See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release
Differences Between: [Versions 39 and 311] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 39 and 401] [Versions 39 and 402] [Versions 39 and 403]
External backup API.
Copyright: | 2018 Matt Porritt <> |
License: | GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 409 lines (14 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 6 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
core_backup_external:: (15 methods):
Class: core_backup_external - X-Ref
Backup external functions.get_async_backup_progress_parameters() X-Ref |
Returns description of method parameters return: external_function_parameters |
get_async_backup_progress($backupids, $contextid) X-Ref |
Get asynchronous backup progress. param: string $backupids The ids of the backup to get progress for. param: int $contextid The context the backup relates to. return: array $results The array of results. |
get_async_backup_progress_returns() X-Ref |
Returns description of method result value return: external_description |
get_async_backup_links_backup_parameters() X-Ref |
Returns description of method parameters return: external_function_parameters |
get_async_backup_links_backup($filename, $contextid) X-Ref |
Get the data to be used when generating the table row for an asynchronous backup, the table row updates via ajax when backup is complete. param: string $filename The file name of the backup file. param: int $contextid The context the backup relates to. |
get_async_backup_links_backup_returns() X-Ref |
Returns description of method result value. return: external_description |
get_async_backup_links_restore_parameters() X-Ref |
Returns description of method parameters return: external_function_parameters |
get_async_backup_links_restore($backupid, $contextid) X-Ref |
Get the data to be used when generating the table row for an asynchronous restore, the table row updates via ajax when restore is complete. param: string $backupid The id of the backup record. param: int $contextid The context the restore relates to. return: array $results The array of results. |
get_async_backup_links_restore_returns() X-Ref |
Returns description of method result value. return: external_description |
get_copy_progress_parameters() X-Ref |
Returns description of method parameters return: external_function_parameters |
get_copy_progress($copies) X-Ref |
Get the data to be used when generating the table row for a course copy, the table row updates via ajax when copy is complete. param: array $copies Array of ids. return: array $results The array of results. |
get_copy_progress_returns() X-Ref |
Returns description of method result value. return: external_description |
submit_copy_form_parameters() X-Ref |
Returns description of method parameters return: external_function_parameters |
submit_copy_form($jsonformdata) X-Ref |
Submit the course group form. param: string $jsonformdata The data from the form, encoded as a json array. return: int new group id. |
submit_copy_form_returns() X-Ref |
Returns description of method result value. return: external_description |