See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release
Differences Between: [Versions 39 and 310] [Versions 39 and 311] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 39 and 401] [Versions 39 and 402] [Versions 39 and 403]
1 <?php 2 // This file is part of Moodle - 3 // 4 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 7 // (at your option) any later version. 8 // 9 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 11 // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 12 // GNU General Public License for more details. 13 // 14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 15 // along with Moodle. If not, see <>. 16 17 /** 18 * Strings for component 'tool_task', language 'en' 19 * 20 * @package tool_task 21 * @copyright 2014 Damyon Wiese 22 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later 23 */ 24 25 $string['asap'] = 'ASAP'; 26 $string['adhocempty'] = 'Ad hoc task queue is empty'; 27 $string['adhocqueuesize'] = 'Ad hoc task queue has {$a} tasks'; 28 $string['adhocqueueold'] = 'Oldest task is {$a->age} which is more than {$a->max}'; 29 $string['backtoscheduledtasks'] = 'Back to scheduled tasks'; 30 $string['blocking'] = 'Blocking'; 31 $string['cannotfindthepathtothecli'] = 'Cannot find the path to the PHP CLI executable so task execution aborted. Set the \'Path to PHP CLI\' setting in Site administration / Server / System paths.'; 32 $string['checkadhocqueue'] = 'Ad hoc task queue'; 33 $string['checkcronrunning'] = 'Cron running'; 34 $string['checkmaxfaildelay'] = 'Tasks max fail delay'; 35 $string['clearfaildelay_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to clear the fail delay for task \'{$a}\'? After clearing the delay, the task will run according to its normal schedule.'; 36 $string['component'] = 'Component'; 37 $string['corecomponent'] = 'Core'; 38 $string['cronok'] = 'Cron is running frequently'; 39 $string['default'] = 'Default'; 40 $string['defaultx'] = 'Default: {$a}'; 41 $string['disabled'] = 'Disabled'; 42 $string['disabled_help'] = 'Disabled scheduled tasks are not executed from cron, however they can still be executed manually via the CLI tool.'; 43 $string['edittaskschedule'] = 'Edit task schedule: {$a}'; 44 $string['enablerunnow'] = 'Allow \'Run now\' for scheduled tasks'; 45 $string['enablerunnow_desc'] = 'Allows administrators to run a single scheduled task immediately, rather than waiting for it to run as scheduled. The feature requires \'Path to PHP CLI\' (pathtophp) to be set in System paths. The task runs on the web server, so you may wish to disable this feature to avoid potential performance issues.'; 46 $string['faildelay'] = 'Fail delay'; 47 $string['fromcomponent'] = 'From component: {$a}'; 48 $string['lastruntime'] = 'Last run'; 49 $string['nextruntime'] = 'Next run'; 50 $string['plugindisabled'] = 'Plugin disabled'; 51 $string['pluginname'] = 'Scheduled task configuration'; 52 $string['resettasktodefaults'] = 'Reset task schedule to defaults'; 53 $string['resettasktodefaults_help'] = 'This will discard any local changes and revert the schedule for this task back to its original settings.'; 54 $string['runnow'] = 'Run now'; 55 $string['runagain'] = 'Run again'; 56 $string['runnow_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to run this task \'{$a}\' now? The task will run on the web server and may take some time to complete.'; 57 $string['runpattern'] = 'Run pattern'; 58 $string['scheduledtasks'] = 'Scheduled tasks'; 59 $string['scheduledtaskchangesdisabled'] = 'Modifications to the list of scheduled tasks have been prevented in Moodle configuration'; 60 $string['taskdisabled'] = 'Task disabled'; 61 $string['taskfailures'] = '{$a} task(s) failing'; 62 $string['tasklogs'] = 'Task logs'; 63 $string['tasknofailures'] = 'There are no tasks failing'; 64 $string['taskscheduleday'] = 'Day'; 65 $string['taskscheduleday_help'] = 'Day of month field for task schedule. The field uses the same format as unix cron. Some examples are: 66 67 * <strong>*</strong> Every day 68 * <strong>*/2</strong> Every 2nd day 69 * <strong>1</strong> The first of every month 70 * <strong>1,15</strong> The first and fifteenth of every month'; 71 $string['taskscheduledayofweek'] = 'Day of week'; 72 $string['taskscheduledayofweek_help'] = 'Day of week field for task schedule. The field uses the same format as unix cron. Some examples are: 73 74 * <strong>*</strong> Every day 75 * <strong>0</strong> Every Sunday 76 * <strong>6</strong> Every Saturday 77 * <strong>1,5</strong> Every Monday and Friday'; 78 $string['taskschedulehour'] = 'Hour'; 79 $string['taskschedulehour_help'] = 'Hour field for task schedule. The field uses the same format as unix cron. Some examples are: 80 81 * <strong>*</strong> Every hour 82 * <strong>*/2</strong> Every 2 hours 83 * <strong>2-10</strong> Every hour from 2am until 10am (inclusive) 84 * <strong>2,6,9</strong> 2am, 6am and 9am'; 85 $string['taskscheduleminute'] = 'Minute'; 86 $string['taskscheduleminute_help'] = 'Minute field for task schedule. The field uses the same format as unix cron. Some examples are: 87 88 * <strong>*</strong> Every minute 89 * <strong>*/5</strong> Every 5 minutes 90 * <strong>2-10</strong> Every minute between 2 and 10 past the hour (inclusive) 91 * <strong>2,6,9</strong> 2, 6 and 9 minutes past the hour'; 92 $string['taskschedulemonth'] = 'Month'; 93 $string['taskschedulemonth_help'] = 'Month field for task schedule. The field uses the same format as unix cron. Some examples are: 94 95 * <strong>*</strong> Every month 96 * <strong>*/2</strong> Every second month 97 * <strong>1</strong> Every January 98 * <strong>1,5</strong> Every January and May'; 99 $string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Scheduled task configuration plugin does not store any personal data.'; 100 $string['viewlogs'] = 'View logs for {$a}';