer\XLSX\Manager\Style\StyleManager;

 * Class FileSystemHelper
 * This class provides helper functions to help with the file system operations
 * like files/folders creation & deletion for XLSX files
class FileSystemHelper extends \Box\Spout\Common\Helper\FileSystemHelper implements FileSystemWithRootFolderHelperInterface
    const APP_NAME = 'Spout';

    const RELS_FOLDER_NAME = '_rels';
    const DOC_PROPS_FOLDER_NAME = 'docProps';
    const XL_FOLDER_NAME = 'xl';
    const WORKSHEETS_FOLDER_NAME = 'worksheets';

    const RELS_FILE_NAME = '.rels';
    const APP_XML_FILE_NAME = 'app.xml';
    const CORE_XML_FILE_NAME = 'core.xml';
    const CONTENT_TYPES_XML_FILE_NAME = '[Content_Types].xml';
    const WORKBOOK_XML_FILE_NAME = 'workbook.xml';
    const WORKBOOK_RELS_XML_FILE_NAME = 'workbook.xml.rels';
    const STYLES_XML_FILE_NAME = 'styles.xml';

    /** @var ZipHelper Helper to perform tasks with Zip archive */
    private $zipHelper;

    /** @var \Box\Spout\Common\Helper\Escaper\XLSX Used to escape XML data */
    private $escaper;

    /** @var string Path to the root folder inside the temp folder where the files to create the XLSX will be stored */
    private $rootFolder;

    /** @var string Path to the "_rels" folder inside the root folder */
    private $relsFolder;

    /** @var string Path to the "docProps" folder inside the root folder */
    private $docPropsFolder;

    /** @var string Path to the "xl" folder inside the root folder */
    private $xlFolder;

    /** @var string Path to the "_rels" folder inside the "xl" folder */
    private $xlRelsFolder;

    /** @var string Path to the "worksheets" folder inside the "xl" folder */
    private $xlWorksheetsFolder;

     * @param string $baseFolderPath The path of the base folder where all the I/O can occur
     * @param ZipHelper $zipHelper Helper to perform tasks with Zip archive
     * @param \Box\Spout\Common\Helper\Escaper\XLSX $escaper Used to escape XML data
    public function __construct($baseFolderPath, $zipHelper, $escaper)
        $this->zipHelper = $zipHelper;
        $this->escaper = $escaper;

     * @return string
    public function getRootFolder()
        return $this->rootFolder;

     * @return string
    public function getXlFolder()
        return $this->xlFolder;

     * @return string
    public function getXlWorksheetsFolder()
        return $this->xlWorksheetsFolder;

     * Creates all the folders needed to create a XLSX file, as well as the files that won't change.
     * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\IOException If unable to create at least one of the base folders
     * @return void
    public function createBaseFilesAndFolders()

     * Creates the folder that will be used as root
     * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\IOException If unable to create the folder
     * @return FileSystemHelper
    private function createRootFolder()
< $this->rootFolder = $this->createFolder($this->baseFolderRealPath, uniqid('xlsx', true));
> $this->rootFolder = $this->createFolder($this->baseFolderRealPath, \uniqid('xlsx', true));
return $this; } /** * Creates the "_rels" folder under the root folder as well as the ".rels" file in it * * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\IOException If unable to create the folder or the ".rels" file * @return FileSystemHelper */ private function createRelsFolderAndFile() { $this->relsFolder = $this->createFolder($this->rootFolder, self::RELS_FOLDER_NAME); $this->createRelsFile(); return $this; } /** * Creates the ".rels" file under the "_rels" folder (under root) * * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\IOException If unable to create the file * @return FileSystemHelper */ private function createRelsFile() { $relsFileContents = <<<'EOD' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Relationships xmlns=""> <Relationship Id="rIdWorkbook" Type="" Target="xl/workbook.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rIdCore" Type="" Target="docProps/core.xml"/> <Relationship Id="rIdApp" Type="" Target="docProps/app.xml"/> </Relationships> EOD; $this->createFileWithContents($this->relsFolder, self::RELS_FILE_NAME, $relsFileContents); return $this; } /** * Creates the "docProps" folder under the root folder as well as the "app.xml" and "core.xml" files in it * * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\IOException If unable to create the folder or one of the files * @return FileSystemHelper */ private function createDocPropsFolderAndFiles() { $this->docPropsFolder = $this->createFolder($this->rootFolder, self::DOC_PROPS_FOLDER_NAME); $this->createAppXmlFile(); $this->createCoreXmlFile(); return $this; } /** * Creates the "app.xml" file under the "docProps" folder * * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\IOException If unable to create the file * @return FileSystemHelper */ private function createAppXmlFile() { $appName = self::APP_NAME; $appXmlFileContents = <<<EOD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Properties xmlns=""> <Application>$appName</Application> <TotalTime>0</TotalTime> </Properties> EOD; $this->createFileWithContents($this->docPropsFolder, self::APP_XML_FILE_NAME, $appXmlFileContents); return $this; } /** * Creates the "core.xml" file under the "docProps" folder * * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\IOException If unable to create the file * @return FileSystemHelper */ private function createCoreXmlFile() { $createdDate = (new \DateTime())->format(\DateTime::W3C); $coreXmlFileContents = <<<EOD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <cp:coreProperties xmlns:cp="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcmitype="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:xsi=""> <dcterms:created xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">$createdDate</dcterms:created> <dcterms:modified xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">$createdDate</dcterms:modified> <cp:revision>0</cp:revision> </cp:coreProperties> EOD; $this->createFileWithContents($this->docPropsFolder, self::CORE_XML_FILE_NAME, $coreXmlFileContents); return $this; } /** * Creates the "xl" folder under the root folder as well as its subfolders * * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\IOException If unable to create at least one of the folders * @return FileSystemHelper */ private function createXlFolderAndSubFolders() { $this->xlFolder = $this->createFolder($this->rootFolder, self::XL_FOLDER_NAME); $this->createXlRelsFolder(); $this->createXlWorksheetsFolder(); return $this; } /** * Creates the "_rels" folder under the "xl" folder * * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\IOException If unable to create the folder * @return FileSystemHelper */ private function createXlRelsFolder() { $this->xlRelsFolder = $this->createFolder($this->xlFolder, self::RELS_FOLDER_NAME); return $this; } /** * Creates the "worksheets" folder under the "xl" folder * * @throws \Box\Spout\Common\Exception\IOException If unable to create the folder * @return FileSystemHelper */ private function createXlWorksheetsFolder() { $this->xlWorksheetsFolder = $this->createFolder($this->xlFolder, self::WORKSHEETS_FOLDER_NAME); return $this; } /** * Creates the "[Content_Types].xml" file under the root folder * * @param Worksheet[] $worksheets * @return FileSystemHelper */ public function createContentTypesFile($worksheets) { $contentTypesXmlFileContents = <<<'EOD' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Types xmlns=""> <Default ContentType="application/xml" Extension="xml"/> <Default ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml" Extension="rels"/> <Override ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml" PartName="/xl/workbook.xml"/> EOD; /** @var Worksheet $worksheet */ foreach ($worksheets as $worksheet) { $contentTypesXmlFileContents .= '<Override ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml" PartName="/xl/worksheets/sheet' . $worksheet->getId() . '.xml"/>'; } $contentTypesXmlFileContents .= <<<'EOD' <Override ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml" PartName="/xl/styles.xml"/> <Override ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml" PartName="/xl/sharedStrings.xml"/> <Override ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml" PartName="/docProps/core.xml"/> <Override ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml" PartName="/docProps/app.xml"/> </Types> EOD; $this->createFileWithContents($this->rootFolder, self::CONTENT_TYPES_XML_FILE_NAME, $contentTypesXmlFileContents); return $this; } /** * Creates the "workbook.xml" file under the "xl" folder * * @param Worksheet[] $worksheets * @return FileSystemHelper */ public function createWorkbookFile($worksheets) { $workbookXmlFileContents = <<<'EOD' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <workbook xmlns="" xmlns:r=""> <sheets> EOD; /** @var Worksheet $worksheet */ foreach ($worksheets as $worksheet) { $worksheetName = $worksheet->getExternalSheet()->getName(); $worksheetVisibility = $worksheet->getExternalSheet()->isVisible() ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; $worksheetId = $worksheet->getId(); $workbookXmlFileContents .= '<sheet name="' . $this->escaper->escape($worksheetName) . '" sheetId="' . $worksheetId . '" r:id="rIdSheet' . $worksheetId . '" state="' . $worksheetVisibility . '"/>'; } $workbookXmlFileContents .= <<<'EOD' </sheets> </workbook> EOD; $this->createFileWithContents($this->xlFolder, self::WORKBOOK_XML_FILE_NAME, $workbookXmlFileContents); return $this; } /** * Creates the "workbook.xml.res" file under the "xl/_res" folder * * @param Worksheet[] $worksheets * @return FileSystemHelper */ public function createWorkbookRelsFile($worksheets) { $workbookRelsXmlFileContents = <<<'EOD' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Relationships xmlns=""> <Relationship Id="rIdStyles" Target="styles.xml" Type=""/> <Relationship Id="rIdSharedStrings" Target="sharedStrings.xml" Type=""/> EOD; /** @var Worksheet $worksheet */ foreach ($worksheets as $worksheet) { $worksheetId = $worksheet->getId(); $workbookRelsXmlFileContents .= '<Relationship Id="rIdSheet' . $worksheetId . '" Target="worksheets/sheet' . $worksheetId . '.xml" Type=""/>'; } $workbookRelsXmlFileContents .= '</Relationships>'; $this->createFileWithContents($this->xlRelsFolder, self::WORKBOOK_RELS_XML_FILE_NAME, $workbookRelsXmlFileContents); return $this; } /** * Creates the "styles.xml" file under the "xl" folder * * @param StyleManager $styleManager * @return FileSystemHelper */ public function createStylesFile($styleManager) { $stylesXmlFileContents = $styleManager->getStylesXMLFileContent(); $this->createFileWithContents($this->xlFolder, self::STYLES_XML_FILE_NAME, $stylesXmlFileContents); return $this; } /** * Zips the root folder and streams the contents of the zip into the given stream * * @param resource $streamPointer Pointer to the stream to copy the zip * @return void */ public function zipRootFolderAndCopyToStream($streamPointer) { $zip = $this->zipHelper->createZip($this->rootFolder); $zipFilePath = $this->zipHelper->getZipFilePath($zip); // In order to have the file's mime type detected properly, files need to be added // to the zip file in a particular order. // "[Content_Types].xml" then at least 2 files located in "xl" folder should be zipped first. $this->zipHelper->addFileToArchive($zip, $this->rootFolder, self::CONTENT_TYPES_XML_FILE_NAME); $this->zipHelper->addFileToArchive($zip, $this->rootFolder, self::XL_FOLDER_NAME . '/' . self::WORKBOOK_XML_FILE_NAME); $this->zipHelper->addFileToArchive($zip, $this->rootFolder, self::XL_FOLDER_NAME . '/' . self::STYLES_XML_FILE_NAME); $this->zipHelper->addFolderToArchive($zip, $this->rootFolder, ZipHelper::EXISTING_FILES_SKIP); $this->zipHelper->closeArchiveAndCopyToStream($zip, $streamPointer); // once the zip is copied, remove it $this->deleteFile($zipFilePath); } }