Renderer class for the manual allocation UI is defined here
Copyright: | 2009 David Mudrak <> |
License: | GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 211 lines (10 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
workshopallocation_manual_renderer:: (5 methods):
Class: workshopallocation_manual_renderer - X-Ref
Manual allocation renderer classrender_workshopallocation_manual_allocations(workshopallocation_manual_allocations $data) X-Ref |
Display the table of all current allocations and widgets to modify them param: workshopallocation_manual_allocations $data to be displayed return: string html code |
helper_participant(stdclass $allocation, array $userinfo) X-Ref |
Returns information about the workshop participant return: string HTML code |
helper_reviewers_of_participant(stdclass $allocation, array $userinfo, array $reviewers, $selfassessment) X-Ref |
Returns information about the current reviewers of the given participant and a selector do add new one return: string html code |
helper_reviewees_of_participant(stdclass $allocation, array $userinfo, array $authors, $selfassessment) X-Ref |
Returns information about the current reviewees of the given participant and a selector do add new one return: string html code |
helper_remove_allocation_icon($link) X-Ref |
Generates an icon link to remove the allocation param: moodle_url $link to the action return: html code to be displayed |