Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
FolderUp one level  
Filebackup_moodleform.class.php  [source] [134 lines]   This file contains the generic moodleform bridge for the backup user interface as well as the individual forms that relate to the different stages the user interface can exist within.
Filebackup_ui.class.php          [source] [225 lines]   This file contains the backup user interface class
Filebackup_ui_setting.class.php  [source] [780 lines]   This file contains the setting user interface classes that all backup/restore settings use to represent the UI they have.
Filebackup_ui_stage.class.php    [source] [651 lines]   Backup user interface stages This file contains the classes required to manage the stages that make up the backup user interface. These will be primarily operated a {@link backup_ui} instance.
Filebase_moodleform.class.php    [source] [423 lines]   This file contains the generic moodleform bridge for the backup user interface as well as the individual forms that relate to the different stages the user interface can exist within.
Filebase_ui.class.php            [source] [368 lines]   This file contains the backup user interface class
Filebase_ui_stage.class.php      [source] [183 lines]   Backup user interface stages This file contains the classes required to manage the stages that make up the backup user interface. These will be primarily operated a {@link base_ui} instance.
Fileimport_extensions.php        [source] [279 lines]   This file contains extension of the backup classes that override some methods and functionality in order to customise the backup UI for the purposes of import.
Filerenderer.php                 [source] [1115 lines]  This file contains backup and restore output renderers
Filerestore_moodleform.class.php [source] [78 lines]    This file contains the forms used by the restore stages
Filerestore_ui.class.php         [source] [392 lines]   This file contains the restore user interface class
Filerestore_ui_components.php    [source] [433 lines]   This file contains components used by the restore UI
Filerestore_ui_stage.class.php   [source] [1172 lines]  restore user interface stages This file contains the classes required to manage the stages that make up the restore user interface. These will be primarily operated a {@link restore_ui} instance.