Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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 * Contains class mod_feedback_responses_table
 * @package   mod_feedback
 * @copyright 2016 Marina Glancy
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php');

 * Class mod_feedback_responses_table
 * @package   mod_feedback
 * @copyright 2016 Marina Glancy
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class mod_feedback_responses_table extends table_sql {

     * Maximum number of feedback questions to display in the "Show responses" table

     * Maximum number of feedback questions answers to retrieve in one SQL query.
     * Mysql has a limit of 60, we leave 1 for joining with users table.
    const TABLEJOINLIMIT = 59;

     * When additional queries are needed to retrieve more than TABLEJOINLIMIT questions answers, do it in chunks every x rows.
     * Value too small will mean too many DB queries, value too big may cause memory overflow.
    const ROWCHUNKSIZE = 100;

    /** @var mod_feedback_structure */
    protected $feedbackstructure;

    /** @var int */
    protected $grandtotal = null;

    /** @var bool */
    protected $showall = false;

    /** @var string */
    protected $showallparamname = 'showall';

    /** @var string */
    protected $downloadparamname = 'download';

    /** @var int number of columns that were not retrieved in the main SQL query
     * (no more than TABLEJOINLIMIT tables with values can be joined). */
    protected $hasmorecolumns = 0;

    /** @var bool whether we are building this table for a external function */
    protected $buildforexternal = false;

    /** @var array the data structure containing the table data for the external function */
    protected $dataforexternal = [];

     * Constructor
     * @param mod_feedback_structure $feedbackstructure
     * @param int $group retrieve only users from this group (optional)
    public function __construct(mod_feedback_structure $feedbackstructure, $group = 0) {
        $this->feedbackstructure = $feedbackstructure;

        parent::__construct('feedback-showentry-list-' . $feedbackstructure->get_cm()->instance);

        $this->showall = optional_param($this->showallparamname, 0, PARAM_BOOL);
        $this->define_baseurl(new moodle_url('/mod/feedback/show_entries.php',
            ['id' => $this->feedbackstructure->get_cm()->id]));
        if ($courseid = $this->feedbackstructure->get_courseid()) {
            $this->baseurl->param('courseid', $courseid);
        if ($this->showall) {
            $this->baseurl->param($this->showallparamname, $this->showall);

        $name = format_string($feedbackstructure->get_feedback()->name);
        $this->is_downloading(optional_param($this->downloadparamname, 0, PARAM_ALPHA),
                $name, get_string('responses', 'feedback'));
        $this->useridfield = 'userid';

     * Initialises table
     * @param int $group retrieve only users from this group (optional)
    protected function init($group = 0) {

        $tablecolumns = array('userpic', 'fullname', 'groups');
        $tableheaders = array(

        // TODO Does not support custom user profile fields (MDL-70456).
        $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_identity($this->get_context(), false)->with_userpic();
        $ufields = $userfieldsapi->get_sql('u', false, '', $this->useridfield, false)->selects;
        $extrafields = $userfieldsapi->get_required_fields([\core_user\fields::PURPOSE_IDENTITY]);
        $fields = ', c.timemodified as completed_timemodified, c.courseid, '.$ufields;
        $from = '{feedback_completed} c '
                . 'JOIN {user} u ON = c.userid AND u.deleted = :notdeleted';
        $where = 'c.anonymous_response = :anon
                AND = :instance';
        if ($this->feedbackstructure->get_courseid()) {
            $where .= ' AND c.courseid = :courseid';

        if ($this->is_downloading()) {
            // When downloading data:
            // Remove 'userpic' from downloaded data.

            // Add all identity fields as separate columns.
            foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
                $fields .= ", u.{$field}";
                $tablecolumns[] = $field;
                $tableheaders[] = \core_user\fields::get_display_name($field);

        if ($this->feedbackstructure->get_feedback()->course == SITEID && !$this->feedbackstructure->get_courseid()) {
            $tablecolumns[] = 'courseid';
            $tableheaders[] = get_string('course');

        $tablecolumns[] = 'completed_timemodified';
        $tableheaders[] = get_string('date');


        $this->sortable(true, 'lastname', SORT_ASC);
        $this->set_attribute('id', 'showentrytable');

        $params = array();
        $params['anon'] = FEEDBACK_ANONYMOUS_NO;
        $params['instance'] = $this->feedbackstructure->get_feedback()->id;
        $params['notdeleted'] = 0;
        $params['courseid'] = $this->feedbackstructure->get_courseid();

        $group = (empty($group)) ? groups_get_activity_group($this->feedbackstructure->get_cm(), true) : $group;
        if ($group) {
            $where .= ' AND c.userid IN (SELECT g.userid FROM {groups_members} g WHERE g.groupid = :group)';
            $params['group'] = $group;

        $this->set_sql($fields, $from, $where, $params);
        $this->set_count_sql("SELECT COUNT( FROM $from WHERE $where", $params);

     * Current context
     * @return context_module
    public function get_context(): context {
        return context_module::instance($this->feedbackstructure->get_cm()->id);

     * Allows to set the display column value for all columns without "col_xxxxx" method.
     * @param string $column column name
     * @param stdClass $row current record result of SQL query
    public function other_cols($column, $row) {
        if (preg_match('/^val(\d+)$/', $column, $matches)) {
            $items = $this->feedbackstructure->get_items();
            $itemobj = feedback_get_item_class($items[$matches[1]]->typ);
            $printval = $itemobj->get_printval($items[$matches[1]], (object) ['value' => $row->$column]);
            if ($this->is_downloading()) {
                $printval = s($printval);
            return trim($printval);
        return parent::other_cols($column, $row);

     * Prepares column userpic for display
     * @param stdClass $row
     * @return string
    public function col_userpic($row) {
        global $OUTPUT;
        $user = user_picture::unalias($row, [], $this->useridfield);
        return $OUTPUT->user_picture($user, array('courseid' => $this->feedbackstructure->get_cm()->course));

     * Prepares column deleteentry for display
     * @param stdClass $row
     * @return string
    public function col_deleteentry($row) {
        global $OUTPUT;
        $deleteentryurl = new moodle_url($this->baseurl, ['delete' => $row->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey()]);
        $deleteaction = new confirm_action(get_string('confirmdeleteentry', 'feedback'));
        return $OUTPUT->action_icon($deleteentryurl,
            new pix_icon('t/delete', get_string('delete_entry', 'feedback')), $deleteaction);

     * Returns a link for viewing a single response
     * @param stdClass $row
     * @return \moodle_url
    protected function get_link_single_entry($row) {
        return new moodle_url($this->baseurl, ['userid' => $row->{$this->useridfield}, 'showcompleted' => $row->id]);

     * Prepares column completed_timemodified for display
     * @param stdClass $student
     * @return string
    public function col_completed_timemodified($student) {
        if ($this->is_downloading()) {
            return userdate($student->completed_timemodified);
        } else {
            return html_writer::link($this->get_link_single_entry($student),

     * Prepares column courseid for display
     * @param array $row
     * @return string
    public function col_courseid($row) {
        $courses = $this->feedbackstructure->get_completed_courses();
        $name = '';
        if (isset($courses[$row->courseid])) {
            $name = $courses[$row->courseid];
            if (!$this->is_downloading()) {
                $name = html_writer::link(course_get_url($row->courseid), $name);
        return $name;

     * Prepares column groups for display
     * @param array $row
     * @return string
    public function col_groups($row) {
        $groups = '';
        if ($usergrps = groups_get_all_groups($this->feedbackstructure->get_cm()->course, $row->userid, 0, 'name')) {
            foreach ($usergrps as $group) {
                $groups .= format_string($group->name). ' ';
        return trim($groups);

     * Adds common values to the table that do not change the number or order of entries and
     * are only needed when outputting or downloading data.
    protected function add_all_values_to_output() {
> global $DB; $tablecolumns = array_keys($this->columns); >
$tableheaders = $this->headers; $items = $this->feedbackstructure->get_items(true); if (!$this->is_downloading() && !$this->buildforexternal) { // In preview mode do not show all columns or the page becomes unreadable. // The information message will be displayed to the teacher that the rest of the data can be viewed when downloading. $items = array_slice($items, 0, self::PREVIEWCOLUMNSLIMIT, true); } $columnscount = 0; $this->hasmorecolumns = max(0, count($items) - self::TABLEJOINLIMIT); $headernamepostfix = !$this->is_downloading(); // Add feedback response values. foreach ($items as $nr => $item) { if ($columnscount++ < self::TABLEJOINLIMIT) { // Mysql has a limit on the number of tables in the join, so we only add limited number of columns here, // the rest will be added in {@link self::build_table()} and {@link self::build_table_chunk()} functions.
< $this->sql->fields .= ", v{$nr}.value AS val{$nr}";
> $this->sql->fields .= ", " . $DB->sql_cast_to_char("v{$nr}.value") . " AS val{$nr}";
$this->sql->from .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN {feedback_value} v{$nr} " . "ON v{$nr}.completed = AND v{$nr}.item = :itemid{$nr}"; $this->sql->params["itemid{$nr}"] = $item->id; } $tablecolumns[] = "val{$nr}"; $itemobj = feedback_get_item_class($item->typ); $columnheader = $itemobj->get_display_name($item, $headernamepostfix); if (!$this->is_downloading()) { $columnheader = shorten_text($columnheader); } if (strval($item->label) !== '') { $columnheader = get_string('nameandlabelformat', 'mod_feedback', (object)['label' => format_string($item->label), 'name' => $columnheader]); } $tableheaders[] = $columnheader; } // Add 'Delete entry' column. if (!$this->is_downloading() && has_capability('mod/feedback:deletesubmissions', $this->get_context())) { $tablecolumns[] = 'deleteentry'; $tableheaders[] = ''; } $this->define_columns($tablecolumns); $this->define_headers($tableheaders); } /** * Query the db. Store results in the table object for use by build_table. * * @param int $pagesize size of page for paginated displayed table. * @param bool $useinitialsbar do you want to use the initials bar. Bar * will only be used if there is a fullname column defined for the table. */ public function query_db($pagesize, $useinitialsbar=true) { global $DB; $this->totalrows = $grandtotal = $this->get_total_responses_count(); if (!$this->is_downloading()) { $this->initialbars($useinitialsbar); list($wsql, $wparams) = $this->get_sql_where(); if ($wsql) { $this->countsql .= ' AND '.$wsql; $this->countparams = array_merge($this->countparams, $wparams); $this->sql->where .= ' AND '.$wsql; $this->sql->params = array_merge($this->sql->params, $wparams); $this->totalrows = $DB->count_records_sql($this->countsql, $this->countparams); } if ($this->totalrows > $pagesize) { $this->pagesize($pagesize, $this->totalrows); } } if ($sort = $this->get_sql_sort()) { $sort = "ORDER BY $sort"; } $sql = "SELECT {$this->sql->fields} FROM {$this->sql->from} WHERE {$this->sql->where} {$sort}"; if (!$this->is_downloading()) { $this->rawdata = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $this->sql->params, $this->get_page_start(), $this->get_page_size()); } else { $this->rawdata = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $this->sql->params); } } /** * Returns total number of reponses (without any filters applied) * @return int */ public function get_total_responses_count() { global $DB; if ($this->grandtotal === null) { $this->grandtotal = $DB->count_records_sql($this->countsql, $this->countparams); } return $this->grandtotal; } /** * Defines columns * @param array $columns an array of identifying names for columns. If * columns are sorted then column names must correspond to a field in sql. */ public function define_columns($columns) { parent::define_columns($columns); foreach ($this->columns as $column => $column) { // Automatically assign classes to columns. $this->column_class[$column] = ' ' . $column; } } /** * Convenience method to call a number of methods for you to display the * table. * @param int $pagesize * @param bool $useinitialsbar * @param string $downloadhelpbutton */ public function out($pagesize, $useinitialsbar, $downloadhelpbutton='') { $this->add_all_values_to_output(); parent::out($pagesize, $useinitialsbar, $downloadhelpbutton); } /** * Displays the table */ public function display() { global $OUTPUT; groups_print_activity_menu($this->feedbackstructure->get_cm(), $this->baseurl->out()); $grandtotal = $this->get_total_responses_count(); if (!$grandtotal) { echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('nothingtodisplay'), 'generalbox nothingtodisplay'); return; } if (count($this->feedbackstructure->get_items(true)) > self::PREVIEWCOLUMNSLIMIT) { echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('questionslimited', 'feedback', self::PREVIEWCOLUMNSLIMIT), 'info'); } $this->out($this->showall ? $grandtotal : FEEDBACK_DEFAULT_PAGE_COUNT, $grandtotal > FEEDBACK_DEFAULT_PAGE_COUNT); // Toggle 'Show all' link. if ($this->totalrows > FEEDBACK_DEFAULT_PAGE_COUNT) { if (!$this->use_pages) { echo html_writer::div(html_writer::link(new moodle_url($this->baseurl, [$this->showallparamname => 0]), get_string('showperpage', '', FEEDBACK_DEFAULT_PAGE_COUNT)), 'showall'); } else { echo html_writer::div(html_writer::link(new moodle_url($this->baseurl, [$this->showallparamname => 1]), get_string('showall', '', $this->totalrows)), 'showall'); } } } /** * Returns links to previous/next responses in the list * @param stdClass $record * @return array array of three elements [$prevresponseurl, $returnurl, $nextresponseurl] */ public function get_reponse_navigation_links($record) { $this->setup(); $grandtotal = $this->get_total_responses_count(); $this->query_db($grandtotal); $lastrow = $thisrow = $nextrow = null; $counter = 0; $page = 0; while ($this->rawdata->valid()) { $row = $this->rawdata->current(); if ($row->id == $record->id) { $page = $this->showall ? 0 : floor($counter / FEEDBACK_DEFAULT_PAGE_COUNT); $thisrow = $row; $this->rawdata->next(); $nextrow = $this->rawdata->valid() ? $this->rawdata->current() : null; break; } $lastrow = $row; $this->rawdata->next(); $counter++; } $this->rawdata->close(); if (!$thisrow) { $lastrow = null; } return [ $lastrow ? $this->get_link_single_entry($lastrow) : null, new moodle_url($this->baseurl, [$this->request[TABLE_VAR_PAGE] => $page]), $nextrow ? $this->get_link_single_entry($nextrow) : null, ]; } /** * Download the data. */ public function download() { \core\session\manager::write_close(); $this->out($this->get_total_responses_count(), false); exit; } /** * Take the data returned from the db_query and go through all the rows * processing each col using either col_{columnname} method or other_cols * method or if other_cols returns NULL then put the data straight into the * table. * * This overwrites the parent method because full SQL query may fail on Mysql * because of the limit in the number of tables in the join. Therefore we only * join 59 tables in the main query and add the rest here. * * @return void */ public function build_table() { if ($this->rawdata instanceof \Traversable && !$this->rawdata->valid()) { return; } if (!$this->rawdata) { return; } $columnsgroups = []; if ($this->hasmorecolumns) { $items = $this->feedbackstructure->get_items(true); $notretrieveditems = array_slice($items, self::TABLEJOINLIMIT, $this->hasmorecolumns, true); $columnsgroups = array_chunk($notretrieveditems, self::TABLEJOINLIMIT, true); } $chunk = []; foreach ($this->rawdata as $row) { if ($this->hasmorecolumns) { $chunk[$row->id] = $row; if (count($chunk) >= self::ROWCHUNKSIZE) { $this->build_table_chunk($chunk, $columnsgroups); $chunk = []; } } else { if ($this->buildforexternal) { $this->add_data_for_external($row); } else { $this->add_data_keyed($this->format_row($row), $this->get_row_class($row)); } } } $this->build_table_chunk($chunk, $columnsgroups); } /** * Retrieve additional columns. Database engine may have a limit on number of joins. * * @param array $rows Array of rows with already retrieved data, new values will be added to this array * @param array $columnsgroups array of arrays of columns. Each element has up to self::TABLEJOINLIMIT items. This * is easy to calculate but because we can call this method many times we calculate it once and pass by * reference for performance reasons */ protected function build_table_chunk(&$rows, &$columnsgroups) { global $DB; if (!$rows) { return; } foreach ($columnsgroups as $columnsgroup) { $fields = ''; $from = '{feedback_completed} c'; $params = []; foreach ($columnsgroup as $nr => $item) {
< $fields .= ", v{$nr}.value AS val{$nr}";
> $fields .= ", " . $DB->sql_cast_to_char("v{$nr}.value") . " AS val{$nr}";
$from .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN {feedback_value} v{$nr} " . "ON v{$nr}.completed = AND v{$nr}.item = :itemid{$nr}"; $params["itemid{$nr}"] = $item->id; } list($idsql, $idparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($rows), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM $from WHERE ".$idsql; $results = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params + $idparams); foreach ($results as $result) { foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $rows[$result->id]->{$key} = $value; } } } foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($this->buildforexternal) { $this->add_data_for_external($row); } else { $this->add_data_keyed($this->format_row($row), $this->get_row_class($row)); } } } /** * Returns html code for displaying "Download" button if applicable. */ public function download_buttons() { global $OUTPUT; if ($this->is_downloadable() && !$this->is_downloading()) { return $OUTPUT->download_dataformat_selector(get_string('downloadas', 'table'), $this->baseurl->out_omit_querystring(), $this->downloadparamname, $this->baseurl->params()); } else { return ''; } } /** * Return user responses data ready for the external function. * * @param stdClass $row the table row containing the responses * @return array returns the responses ready to be used by an external function * @since Moodle 3.3 */ protected function get_responses_for_external($row) { $responses = []; foreach ($row as $el => $val) { // Get id from column name. if (preg_match('/^val(\d+)$/', $el, $matches)) { $id = $matches[1]; $responses[] = [ 'id' => $id, 'name' => $this->headers[$this->columns[$el]], 'printval' => $this->other_cols($el, $row), 'rawval' => $val, ]; } } return $responses; } /** * Add data for the external structure that will be returned. * * @param stdClass $row a database query record row * @since Moodle 3.3 */ protected function add_data_for_external($row) { $this->dataforexternal[] = [ 'id' => $row->id, 'courseid' => $row->courseid, 'userid' => $row->userid, 'fullname' => fullname($row), 'timemodified' => $row->completed_timemodified, 'responses' => $this->get_responses_for_external($row), ]; } /** * Exports the table as an external structure handling pagination. * * @param int $page page number (for pagination) * @param int $perpage elements per page * @since Moodle 3.3 * @return array returns the table ready to be used by an external function */ public function export_external_structure($page = 0, $perpage = 0) { $this->buildforexternal = true; $this->add_all_values_to_output(); // Set-up. $this->setup(); // Override values, if needed. if ($perpage > 0) { $this->pageable = true; $this->currpage = $page; $this->pagesize = $perpage; } else { $this->pagesize = $this->get_total_responses_count(); } $this->query_db($this->pagesize, false); $this->build_table(); $this->close_recordset(); return $this->dataforexternal; } }