This file contains the mod_assign useridlist This is for collecting a list of user IDs
Copyright: | 2018 Adrian Greeve <> |
License: | GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 99 lines (3 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
useridlist:: (5 methods):
Class: useridlist - X-Ref
An object for collecting user IDs related to a teacher.__construct($teacherid, $assignid) X-Ref |
Create this object. param: int $teacherid The teacher ID. param: int $assignid The assignment ID. |
get_teacherid() X-Ref |
Returns the teacher ID. return: int The teacher ID. |
get_assignid() X-Ref |
Returns the assign ID. return: int The assign ID. |
get_userids() X-Ref |
Returns the user IDs. return: array User IDs. |
add_from_sql($sql, $params) X-Ref |
Add sql and params to return user IDs. param: string $sql The sql string to return user IDs. param: array $params Parameters for the sql statement. |