Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.11.x will end 14 Nov 2022 (12 months plus 6 months extension).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.11.x will end 13 Nov 2023 (18 months plus 12 months extension).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 311 and 402] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 311]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * This plugin is used to access Google Drive.
  19   *
  20   * @since Moodle 2.0
  21   * @package    repository_googledocs
  22   * @copyright  2009 Dan Poltawski <>
  23   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  24   */
  26  defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  28  require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/lib.php');
  29  require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filebrowser/file_browser.php');
  31  use repository_googledocs\helper;
  32  use repository_googledocs\googledocs_content_search;
  34  /**
  35   * Google Docs Plugin
  36   *
  37   * @since Moodle 2.0
  38   * @package    repository_googledocs
  39   * @copyright  2009 Dan Poltawski <>
  40   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  41   */
  42  class repository_googledocs extends repository {
  44      /**
  45       * OAuth 2 client
  46       * @var \core\oauth2\client
  47       */
  48      private $client = null;
  50      /**
  51       * OAuth 2 Issuer
  52       * @var \core\oauth2\issuer
  53       */
  54      private $issuer = null;
  56      /**
  57       * Additional scopes required for drive.
  58       */
  59      const SCOPES = '';
  61      /** @var string Defines the path node identifier for the repository root. */
  62      const REPOSITORY_ROOT_ID = 'repository_root';
  64      /** @var string Defines the path node identifier for the my drive root. */
  65      const MY_DRIVE_ROOT_ID = 'root';
  67      /** @var string Defines the path node identifier for the shared drives root. */
  68      const SHARED_DRIVES_ROOT_ID = 'shared_drives_root';
  70      /** @var string Defines the path node identifier for the content search root. */
  71      const SEARCH_ROOT_ID = 'search';
  73      /**
  74       * Constructor.
  75       *
  76       * @param int $repositoryid repository instance id.
  77       * @param int|stdClass $context a context id or context object.
  78       * @param array $options repository options.
  79       * @param int $readonly indicate this repo is readonly or not.
  80       * @return void
  81       */
  82      public function __construct($repositoryid, $context = SYSCONTEXTID, $options = array(), $readonly = 0) {
  83          parent::__construct($repositoryid, $context, $options, $readonly = 0);
  85          try {
  86              $this->issuer = \core\oauth2\api::get_issuer(get_config('googledocs', 'issuerid'));
  87          } catch (dml_missing_record_exception $e) {
  88              $this->disabled = true;
  89          }
  91          if ($this->issuer && !$this->issuer->get('enabled')) {
  92              $this->disabled = true;
  93          }
  94      }
  96      /**
  97       * Get a cached user authenticated oauth client.
  98       *
  99       * @param moodle_url $overrideurl - Use this url instead of the repo callback.
 100       * @return \core\oauth2\client
 101       */
 102      protected function get_user_oauth_client($overrideurl = false) {
 103          if ($this->client) {
 104              return $this->client;
 105          }
 106          if ($overrideurl) {
 107              $returnurl = $overrideurl;
 108          } else {
 109              $returnurl = new moodle_url('/repository/repository_callback.php');
 110              $returnurl->param('callback', 'yes');
 111              $returnurl->param('repo_id', $this->id);
 112              $returnurl->param('sesskey', sesskey());
 113          }
 115          $this->client = \core\oauth2\api::get_user_oauth_client($this->issuer, $returnurl, self::SCOPES, true);
 117          return $this->client;
 118      }
 120      /**
 121       * Checks whether the user is authenticate or not.
 122       *
 123       * @return bool true when logged in.
 124       */
 125      public function check_login() {
 126          $client = $this->get_user_oauth_client();
 127          return $client->is_logged_in();
 128      }
 130      /**
 131       * Print or return the login form.
 132       *
 133       * @return void|array for ajax.
 134       */
 135      public function print_login() {
 136          $client = $this->get_user_oauth_client();
 137          $url = $client->get_login_url();
 139          if ($this->options['ajax']) {
 140              $popup = new stdClass();
 141              $popup->type = 'popup';
 142              $popup->url = $url->out(false);
 143              return array('login' => array($popup));
 144          } else {
 145              echo '<a target="_blank" href="'.$url->out(false).'">'.get_string('login', 'repository').'</a>';
 146          }
 147      }
 149      /**
 150       * Print the login in a popup.
 151       *
 152       * @param array|null $attr Custom attributes to be applied to popup div.
 153       */
 154      public function print_login_popup($attr = null) {
 155          global $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
 157          $client = $this->get_user_oauth_client(false);
 158          $url = new moodle_url($client->get_login_url());
 159          $state = $url->get_param('state') . '&reloadparent=true';
 160          $url->param('state', $state);
 162          $PAGE->set_pagelayout('embedded');
 163          echo $OUTPUT->header();
 165          $repositoryname = get_string('pluginname', 'repository_googledocs');
 167          $button = new single_button($url, get_string('logintoaccount', 'repository', $repositoryname), 'post', true);
 168          $button->add_action(new popup_action('click', $url, 'Login'));
 169          $button->class = 'mdl-align';
 170          $button = $OUTPUT->render($button);
 171          echo html_writer::div($button, '', $attr);
 173          echo $OUTPUT->footer();
 174      }
 176      /**
 177       * Build the breadcrumb from a path.
 178       *
 179       * @deprecated since Moodle 3.11.
 180       * @param string $path to create a breadcrumb from.
 181       * @return array containing name and path of each crumb.
 182       */
 183      protected function build_breadcrumb($path) {
 184          debugging('The function build_breadcrumb() is deprecated, please use get_navigation() from the ' .
 185              'googledocs repository content classes instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 187          $bread = explode('/', $path);
 188          $crumbtrail = '';
 189          foreach ($bread as $crumb) {
 190              list($id, $name) = $this->explode_node_path($crumb);
 191              $name = empty($name) ? $id : $name;
 192              $breadcrumb[] = array(
 193                  'name' => $name,
 194                  'path' => $this->build_node_path($id, $name, $crumbtrail)
 195              );
 196              $tmp = end($breadcrumb);
 197              $crumbtrail = $tmp['path'];
 198          }
 199          return $breadcrumb;
 200      }
 202      /**
 203       * Generates a safe path to a node.
 204       *
 205       * Typically, a node will be id|Name of the node.
 206       *
 207       * @deprecated since Moodle 3.11.
 208       * @param string $id of the node.
 209       * @param string $name of the node, will be URL encoded.
 210       * @param string $root to append the node on, must be a result of this function.
 211       * @return string path to the node.
 212       */
 213      protected function build_node_path($id, $name = '', $root = '') {
 214          debugging('The function build_node_path() is deprecated, please use ' .
 215              '\repository_googledocs\helper::build_node_path() instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 217          $path = $id;
 218          if (!empty($name)) {
 219              $path .= '|' . urlencode($name);
 220          }
 221          if (!empty($root)) {
 222              $path = trim($root, '/') . '/' . $path;
 223          }
 224          return $path;
 225      }
 227      /**
 228       * Returns information about a node in a path.
 229       *
 230       * @deprecated since Moodle 3.11.
 231       * @see self::build_node_path()
 232       * @param string $node to extrat information from.
 233       * @return array about the node.
 234       */
 235      protected function explode_node_path($node) {
 236          debugging('The function explode_node_path() is deprecated, please use ' .
 237              '\repository_googledocs\helper::explode_node_path() instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 239          if (strpos($node, '|') !== false) {
 240              list($id, $name) = explode('|', $node, 2);
 241              $name = urldecode($name);
 242          } else {
 243              $id = $node;
 244              $name = '';
 245          }
 246          $id = urldecode($id);
 247          return array(
 248              0 => $id,
 249              1 => $name,
 250              'id' => $id,
 251              'name' => $name
 252          );
 253      }
 255      /**
 256       * List the files and folders.
 257       *
 258       * @param  string $path path to browse.
 259       * @param  string $page page to browse.
 260       * @return array of result.
 261       */
 262      public function get_listing($path='', $page = '') {
 263          if (empty($path)) {
 264              $pluginname = get_string('pluginname', 'repository_googledocs');
 265              $path = helper::build_node_path('repository_root', $pluginname);
 266          }
 268          if (!$this->issuer->get('enabled')) {
 269              // Empty list of files for disabled repository.
 270              return [
 271                  'dynload' => false,
 272                  'list' => [],
 273                  'nologin' => true,
 274              ];
 275          }
 277          // We analyse the path to extract what to browse.
 278          $trail = explode('/', $path);
 279          $uri = array_pop($trail);
 280          list($id, $name) = helper::explode_node_path($uri);
 281          $service = new repository_googledocs\rest($this->get_user_oauth_client());
 283          // Define the content class object and query which will be used to get the contents for this path.
 284          if ($id === self::SEARCH_ROOT_ID) {
 285              // The special keyword 'search' is the ID of the node. This is possible as we can set up a breadcrumb in
 286              // the search results. Therefore, we should use the content search object to get the results from the
 287              // previously performed search.
 288              $contentobj = new googledocs_content_search($service, $path);
 289              // We need to deconstruct the node name in order to obtain the search term and use it as a query.
 290              $query = str_replace(get_string('searchfor', 'repository_googledocs'), '', $name);
 291              $query = trim(str_replace("'", "", $query));
 292          } else {
 293              // Otherwise, return and use the appropriate (based on the path) content browser object.
 294              $contentobj = helper::get_browser($service, $path);
 295              // Use the node ID as a query.
 296              $query = $id;
 297          }
 299          return [
 300              'dynload' => true,
 301              'defaultreturntype' => $this->default_returntype(),
 302              'path' => $contentobj->get_navigation(),
 303              'list' => $contentobj->get_content_nodes($query, [$this, 'filter']),
 304              'manage' => '',
 305          ];
 306      }
 308      /**
 309       * Search throughout the Google Drive.
 310       *
 311       * @param string $searchtext text to search for.
 312       * @param int $page search page.
 313       * @return array of results.
 314       */
 315      public function search($searchtext, $page = 0) {
 316          // Construct the path to the repository root.
 317          $pluginname = get_string('pluginname', 'repository_googledocs');
 318          $rootpath = helper::build_node_path(self::REPOSITORY_ROOT_ID, $pluginname);
 319          // Construct the path to the search results node.
 320          // Currently, when constructing the search node name, the search term is concatenated to the lang string.
 321          // This was done deliberately so that we can easily and accurately obtain the search term from the search node
 322          // name later when navigating to the search results through the breadcrumb navigation.
 323          $name = get_string('searchfor', 'repository_googledocs') . " '{$searchtext}'";
 324          $path = helper::build_node_path(self::SEARCH_ROOT_ID, $name, $rootpath);
 326          $service = new repository_googledocs\rest($this->get_user_oauth_client());
 327          $searchobj = new googledocs_content_search($service, $path);
 329          return [
 330              'dynload' => true,
 331              'path' => $searchobj->get_navigation(),
 332              'list' => $searchobj->get_content_nodes($searchtext, [$this, 'filter']),
 333              'manage' => '',
 334          ];
 335      }
 337      /**
 338       * Query Google Drive for files and folders using a search query.
 339       *
 340       * Documentation about the query format can be found here:
 341       *
 342       *
 343       * This returns a list of files and folders with their details as they should be
 344       * formatted and returned by functions such as get_listing() or search().
 345       *
 346       * @deprecated since Moodle 3.11.
 347       * @param string $q search query as expected by the Google API.
 348       * @param string $path parent path of the current files, will not be used for the query.
 349       * @param int $page page.
 350       * @return array of files and folders.
 351       */
 352      protected function query($q, $path = null, $page = 0) {
 353          debugging('The function query() is deprecated, please use get_content_nodes() from the ' .
 354              'googledocs repository content classes instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 356          global $OUTPUT;
 358          $files = array();
 359          $folders = array();
 360          $config = get_config('googledocs');
 361          $fields = "files(id,name,mimeType,webContentLink,webViewLink,fileExtension,modifiedTime,size,thumbnailLink,iconLink)";
 362          $params = array('q' => $q, 'fields' => $fields, 'spaces' => 'drive');
 364          try {
 365              // Retrieving files and folders.
 366              $client = $this->get_user_oauth_client();
 367              $service = new repository_googledocs\rest($client);
 369              $response = $service->call('list', $params);
 370          } catch (Exception $e) {
 371              if ($e->getCode() == 403 && strpos($e->getMessage(), 'Access Not Configured') !== false) {
 372                  // This is raised when the service Drive API has not been enabled on Google APIs control panel.
 373                  throw new repository_exception('servicenotenabled', 'repository_googledocs');
 374              } else {
 375                  throw $e;
 376              }
 377          }
 379          $gfiles = isset($response->files) ? $response->files : array();
 380          foreach ($gfiles as $gfile) {
 381              if ($gfile->mimeType == 'application/') {
 382                  // This is a folder.
 383                  $folders[$gfile->name . $gfile->id] = array(
 384                      'title' => $gfile->name,
 385                      'path' => $this->build_node_path($gfile->id, $gfile->name, $path),
 386                      'date' => strtotime($gfile->modifiedTime),
 387                      'thumbnail' => $OUTPUT->image_url(file_folder_icon(64))->out(false),
 388                      'thumbnail_height' => 64,
 389                      'thumbnail_width' => 64,
 390                      'children' => array()
 391                  );
 392              } else {
 393                  // This is a file.
 394                  $link = isset($gfile->webViewLink) ? $gfile->webViewLink : '';
 395                  if (empty($link)) {
 396                      $link = isset($gfile->webContentLink) ? $gfile->webContentLink : '';
 397                  }
 398                  if (isset($gfile->fileExtension)) {
 399                      // The file has an extension, therefore we can download it.
 400                      $source = json_encode([
 401                          'id' => $gfile->id,
 402                          'name' => $gfile->name,
 403                          'exportformat' => 'download',
 404                          'link' => $link
 405                      ]);
 406                      $title = $gfile->name;
 407                  } else {
 408                      // The file is probably a Google Doc file, we get the corresponding export link.
 409                      // This should be improved by allowing the user to select the type of export they'd like.
 410                      $type = str_replace('application/', '', $gfile->mimeType);
 411                      $title = '';
 412                      $exporttype = '';
 413                      $types = get_mimetypes_array();
 415                      switch ($type){
 416                          case 'document':
 417                              $ext = $config->documentformat;
 418                              $title = $gfile->name . '.gdoc';
 419                              if ($ext === 'rtf') {
 420                                  // Moodle user 'text/rtf' as the MIME type for RTF files.
 421                                  // Google uses 'application/rtf' for the same type of file.
 422                                  // See
 423                                  $exporttype = 'application/rtf';
 424                              } else {
 425                                  $exporttype = $types[$ext]['type'];
 426                              }
 427                              break;
 428                          case 'presentation':
 429                              $ext = $config->presentationformat;
 430                              $title = $gfile->name . '.gslides';
 431                              $exporttype = $types[$ext]['type'];
 432                              break;
 433                          case 'spreadsheet':
 434                              $ext = $config->spreadsheetformat;
 435                              $title = $gfile->name . '.gsheet';
 436                              $exporttype = $types[$ext]['type'];
 437                              break;
 438                          case 'drawing':
 439                              $ext = $config->drawingformat;
 440                              $title = $gfile->name . '.'. $ext;
 441                              $exporttype = $types[$ext]['type'];
 442                              break;
 443                      }
 444                      // Skips invalid/unknown types.
 445                      if (empty($title)) {
 446                          continue;
 447                      }
 448                      $source = json_encode([
 449                          'id' => $gfile->id,
 450                          'exportformat' => $exporttype,
 451                          'link' => $link,
 452                          'name' => $gfile->name
 453                      ]);
 454                  }
 455                  // Adds the file to the file list. Using the itemId along with the name as key
 456                  // of the array because Google Drive allows files with identical names.
 457                  $thumb = '';
 458                  if (isset($gfile->thumbnailLink)) {
 459                      $thumb = $gfile->thumbnailLink;
 460                  } else if (isset($gfile->iconLink)) {
 461                      $thumb = $gfile->iconLink;
 462                  }
 463                  $files[$title . $gfile->id] = array(
 464                      'title' => $title,
 465                      'source' => $source,
 466                      'date' => strtotime($gfile->modifiedTime),
 467                      'size' => isset($gfile->size) ? $gfile->size : null,
 468                      'thumbnail' => $thumb,
 469                      'thumbnail_height' => 64,
 470                      'thumbnail_width' => 64,
 471                  );
 472              }
 473          }
 475          // Filter and order the results.
 476          $files = array_filter($files, array($this, 'filter'));
 477          core_collator::ksort($files, core_collator::SORT_NATURAL);
 478          core_collator::ksort($folders, core_collator::SORT_NATURAL);
 479          return array_merge(array_values($folders), array_values($files));
 480      }
 482      /**
 483       * Logout.
 484       *
 485       * @return string
 486       */
 487      public function logout() {
 488          $client = $this->get_user_oauth_client();
 489          $client->log_out();
 490          return parent::logout();
 491      }
 493      /**
 494       * Get a file.
 495       *
 496       * @param string $reference reference of the file.
 497       * @param string $file name to save the file to.
 498       * @return string JSON encoded array of information about the file.
 499       */
 500      public function get_file($reference, $filename = '') {
 501          global $CFG;
 503          if (!$this->issuer->get('enabled')) {
 504              throw new repository_exception('cannotdownload', 'repository');
 505          }
 507          $source = json_decode($reference);
 509          $client = null;
 510          if (!empty($source->usesystem)) {
 511              $client = \core\oauth2\api::get_system_oauth_client($this->issuer);
 512          } else {
 513              $client = $this->get_user_oauth_client();
 514          }
 516          $base = '';
 518          $newfilename = false;
 519          if ($source->exportformat == 'download') {
 520              $params = ['alt' => 'media'];
 521              $sourceurl = new moodle_url($base . '/files/' . $source->id, $params);
 522              $source = $sourceurl->out(false);
 523          } else {
 524              $params = ['mimeType' => $source->exportformat];
 525              $sourceurl = new moodle_url($base . '/files/' . $source->id . '/export', $params);
 526              $types = get_mimetypes_array();
 527              $checktype = $source->exportformat;
 528              if ($checktype == 'application/rtf') {
 529                  $checktype = 'text/rtf';
 530              }
 531              // Determine the relevant default import format config for the given file.
 532              switch ($source->googledoctype) {
 533                  case 'document':
 534                      $importformatconfig = get_config('googledocs', 'documentformat');
 535                      break;
 536                  case 'presentation':
 537                      $importformatconfig = get_config('googledocs', 'presentationformat');
 538                      break;
 539                  case 'spreadsheet':
 540                      $importformatconfig = get_config('googledocs', 'spreadsheetformat');
 541                      break;
 542                  case 'drawing':
 543                      $importformatconfig = get_config('googledocs', 'drawingformat');
 544                      break;
 545                  default:
 546                      $importformatconfig = null;
 547              }
 549              foreach ($types as $extension => $info) {
 550                  if ($info['type'] == $checktype && $extension === $importformatconfig) {
 551                      $newfilename = $source->name . '.' . $extension;
 552                      break;
 553                  }
 554              }
 555              $source = $sourceurl->out(false);
 556          }
 558          // We use download_one and not the rest API because it has special timeouts etc.
 559          $path = $this->prepare_file($filename);
 560          $options = ['filepath' => $path, 'timeout' => 15, 'followlocation' => true, 'maxredirs' => 5];
 561          $success = $client->download_one($source, null, $options);
 563          if ($success) {
 564              @chmod($path, $CFG->filepermissions);
 566              $result = [
 567                  'path' => $path,
 568                  'url' => $reference,
 569              ];
 570              if (!empty($newfilename)) {
 571                  $result['newfilename'] = $newfilename;
 572              }
 573              return $result;
 574          }
 575          throw new repository_exception('cannotdownload', 'repository');
 576      }
 578      /**
 579       * Prepare file reference information.
 580       *
 581       * We are using this method to clean up the source to make sure that it
 582       * is a valid source.
 583       *
 584       * @param string $source of the file.
 585       * @return string file reference.
 586       */
 587      public function get_file_reference($source) {
 588          // We could do some magic upgrade code here.
 589          return $source;
 590      }
 592      /**
 593       * What kind of files will be in this repository?
 594       *
 595       * @return array return '*' means this repository support any files, otherwise
 596       *               return mimetypes of files, it can be an array
 597       */
 598      public function supported_filetypes() {
 599          return '*';
 600      }
 602      /**
 603       * Tells how the file can be picked from this repository.
 604       *
 605       * @return int
 606       */
 607      public function supported_returntypes() {
 608          // We can only support references if the system account is connected.
 609          if (!empty($this->issuer) && $this->issuer->is_system_account_connected()) {
 610              $setting = get_config('googledocs', 'supportedreturntypes');
 611              if ($setting == 'internal') {
 612                  return FILE_INTERNAL;
 613              } else if ($setting == 'external') {
 614                  return FILE_CONTROLLED_LINK;
 615              } else {
 616                  return FILE_CONTROLLED_LINK | FILE_INTERNAL;
 617              }
 618          } else {
 619              return FILE_INTERNAL;
 620          }
 621      }
 623      /**
 624       * Which return type should be selected by default.
 625       *
 626       * @return int
 627       */
 628      public function default_returntype() {
 629          $setting = get_config('googledocs', 'defaultreturntype');
 630          $supported = get_config('googledocs', 'supportedreturntypes');
 631          if (($setting == FILE_INTERNAL && $supported != 'external') || $supported == 'internal') {
 632              return FILE_INTERNAL;
 633          } else {
 634              return FILE_CONTROLLED_LINK;
 635          }
 636      }
 638      /**
 639       * Return names of the general options.
 640       * By default: no general option name.
 641       *
 642       * @return array
 643       */
 644      public static function get_type_option_names() {
 645          return array('issuerid', 'pluginname',
 646              'documentformat', 'drawingformat',
 647              'presentationformat', 'spreadsheetformat',
 648              'defaultreturntype', 'supportedreturntypes');
 649      }
 651      /**
 652       * Store the access token.
 653       */
 654      public function callback() {
 655          $client = $this->get_user_oauth_client();
 656          // This will upgrade to an access token if we have an authorization code and save the access token in the session.
 657          $client->is_logged_in();
 658      }
 660      /**
 661       * Repository method to serve the referenced file
 662       *
 663       * @see send_stored_file
 664       *
 665       * @param stored_file $storedfile the file that contains the reference
 666       * @param int $lifetime Number of seconds before the file should expire from caches (null means $CFG->filelifetime)
 667       * @param int $filter 0 (default)=no filtering, 1=all files, 2=html files only
 668       * @param bool $forcedownload If true (default false), forces download of file rather than view in browser/plugin
 669       * @param array $options additional options affecting the file serving
 670       */
 671      public function send_file($storedfile, $lifetime=null , $filter=0, $forcedownload=false, array $options = null) {
 672          if (!$this->issuer->get('enabled')) {
 673              throw new repository_exception('cannotdownload', 'repository');
 674          }
 676          $source = json_decode($storedfile->get_reference());
 678          $fb = get_file_browser();
 679          $context = context::instance_by_id($storedfile->get_contextid(), MUST_EXIST);
 680          $info = $fb->get_file_info($context,
 681                                     $storedfile->get_component(),
 682                                     $storedfile->get_filearea(),
 683                                     $storedfile->get_itemid(),
 684                                     $storedfile->get_filepath(),
 685                                     $storedfile->get_filename());
 687          if (empty($options['offline']) && !empty($info) && $info->is_writable() && !empty($source->usesystem)) {
 688              // Add the current user as an OAuth writer.
 689              $systemauth = \core\oauth2\api::get_system_oauth_client($this->issuer);
 691              if ($systemauth === false) {
 692                  $details = 'Cannot connect as system user';
 693                  throw new repository_exception('errorwhilecommunicatingwith', 'repository', '', $details);
 694              }
 695              $systemservice = new repository_googledocs\rest($systemauth);
 697              // Get the user oauth so we can get the account to add.
 698              $url = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($storedfile->get_contextid(),
 699                                                     $storedfile->get_component(),
 700                                                     $storedfile->get_filearea(),
 701                                                     $storedfile->get_itemid(),
 702                                                     $storedfile->get_filepath(),
 703                                                     $storedfile->get_filename(),
 704                                                     $forcedownload);
 705              $url->param('sesskey', sesskey());
 706              $param = ($options['embed'] == true) ? false : $url;
 707              $userauth = $this->get_user_oauth_client($param);
 708              if (!$userauth->is_logged_in()) {
 709                  if ($options['embed'] == true) {
 710                      // Due to Same-origin policy, we cannot redirect to googledocs login page.
 711                      // If the requested file is embed and the user is not logged in, add option to log in using a popup.
 712                      $this->print_login_popup(['style' => 'margin-top: 250px']);
 713                      exit;
 714                  }
 715                  redirect($userauth->get_login_url());
 716              }
 717              if ($userauth === false) {
 718                  $details = 'Cannot connect as current user';
 719                  throw new repository_exception('errorwhilecommunicatingwith', 'repository', '', $details);
 720              }
 721              $userinfo = $userauth->get_userinfo();
 722              $useremail = $userinfo['email'];
 724              $this->add_temp_writer_to_file($systemservice, $source->id, $useremail);
 725          }
 727          if (!empty($options['offline'])) {
 728              $downloaded = $this->get_file($storedfile->get_reference(), $storedfile->get_filename());
 730              $filename = $storedfile->get_filename();
 731              if (isset($downloaded['newfilename'])) {
 732                  $filename = $downloaded['newfilename'];
 733              }
 734              send_file($downloaded['path'], $filename, $lifetime, $filter, false, $forcedownload, '', false, $options);
 735          } else if ($source->link) {
 736              // Do not use redirect() here because is not compatible with webservice/pluginfile.php.
 737              header('Location: ' . $source->link);
 738          } else {
 739              $details = 'File is missing source link';
 740              throw new repository_exception('errorwhilecommunicatingwith', 'repository', '', $details);
 741          }
 742      }
 744      /**
 745       * See if a folder exists within a folder
 746       *
 747       * @param \repository_googledocs\rest $client Authenticated client.
 748       * @param string $foldername The folder we are looking for.
 749       * @param string $parentid The parent folder we are looking in.
 750       * @return string|boolean The file id if it exists or false.
 751       */
 752      protected function folder_exists_in_folder(\repository_googledocs\rest $client, $foldername, $parentid) {
 753          $q = '\'' . addslashes($parentid) . '\' in parents and trashed = false and name = \'' . addslashes($foldername). '\'';
 754          $fields = 'files(id, name)';
 755          $params = [ 'q' => $q, 'fields' => $fields];
 756          $response = $client->call('list', $params);
 757          $missing = true;
 758          foreach ($response->files as $child) {
 759              if ($child->name == $foldername) {
 760                  return $child->id;
 761              }
 762          }
 763          return false;
 764      }
 766      /**
 767       * Create a folder within a folder
 768       *
 769       * @param \repository_googledocs\rest $client Authenticated client.
 770       * @param string $foldername The folder we are creating.
 771       * @param string $parentid The parent folder we are creating in.
 772       *
 773       * @return string The file id of the new folder.
 774       */
 775      protected function create_folder_in_folder(\repository_googledocs\rest $client, $foldername, $parentid) {
 776          $fields = 'id';
 777          $params = ['fields' => $fields];
 778          $folder = ['mimeType' => 'application/', 'name' => $foldername, 'parents' => [$parentid]];
 779          $created = $client->call('create', $params, json_encode($folder));
 780          if (empty($created->id)) {
 781              $details = 'Cannot create folder:' . $foldername;
 782              throw new repository_exception('errorwhilecommunicatingwith', 'repository', '', $details);
 783          }
 784          return $created->id;
 785      }
 787      /**
 788       * Get simple file info for humans.
 789       *
 790       * @param \repository_googledocs\rest $client Authenticated client.
 791       * @param string $fileid The file we are querying.
 792       *
 793       * @return stdClass
 794       */
 795      protected function get_file_summary(\repository_googledocs\rest $client, $fileid) {
 796          $fields = "id,name,owners,parents";
 797          $params = [
 798              'fileid' => $fileid,
 799              'fields' => $fields
 800          ];
 801          return $client->call('get', $params);
 802      }
 804      /**
 805       * Copy a file and return the new file details. A side effect of the copy
 806       * is that the owner will be the account authenticated with this oauth client.
 807       *
 808       * @param \repository_googledocs\rest $client Authenticated client.
 809       * @param string $fileid The file we are copying.
 810       * @param string $name The original filename (don't change it).
 811       *
 812       * @return stdClass file details.
 813       */
 814      protected function copy_file(\repository_googledocs\rest $client, $fileid, $name) {
 815          $fields = "id,name,mimeType,webContentLink,webViewLink,size,thumbnailLink,iconLink";
 816          $params = [
 817              'fileid' => $fileid,
 818              'fields' => $fields,
 819          ];
 820          // Keep the original name (don't put copy at the end of it).
 821          $copyinfo = [];
 822          if (!empty($name)) {
 823              $copyinfo = [ 'name' => $name ];
 824          }
 825          $fileinfo = $client->call('copy', $params, json_encode($copyinfo));
 826          if (empty($fileinfo->id)) {
 827              $details = 'Cannot copy file:' . $fileid;
 828              throw new repository_exception('errorwhilecommunicatingwith', 'repository', '', $details);
 829          }
 830          return $fileinfo;
 831      }
 833      /**
 834       * Add a writer to the permissions on the file (temporary).
 835       *
 836       * @param \repository_googledocs\rest $client Authenticated client.
 837       * @param string $fileid The file we are updating.
 838       * @param string $email The email of the writer account to add.
 839       * @return boolean
 840       */
 841      protected function add_temp_writer_to_file(\repository_googledocs\rest $client, $fileid, $email) {
 842          // Expires in 7 days.
 843          $expires = new DateTime();
 844          $expires->add(new DateInterval("P7D"));
 846          $updateeditor = [
 847              'emailAddress' => $email,
 848              'role' => 'writer',
 849              'type' => 'user',
 850              'expirationTime' => $expires->format(DateTime::RFC3339)
 851          ];
 852          $params = ['fileid' => $fileid, 'sendNotificationEmail' => 'false'];
 853          $response = $client->call('create_permission', $params, json_encode($updateeditor));
 854          if (empty($response->id)) {
 855              $details = 'Cannot add user ' . $email . ' as a writer for document: ' . $fileid;
 856              throw new repository_exception('errorwhilecommunicatingwith', 'repository', '', $details);
 857          }
 858          return true;
 859      }
 862      /**
 863       * Add a writer to the permissions on the file.
 864       *
 865       * @param \repository_googledocs\rest $client Authenticated client.
 866       * @param string $fileid The file we are updating.
 867       * @param string $email The email of the writer account to add.
 868       * @return boolean
 869       */
 870      protected function add_writer_to_file(\repository_googledocs\rest $client, $fileid, $email) {
 871          $updateeditor = [
 872              'emailAddress' => $email,
 873              'role' => 'writer',
 874              'type' => 'user'
 875          ];
 876          $params = ['fileid' => $fileid, 'sendNotificationEmail' => 'false'];
 877          $response = $client->call('create_permission', $params, json_encode($updateeditor));
 878          if (empty($response->id)) {
 879              $details = 'Cannot add user ' . $email . ' as a writer for document: ' . $fileid;
 880              throw new repository_exception('errorwhilecommunicatingwith', 'repository', '', $details);
 881          }
 882          return true;
 883      }
 885      /**
 886       * Move from root to folder
 887       *
 888       * @param \repository_googledocs\rest $client Authenticated client.
 889       * @param string $fileid The file we are updating.
 890       * @param string $folderid The id of the folder we are moving to
 891       * @return boolean
 892       */
 893      protected function move_file_from_root_to_folder(\repository_googledocs\rest $client, $fileid, $folderid) {
 894          // Set the parent.
 895          $params = [
 896              'fileid' => $fileid, 'addParents' => $folderid, 'removeParents' => 'root'
 897          ];
 898          $response = $client->call('update', $params, ' ');
 899          if (empty($response->id)) {
 900              $details = 'Cannot move the file to a folder: ' . $fileid;
 901              throw new repository_exception('errorwhilecommunicatingwith', 'repository', '', $details);
 902          }
 903          return true;
 904      }
 906      /**
 907       * Prevent writers from sharing.
 908       *
 909       * @param \repository_googledocs\rest $client Authenticated client.
 910       * @param string $fileid The file we are updating.
 911       * @return boolean
 912       */
 913      protected function prevent_writers_from_sharing_file(\repository_googledocs\rest $client, $fileid) {
 914          // We don't want anyone but Moodle to change the sharing settings.
 915          $params = [
 916              'fileid' => $fileid
 917          ];
 918          $update = [
 919              'writersCanShare' => false
 920          ];
 921          $response = $client->call('update', $params, json_encode($update));
 922          if (empty($response->id)) {
 923              $details = 'Cannot prevent writers from sharing document: ' . $fileid;
 924              throw new repository_exception('errorwhilecommunicatingwith', 'repository', '', $details);
 925          }
 926          return true;
 927      }
 929      /**
 930       * Allow anyone with the link to read the file.
 931       *
 932       * @param \repository_googledocs\rest $client Authenticated client.
 933       * @param string $fileid The file we are updating.
 934       * @return boolean
 935       */
 936      protected function set_file_sharing_anyone_with_link_can_read(\repository_googledocs\rest $client, $fileid) {
 937          $updateread = [
 938              'type' => 'anyone',
 939              'role' => 'reader',
 940              'allowFileDiscovery' => 'false'
 941          ];
 942          $params = ['fileid' => $fileid];
 943          $response = $client->call('create_permission', $params, json_encode($updateread));
 944          if (empty($response->id) || $response->id != 'anyoneWithLink') {
 945              $details = 'Cannot update link sharing for the document: ' . $fileid;
 946              throw new repository_exception('errorwhilecommunicatingwith', 'repository', '', $details);
 947          }
 948          return true;
 949      }
 951      /**
 952       * Called when a file is selected as a "link".
 953       * Invoked at MOODLE/repository/repository_ajax.php
 954       *
 955       * This is called at the point the reference files are being copied from the draft area to the real area
 956       * (when the file has really really been selected.
 957       *
 958       * @param string $reference this reference is generated by
 959       *                          repository::get_file_reference()
 960       * @param context $context the target context for this new file.
 961       * @param string $component the target component for this new file.
 962       * @param string $filearea the target filearea for this new file.
 963       * @param string $itemid the target itemid for this new file.
 964       * @return string updated reference (final one before it's saved to db).
 965       */
 966      public function reference_file_selected($reference, $context, $component, $filearea, $itemid) {
 967          global $CFG, $SITE;
 969          // What we need to do here is transfer ownership to the system user (or copy)
 970          // then set the permissions so anyone with the share link can view,
 971          // finally update the reference to contain the share link if it was not
 972          // already there (and point to new file id if we copied).
 974          // Get the details from the reference.
 975          $source = json_decode($reference);
 976          if (!empty($source->usesystem)) {
 977              // If we already copied this file to the system account - we are done.
 978              return $reference;
 979          }
 981          // Check this issuer is enabled.
 982          if ($this->disabled) {
 983              throw new repository_exception('cannotdownload', 'repository');
 984          }
 986          // Get a system oauth client and a user oauth client.
 987          $systemauth = \core\oauth2\api::get_system_oauth_client($this->issuer);
 989          if ($systemauth === false) {
 990              $details = 'Cannot connect as system user';
 991              throw new repository_exception('errorwhilecommunicatingwith', 'repository', '', $details);
 992          }
 993          // Get the system user email so we can share the file with this user.
 994          $systemuserinfo = $systemauth->get_userinfo();
 995          $systemuseremail = $systemuserinfo['email'];
 997          $userauth = $this->get_user_oauth_client();
 998          if ($userauth === false) {
 999              $details = 'Cannot connect as current user';
1000              throw new repository_exception('errorwhilecommunicatingwith', 'repository', '', $details);
1001          }
1003          $userservice = new repository_googledocs\rest($userauth);
1004          $systemservice = new repository_googledocs\rest($systemauth);
1006          // Add Moodle as writer.
1007          $this->add_writer_to_file($userservice, $source->id, $systemuseremail);
1009          // Now move it to a sensible folder.
1010          $contextlist = array_reverse($context->get_parent_contexts(true));
1012          $cache = cache::make('repository_googledocs', 'folder');
1013          $parentid = 'root';
1014          $fullpath = 'root';
1015          $allfolders = [];
1016          foreach ($contextlist as $context) {
1017              // Prepare human readable context folders names, making sure they are still unique within the site.
1018              $prevlang = force_current_language($CFG->lang);
1019              $foldername = $context->get_context_name();
1020              force_current_language($prevlang);
1022              if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_SYSTEM) {
1023                  // Append the site short name to the root folder.
1024                  $foldername .= ' ('.$SITE->shortname.')';
1025                  // Append the relevant object id.
1026              } else if ($context->instanceid) {
1027                  $foldername .= ' (id '.$context->instanceid.')';
1028              } else {
1029                  // This does not really happen but just in case.
1030                  $foldername .= ' (ctx '.$context->id.')';
1031              }
1033              $foldername = clean_param($foldername, PARAM_PATH);
1034              $allfolders[] = $foldername;
1035          }
1037          $allfolders[] = clean_param($component, PARAM_PATH);
1038          $allfolders[] = clean_param($filearea, PARAM_PATH);
1039          $allfolders[] = clean_param($itemid, PARAM_PATH);
1041          // Variable $allfolders is the full path we want to put the file in - so walk it and create each folder.
1043          foreach ($allfolders as $foldername) {
1044              // Make sure a folder exists here.
1045              $fullpath .= '/' . $foldername;
1047              $folderid = $cache->get($fullpath);
1048              if (empty($folderid)) {
1049                  $folderid = $this->folder_exists_in_folder($systemservice, $foldername, $parentid);
1050              }
1051              if ($folderid !== false) {
1052                  $cache->set($fullpath, $folderid);
1053                  $parentid = $folderid;
1054              } else {
1055                  // Create it.
1056                  $parentid = $this->create_folder_in_folder($systemservice, $foldername, $parentid);
1057                  $cache->set($fullpath, $parentid);
1058              }
1059          }
1061          // Copy the file so we get a snapshot file owned by Moodle.
1062          $newsource = $this->copy_file($systemservice, $source->id, $source->name);
1063          // Move the copied file to the correct folder.
1064          $this->move_file_from_root_to_folder($systemservice, $newsource->id, $parentid);
1066          // Set the sharing options.
1067          $this->set_file_sharing_anyone_with_link_can_read($systemservice, $newsource->id);
1068          $this->prevent_writers_from_sharing_file($systemservice, $newsource->id);
1070          // Update the returned reference so that the stored_file in moodle points to the newly copied file.
1071          $source->id = $newsource->id;
1072          $source->link = isset($newsource->webViewLink) ? $newsource->webViewLink : '';
1073          $source->usesystem = true;
1074          if (empty($source->link)) {
1075              $source->link = isset($newsource->webContentLink) ? $newsource->webContentLink : '';
1076          }
1077          $reference = json_encode($source);
1079          return $reference;
1080      }
1082      /**
1083       * Get human readable file info from a the reference.
1084       *
1085       * @param string $reference
1086       * @param int $filestatus
1087       */
1088      public function get_reference_details($reference, $filestatus = 0) {
1089          if ($this->disabled) {
1090              throw new repository_exception('cannotdownload', 'repository');
1091          }
1092          if (empty($reference)) {
1093              return get_string('unknownsource', 'repository');
1094          }
1095          $source = json_decode($reference);
1096          if (empty($source->usesystem)) {
1097              return '';
1098          }
1099          $systemauth = \core\oauth2\api::get_system_oauth_client($this->issuer);
1101          if ($systemauth === false) {
1102              return '';
1103          }
1104          $systemservice = new repository_googledocs\rest($systemauth);
1105          $info = $this->get_file_summary($systemservice, $source->id);
1107          $owner = '';
1108          if (!empty($info->owners[0]->displayName)) {
1109              $owner = $info->owners[0]->displayName;
1110          }
1111          if ($owner) {
1112              return get_string('owner', 'repository_googledocs', $owner);
1113          } else {
1114              return $info->name;
1115          }
1116      }
1118      /**
1119       * Edit/Create Admin Settings Moodle form.
1120       *
1121       * @param moodleform $mform Moodle form (passed by reference).
1122       * @param string $classname repository class name.
1123       */
1124      public static function type_config_form($mform, $classname = 'repository') {
1125          $url = new moodle_url('/admin/tool/oauth2/issuers.php');
1126          $url = $url->out();
1128          $mform->addElement('static', null, '', get_string('oauth2serviceslink', 'repository_googledocs', $url));
1130          parent::type_config_form($mform);
1131          $options = [];
1132          $issuers = \core\oauth2\api::get_all_issuers();
1134          foreach ($issuers as $issuer) {
1135              $options[$issuer->get('id')] = s($issuer->get('name'));
1136          }
1138          $strrequired = get_string('required');
1140          $mform->addElement('select', 'issuerid', get_string('issuer', 'repository_googledocs'), $options);
1141          $mform->addHelpButton('issuerid', 'issuer', 'repository_googledocs');
1142          $mform->addRule('issuerid', $strrequired, 'required', null, 'client');
1144          $mform->addElement('static', null, '', get_string('fileoptions', 'repository_googledocs'));
1145          $choices = [
1146              'internal' => get_string('internal', 'repository_googledocs'),
1147              'external' => get_string('external', 'repository_googledocs'),
1148              'both' => get_string('both', 'repository_googledocs')
1149          ];
1150          $mform->addElement('select', 'supportedreturntypes', get_string('supportedreturntypes', 'repository_googledocs'), $choices);
1152          $choices = [
1153              FILE_INTERNAL => get_string('internal', 'repository_googledocs'),
1154              FILE_CONTROLLED_LINK => get_string('external', 'repository_googledocs'),
1155          ];
1156          $mform->addElement('select', 'defaultreturntype', get_string('defaultreturntype', 'repository_googledocs'), $choices);
1158          $mform->addElement('static', null, '', get_string('importformat', 'repository_googledocs'));
1160          // Documents.
1161          $docsformat = array();
1162          $docsformat['html'] = 'html';
1163          $docsformat['docx'] = 'docx';
1164          $docsformat['odt'] = 'odt';
1165          $docsformat['pdf'] = 'pdf';
1166          $docsformat['rtf'] = 'rtf';
1167          $docsformat['txt'] = 'txt';
1168          core_collator::ksort($docsformat, core_collator::SORT_NATURAL);
1170          $mform->addElement('select', 'documentformat', get_string('docsformat', 'repository_googledocs'), $docsformat);
1171          $mform->setDefault('documentformat', $docsformat['rtf']);
1172          $mform->setType('documentformat', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
1174          // Drawing.
1175          $drawingformat = array();
1176          $drawingformat['jpeg'] = 'jpeg';
1177          $drawingformat['png'] = 'png';
1178          $drawingformat['svg'] = 'svg';
1179          $drawingformat['pdf'] = 'pdf';
1180          core_collator::ksort($drawingformat, core_collator::SORT_NATURAL);
1182          $mform->addElement('select', 'drawingformat', get_string('drawingformat', 'repository_googledocs'), $drawingformat);
1183          $mform->setDefault('drawingformat', $drawingformat['pdf']);
1184          $mform->setType('drawingformat', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
1186          // Presentation.
1187          $presentationformat = array();
1188          $presentationformat['pdf'] = 'pdf';
1189          $presentationformat['pptx'] = 'pptx';
1190          $presentationformat['txt'] = 'txt';
1191          core_collator::ksort($presentationformat, core_collator::SORT_NATURAL);
1193          $str = get_string('presentationformat', 'repository_googledocs');
1194          $mform->addElement('select', 'presentationformat', $str, $presentationformat);
1195          $mform->setDefault('presentationformat', $presentationformat['pptx']);
1196          $mform->setType('presentationformat', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
1198          // Spreadsheet.
1199          $spreadsheetformat = array();
1200          $spreadsheetformat['csv'] = 'csv';
1201          $spreadsheetformat['ods'] = 'ods';
1202          $spreadsheetformat['pdf'] = 'pdf';
1203          $spreadsheetformat['xlsx'] = 'xlsx';
1204          core_collator::ksort($spreadsheetformat, core_collator::SORT_NATURAL);
1206          $str = get_string('spreadsheetformat', 'repository_googledocs');
1207          $mform->addElement('select', 'spreadsheetformat', $str, $spreadsheetformat);
1208          $mform->setDefault('spreadsheetformat', $spreadsheetformat['xlsx']);
1209          $mform->setType('spreadsheetformat', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
1210      }
1211  }
1213  /**
1214   * Callback to get the required scopes for system account.
1215   *
1216   * @param \core\oauth2\issuer $issuer
1217   * @return string
1218   */
1219  function repository_googledocs_oauth2_system_scopes(\core\oauth2\issuer $issuer) {
1220      if ($issuer->get('id') == get_config('googledocs', 'issuerid')) {
1221          return '';
1222      }
1223      return '';
1224  }