Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 39 and 311]
Log report renderer.
Copyright: | 2014 Rajesh Taneja <rajesh.taneja@gmail.com> |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 562 lines (20 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
report_log_renderable:: (14 methods):
Class: report_log_renderable - X-Ref
Report log renderable class.__construct($logreader = "", $course = 0, $userid = 0, $modid = 0, $action = "", $groupid = 0, $edulevel = -1,$showcourses = false, $showusers = false, $showreport = true, $showselectorform = true, $url = "", $date = 0,$logformat='showashtml', $page = 0, $perpage = 100, $order = "timecreated ASC", $origin ='') X-Ref |
Constructor. param: string $logreader (optional)reader pluginname from which logs will be fetched. param: stdClass|int $course (optional) course record or id param: int $userid (optional) id of user to filter records for. param: int|string $modid (optional) module id or site_errors for filtering errors. param: string $action (optional) action name to filter. param: int $groupid (optional) groupid of user. param: int $edulevel (optional) educational level. param: bool $showcourses (optional) show courses. param: bool $showusers (optional) show users. param: bool $showreport (optional) show report. param: bool $showselectorform (optional) show selector form. param: moodle_url|string $url (optional) page url. param: int $date date (optional) timestamp of start of the day for which logs will be displayed. param: string $logformat log format. param: int $page (optional) page number. param: int $perpage (optional) number of records to show per page. param: string $order (optional) sortorder of fetched records |
get_readers($nameonly = false) X-Ref |
Get a list of enabled sql_reader objects/name param: bool $nameonly if true only reader names will be returned. return: array core\log\sql_reader object or name. |
get_activities_list() X-Ref |
Helper function to return list of activities to show in selection filter. return: array list of activities. |
get_selected_group() X-Ref |
Helper function to get selected group. return: int selected group. |
get_actions() X-Ref |
Return list of actions for log reader. return: array list of action options. |
get_selected_user_fullname() X-Ref |
Return selected user fullname. return: string user fullname. |
get_course_list() X-Ref |
Return list of courses to show in selector. return: array list of courses. |
get_group_list() X-Ref |
Return list of groups that are used in this course. This is done when groups are used in the course and the user is allowed to see all groups or groups are visible anyway. If groups are used but the mode is separate groups and the user is not allowed to see all groups, the list contains the groups only, where the user is member. If the course uses no groups, the list is empty. return: array list of groups. |
get_user_list() X-Ref |
Return list of users. return: array list of users. |
get_date_options() X-Ref |
Return list of date options. return: array date options. |
get_origin_options() X-Ref |
Return list of components to show in selector. return: array list of origins. |
get_edulevel_options() X-Ref |
Return list of edulevel. return: array list of edulevels. |
setup_table() X-Ref |
Setup table log. |
download() X-Ref |
Download logs in specified format. |