See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release
<?php // This file is part of Moodle - // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <>. /** * UI element representing the finalgrade column. * * @package gradereport_singleview * @copyright 2014 Moodle Pty Ltd ( * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace gradereport_singleview\local\ui; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; use stdClass; /** * UI element representing the finalgrade column. * * @package gradereport_singleview * @copyright 2014 Moodle Pty Ltd ( * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class finalgrade extends grade_attribute_format implements unique_value, be_disabled { /** @var string $name Name of this input */ public $name = 'finalgrade'; /** * Get the value for this input. * * @return string The value based on the grade_grade. */ public function get_value() { $this->label = $this->grade->grade_item->itemname; $val = $this->grade->finalgrade; if ($this->grade->grade_item->scaleid) { return $val ? (int)$val : -1; } else { return $val ? format_float($val, $this->grade->grade_item->get_decimals()) : ''; } } /** * Get the label for this input. * * @return string The label for this form input. */ public function get_label() { if (!isset($this->grade->label)) { $this->grade->label = ''; } return $this->grade->label; } /** * Is this input field disabled. * * @return bool Set disabled on this input or not. */ public function is_disabled() { $locked = 0; $gradeitemlocked = 0; $overridden = 0; // Disable editing if grade item or grade score is locked // if any of these items are set, then we will disable editing // at some point, we might want to show the reason for the lock // this code could be simplified, but its more readable for steve's little mind. if (!empty($this->grade->locked)) { $locked = 1; } if (!empty($this->grade->grade_item->locked)) { $gradeitemlocked = 1; } if ($this->grade->grade_item->is_overridable_item() and !$this->grade->is_overridden()) { $overridden = 1; } return ($locked || $gradeitemlocked || $overridden); } /** * Create the element for this column. * * @return element */ public function determine_format() { if ($this->grade->grade_item->load_scale()) { $scale = $this->grade->grade_item->load_scale(); $options = array(-1 => get_string('nograde')); foreach ($scale->scale_items as $i => $name) { $options[$i + 1] = $name; } return new dropdown_attribute( $this->get_name(), $options, $this->get_label(), $this->get_value(), $this->is_disabled() ); } else { return new text_attribute( $this->get_name(), $this->get_value(), $this->get_label(), $this->is_disabled() ); } } /** * Save the altered value for this field. * * @param string $value The new value. * @return string Any error string */ public function set($value) { global $DB; $userid = $this->grade->userid; $gradeitem = $this->grade->grade_item; $feedback = false; $feedbackformat = false; if ($gradeitem->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) {> $value = (int)unformat_float($value);if ($value == -1) { $finalgrade = null; } else { $finalgrade = $value; } } else { $finalgrade = unformat_float($value); } $errorstr = ''; if ($finalgrade) { $bounded = $gradeitem->bounded_grade($finalgrade); if ($bounded > $finalgrade) { $errorstr = 'lessthanmin'; } else if ($bounded < $finalgrade) { $errorstr = 'morethanmax'; } } if ($errorstr) { $user = get_complete_user_data('id', $userid); $gradestr = new stdClass; if (has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', \context_course::instance($gradeitem->courseid))) { $gradestr->username = fullname($user, true); } else { $gradestr->username = fullname($user); } $gradestr->itemname = $this->grade->grade_item->get_name(); $errorstr = get_string($errorstr, 'grades', $gradestr); return $errorstr; } // Only update grades if there are no errors.< $gradeitem->update_final_grade($userid, $finalgrade, 'singleview', $feedback, FORMAT_MOODLE);> $gradeitem->update_final_grade($userid, $finalgrade, 'singleview', $feedback, FORMAT_MOODLE, > null, null, true);return ''; } }