Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.
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> namespace quizaccess_seb; /** >
* PHPUnit for property_list class. * * @package quizaccess_seb * @author Andrew Madden <>
< * @copyright 2019 Catalyst IT < * @license GNU GPL v3 or later < */ < < use quizaccess_seb\property_list; < < defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); < < /** < * PHPUnit for property_list class. < *
* @copyright 2020 Catalyst IT * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */
< class quizaccess_seb_property_list_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
> class property_list_test extends \advanced_testcase {
/** * Test that an empty PList with a root dictionary is created. */ public function test_create_empty_plist() { $emptyplist = new property_list(); $xml = trim($emptyplist->to_xml()); $this->assertEquals('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"><dict/></plist>', $xml); } /** * Test that a Plist is constructed from an XML string. */ public function test_construct_plist_from_xml() { $xml = $this->get_plist_xml_header() . "<key>testKey</key>" . "<string>testValue</string>" . $this->get_plist_xml_footer(); $plist = new property_list($xml); $generatedxml = trim($plist->to_xml()); $this->assertEquals("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\"> <plist version=\"1.0\"><dict><key>testKey</key><string>testValue</string></dict></plist>", $generatedxml); } /** * Test that an element can be added to the root dictionary. */ public function test_add_element_to_root() { $plist = new property_list(); $newelement = new \CFPropertyList\CFString('testValue'); $plist->add_element_to_root('testKey', $newelement); $generatedxml = trim($plist->to_xml()); $this->assertEquals("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\"> <plist version=\"1.0\"><dict><key>testKey</key><string>testValue</string></dict></plist>", $generatedxml); } /** * Test that an element's value can be retrieved. */ public function test_get_element_value() { $xml = $this->get_plist_xml_header() . "<key>testKey</key>" . "<string>testValue</string>" . $this->get_plist_xml_footer(); $plist = new property_list($xml); $this->assertEquals('testValue', $plist->get_element_value('testKey')); } /** * Test that an element's value can be retrieved. */ public function test_get_element_value_if_not_exists() { $plist = new property_list(); $this->assertEmpty($plist->get_element_value('testKey')); } /** * Test an element's value can be retrieved if it is an array. */ public function test_get_element_value_if_array() { $xml = $this->get_plist_xml_header() . "<key>testDict</key>" . "<dict>" . "<key>testKey</key>" . "<string>testValue</string>" . "</dict>" . $this->get_plist_xml_footer(); $plist = new property_list($xml); $this->assertEquals(['testKey' => 'testValue'], $plist->get_element_value('testDict')); } /** * Test that a element's value can be updated that is not an array or dictionary. * * @param string $xml XML to create PList. * @param string $key Key of element to try and update. * @param mixed $value Value to try to update with. * * @dataProvider good_update_data_provider */ public function test_updating_element_value($xml, $key, $value) { $xml = $this->get_plist_xml_header() . $xml . $this->get_plist_xml_footer(); $plist = new property_list($xml); $plist->update_element_value($key, $value); $this->assertEquals($value, $plist->get_element_value($key)); } /** * Test that a element's value can be updated that is not an array or dictionary. * * @param string $xml XML to create PList. * @param string $key Key of element to try and update. * @param mixed $value Bad value to try to update with. * @param mixed $expected Expected value of element after update is called. * @param string $exceptionmessage Message of exception expected to be thrown. * @dataProvider bad_update_data_provider */ public function test_updating_element_value_with_bad_data(string $xml, string $key, $value, $expected, $exceptionmessage) { $xml = $this->get_plist_xml_header() . $xml . $this->get_plist_xml_footer(); $plist = new property_list($xml);
< $this->expectException(invalid_parameter_exception::class);
> $this->expectException(\invalid_parameter_exception::class);
$this->expectExceptionMessage($exceptionmessage); $plist->update_element_value($key, $value); $plistarray = json_decode($plist->to_json()); // Export elements. $this->assertEquals($expected, $plistarray->$key); } /** * Test that a dictionary can have it's value (array) updated. */ public function test_updating_element_array_if_dictionary() { $xml = $this->get_plist_xml_header() . "<key>testDict</key>" . "<dict>" . "<key>testKey</key>" . "<string>testValue</string>" . "</dict>" . $this->get_plist_xml_footer(); $plist = new property_list($xml); $plist->update_element_array('testDict', ['newKey' => new \CFPropertyList\CFString('newValue')]); $this->assertEquals(['newKey' => 'newValue'], $plist->get_element_value('testDict')); } /** * Test that a dictionary can have it's value (array) updated. */ public function test_updating_element_array_if_dictionary_with_bad_data() { $xml = $this->get_plist_xml_header() . "<key>testDict</key>" . "<dict>" . "<key>testKey</key>" . "<string>testValue</string>" . "</dict>" . $this->get_plist_xml_footer(); $plist = new property_list($xml);
< $this->expectException(invalid_parameter_exception::class);
> $this->expectException(\invalid_parameter_exception::class);
$this->expectExceptionMessage('New array must only contain CFType objects.'); $plist->update_element_array('testDict', [false]); $this->assertEquals(['testKey' => 'testValue'], $plist->get_element_value('testDict')); $this->assertDebuggingCalled('property_list: If updating an array in PList, it must only contain CFType objects.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } /** * Test that an element can be deleted. */ public function test_delete_element() { $xml = $this->get_plist_xml_header() . "<key>testKey</key>" . "<string>testValue</string>" . $this->get_plist_xml_footer(); $plist = new property_list($xml); $plist->delete_element('testKey'); $generatedxml = trim($plist->to_xml()); $this->assertEquals("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\"> <plist version=\"1.0\"><dict/></plist>", $generatedxml); } /** * Test that an element can be deleted. */ public function test_delete_element_if_not_exists() { $xml = $this->get_plist_xml_header() . "<key>testKey</key>" . "<string>testValue</string>" . $this->get_plist_xml_footer(); $plist = new property_list($xml); $plist->delete_element('nonExistentKey'); $generatedxml = trim($plist->to_xml()); // The xml should be unaltered. $this->assertEquals("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\"> <plist version=\"1.0\"><dict><key>testKey</key><string>testValue</string></dict></plist>", $generatedxml); } /** * Test that json is exported correctly according to SEB Config Key requirements. * * @param string $xml PList XML used to generate CFPropertyList. * @param string $expectedjson Expected JSON output. * * @dataProvider json_data_provider */ public function test_export_to_json($xml, $expectedjson) { $xml = $this->get_plist_xml_header() . $xml . $this->get_plist_xml_footer(); $plist = new property_list($xml); $generatedjson = $plist->to_json(); $this->assertEquals($expectedjson, $generatedjson); } /** * Test that the xml is exported to JSON from a real SEB config file. Expected JSON extracted from SEB logs. */ public function test_export_to_json_full_file() { $xml = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/unencrypted_mac_001.seb'); $plist = new property_list($xml); $plist->delete_element('originatorVersion'); // JSON should not contain originatorVersion key. $generatedjson = $plist->to_json(); $json = trim(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/JSON_unencrypted_mac_001.txt')); $this->assertEquals($json, $generatedjson); } /** * Test the set_or_update_value function. */ public function test_set_or_update_value() { $plist = new property_list(); $this->assertEmpty($plist->get_element_value('string')); $this->assertEmpty($plist->get_element_value('bool')); $this->assertEmpty($plist->get_element_value('number')); // Setting values. $plist->set_or_update_value('string', new \CFPropertyList\CFString('initial string')); $plist->set_or_update_value('bool', new \CFPropertyList\CFBoolean(true)); $plist->set_or_update_value('number', new \CFPropertyList\CFNumber('10')); $this->assertEquals('initial string', $plist->get_element_value('string')); $this->assertEquals(true, $plist->get_element_value('bool')); $this->assertEquals(10, $plist->get_element_value('number')); // Updating values. $plist->set_or_update_value('string', new \CFPropertyList\CFString('new string')); $plist->set_or_update_value('bool', new \CFPropertyList\CFBoolean(false)); $plist->set_or_update_value('number', new \CFPropertyList\CFNumber('42')); $this->assertEquals('new string', $plist->get_element_value('string')); $this->assertEquals(false, $plist->get_element_value('bool')); $this->assertEquals(42, $plist->get_element_value('number')); // Type exception.
< $this->expectException(TypeError::class);
> $this->expectException(\TypeError::class);
$plist->set_or_update_value('someKey', 'We really need to pass in CFTypes here'); } /** * Get a valid PList header. Must also use footer. * * @return string */ private function get_plist_xml_header() : string { return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" . "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" " . "\"\">\n" . "<plist version=\"1.0\">\n" . " <dict>"; } /** * Get a valid PList footer. Must also use header. * * @return string */ private function get_plist_xml_footer() : string { return " </dict>\n" . "</plist>"; } /** * Data provider for good data on update. * * @return array Array with test data. */ public function good_update_data_provider() : array { return [ 'Update string' => ['<key>testKey</key><string>testValue</string>', 'testKey', 'newValue'], 'Update bool' => ['<key>testKey</key><true/>', 'testKey', false], 'Update number' => ['<key>testKey</key><real>888</real>', 'testKey', 123.4], ]; } /** * Data provider for bad data on update. * * @return array Array with test data. */ public function bad_update_data_provider() : array { return [ 'Update string with bool' => ['<key>testKey</key><string>testValue</string>', 'testKey', true, 'testValue', 'Invalid parameter value detected (Only string, number and boolean elements can be updated, ' . 'or value type does not match element type: CFPropertyList\CFString'], 'Update string with number' => ['<key>testKey</key><string>testValue</string>', 'testKey', 999, 'testValue', 'Invalid parameter value detected (Only string, number and boolean elements can be updated, ' . 'or value type does not match element type: CFPropertyList\CFString'], 'Update string with null' => ['<key>testKey</key><string>testValue</string>', 'testKey', null, 'testValue', 'Invalid parameter value detected (Only string, number and boolean elements can be updated, ' . 'or value type does not match element type: CFPropertyList\CFString'], 'Update string with array' => ['<key>testKey</key><string>testValue</string>', 'testKey', ['arrayValue'], 'testValue', 'Use update_element_array to update a collection.'], 'Update bool with string' => ['<key>testKey</key><true/>', 'testKey', 'testValue', true, 'Invalid parameter value detected (Only string, number and boolean elements can be updated, ' . 'or value type does not match element type: CFPropertyList\CFBool'], 'Update bool with number' => ['<key>testKey</key><true/>', 'testKey', 999, true, 'Invalid parameter value detected (Only string, number and boolean elements can be updated, ' . 'or value type does not match element type: CFPropertyList\CFBool'], 'Update bool with null' => ['<key>testKey</key><true/>', 'testKey', null, true, 'Invalid parameter value detected (Only string, number and boolean elements can be updated, ' . 'or value type does not match element type: CFPropertyList\CFBool'], 'Update bool with array' => ['<key>testKey</key><true/>', 'testKey', ['testValue'], true, 'Use update_element_array to update a collection.'], 'Update number with string' => ['<key>testKey</key><real>888</real>', 'testKey', 'string', 888, 'Invalid parameter value detected (Only string, number and boolean elements can be updated, ' . 'or value type does not match element type: CFPropertyList\CFNumber'], 'Update number with bool' => ['<key>testKey</key><real>888</real>', 'testKey', true, 888, 'Invalid parameter value detected (Only string, number and boolean elements can be updated, ' . 'or value type does not match element type: CFPropertyList\CFNumber'], 'Update number with null' => ['<key>testKey</key><real>888</real>', 'testKey', null, 888, 'Invalid parameter value detected (Only string, number and boolean elements can be updated, ' . 'or value type does not match element type: CFPropertyList\CFNumber'], 'Update number with array' => ['<key>testKey</key><real>888</real>', 'testKey', ['testValue'], 888, 'Use update_element_array to update a collection.'], 'Update date with string' => ['<key>testKey</key><date>1940-10-09T22:13:56Z</date>', 'testKey', 'string', '1940-10-10T06:13:56+08:00', 'Invalid parameter value detected (Only string, number and boolean elements can be updated, ' . 'or value type does not match element type: CFPropertyList\CFDate'], 'Update data with number' => ['<key>testKey</key><data>testData</data>', 'testKey', 789, 'testData', 'Invalid parameter value detected (Only string, number and boolean elements can be updated, ' . 'or value type does not match element type: CFPropertyList\CFData'], ]; } /** * Data provider for expected JSON from PList. * * Examples extracted from requirements listed in SEB Config Key documents. * * * 1. Date should be in ISO 8601 format. * 2. Data should be base 64 encoded. * 3. String should be UTF-8 encoded. * 4, 5, 6, 7. No requirements for bools, arrays or dicts. * 8. Empty dicts should not be included. * 9. JSON key ordering should be case insensitive, and use string ordering. * 10. URL forward slashes should not be escaped. * * @return array */ public function json_data_provider() : array { $data = "blahblah"; $base64data = base64_encode($data); return [ 'date' => ["<key>date</key><date>1940-10-09T22:13:56Z</date>", "{\"date\":\"1940-10-09T22:13:56+00:00\"}"], 'data' => ["<key>data</key><data>$base64data</data>", "{\"data\":\"$base64data\"}"], 'string' => ["<key>string</key><string>hello wörld</string>", "{\"string\":\"hello wörld\"}"], 'string with 1 backslash' => ["<key>string</key><string>ws:\localhost</string>", "{\"string\":\"ws:\localhost\"}"], 'string with 2 backslashes' => ["<key>string</key><string>ws:\\localhost</string>", '{"string":"ws:\\localhost"}'], 'string with 3 backslashes' => ["<key>string</key><string>ws:\\\localhost</string>", '{"string":"ws:\\\localhost"}'], 'string with 4 backslashes' => ["<key>string</key><string>ws:\\\\localhost</string>", '{"string":"ws:\\\\localhost"}'], 'string with 5 backslashes' => ["<key>string</key><string>ws:\\\\\localhost</string>", '{"string":"ws:\\\\\localhost"}'], 'bool' => ["<key>bool</key><true/>", "{\"bool\":true}"], 'array' => ["<key>array</key><array><key>arraybool</key><false/><key>arraybool2</key><true/></array>" , "{\"array\":[false,true]}"], 'empty array' => ["<key>bool</key><true/><key>array</key><array/>" , "{\"array\":[],\"bool\":true}"], 'dict' => ["<key>dict</key><dict><key>dictbool</key><false/><key>dictbool2</key><true/></dict>" , "{\"dict\":{\"dictbool\":false,\"dictbool2\":true}}"], 'empty dict' => ["<key>bool</key><true/><key>emptydict</key><dict/>", "{\"bool\":true}"], 'unordered elements' => ["<key>testKey</key>" . "<string>testValue</string>" . "<key>allowWLAN</key>" . "<string>testValue2</string>" . "<key>allowWlan</key>" . "<string>testValue3</string>" , "{\"allowWlan\":\"testValue3\",\"allowWLAN\":\"testValue2\",\"testKey\":\"testValue\"}"], 'url' => ["<key>url</key><string></string>", "{\"url\":\"\"}"], 'assoc dict' => ["<key>dict</key><dict><key>banana</key><false/><key>apple</key><true/></dict>", "{\"dict\":{\"apple\":true,\"banana\":false}}"], 'seq array' => ["<key>array</key><array><key>1</key><false/><key>2</key><true/> <key>3</key><true/><key>4</key><true/><key>5</key><true/><key>6</key><true/> <key>7</key><true/><key>8</key><true/><key>9</key><true/><key>10</key><true/></array>", "{\"array\":[false,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true]}"], ]; } }