See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release
<?php // This file is part of Moodle - // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <>. /** * Prediction models list page. * * @package tool_analytics * @copyright 2016 David Monllao {@link} * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace tool_analytics\output; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Shows tool_analytics models list. * * @package tool_analytics * @copyright 2016 David Monllao {@link} * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class models_list implements \renderable, \templatable { /** * models * * @var \core_analytics\model[] */ protected $models = array(); /** * __construct * * @param \core_analytics\model[] $models * @return void */ public function __construct($models) { $this->models = $models; } /** * Exports the data. * * @param \renderer_base $output * @return \stdClass */ public function export_for_template(\renderer_base $output) { global $PAGE; $data = new \stdClass(); $newmodelmenu = new \action_menu();< $newmodelmenu->set_menu_trigger(get_string('newmodel', 'tool_analytics'), 'btn btn-default');> $newmodelmenu->set_menu_trigger(get_string('newmodel', 'tool_analytics'), 'btn btn-secondary');$newmodelmenu->set_alignment(\action_menu::TL, \action_menu::BL); $newmodelmenu->add(new \action_menu_link( new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/createmodel.php'), new \pix_icon('i/edit', ''), get_string('createmodel', 'tool_analytics'), false )); $newmodelmenu->add(new \action_menu_link( new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/importmodel.php'), new \pix_icon('i/import', ''), get_string('importmodel', 'tool_analytics'), false )); $newmodelmenu->add(new \action_menu_link( new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/restoredefault.php'), new \pix_icon('i/reload', ''), get_string('restoredefault', 'tool_analytics'), false )); $data->newmodelmenu = $newmodelmenu->export_for_template($output); $onlycli = get_config('analytics', 'onlycli'); if ($onlycli === false) { // Default applied if no config found. $onlycli = 1; } // Evaluation options. $timesplittingsforevaluation = \core_analytics\manager::get_time_splitting_methods_for_evaluation(true); $misconfiguredmodels = []; $data->models = array(); foreach ($this->models as $model) { $modeldata = $model->export($output); // Check if there is a help icon for the target to show. $identifier = $modeldata->target->get_identifier(); $component = $modeldata->target->get_component(); if (get_string_manager()->string_exists($identifier . '_help', $component)) { $helpicon = new \help_icon($identifier, $component); $modeldata->targethelp = $helpicon->export_for_template($output); } else { // We really want to encourage developers to add help to their targets. debugging("The target '{$modeldata->target}' should include a '{$identifier}_help' string to describe its purpose.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } if ($model->invalid_timesplitting_selected()) { $misconfiguredmodels[$model->get_id()] = $model->get_name(); } // Check if there is a help icon for the indicators to show. if (!empty($modeldata->indicators)) { $indicators = array(); foreach ($modeldata->indicators as $ind) { // Create the indicator with the details we want for the context. $indicator = new \stdClass(); $indicator->name = $ind->out(); $identifier = $ind->get_identifier(); $component = $ind->get_component(); if (get_string_manager()->string_exists($identifier . '_help', $component)) { $helpicon = new \help_icon($identifier, $component); $indicator->help = $helpicon->export_for_template($output); } else { // We really want to encourage developers to add help to their indicators. debugging("The indicator '{$ind}' should include a '{$identifier}_help' string to describe its purpose.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } $indicators[] = $indicator; } $modeldata->indicators = $indicators; } $modeldata->indicatorsnum = count($modeldata->indicators); // Check if there is a help icon for the time splitting method. if (!empty($modeldata->timesplitting)) { $identifier = $modeldata->timesplitting->get_identifier(); $component = $modeldata->timesplitting->get_component(); if (get_string_manager()->string_exists($identifier . '_help', $component)) { $helpicon = new \help_icon($identifier, $component); $modeldata->timesplittinghelp = $helpicon->export_for_template($output); } else { // We really want to encourage developers to add help to their time splitting methods. debugging("The analysis interval '{$modeldata->timesplitting}' should include a '{$identifier}_help' string to describe its purpose.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } } else { $helpicon = new \help_icon('timesplittingnotdefined', 'tool_analytics'); $modeldata->timesplittinghelp = $helpicon->export_for_template($output); } // Has this model generated predictions?. $predictioncontexts = $model->get_predictions_contexts(); $anypredictionobtained = $model->any_prediction_obtained(); // Model predictions list. if (!$model->is_enabled()) { $modeldata->noinsights = get_string('disabledmodel', 'analytics'); } else if ($model->uses_insights()) { if ($predictioncontexts) { $url = new \moodle_url('/report/insights/insights.php', array('modelid' => $model->get_id())); $modeldata->insights = \tool_analytics\output\helper::prediction_context_selector($predictioncontexts, $url, $output); } if (empty($modeldata->insights)) { if ($anypredictionobtained) { $modeldata->noinsights = get_string('noinsights', 'analytics'); } else { $modeldata->noinsights = get_string('nopredictionsyet', 'analytics'); } } } else { $modeldata->noinsights = get_string('noinsightsmodel', 'analytics'); } // Actions. $actionsmenu = new \action_menu(); $actionsmenu->set_menu_trigger(get_string('actions')); $actionsmenu->set_owner_selector('model-actions-' . $model->get_id()); $actionsmenu->set_alignment(\action_menu::TL, \action_menu::BL); $urlparams = ['id' => $model->get_id(), 'sesskey' => sesskey()]; // Get predictions. if (!$onlycli && $modeldata->enabled && !empty($modeldata->timesplitting)) { $urlparams['action'] = 'scheduledanalysis'; $url = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/model.php', $urlparams); $icon = new \action_menu_link_secondary($url, new \pix_icon('i/notifications', get_string('executescheduledanalysis', 'tool_analytics')), get_string('executescheduledanalysis', 'tool_analytics')); $actionsmenu->add($icon); } // Evaluate machine-learning-based models. if (!$onlycli && $model->get_indicators() && !$model->is_static()) { // Extra is_trained call as trained_locally returns false if the model has not been trained yet. $trainedonlyexternally = !$model->trained_locally() && $model->is_trained(); $actionid = 'evaluate-' . $model->get_id(); // Evaluation options. $modeltimesplittingmethods = $this->timesplittings_options_for_evaluation($model, $timesplittingsforevaluation); // Include the current time-splitting method as the default selection method the model already have one. if ($model->get_model_obj()->timesplitting) { $currenttimesplitting = ['id' => 'current', 'text' => get_string('currenttimesplitting', 'tool_analytics')]; array_unshift($modeltimesplittingmethods, $currenttimesplitting); } $evaluateparams = [$actionid, $trainedonlyexternally]; $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('tool_analytics/model', 'selectEvaluationOptions', $evaluateparams); $urlparams['action'] = 'evaluate'; $url = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/model.php', $urlparams); $icon = new \action_menu_link_secondary($url, new \pix_icon('i/calc', get_string('evaluate', 'tool_analytics')), get_string('evaluate', 'tool_analytics'), ['data-action-id' => $actionid, 'data-timesplitting-methods' => json_encode($modeltimesplittingmethods)]); $actionsmenu->add($icon); } // Machine-learning-based models evaluation log. if (!$model->is_static() && $model->get_logs()) { $urlparams['action'] = 'log'; $url = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/model.php', $urlparams); $icon = new \action_menu_link_secondary($url, new \pix_icon('i/report', get_string('viewlog', 'tool_analytics')), get_string('viewlog', 'tool_analytics')); $actionsmenu->add($icon); } // Edit model. $urlparams['action'] = 'edit'; $url = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/model.php', $urlparams); $icon = new \action_menu_link_secondary($url, new \pix_icon('t/edit', get_string('edit')), get_string('edit')); $actionsmenu->add($icon); // Enable / disable. if ($model->is_enabled() || !empty($modeldata->timesplitting)) { // If there is no timesplitting method set, the model can not be enabled. if ($model->is_enabled()) { $action = 'disable'; $text = get_string('disable'); $icontype = 't/block'; } else { $action = 'enable'; $text = get_string('enable'); $icontype = 'i/checked'; } $urlparams['action'] = $action; $url = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/model.php', $urlparams); $icon = new \action_menu_link_secondary($url, new \pix_icon($icontype, $text), $text); $actionsmenu->add($icon); } // Export. if (!$model->is_static()) { $fullysetup = $model->get_indicators() && !empty($modeldata->timesplitting); $istrained = $model->is_trained(); if ($fullysetup || $istrained) { $url = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/model.php', $urlparams); // Clear the previous action param from the URL, we will set it in JS. $url->remove_params('action'); $actionid = 'export-' . $model->get_id(); $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('tool_analytics/model', 'selectExportOptions', [$actionid, $istrained]); $icon = new \action_menu_link_secondary($url, new \pix_icon('i/export', get_string('export', 'tool_analytics')), get_string('export', 'tool_analytics'), ['data-action-id' => $actionid]); $actionsmenu->add($icon); } } // Insights report. if (!empty($anypredictionobtained) && $model->uses_insights()) { $urlparams['action'] = 'insightsreport'; $url = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/model.php', $urlparams); $pix = new \pix_icon('i/report', get_string('insightsreport', 'tool_analytics')); $icon = new \action_menu_link_secondary($url, $pix, get_string('insightsreport', 'tool_analytics')); $actionsmenu->add($icon); } // Invalid analysables. $analyser = $model->get_analyser(['notimesplitting' => true]); if (!$analyser instanceof \core_analytics\local\analyser\sitewide) { $urlparams['action'] = 'invalidanalysables'; $url = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/model.php', $urlparams); $pix = new \pix_icon('i/report', get_string('invalidanalysables', 'tool_analytics')); $icon = new \action_menu_link_secondary($url, $pix, get_string('invalidanalysables', 'tool_analytics')); $actionsmenu->add($icon); } // Clear model. if (!empty($anypredictionobtained) || $model->is_trained()) { $actionid = 'clear-' . $model->get_id(); $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('tool_analytics/model', 'confirmAction', [$actionid, 'clear']); $urlparams['action'] = 'clear'; $url = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/model.php', $urlparams); $icon = new \action_menu_link_secondary($url, new \pix_icon('e/cleanup_messy_code', get_string('clearpredictions', 'tool_analytics')), get_string('clearpredictions', 'tool_analytics'), ['data-action-id' => $actionid]); $actionsmenu->add($icon); } // Delete model. $actionid = 'delete-' . $model->get_id(); $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('tool_analytics/model', 'confirmAction', [$actionid, 'delete']); $urlparams['action'] = 'delete'; $url = new \moodle_url('/admin/tool/analytics/model.php', $urlparams); $icon = new \action_menu_link_secondary($url, new \pix_icon('t/delete', get_string('delete', 'tool_analytics')), get_string('delete', 'tool_analytics'), ['data-action-id' => $actionid]); $actionsmenu->add($icon); $modeldata->actions = $actionsmenu->export_for_template($output); $data->models[] = $modeldata; } $data->warnings = []; $data->infos = []; if (!$onlycli) { $data->warnings[] = (object)array('message' => get_string('bettercli', 'tool_analytics'), 'closebutton' => true); } else { $url = new \moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', array('section' => 'analyticssettings'), 'id_s_analytics_onlycli'); $langstrid = 'clievaluationandpredictionsnoadmin'; if (is_siteadmin()) { $langstrid = 'clievaluationandpredictions'; } $data->infos[] = (object)array('message' => get_string($langstrid, 'tool_analytics', $url->out()), 'closebutton' => true); } if ($misconfiguredmodels) { $warningstr = get_string('invalidtimesplittinginmodels', 'tool_analytics', implode(', ', $misconfiguredmodels)); $data->warnings[] = (object)array('message' => $warningstr, 'closebutton' => true); } return $data; } /** * Returns the list of time splitting methods that are available for evaluation. * * @param \core_analytics\model $model * @param array $timesplittingsforevaluation * @return array */ private function timesplittings_options_for_evaluation(\core_analytics\model $model, array $timesplittingsforevaluation): array { $modeltimesplittingmethods = [ ['id' => 'all', 'text' => get_string('alltimesplittingmethods', 'tool_analytics')], ]; $potentialtimesplittingmethods = $model->get_potential_timesplittings(); foreach ($timesplittingsforevaluation as $timesplitting) { if (empty($potentialtimesplittingmethods[$timesplitting->get_id()])) { // This time-splitting method can not be used for this model. continue; } $modeltimesplittingmethods[] = [ 'id' => \tool_analytics\output\helper::class_to_option($timesplitting->get_id()), 'text' => $timesplitting->get_name()->out(), ]; } return $modeltimesplittingmethods; } }