Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 311 and 402] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 311]

(no description)

File Size: 1429 lines (59 kb)
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Includes or requires: 1 file

Defines 1 class

settings_provider_test:: (47 methods):

Class: settings_provider_test  - X-Ref

PHPUnit tests for settings_provider.

set_up_form_mocks()   X-Ref
Helper method to set up form mocks.

set_up_user_and_role()   X-Ref
Helper method to set up user and role for testing.

settings_capability_data_provider()   X-Ref
Capability data for testing.

return: array

test_setting_elements_are_part_of_quiz_settings_table()   X-Ref
Test that settings types to be added to quiz settings, are part of quiz_settings persistent class.

test_that_all_seb_settings_have_capabilities()   X-Ref
Make sure that all SEB settings have related capabilities.

test_setting_defaults_are_part_of_file_types()   X-Ref
Test that setting defaults only refer to settings defined in setting types.

test_setting_types_are_part_of_file_types()   X-Ref
Test that setting types only refer to settings defined in setting types.

assert_hide_if(hideif_rule $hideif, $element, $dependantname, $condition, $value)   X-Ref
Helper method to assert hide if element.

param: hideif_rule $hideif Rule to check.
param: string $element Expected element.
param: string $dependantname Expected dependant element name.
param: string $condition Expected condition.
param: mixed $value Expected value.

test_hideifs()   X-Ref
Test hideif rules.

test_setting_hideifs_are_part_of_file_types()   X-Ref
Test that setting hideif rules only refer to settings defined in setting types, including the conditions.

test_build_setting_capability_name_incorrect_setting()   X-Ref
Test that exception thrown if we try to build capability name from the incorrect setting name.

test_build_setting_capability_name_correct_setting()   X-Ref
Test we can build capability name from the the setting name.

test_can_manage_seb_config_setting()   X-Ref
Test can check if can manage SEB settings respecting settings structure.

test_get_requiresafeexambrowser_options($settingcapability)   X-Ref
Test SEB usage options.

param: string $settingcapability Setting capability to check manual option against.

test_get_requiresafeexambrowser_options_with_conflicting_permissions()   X-Ref
Test SEB usage options with conflicting permissions.

test_form_elements_are_frozen_if_conflicting_permissions()   X-Ref
Test that SEB options and templates are frozen if conflicting permissions.

test_form_elements_are_locked_when_quiz_attempted_manual()   X-Ref
Test that All settings are frozen if quiz was attempted and use seb with manual settings.

test_form_elements_are_locked_when_quiz_attempted_template()   X-Ref
Test that All settings are frozen if a quiz was attempted and use template.

test_showsebdownloadlink_in_form()   X-Ref
Test Show Safe Exam Browser download button setting in the form.

test_allowedbrowserexamkeys_in_form()   X-Ref
Test Allowed Browser Exam Keys setting in the form.

test_validate_draftarea_configfile_success()   X-Ref
Test the validation of a seb config file.

test_validate_draftarea_configfile_failure()   X-Ref
Test the validation of a missing seb config file.

test_get_current_user_draft_file()   X-Ref
Test obtaining the draftarea content.

test_save_filemanager_sebconfigfile_draftarea()   X-Ref
Test saving files from the user draft area into the quiz context area storage.

test_delete_uploaded_config_file()   X-Ref
Test deleting the $this->quiz->cmid itemid from the file area.

test_get_module_context_sebconfig_file()   X-Ref
Test getting the file from the context module id file area.

test_get_filemanager_options()   X-Ref
Test file manager options.

test_can_configure_seb()   X-Ref
Test that users can or can not configure seb settings.

test_can_use_seb_template()   X-Ref
Test that users can or can not use seb template.

test_can_upload_seb_file()   X-Ref
Test that users can or can not upload seb config file.

test_can_change_seb_showsebdownloadlink()   X-Ref
Test that users can or can not change Show Safe Exam Browser download button setting.

test_can_change_seb_allowedbrowserexamkeys()   X-Ref
Test that users can or can not change Allowed Browser Exam Keys setting.

test_can_configure_manually($settingcapability)   X-Ref
Test that users can or can not Configure SEb manually

param: string $settingcapability Setting capability to check manual option against.

test_is_seb_settings_locked()   X-Ref
Test that we can check if the seb settings are locked.

test_is_conflicting_permissions_for_manage_templates()   X-Ref
Test that we can check identify conflicting permissions if set to use template.

test_is_conflicting_permissions_for_upload_seb_file()   X-Ref
Test that we can check identify conflicting permissions if set to use own seb file.

test_is_conflicting_permissions_for_configure_manually($settingcapability)   X-Ref
Test that we can check identify conflicting permissions if set to use own configure manually.

param: string $settingcapability Setting capability to check manual option against.

test_add_prefix()   X-Ref
Test add_prefix helper method.

test_filter_plugin_settings()   X-Ref
Test filter_plugin_settings helper method.

get_settings()   X-Ref
Helper method to get a list of settings.

return: \stdClass

assert_filter_plugin_settings(int $type, array $notnulls)   X-Ref
Helper method to assert results of filter_plugin_settings

param: int $type Type of SEB usage.
param: array $notnulls A list of expected not null settings.

test_filter_plugin_settings_for_no_seb()   X-Ref
Test filter_plugin_settings method for no SEB case.

test_filter_plugin_settings_for_uploaded_config()   X-Ref
Test filter_plugin_settings method for using uploaded config.

test_filter_plugin_settings_for_template()   X-Ref
Test filter_plugin_settings method for using template.

test_filter_plugin_settings_for_client_config()   X-Ref
Test filter_plugin_settings method for using client config.

test_filter_plugin_settings_for_configure_manually()   X-Ref
Test filter_plugin_settings method for manually configured SEB.

test_get_seb_settings_map()   X-Ref
Test settings map.