See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release
<?php // This file is part of Moodle - // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <>. /** * Class for loading/storing oauth2 linked logins from the DB. * * @package auth_oauth2 * @copyright 2017 Damyon Wiese * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace auth_oauth2; use context_user; use stdClass; use moodle_exception; use moodle_url; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Static list of api methods for auth oauth2 configuration. * * @package auth_oauth2 * @copyright 2017 Damyon Wiese * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class api { /** * Remove all linked logins that are using issuers that have been deleted. * * @param int $issuerid The issuer id of the issuer to check, or false to check all (defaults to all) * @return boolean */ public static function clean_orphaned_linked_logins($issuerid = false) { return linked_login::delete_orphaned($issuerid); } /** * List linked logins * * Requires auth/oauth2:managelinkedlogins capability at the user context. * * @param int $userid (defaults to $USER->id) * @return boolean */ public static function get_linked_logins($userid = false) { global $USER; if ($userid === false) { $userid = $USER->id; } if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) { throw new moodle_exception('notwhileloggedinas', 'auth_oauth2'); } $context = context_user::instance($userid); require_capability('auth/oauth2:managelinkedlogins', $context); return linked_login::get_records(['userid' => $userid, 'confirmtoken' => '']); } /** * See if there is a match for this username and issuer in the linked_login table. * * @param string $username as returned from an oauth client. * @param \core\oauth2\issuer $issuer * @return stdClass User record if found. */ public static function match_username_to_user($username, $issuer) { $params = [ 'issuerid' => $issuer->get('id'), 'username' => $username ]; $result = linked_login::get_record($params); if ($result) { $user = \core_user::get_user($result->get('userid')); if (!empty($user) && !$user->deleted) { return $result; } } return false; } /** * Link a login to this account. * * Requires auth/oauth2:managelinkedlogins capability at the user context. * * @param array $userinfo as returned from an oauth client. * @param \core\oauth2\issuer $issuer * @param int $userid (defaults to $USER->id) * @param bool $skippermissions During signup we need to set this before the user is setup for capability checks. * @return bool */ public static function link_login($userinfo, $issuer, $userid = false, $skippermissions = false) { global $USER; if ($userid === false) { $userid = $USER->id; } if (linked_login::has_existing_issuer_match($issuer, $userinfo['username'])) { throw new moodle_exception('alreadylinked', 'auth_oauth2'); } if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) { throw new moodle_exception('notwhileloggedinas', 'auth_oauth2'); } $context = context_user::instance($userid); if (!$skippermissions) { require_capability('auth/oauth2:managelinkedlogins', $context); } $record = new stdClass(); $record->issuerid = $issuer->get('id'); $record->username = $userinfo['username']; $record->userid = $userid; $existing = linked_login::get_record((array)$record); if ($existing) { $existing->set('confirmtoken', ''); $existing->update(); return $existing; } $record->email = $userinfo['email']; $record->confirmtoken = ''; $record->confirmtokenexpires = 0; $linkedlogin = new linked_login(0, $record); return $linkedlogin->create(); } /** * Send an email with a link to confirm linking this account. * * @param array $userinfo as returned from an oauth client. * @param \core\oauth2\issuer $issuer * @param int $userid (defaults to $USER->id) * @return bool */ public static function send_confirm_link_login_email($userinfo, $issuer, $userid) { $record = new stdClass(); $record->issuerid = $issuer->get('id'); $record->username = $userinfo['username']; $record->userid = $userid; if (linked_login::has_existing_issuer_match($issuer, $userinfo['username'])) { throw new moodle_exception('alreadylinked', 'auth_oauth2'); } $record->email = $userinfo['email']; $record->confirmtoken = random_string(32); $expires = new \DateTime('NOW'); $expires->add(new \DateInterval('PT30M')); $record->confirmtokenexpires = $expires->getTimestamp(); $linkedlogin = new linked_login(0, $record); $linkedlogin->create(); // Construct the email. $site = get_site(); $supportuser = \core_user::get_support_user(); $user = get_complete_user_data('id', $userid); $data = new stdClass(); $data->fullname = fullname($user); $data->sitename = format_string($site->fullname); $data->admin = generate_email_signoff(); $data->issuername = format_string($issuer->get('name')); $data->linkedemail = format_string($linkedlogin->get('email')); $subject = get_string('confirmlinkedloginemailsubject', 'auth_oauth2', format_string($site->fullname)); $params = [ 'token' => $linkedlogin->get('confirmtoken'), 'userid' => $userid, 'username' => $userinfo['username'], 'issuerid' => $issuer->get('id'), ]; $confirmationurl = new moodle_url('/auth/oauth2/confirm-linkedlogin.php', $params); $data->link = $confirmationurl->out(false); $message = get_string('confirmlinkedloginemail', 'auth_oauth2', $data); $data->link = $confirmationurl->out(); $messagehtml = text_to_html(get_string('confirmlinkedloginemail', 'auth_oauth2', $data), false, false, true); $user->mailformat = 1; // Always send HTML version as well. // Directly email rather than using the messaging system to ensure its not routed to a popup or jabber. return email_to_user($user, $supportuser, $subject, $message, $messagehtml); } /** * Look for a waiting confirmation token, and if we find a match - confirm it. * * @param int $userid * @param string $username * @param int $issuerid * @param string $token * @return boolean True if we linked. */ public static function confirm_link_login($userid, $username, $issuerid, $token) { if (empty($token) || empty($userid) || empty($issuerid) || empty($username)) { return false; } $params = [ 'userid' => $userid, 'username' => $username, 'issuerid' => $issuerid, 'confirmtoken' => $token, ]; $login = linked_login::get_record($params); if (empty($login)) { return false; } $expires = $login->get('confirmtokenexpires'); if (time() > $expires) { $login->delete(); return; } $login->set('confirmtokenexpires', 0); $login->set('confirmtoken', ''); $login->update(); return true; } /** * Create an account with a linked login that is already confirmed. * * @param array $userinfo as returned from an oauth client. * @param \core\oauth2\issuer $issuer * @return bool */ public static function create_new_confirmed_account($userinfo, $issuer) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/lib.php'); $user = new stdClass();< $user->username = $userinfo['username']; < $user->email = $userinfo['email'];$user->auth = 'oauth2'; $user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id;< $user->lastname = isset($userinfo['lastname']) ? $userinfo['lastname'] : ''; < $user->firstname = isset($userinfo['firstname']) ? $userinfo['firstname'] : ''; < $user->url = isset($userinfo['url']) ? $userinfo['url'] : ''; < $user->alternatename = isset($userinfo['alternatename']) ? $userinfo['alternatename'] : '';$user->secret = random_string(15);<$user->password = '';< // This user is confirmed. < $user->confirmed = 1;> $user->confirmed = 1; // Set the user to confirmed. > > // Map supplied issuer user info to Moodle user fields. > $userfieldmapping = new \core\oauth2\user_field_mapping(); > foreach ($userfieldmapping->get_internalfield_list() as $field) { > if (isset($userinfo[$field]) && $userinfo[$field]) { > $user->$field = $userinfo[$field]; > } > }$user->id = user_create_user($user, false, true); // The linked account is pre-confirmed. $record = new stdClass(); $record->issuerid = $issuer->get('id'); $record->username = $userinfo['username']; $record->userid = $user->id; $record->email = $userinfo['email']; $record->confirmtoken = ''; $record->confirmtokenexpires = 0; $linkedlogin = new linked_login(0, $record); $linkedlogin->create(); return $user; } /** * Send an email with a link to confirm creating this account. * * @param array $userinfo as returned from an oauth client. * @param \core\oauth2\issuer $issuer * @param int $userid (defaults to $USER->id) * @return bool */ public static function send_confirm_account_email($userinfo, $issuer) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/lib.php'); if (linked_login::has_existing_issuer_match($issuer, $userinfo['username'])) { throw new moodle_exception('alreadylinked', 'auth_oauth2'); } $user = new stdClass();< $user->username = $userinfo['username']; < $user->email = $userinfo['email'];$user->auth = 'oauth2'; $user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id;< $user->lastname = isset($userinfo['lastname']) ? $userinfo['lastname'] : ''; < $user->firstname = isset($userinfo['firstname']) ? $userinfo['firstname'] : ''; < $user->url = isset($userinfo['url']) ? $userinfo['url'] : ''; < $user->alternatename = isset($userinfo['alternatename']) ? $userinfo['alternatename'] : '';$user->secret = random_string(15);<$user->password = '';< // This user is not confirmed. < $user->confirmed = 0;> $user->confirmed = 0; // The user is not yet confirmed. > > // Map supplied issuer user info to Moodle user fields. > $userfieldmapping = new \core\oauth2\user_field_mapping(); > foreach ($userfieldmapping->get_internalfield_list() as $field) { > if (isset($userinfo[$field]) && $userinfo[$field]) { > $user->$field = $userinfo[$field]; > } > }$user->id = user_create_user($user, false, true); // The linked account is pre-confirmed. $record = new stdClass(); $record->issuerid = $issuer->get('id'); $record->username = $userinfo['username']; $record->userid = $user->id; $record->email = $userinfo['email']; $record->confirmtoken = ''; $record->confirmtokenexpires = 0; $linkedlogin = new linked_login(0, $record); $linkedlogin->create(); // Construct the email. $site = get_site(); $supportuser = \core_user::get_support_user(); $user = get_complete_user_data('id', $user->id); $data = new stdClass(); $data->fullname = fullname($user); $data->sitename = format_string($site->fullname); $data->admin = generate_email_signoff(); $subject = get_string('confirmaccountemailsubject', 'auth_oauth2', format_string($site->fullname)); $params = [ 'token' => $user->secret, 'username' => $userinfo['username'] ]; $confirmationurl = new moodle_url('/auth/oauth2/confirm-account.php', $params); $data->link = $confirmationurl->out(false); $message = get_string('confirmaccountemail', 'auth_oauth2', $data); $data->link = $confirmationurl->out(); $messagehtml = text_to_html(get_string('confirmaccountemail', 'auth_oauth2', $data), false, false, true); $user->mailformat = 1; // Always send HTML version as well. // Directly email rather than using the messaging system to ensure its not routed to a popup or jabber. email_to_user($user, $supportuser, $subject, $message, $messagehtml); return $user; } /** * Delete linked login * * Requires auth/oauth2:managelinkedlogins capability at the user context. * * @param int $linkedloginid * @return boolean */ public static function delete_linked_login($linkedloginid) { $login = new linked_login($linkedloginid); $userid = $login->get('userid'); if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) { throw new moodle_exception('notwhileloggedinas', 'auth_oauth2'); } $context = context_user::instance($userid); require_capability('auth/oauth2:managelinkedlogins', $context); $login->delete(); } /** * Delete linked logins for a user. * * @param \core\event\user_deleted $event * @return boolean */ public static function user_deleted(\core\event\user_deleted $event) { global $DB; $userid = $event->objectid; return $DB->delete_records(linked_login::TABLE, ['userid' => $userid]); } /** * Is the plugin enabled. * * @return bool */ public static function is_enabled() { return is_enabled_auth('oauth2'); } }