Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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namespace mod_survey;

use externallib_advanced_testcase;
use mod_survey_external;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

global $CFG;

require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/webservice/tests/helpers.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/survey/lib.php');

 * Survey module external functions tests
 * @package    mod_survey
 * @category   external
 * @copyright  2015 Juan Leyva <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @since      Moodle 3.0
class externallib_test extends externallib_advanced_testcase {

     * Set up for every test
    public function setUp(): void {
        global $DB;

        // Setup test data.
        $this->course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
        $this->survey = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('survey', array('course' => $this->course->id));
        $this->context = \context_module::instance($this->survey->cmid);
        $this->cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('survey', $this->survey->id);

        // Create users.
        $this->student = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
        $this->teacher = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();

        // Users enrolments.
        $this->studentrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'student'));
        $this->teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'editingteacher'));
        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->student->id, $this->course->id, $this->studentrole->id, 'manual');
        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($this->teacher->id, $this->course->id, $this->teacherrole->id, 'manual');

     * Test get surveys by courses
    public function test_mod_survey_get_surveys_by_courses() {
        global $DB;

        // Create additional course.
        $course2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_course();

        // Second survey.
        $record = new \stdClass();
        $record->course = $course2->id;
        $survey2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_module('survey', $record);
        // Force empty intro.
        $DB->set_field('survey', 'intro', '', array('id' => $survey2->id));

        // Execute real Moodle enrolment as we'll call unenrol() method on the instance later.
        $enrol = enrol_get_plugin('manual');
        $enrolinstances = enrol_get_instances($course2->id, true);
        foreach ($enrolinstances as $courseenrolinstance) {
            if ($courseenrolinstance->enrol == "manual") {
                $instance2 = $courseenrolinstance;
        $enrol->enrol_user($instance2, $this->student->id, $this->studentrole->id);


        $returndescription = mod_survey_external::get_surveys_by_courses_returns();

        // Create what we expect to be returned when querying the two courses.
        // First for the student user.
< $expectedfields = array('id', 'coursemodule', 'course', 'name', 'intro', 'introformat', 'introfiles', 'template', 'days', < 'questions', 'surveydone');
> $expectedfields = array('id', 'coursemodule', 'course', 'name', 'intro', 'introformat', 'introfiles', 'lang', > 'template', 'days', 'questions', 'surveydone');
// Add expected coursemodule and data. $survey1 = $this->survey; $survey1->coursemodule = $survey1->cmid; $survey1->introformat = 1; $survey1->surveydone = 0; $survey1->section = 0; $survey1->visible = true; $survey1->groupmode = 0; $survey1->groupingid = 0; $survey1->introfiles = [];
> $survey1->lang = '';
$survey2->coursemodule = $survey2->cmid; $survey2->introformat = 1; $survey2->surveydone = 0; $survey2->section = 0; $survey2->visible = true; $survey2->groupmode = 0; $survey2->groupingid = 0; $tempo = $DB->get_field("survey", "intro", array("id" => $survey2->template)); $survey2->intro = nl2br(get_string($tempo, "survey")); $survey2->introfiles = [];
> $survey2->lang = '';
foreach ($expectedfields as $field) { $expected1[$field] = $survey1->{$field}; $expected2[$field] = $survey2->{$field}; } $expectedsurveys = array($expected2, $expected1); // Call the external function passing course ids. $result = mod_survey_external::get_surveys_by_courses(array($course2->id, $this->course->id)); $result = \external_api::clean_returnvalue($returndescription, $result); $this->assertEquals($expectedsurveys, $result['surveys']); $this->assertCount(0, $result['warnings']); // Call the external function without passing course id. $result = mod_survey_external::get_surveys_by_courses(); $result = \external_api::clean_returnvalue($returndescription, $result); $this->assertEquals($expectedsurveys, $result['surveys']); $this->assertCount(0, $result['warnings']); // Unenrol user from second course and alter expected surveys. $enrol->unenrol_user($instance2, $this->student->id); array_shift($expectedsurveys); // Call the external function without passing course id. $result = mod_survey_external::get_surveys_by_courses(); $result = \external_api::clean_returnvalue($returndescription, $result); $this->assertEquals($expectedsurveys, $result['surveys']); // Call for the second course we unenrolled the user from, expected warning. $result = mod_survey_external::get_surveys_by_courses(array($course2->id)); $this->assertCount(1, $result['warnings']); $this->assertEquals('1', $result['warnings'][0]['warningcode']); $this->assertEquals($course2->id, $result['warnings'][0]['itemid']); // Now, try as a teacher for getting all the additional fields. self::setUser($this->teacher); $additionalfields = array('timecreated', 'timemodified', 'section', 'visible', 'groupmode', 'groupingid'); foreach ($additionalfields as $field) { $expectedsurveys[0][$field] = $survey1->{$field}; } $result = mod_survey_external::get_surveys_by_courses(); $result = \external_api::clean_returnvalue($returndescription, $result); $this->assertEquals($expectedsurveys, $result['surveys']); // Admin also should get all the information. self::setAdminUser(); $result = mod_survey_external::get_surveys_by_courses(array($this->course->id)); $result = \external_api::clean_returnvalue($returndescription, $result); $this->assertEquals($expectedsurveys, $result['surveys']); // Now, prohibit capabilities. $this->setUser($this->student); $contextcourse1 = \context_course::instance($this->course->id); // Prohibit capability = mod/survey:participate on Course1 for students. assign_capability('mod/survey:participate', CAP_PROHIBIT, $this->studentrole->id, $contextcourse1->id); accesslib_clear_all_caches_for_unit_testing(); $surveys = mod_survey_external::get_surveys_by_courses(array($this->course->id)); $surveys = \external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_survey_external::get_surveys_by_courses_returns(), $surveys); $this->assertFalse(isset($surveys['surveys'][0]['intro'])); } /** * Test view_survey */ public function test_view_survey() { global $DB; // Test invalid instance id. try { mod_survey_external::view_survey(0); $this->fail('Exception expected due to invalid mod_survey instance id.'); } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('invalidrecord', $e->errorcode); } // Test not-enrolled user. $usernotenrolled = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $this->setUser($usernotenrolled); try { mod_survey_external::view_survey($this->survey->id); $this->fail('Exception expected due to not enrolled user.'); } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('requireloginerror', $e->errorcode); } // Test user with full capabilities. $this->setUser($this->student); // Trigger and capture the event. $sink = $this->redirectEvents(); $result = mod_survey_external::view_survey($this->survey->id); $result = \external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_survey_external::view_survey_returns(), $result); $this->assertTrue($result['status']); $events = $sink->get_events(); $this->assertCount(1, $events); $event = array_shift($events); // Checking that the event contains the expected values. $this->assertInstanceOf('\mod_survey\event\course_module_viewed', $event); $this->assertEquals($this->context, $event->get_context()); $moodlesurvey = new \moodle_url('/mod/survey/view.php', array('id' => $this->cm->id)); $this->assertEquals($moodlesurvey, $event->get_url()); $this->assertEventContextNotUsed($event); $this->assertNotEmpty($event->get_name()); // Test user with no capabilities. // We need a explicit prohibit since this capability is only defined in authenticated user and guest roles. assign_capability('mod/survey:participate', CAP_PROHIBIT, $this->studentrole->id, $this->context->id); accesslib_clear_all_caches_for_unit_testing(); try { mod_survey_external::view_survey($this->survey->id); $this->fail('Exception expected due to missing capability.'); } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('nopermissions', $e->errorcode); } } /** * Test get_questions */ public function test_get_questions() { global $DB; // Test user with full capabilities. $this->setUser($this->student); // Build our expectation array. $expectedquestions = array(); $questions = survey_get_questions($this->survey); foreach ($questions as $q) { if ($q->type >= 0) { $expectedquestions[$q->id] = $q; if ($q->multi) { $subquestions = survey_get_subquestions($q); foreach ($subquestions as $sq) { $expectedquestions[$sq->id] = $sq; } } } } $result = mod_survey_external::get_questions($this->survey->id); $result = \external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_survey_external::get_questions_returns(), $result); // Check we receive the same questions. $this->assertCount(0, $result['warnings']); foreach ($result['questions'] as $q) { $this->assertEquals(get_string($expectedquestions[$q['id']]->text, 'survey'), $q['text']); $this->assertEquals(get_string($expectedquestions[$q['id']]->shorttext, 'survey'), $q['shorttext']); $this->assertEquals($expectedquestions[$q['id']]->multi, $q['multi']); $this->assertEquals($expectedquestions[$q['id']]->type, $q['type']); // Parent questions must have parent eq to 0. if ($q['multi']) { $this->assertEquals(0, $q['parent']); $this->assertEquals(get_string($expectedquestions[$q['id']]->options, 'survey'), $q['options']); } } // Test user with no capabilities. // We need a explicit prohibit since this capability is only defined in authenticated user and guest roles. assign_capability('mod/survey:participate', CAP_PROHIBIT, $this->studentrole->id, $this->context->id); accesslib_clear_all_caches_for_unit_testing(); try { mod_survey_external::get_questions($this->survey->id); $this->fail('Exception expected due to missing capability.'); } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('nopermissions', $e->errorcode); } } /** * Test submit_answers */ public function test_submit_answers() { global $DB; // Test user with full capabilities. $this->setUser($this->student); // Build our questions and responses array. $realquestions = array(); $questions = survey_get_questions($this->survey); $i = 5; foreach ($questions as $q) { if ($q->type >= 0) { if ($q->multi) { $subquestions = survey_get_subquestions($q); foreach ($subquestions as $sq) { $realquestions[] = array( 'key' => 'q' . $sq->id, 'value' => $i % 5 + 1 // Values between 1 and 5. ); $i++; } } else { $realquestions[] = array( 'key' => 'q' . $q->id, 'value' => $i % 5 + 1 ); $i++; } } } $result = mod_survey_external::submit_answers($this->survey->id, $realquestions); $result = \external_api::clean_returnvalue(mod_survey_external::submit_answers_returns(), $result); $this->assertTrue($result['status']); $this->assertCount(0, $result['warnings']); $dbanswers = $DB->get_records_menu('survey_answers', array('survey' => $this->survey->id), '', 'question, answer1'); foreach ($realquestions as $q) { $id = str_replace('q', '', $q['key']); $this->assertEquals($q['value'], $dbanswers[$id]); } // Submit again, we expect an error here. try { mod_survey_external::submit_answers($this->survey->id, $realquestions); $this->fail('Exception expected due to answers already submitted.'); } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('alreadysubmitted', $e->errorcode); } // Test user with no capabilities. // We need a explicit prohibit since this capability is only defined in authenticated user and guest roles. assign_capability('mod/survey:participate', CAP_PROHIBIT, $this->studentrole->id, $this->context->id); accesslib_clear_all_caches_for_unit_testing(); try { mod_survey_external::submit_answers($this->survey->id, $realquestions); $this->fail('Exception expected due to missing capability.'); } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('nopermissions', $e->errorcode); } // Test not-enrolled user. $usernotenrolled = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $this->setUser($usernotenrolled); try { mod_survey_external::submit_answers($this->survey->id, $realquestions); $this->fail('Exception expected due to not enrolled user.'); } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { $this->assertEquals('requireloginerror', $e->errorcode); } } }