Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
FolderUp one level  
Fileaction.php                  [source] [137 lines]   Representation of a suggested action.
Fileadmin_setting_predictor.php [source] [72 lines]    Extension to show an error message if the selected predictor is not available.
Fileanalysable.php              [source] [77 lines]    Any element analysers can analyse.
Fileanalysis.php                [source] [959 lines]   Runs an analysis of the site.
Filebulk_action.php             [source] [65 lines]    Representation of a suggested bulk action.
Filecalculable.php              [source] [326 lines]   Calculable dataset items abstract class.
Filecalculation_info.php        [source] [184 lines]   Extra information generated during the analysis by calculable elements.
Fileclassifier.php              [source] [71 lines]    Classifier interface.
Filecourse.php                  [source] [625 lines]   Moodle course analysable
Filedataset_manager.php         [source] [457 lines]   Datasets manager.
Filedefault_bulk_actions.php    [source] [126 lines]   Default list of bulk actions to reuse across different targets as presets.
Fileinsights_generator.php      [source] [275 lines]   Insights generator.
Filemanager.php                 [source] [1009 lines]  Analytics basic actions manager.
Filemodel.php                   [source] [2034 lines]  Prediction model representation.
Filemodel_config.php            [source] [327 lines]   Model configuration manager.
Filepackable.php                [source] [57 lines]    Exportable machine learning backend interface.
Fileprediction.php              [source] [255 lines]   Representation of a prediction.
Fileprediction_action.php       [source] [85 lines]    Representation of a suggested action associated with a prediction.
Filepredictor.php               [source] [78 lines]    Predictions processor interface.
Fileregressor.php               [source] [71 lines]    Regressors interface.
Filerequirements_exception.php  [source] [38 lines]    Model requirements exception.
Filesite.php                    [source] [109 lines]   Moodle site analysable.
Filestats.php                   [source] [81 lines]    Provides the {@link \core_analytics\stats} class.
Fileuser.php                    [source] [207 lines]   Moodle user analysable