See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release
<?php // This file is part of Moodle - // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <>. /** * CLI Bulk course registration script from a comma separated file. * * @package tool_uploadcourse * @copyright 2012 Piers Harding * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ define('CLI_SCRIPT', true); require(__DIR__ . '/../../../../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/clilib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/csvlib.class.php'); $courseconfig = get_config('moodlecourse'); // Now get cli options. list($options, $unrecognized) = cli_get_params(array( 'help' => false, 'mode' => '', 'updatemode' => 'nothing', 'file' => '', 'delimiter' => 'comma', 'encoding' => 'UTF-8', 'shortnametemplate' => '', 'templatecourse' => false, 'restorefile' => false, 'allowdeletes' => false, 'allowrenames' => false, 'allowresets' => false, 'reset' => false, 'category' => core_course_category::get_default()->id, ), array( 'h' => 'help', 'm' => 'mode', 'u' => 'updatemode', 'f' => 'file', 'd' => 'delimiter', 'e' => 'encoding', 't' => 'templatecourse', 'r' => 'restorefile', 'g' => 'format', )); if ($unrecognized) { $unrecognized = implode("\n ", $unrecognized); cli_error(get_string('cliunknowoption', 'admin', $unrecognized)); } $help = "Execute Course Upload. Options: -h, --help Print out this help -m, --mode Import mode: createnew, createall, createorupdate, update -u, --updatemode Update mode: nothing, dataonly, dataordefaults¸ missingonly -f, --file CSV file -d, --delimiter CSV delimiter: colon, semicolon, tab, cfg, comma -e, --encoding CSV file encoding: utf8, ... etc -t, --templatecourse Shortname of the course to restore after import -r, --restorefile Backup file to restore after import --reset Run the course reset after each course import --allowdeletes Allow courses to be deleted --allowrenames Allow courses to be renamed --allowresets Allow courses to be reset --shortnametemplate Template to generate the shortname from --category ID of default category (--updatemode dataordefaults will use this value) Example: \$sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/php admin/tool/uploadcourse/cli/uploadcourse.php --mode=createnew \\ --updatemode=dataonly --file=./courses.csv --delimiter=comma "; if ($options['help']) { echo $help; die(); } echo "Moodle course uploader running ...\n"; $processoroptions = array( 'allowdeletes' => $options['allowdeletes'], 'allowrenames' => $options['allowrenames'], 'allowresets' => $options['allowresets'], 'reset' => $options['reset'], 'shortnametemplate' => $options['shortnametemplate'] ); // Confirm that the mode is valid. $modes = array( 'createnew' => tool_uploadcourse_processor::MODE_CREATE_NEW, 'createall' => tool_uploadcourse_processor::MODE_CREATE_ALL, 'createorupdate' => tool_uploadcourse_processor::MODE_CREATE_OR_UPDATE, 'update' => tool_uploadcourse_processor::MODE_UPDATE_ONLY ); if (!isset($options['mode']) || !isset($modes[$options['mode']])) { echo get_string('invalidmode', 'tool_uploadcourse')."\n"; echo $help; die(); } $processoroptions['mode'] = $modes[$options['mode']]; // Check that the update mode is valid. $updatemodes = array( 'nothing' => tool_uploadcourse_processor::UPDATE_NOTHING, 'dataonly' => tool_uploadcourse_processor::UPDATE_ALL_WITH_DATA_ONLY, 'dataordefaults' => tool_uploadcourse_processor::UPDATE_ALL_WITH_DATA_OR_DEFAUTLS, 'missingonly' => tool_uploadcourse_processor::UPDATE_MISSING_WITH_DATA_OR_DEFAUTLS ); if (($processoroptions['mode'] === tool_uploadcourse_processor::MODE_CREATE_OR_UPDATE || $processoroptions['mode'] === tool_uploadcourse_processor::MODE_UPDATE_ONLY) && (!isset($options['updatemode']) || !isset($updatemodes[$options['updatemode']]))) { echo get_string('invalideupdatemode', 'tool_uploadcourse')."\n"; echo $help; die(); } $processoroptions['updatemode'] = $updatemodes[$options['updatemode']]; // File. if (!empty($options['file'])) { $options['file'] = realpath($options['file']); } if (!file_exists($options['file'])) { echo get_string('invalidcsvfile', 'tool_uploadcourse')."\n"; echo $help; die(); } // Encoding. $encodings = core_text::get_encodings(); if (!isset($encodings[$options['encoding']])) { echo get_string('invalidencoding', 'tool_uploadcourse')."\n"; echo $help; die(); } // Default values. $defaults = array(); $defaults['category'] = $options['category']; $defaults['startdate'] = time() + 3600 * 24; $defaults['enddate'] = $defaults['startdate'] + intval(get_config('moodlecourse', 'courseduration')); $defaults['newsitems'] = $courseconfig->newsitems; $defaults['showgrades'] = $courseconfig->showgrades; $defaults['showreports'] = $courseconfig->showreports; $defaults['maxbytes'] = $courseconfig->maxbytes; $defaults['legacyfiles'] = $CFG->legacyfilesinnewcourses; $defaults['groupmode'] = $courseconfig->groupmode; $defaults['groupmodeforce'] = $courseconfig->groupmodeforce; $defaults['visible'] = $courseconfig->visible; $defaults['lang'] = $courseconfig->lang; $defaults['enablecompletion'] = $courseconfig->enablecompletion;> $defaults['showactivitydates'] = $courseconfig->showactivitydates;// Course template. if (isset($options['templatecourse'])) { $processoroptions['templatecourse'] = $options['templatecourse']; } // Restore file. if ($options['restorefile']) { $options['restorefile'] = realpath($options['restorefile']); } if ($options['restorefile'] && !file_exists($options['restorefile'])) { echo get_string('invalidrestorefile', 'tool_uploadcourse')."\n"; echo $help; die(); } $processoroptions['restorefile'] = $options['restorefile']; // Emulate normal session.< cron_setup_user();> \core\cron::setup_user();// Let's get started! $content = file_get_contents($options['file']); $importid = csv_import_reader::get_new_iid('uploadcourse'); $cir = new csv_import_reader($importid, 'uploadcourse'); $readcount = $cir->load_csv_content($content, $options['encoding'], $options['delimiter']); unset($content); if ($readcount === false) {< print_error('csvfileerror', 'tool_uploadcourse', '', $cir->get_error());> throw new \moodle_exception('csvfileerror', 'tool_uploadcourse', '', $cir->get_error());} else if ($readcount == 0) {< print_error('csvemptyfile', 'error', '', $cir->get_error());> throw new \moodle_exception('csvemptyfile', 'error', '', $cir->get_error());} $processor = new tool_uploadcourse_processor($cir, $processoroptions, $defaults); $processor->execute(new tool_uploadcourse_tracker(tool_uploadcourse_tracker::OUTPUT_PLAIN));