Contains class core_tag\output\taglist
Copyright: | 2015 Marina Glancy |
License: | GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 121 lines (4 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
taglist:: (2 methods):
__construct($tags, $label = null, $classes = '',$limit = 10, $pagecontext = null, $accesshidelabel = false) X-Ref |
Constructor param: array $tags list of instances of \core_tag_tag or \stdClass param: string $label label to display in front, by default 'Tags' (get_string('tags')), set to null param: string $classes additional classes for the enclosing div element param: int $limit limit the number of tags to display, if size of $tags is more than this limit the "more" link param: context $pagecontext specify if needed to overwrite the current page context for the view tag link param: bool $accesshidelabel if true, the label should have class="accesshide" added. |
export_for_template(renderer_base $output) X-Ref |
Export this data so it can be used as the context for a mustache template. param: renderer_base $output return: stdClass |