Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.
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 * Discussion list renderer.
 * @package    mod_forum
 * @copyright  2019 Andrew Nicols <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace mod_forum\local\renderers;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

use mod_forum\grades\forum_gradeitem;
use mod_forum\local\entities\forum as forum_entity;
use mod_forum\local\factories\legacy_data_mapper as legacy_data_mapper_factory;
use mod_forum\local\factories\exporter as exporter_factory;
use mod_forum\local\factories\vault as vault_factory;
use mod_forum\local\factories\url as url_factory;
use mod_forum\local\managers\capability as capability_manager;
use mod_forum\local\vaults\discussion_list as discussion_list_vault;
use renderer_base;
use stdClass;
use core\output\notification;
> use mod_forum\local\data_mappers\legacy\forum;
use mod_forum\local\factories\builder as builder_factory; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/forum/lib.php'); /** * The discussion list renderer. * * @package mod_forum * @copyright 2019 Andrew Nicols <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class discussion_list { /** @var forum_entity The forum being rendered */ private $forum; /** @var stdClass The DB record for the forum being rendered */ private $forumrecord; /** @var renderer_base The renderer used to render the view */ private $renderer; /** @var legacy_data_mapper_factory $legacydatamapperfactory Legacy data mapper factory */ private $legacydatamapperfactory; /** @var exporter_factory $exporterfactory Exporter factory */ private $exporterfactory; /** @var vault_factory $vaultfactory Vault factory */ private $vaultfactory; /** @var capability_manager $capabilitymanager Capability manager */ private $capabilitymanager; /** @var url_factory $urlfactory URL factory */ private $urlfactory; /** @var array $notifications List of notification HTML */ private $notifications; /** @var builder_factory $builderfactory Builder factory */ private $builderfactory; /** @var callable $postprocessfortemplate Function to process exported posts before template rendering */ private $postprocessfortemplate; /** @var string $template The template to use when displaying */ private $template; /** @var gradeitem The gradeitem instance associated with this forum */ private $forumgradeitem; /** * Constructor for a new discussion list renderer. * * @param forum_entity $forum The forum entity to be rendered * @param renderer_base $renderer The renderer used to render the view * @param legacy_data_mapper_factory $legacydatamapperfactory The factory used to fetch a legacy record * @param exporter_factory $exporterfactory The factory used to fetch exporter instances * @param vault_factory $vaultfactory The factory used to fetch the vault instances * @param builder_factory $builderfactory The factory used to fetch the builder instances * @param capability_manager $capabilitymanager The managed used to check capabilities on the forum * @param url_factory $urlfactory The factory used to create URLs in the forum * @param string $template * @param notification[] $notifications A list of any notifications to be displayed within the page * @param callable|null $postprocessfortemplate Callback function to process discussion lists for templates */ public function __construct( forum_entity $forum, renderer_base $renderer, legacy_data_mapper_factory $legacydatamapperfactory, exporter_factory $exporterfactory, vault_factory $vaultfactory, builder_factory $builderfactory, capability_manager $capabilitymanager, url_factory $urlfactory, forum_gradeitem $forumgradeitem, string $template, array $notifications = [], callable $postprocessfortemplate = null ) { $this->forum = $forum; $this->renderer = $renderer; $this->legacydatamapperfactory = $legacydatamapperfactory; $this->exporterfactory = $exporterfactory; $this->vaultfactory = $vaultfactory; $this->builderfactory = $builderfactory; $this->capabilitymanager = $capabilitymanager; $this->urlfactory = $urlfactory; $this->notifications = $notifications; $this->postprocessfortemplate = $postprocessfortemplate; $this->template = $template; $this->forumgradeitem = $forumgradeitem; $forumdatamapper = $this->legacydatamapperfactory->get_forum_data_mapper(); $this->forumrecord = $forumdatamapper->to_legacy_object($forum); } /** * Render for the specified user. * * @param stdClass $user The user to render for * @param cm_info $cm The course module info for this discussion list * @param int $groupid The group to render * @param int $sortorder The sort order to use when selecting the discussions in the list * @param int $pageno The zero-indexed page number to use * @param int $pagesize The number of discussions to show on the page * @param int $displaymode The discussion display mode
> * @param bool $enablediscussioncreation To show the discussion button.
* @return string The rendered content for display */ public function render( stdClass $user, \cm_info $cm, ?int $groupid, ?int $sortorder, ?int $pageno, ?int $pagesize,
< int $displaymode = null
> int $displaymode = null, > bool $enablediscussioncreation = true
) : string { global $PAGE; $forum = $this->forum; $course = $forum->get_course_record(); $forumexporter = $this->exporterfactory->get_forum_exporter( $user, $this->forum, $groupid ); $pagesize = $this->get_page_size($pagesize); $pageno = $this->get_page_number($pageno); // Count all forum discussion posts. $alldiscussionscount = mod_forum_count_all_discussions($forum, $user, $groupid); // Get all forum discussion summaries. $discussions = mod_forum_get_discussion_summaries($forum, $user, $groupid, $sortorder, $pageno, $pagesize); $capabilitymanager = $this->capabilitymanager; $hasanyactions = false; $hasanyactions = $hasanyactions || $capabilitymanager->can_favourite_discussion($user); $hasanyactions = $hasanyactions || $capabilitymanager->can_pin_discussions($user); $hasanyactions = $hasanyactions || $capabilitymanager->can_manage_forum($user); $forumview = [ 'forum' => (array) $forumexporter->export($this->renderer), 'contextid' => $forum->get_context()->id, 'cmid' => $cm->id, 'groupid' => $groupid, 'name' => format_string($forum->get_name()), 'courseid' => $course->id, 'coursename' => format_string($course->shortname), 'experimentaldisplaymode' => $displaymode == FORUM_MODE_NESTED_V2, 'gradingcomponent' => $this->forumgradeitem->get_grading_component_name(), 'gradingcomponentsubtype' => $this->forumgradeitem->get_grading_component_subtype(), 'sendstudentnotifications' => $forum->should_notify_students_default_when_grade_for_forum(), 'gradeonlyactiveusers' => $this->forumgradeitem->should_grade_only_active_users(), 'hasanyactions' => $hasanyactions, 'groupchangemenu' => groups_print_activity_menu( $cm, $this->urlfactory->get_forum_view_url_from_forum($forum), true ), 'hasmore' => ($alldiscussionscount > $pagesize), 'notifications' => $this->get_notifications($user, $groupid), 'settings' => [ 'excludetext' => true, 'togglemoreicon' => true, 'excludesubscription' => true ], 'totaldiscussioncount' => $alldiscussionscount, 'userid' => $user->id,
< 'visiblediscussioncount' => count($discussions)
> 'visiblediscussioncount' => count($discussions), > 'enablediscussioncreation' => $enablediscussioncreation,
]; if ($forumview['forum']['capabilities']['create']) { $forumview['newdiscussionhtml'] = $this->get_discussion_form($user, $cm, $groupid); } if (!$discussions) { return $this->renderer->render_from_template($this->template, $forumview); } if ($this->postprocessfortemplate !== null) { // We've got some post processing to do! $exportedposts = ($this->postprocessfortemplate) ($discussions, $user, $forum); } $baseurl = new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('o' => $sortorder)); $forumview = array_merge( $forumview, [ 'pagination' => $this->renderer->render(new \paging_bar($alldiscussionscount, $pageno, $pagesize, $baseurl, 'p')), ], $exportedposts ); $firstdiscussion = reset($discussions); $forumview['firstgradeduserid'] = $firstdiscussion->get_latest_post_author()->get_id(); return $this->renderer->render_from_template($this->template, $forumview); } /**
> * Add new discussion button to the action bar for tertiary nav. * Get the mod_forum_post_form. This is the default boiler plate from mod_forum/post_form.php with the inpage flag caveat > * * > * @param stdClass $user The user object. * @param stdClass $user The user the form is being generated for > * @param int|null $groupid The group id. * @param \cm_info $cm > * @return string rendered HTML string * @param int $groupid The groupid if any > */ * > public function render_new_discussion(stdClass $user, ?int $groupid): string { * @return string The rendered html > $forumexporter = $this->exporterfactory->get_forum_exporter( */ > $user, private function get_discussion_form(stdClass $user, \cm_info $cm, ?int $groupid) { > $this->forum, $forum = $this->forum; > $groupid $forumrecord = $this->legacydatamapperfactory->get_forum_data_mapper()->to_legacy_object($forum); > ); $modcontext = \context_module::instance($cm->id); > $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($forum->get_course_id()); > $forumview = [ $post = (object) [ > 'forum' => (array) $forumexporter->export($this->renderer), 'course' => $forum->get_course_id(), > ]; 'forum' => $forum->get_id(), > 'discussion' => 0, // Ie discussion # not defined yet. > return $this->renderer->render_from_template('mod_forum/forum_new_discussion_actionbar', $forumview); 'parent' => 0, > } 'subject' => '', > 'userid' => $user->id, > /**
'message' => '', 'messageformat' => editors_get_preferred_format(), 'messagetrust' => 0, 'groupid' => $groupid, ]; $thresholdwarning = forum_check_throttling($forumrecord, $cm); $formparams = array( 'course' => $forum->get_course_record(), 'cm' => $cm, 'coursecontext' => $coursecontext, 'modcontext' => $modcontext, 'forum' => $forumrecord, 'post' => $post, 'subscribe' => \mod_forum\subscriptions::is_subscribed($user->id, $forumrecord, null, $cm), 'thresholdwarning' => $thresholdwarning, 'inpagereply' => true, 'edit' => 0 ); $posturl = new \moodle_url('/mod/forum/post.php'); $mformpost = new \mod_forum_post_form($posturl, $formparams, 'post', '', array('id' => 'mformforum')); $discussionsubscribe = \mod_forum\subscriptions::get_user_default_subscription($forumrecord, $coursecontext, $cm, null); $params = array('reply' => 0, 'forum' => $forumrecord->id, 'edit' => 0) + (isset($post->groupid) ? array('groupid' => $post->groupid) : array()) + array( 'userid' => $post->userid, 'parent' => $post->parent, 'discussion' => $post->discussion, 'course' => $forum->get_course_id(), 'discussionsubscribe' => $discussionsubscribe ); $mformpost->set_data($params); return $mformpost->render(); } /** * Fetch the page size to use when displaying the page. * * @param int $pagesize The number of discussions to show on the page * @return int The normalised page size */ private function get_page_size(?int $pagesize) : int { if (null === $pagesize || $pagesize <= 0) { $pagesize = discussion_list_vault::PAGESIZE_DEFAULT; } return $pagesize; } /** * Fetch the current page number (zero-indexed). * * @param int $pageno The zero-indexed page number to use * @return int The normalised page number */ private function get_page_number(?int $pageno) : int { if (null === $pageno || $pageno < 0) { $pageno = 0; } return $pageno; } /** * Get the list of notification for display. * * @param stdClass $user The viewing user * @param int|null $groupid The forum's group id * @return array */ private function get_notifications(stdClass $user, ?int $groupid) : array { $notifications = $this->notifications; $forum = $this->forum; $capabilitymanager = $this->capabilitymanager; if ($forum->is_cutoff_date_reached()) { $notifications[] = (new notification( get_string('cutoffdatereached', 'forum'), notification::NOTIFY_INFO ))->set_show_closebutton(); } if ($forum->has_blocking_enabled()) { $notifications[] = (new notification( get_string('thisforumisthrottled', 'forum', [ 'blockafter' => $forum->get_block_after(), 'blockperiod' => get_string('secondstotime' . $forum->get_block_period()) ]), notification::NOTIFY_INFO ))->set_show_closebutton(); } if ($forum->is_in_group_mode() && !$capabilitymanager->can_access_all_groups($user)) { if ($groupid === null) { if (!$capabilitymanager->can_post_to_my_groups($user)) { $notifications[] = (new notification( get_string('cannotadddiscussiongroup', 'mod_forum'), \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_WARNING ))->set_show_closebutton(); } else { $notifications[] = (new notification( get_string('cannotadddiscussionall', 'mod_forum'), \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_WARNING ))->set_show_closebutton(); } } else if (!$capabilitymanager->can_access_group($user, $groupid)) { $notifications[] = (new notification( get_string('cannotadddiscussion', 'mod_forum'), \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_WARNING ))->set_show_closebutton(); } } if ('qanda' === $forum->get_type() && !$capabilitymanager->can_manage_forum($user)) { $notifications[] = (new notification( get_string('qandanotify', 'forum'), notification::NOTIFY_INFO
< ))->set_show_closebutton();
> ))->set_show_closebutton()->set_extra_classes(['mt-3']);
} if ('eachuser' === $forum->get_type()) { $notifications[] = (new notification( get_string('allowsdiscussions', 'forum'), notification::NOTIFY_INFO) )->set_show_closebutton(); } return array_map(function($notification) { return $notification->export_for_template($this->renderer); }, $notifications); } }