See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release
<?php // This file is part of Moodle - // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <>. /** * PHPunit tests for the cache API and in particular things in locallib.php * * This file is part of Moodle's cache API, affectionately called MUC. * It contains the components that are requried in order to use caching. * * @package core * @category cache * @copyright 2012 Sam Hemelryk * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); // Include the necessary evils. global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/cache/locallib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/cache/tests/fixtures/lib.php'); /** * PHPunit tests for the cache API and in particular the cache config writer. * * @copyright 2012 Sam Hemelryk * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class core_cache_config_writer_testcase extends advanced_testcase { /** * Set things back to the default before each test. */< public function setUp() {> public function setUp(): void {parent::setUp(); cache_factory::reset(); cache_config_testing::create_default_configuration(); } /** * Final task is to reset the cache system */< public static function tearDownAfterClass() {> public static function tearDownAfterClass(): void {parent::tearDownAfterClass(); cache_factory::reset(); } /** * Test getting an instance. Pretty basic. */ public function test_instance() { $config = cache_config_writer::instance(); $this->assertInstanceOf('cache_config_writer', $config); } /** * Test the default configuration. */ public function test_default_configuration() { $config = cache_config_writer::instance(); // First check stores. $stores = $config->get_all_stores(); $hasapplication = false; $hassession = false; $hasrequest = false; foreach ($stores as $store) { // Check the required keys. $this->assertArrayHasKey('name', $store); $this->assertArrayHasKey('plugin', $store); $this->assertArrayHasKey('modes', $store); $this->assertArrayHasKey('default', $store); // Check the mode, we need at least one default store of each mode. if (!empty($store['default'])) { if ($store['modes'] & cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION) { $hasapplication = true; } if ($store['modes'] & cache_store::MODE_SESSION) { $hassession = true; } if ($store['modes'] & cache_store::MODE_REQUEST) { $hasrequest = true; } } } $this->assertTrue($hasapplication, 'There is no default application cache store.'); $this->assertTrue($hassession, 'There is no default session cache store.'); $this->assertTrue($hasrequest, 'There is no default request cache store.'); // Next check the definitions. $definitions = $config->get_definitions(); $eventinvalidation = false; foreach ($definitions as $definition) { // Check the required keys. $this->assertArrayHasKey('mode', $definition); $this->assertArrayHasKey('component', $definition); $this->assertArrayHasKey('area', $definition); if ($definition['component'] === 'core' && $definition['area'] === 'eventinvalidation') { $eventinvalidation = true; } } $this->assertTrue($eventinvalidation, 'Missing the event invalidation definition.'); // Next mode mappings $mappings = $config->get_mode_mappings(); $hasapplication = false; $hassession = false; $hasrequest = false; foreach ($mappings as $mode) { // Check the required keys. $this->assertArrayHasKey('mode', $mode); $this->assertArrayHasKey('store', $mode); if ($mode['mode'] === cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION) { $hasapplication = true; } if ($mode['mode'] === cache_store::MODE_SESSION) { $hassession = true; } if ($mode['mode'] === cache_store::MODE_REQUEST) { $hasrequest = true; } } $this->assertTrue($hasapplication, 'There is no mapping for the application mode.'); $this->assertTrue($hassession, 'There is no mapping for the session mode.'); $this->assertTrue($hasrequest, 'There is no mapping for the request mode.'); // Finally check config locks $locks = $config->get_locks(); foreach ($locks as $lock) { $this->assertArrayHasKey('name', $lock); $this->assertArrayHasKey('type', $lock); $this->assertArrayHasKey('default', $lock); } // There has to be at least the default lock. $this->assertTrue(count($locks) > 0); } /** * Test updating the definitions. */ public function test_update_definitions() { $config = cache_config_writer::instance(); // Remove the definition. $config->phpunit_remove_definition('core/string'); $definitions = $config->get_definitions(); // Check it is gone. $this->assertFalse(array_key_exists('core/string', $definitions)); // Update definitions. This should re-add it. cache_config_writer::update_definitions(); $definitions = $config->get_definitions(); // Check it is back again. $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('core/string', $definitions)); } /** * Test adding/editing/deleting store instances. */ public function test_add_edit_delete_plugin_instance() { $config = cache_config_writer::instance(); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('addplugintest', $config->get_all_stores()); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('addplugintestwlock', $config->get_all_stores()); // Add a default file instance. $config->add_store_instance('addplugintest', 'file'); cache_factory::reset(); $config = cache_config_writer::instance(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('addplugintest', $config->get_all_stores()); // Add a store with a lock described. $config->add_store_instance('addplugintestwlock', 'file', array('lock' => 'default_file_lock')); $this->assertArrayHasKey('addplugintestwlock', $config->get_all_stores()); $config->delete_store_instance('addplugintest'); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('addplugintest', $config->get_all_stores()); $this->assertArrayHasKey('addplugintestwlock', $config->get_all_stores()); $config->delete_store_instance('addplugintestwlock'); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('addplugintest', $config->get_all_stores()); $this->assertArrayNotHasKey('addplugintestwlock', $config->get_all_stores()); // Add a default file instance. $config->add_store_instance('storeconfigtest', 'file', array('test' => 'a', 'one' => 'two')); $stores = $config->get_all_stores(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('storeconfigtest', $stores); $this->assertArrayHasKey('configuration', $stores['storeconfigtest']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('test', $stores['storeconfigtest']['configuration']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('one', $stores['storeconfigtest']['configuration']); $this->assertEquals('a', $stores['storeconfigtest']['configuration']['test']); $this->assertEquals('two', $stores['storeconfigtest']['configuration']['one']); $config->edit_store_instance('storeconfigtest', 'file', array('test' => 'b', 'one' => 'three')); $stores = $config->get_all_stores(); $this->assertArrayHasKey('storeconfigtest', $stores); $this->assertArrayHasKey('configuration', $stores['storeconfigtest']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('test', $stores['storeconfigtest']['configuration']); $this->assertArrayHasKey('one', $stores['storeconfigtest']['configuration']); $this->assertEquals('b', $stores['storeconfigtest']['configuration']['test']); $this->assertEquals('three', $stores['storeconfigtest']['configuration']['one']); $config->delete_store_instance('storeconfigtest'); try { $config->delete_store_instance('default_application'); $this->fail('Default store deleted. This should not be possible!'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertInstanceOf('cache_exception', $e); } try { $config->delete_store_instance('some_crazy_store'); $this->fail('You should not be able to delete a store that does not exist.'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertInstanceOf('cache_exception', $e); } try { // Try with a plugin that does not exist. $config->add_store_instance('storeconfigtest', 'shallowfail', array('test' => 'a', 'one' => 'two')); $this->fail('You should not be able to add an instance of a store that does not exist.'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertInstanceOf('cache_exception', $e); } } /** * Test setting some mode mappings. */ public function test_set_mode_mappings() { $config = cache_config_writer::instance(); $this->assertTrue($config->add_store_instance('setmodetest', 'file')); $this->assertTrue($config->set_mode_mappings(array( cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION => array('setmodetest', 'default_application'), cache_store::MODE_SESSION => array('default_session'), cache_store::MODE_REQUEST => array('default_request'), ))); $mappings = $config->get_mode_mappings(); $setmodetestfound = false; foreach ($mappings as $mapping) { if ($mapping['store'] == 'setmodetest' && $mapping['mode'] == cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION) { $setmodetestfound = true; } } $this->assertTrue($setmodetestfound, 'Set mapping did not work as expected.'); } /** * Test setting some definition mappings. */ public function test_set_definition_mappings() { $config = cache_config_testing::instance(true); $config->phpunit_add_definition('phpunit/testdefinition', array( 'mode' => cache_store::MODE_APPLICATION, 'component' => 'phpunit', 'area' => 'testdefinition' )); $config = cache_config_writer::instance(); $this->assertTrue($config->add_store_instance('setdefinitiontest', 'file'));< $this->assertInternalType('array', $config->get_definition_by_id('phpunit/testdefinition'));> $this->assertIsArray($config->get_definition_by_id('phpunit/testdefinition'));$config->set_definition_mappings('phpunit/testdefinition', array('setdefinitiontest', 'default_application')); try { $config->set_definition_mappings('phpunit/testdefinition', array('something that does not exist')); $this->fail('You should not be able to set a mapping for a store that does not exist.'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $e); } try { $config->set_definition_mappings('something/crazy', array('setdefinitiontest')); $this->fail('You should not be able to set a mapping for a definition that does not exist.'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertInstanceOf('coding_exception', $e); } } }