See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release
<?php // This file is part of Moodle - // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <>. /** * Extends the IMS Tool provider library for the LTI enrolment. * * @package enrol_lti * @copyright 2016 John Okely <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace enrol_lti; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; use context; use core\notification; use core_user; use enrol_lti\output\registration; use html_writer; use IMSGlobal\LTI\Profile\Item; use IMSGlobal\LTI\Profile\Message; use IMSGlobal\LTI\Profile\ResourceHandler; use IMSGlobal\LTI\Profile\ServiceDefinition; use IMSGlobal\LTI\ToolProvider\ToolProvider; use moodle_exception; use moodle_url; use stdClass; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php'); /** * Extends the IMS Tool provider library for the LTI enrolment. * * @package enrol_lti * @copyright 2016 John Okely <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class tool_provider extends ToolProvider { /** * @var stdClass $tool The object representing the enrol instance providing this LTI tool */ protected $tool; /** * Remove $this->baseUrl (wwwroot) from a given url string and return it. * * @param string $url The url from which to remove the base url * @return string|null A string of the relative path to the url, or null if it couldn't be determined. */ protected function strip_base_url($url) { if (substr($url, 0, strlen($this->baseUrl)) == $this->baseUrl) { return substr($url, strlen($this->baseUrl)); } return null; } /** * Create a new instance of tool_provider to handle all the LTI tool provider interactions. * * @param int $toolid The id of the tool to be provided. */ public function __construct($toolid) { global $CFG, $SITE; $token = helper::generate_proxy_token($toolid); $tool = helper::get_lti_tool($toolid); $this->tool = $tool; $dataconnector = new data_connector(); parent::__construct($dataconnector); // Override debugMode and set to the configured value. $this->debugMode = $CFG->debugdeveloper; $this->baseUrl = $CFG->wwwroot; $toolpath = helper::get_launch_url($toolid); $toolpath = $this->strip_base_url($toolpath); $vendorid = $SITE->shortname; $vendorname = $SITE->fullname; $vendordescription = trim(html_to_text($SITE->summary)); $this->vendor = new Item($vendorid, $vendorname, $vendordescription, $CFG->wwwroot); $name = helper::get_name($tool); $description = helper::get_description($tool); $icon = helper::get_icon($tool)->out(); $icon = $this->strip_base_url($icon); $this->product = new Item( $token, $name, $description, helper::get_proxy_url($tool), '1.0' ); $requiredmessages = [ new Message( 'basic-lti-launch-request', $toolpath, [ '', 'CourseSection.title', 'CourseSection.label', 'CourseSection.sourcedId', 'CourseSection.longDescription', 'CourseSection.timeFrame.begin', '', 'ResourceLink.title', 'ResourceLink.description', '', 'User.username', '', '', '', '', 'Person.sourcedId', '', 'Person.address.street1', 'Person.address.locality', '', 'Person.address.timezone', '', '', 'Person.webaddress', 'Membership.role', 'Result.sourcedId', 'Result.autocreate' ] ) ]; $optionalmessages = [ ]; $this->resourceHandlers[] = new ResourceHandler( new Item( $token, helper::get_name($tool), $description ), $icon, $requiredmessages, $optionalmessages ); $this->requiredServices[] = new ServiceDefinition(['application/vnd.ims.lti.v2.toolproxy+json'], ['POST']); $this->requiredServices[] = new ServiceDefinition(['application/vnd.ims.lis.v2.membershipcontainer+json'], ['GET']); } /** * Override onError for custom error handling. * @return void */ protected function onError() { global $OUTPUT; $message = $this->message; if ($this->debugMode && !empty($this->reason)) { $message = $this->reason; } // Display the error message from the provider's side if the consumer has not specified a URL to pass the error to. if (empty($this->returnUrl)) { $this->errorOutput = $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('failedrequest', 'enrol_lti', ['reason' => $message]), 'error'); } } /** * Override onLaunch with tool logic. * @return void */ protected function onLaunch() { global $DB, $SESSION, $CFG; // Check for valid consumer. if (empty($this->consumer) || $this->dataConnector->loadToolConsumer($this->consumer) === false) { $this->ok = false; $this->message = get_string('invalidtoolconsumer', 'enrol_lti'); return; } $url = helper::get_launch_url($this->tool->id); // If a tool proxy has been stored for the current consumer trying to access a tool, // check that the tool is being launched from the correct url. $correctlaunchurl = false; if (!empty($this->consumer->toolProxy)) { $proxy = json_decode($this->consumer->toolProxy); $handlers = $proxy->tool_profile->resource_handler; foreach ($handlers as $handler) { foreach ($handler->message as $message) { $handlerurl = new moodle_url($message->path); $fullpath = $handlerurl->out(false); if ($message->message_type == "basic-lti-launch-request" && $fullpath == $url) { $correctlaunchurl = true; break 2; } } } } else if ($this->tool->secret == $this->consumer->secret) { // Test if the LTI1 secret for this tool is being used. Then we know the correct tool is being launched. $correctlaunchurl = true; } if (!$correctlaunchurl) { $this->ok = false; $this->message = get_string('invalidrequest', 'enrol_lti'); return; } // Before we do anything check that the context is valid. $tool = $this->tool; $context = context::instance_by_id($tool->contextid); // Set the user data. $user = new stdClass(); $user->username = helper::create_username($this->consumer->getKey(), $this->user->ltiUserId); if (!empty($this->user->firstname)) { $user->firstname = $this->user->firstname; } else { $user->firstname = $this->user->getRecordId(); } if (!empty($this->user->lastname)) { $user->lastname = $this->user->lastname; } else { $user->lastname = $this->tool->contextid; } $user->email = core_user::clean_field($this->user->email, 'email'); // Get the user data from the LTI consumer. $user = helper::assign_user_tool_data($tool, $user); // Check if the user exists. if (!$dbuser = $DB->get_record('user', ['username' => $user->username, 'deleted' => 0])) { // If the email was stripped/not set then fill it with a default one. This // stops the user from being redirected to edit their profile page. if (empty($user->email)) { $user->email = $user->username . ""; } $user->auth = 'lti'; $user->id = \user_create_user($user); // Get the updated user record. $user = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $user->id]); } else { if (helper::user_match($user, $dbuser)) { $user = $dbuser; } else { // If email is empty remove it, so we don't update the user with an empty email. if (empty($user->email)) { unset($user->email); } $user->id = $dbuser->id; \user_update_user($user); // Get the updated user record. $user = $DB->get_record('user', ['id' => $user->id]); } } // Update user image. if (isset($this->user) && isset($this->user->image) && !empty($this->user->image)) { $image = $this->user->image; } else { // Use custom_user_image parameter as a fallback. $image = $this->resourceLink->getSetting('custom_user_image'); } // Check if there is an image to process. if ($image) { helper::update_user_profile_image($user->id, $image); } // Check if we need to force the page layout to embedded. $isforceembed = $this->resourceLink->getSetting('custom_force_embed') == 1; // Check if we are an instructor. $isinstructor = $this->user->isStaff() || $this->user->isAdmin(); if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) { $courseid = $context->instanceid; $urltogo = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', ['id' => $courseid]); } else if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id(false, $context->instanceid, 0, false, MUST_EXIST); $urltogo = new moodle_url('/mod/' . $cm->modname . '/view.php', ['id' => $cm->id]); // If we are a student in the course module context we do not want to display blocks. if (!$isforceembed && !$isinstructor) { $isforceembed = true; } } else { print_error('invalidcontext'); exit(); } // Force page layout to embedded if necessary. if ($isforceembed) { $SESSION->forcepagelayout = 'embedded'; } else { // May still be set from previous session, so unset it. unset($SESSION->forcepagelayout); } // Enrol the user in the course with no role. $result = helper::enrol_user($tool, $user->id); // Display an error, if there is one. if ($result !== helper::ENROLMENT_SUCCESSFUL) { print_error($result, 'enrol_lti'); exit(); } // Give the user the role in the given context. $roleid = $isinstructor ? $tool->roleinstructor : $tool->rolelearner; role_assign($roleid, $user->id, $tool->contextid); // Login user. $sourceid = $this->user->ltiResultSourcedId; $serviceurl = $this->resourceLink->getSetting('lis_outcome_service_url'); // Check if we have recorded this user before. if ($userlog = $DB->get_record('enrol_lti_users', ['toolid' => $tool->id, 'userid' => $user->id])) { if ($userlog->sourceid != $sourceid) { $userlog->sourceid = $sourceid; } if ($userlog->serviceurl != $serviceurl) { $userlog->serviceurl = $serviceurl; }> if (empty($userlog->consumersecret)) { $userlog->lastaccess = time(); > $userlog->consumersecret = $this->consumer->secret; $DB->update_record('enrol_lti_users', $userlog); > }} else { // Add the user details so we can use it later when syncing grades and members. $userlog = new stdClass(); $userlog->userid = $user->id; $userlog->toolid = $tool->id; $userlog->serviceurl = $serviceurl; $userlog->sourceid = $sourceid; $userlog->consumerkey = $this->consumer->getKey();< $userlog->consumersecret = $tool->secret;> $userlog->consumersecret = $this->consumer->secret;$userlog->lastgrade = 0; $userlog->lastaccess = time(); $userlog->timecreated = time(); $userlog->membershipsurl = $this->resourceLink->getSetting('ext_ims_lis_memberships_url'); $userlog->membershipsid = $this->resourceLink->getSetting('ext_ims_lis_memberships_id'); $DB->insert_record('enrol_lti_users', $userlog); } // Finalise the user log in. complete_user_login($user); // Everything's good. Set appropriate OK flag and message values. $this->ok = true; $this->message = get_string('success'); if (empty($CFG->allowframembedding)) { // Provide an alternative link. $stropentool = get_string('opentool', 'enrol_lti'); echo html_writer::tag('p', get_string('frameembeddingnotenabled', 'enrol_lti')); echo html_writer::link($urltogo, $stropentool, ['target' => '_blank']); } else { // All done, redirect the user to where they want to go. redirect($urltogo); } } /** * Override onRegister with registration code. */ protected function onRegister() { global $PAGE; if (empty($this->consumer)) { $this->ok = false; $this->message = get_string('invalidtoolconsumer', 'enrol_lti'); return; } if (empty($this->returnUrl)) { $this->ok = false; $this->message = get_string('returnurlnotset', 'enrol_lti'); return; } if ($this->doToolProxyService()) { // Map tool consumer and published tool, if necessary. $this->map_tool_to_consumer(); // Indicate successful processing in message. $this->message = get_string('successfulregistration', 'enrol_lti'); // Prepare response. $returnurl = new moodle_url($this->returnUrl); $returnurl->param('lti_msg', get_string("successfulregistration", "enrol_lti")); $returnurl->param('status', 'success'); $guid = $this->consumer->getKey(); $returnurl->param('tool_proxy_guid', $guid); $returnurlout = $returnurl->out(false); $registration = new registration($returnurlout); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('enrol_lti'); echo $output->render($registration); } else { // Tell the consumer that the registration failed. $this->ok = false; $this->message = get_string('couldnotestablishproxy', 'enrol_lti'); } } /** * Performs mapping of the tool consumer to a published tool. * * @throws moodle_exception */ public function map_tool_to_consumer() { global $DB; if (empty($this->consumer)) { throw new moodle_exception('invalidtoolconsumer', 'enrol_lti'); } // Map the consumer to the tool. $mappingparams = [ 'toolid' => $this->tool->id, 'consumerid' => $this->consumer->getRecordId() ]; $mappingexists = $DB->record_exists('enrol_lti_tool_consumer_map', $mappingparams); if (!$mappingexists) { $DB->insert_record('enrol_lti_tool_consumer_map', (object) $mappingparams); } } }