Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 39 and 310] [Versions 39 and 311] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 39 and 401] [Versions 39 and 402] [Versions 39 and 403]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * \core_h5p\framework class
  19   *
  20   * @package    core_h5p
  21   * @copyright  2019 Mihail Geshoski <>
  22   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  23   */
  25  namespace core_h5p;
  27  defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  29  /**
  30   * Moodle's implementation of the H5P framework interface.
  31   *
  32   * @package    core_h5p
  33   * @copyright  2019 Mihail Geshoski <>
  34   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  35   */
  36  class framework implements \H5PFrameworkInterface {
  38      /** @var string The path to the last uploaded h5p */
  39      private $lastuploadedfolder;
  41      /** @var string The path to the last uploaded h5p file */
  42      private $lastuploadedfile;
  44      /** @var stored_file The .h5p file */
  45      private $file;
  47      /**
  48       * Returns info for the current platform.
  49       * Implements getPlatformInfo.
  50       *
  51       * @return array An associative array containing:
  52       *               - name: The name of the platform, for instance "Moodle"
  53       *               - version: The version of the platform, for instance "3.8"
  54       *               - h5pVersion: The version of the H5P component
  55       */
  56      public function getPlatformInfo() {
  57          global $CFG;
  59          return array(
  60              'name' => 'Moodle',
  61              'version' => $CFG->version,
  62              'h5pVersion' => $CFG->version,
  63          );
  64      }
  66      /**
  67       * Fetches a file from a remote server using HTTP GET.
  68       * Implements fetchExternalData.
  69       *
  70       * @param string $url Where you want to get or send data
  71       * @param array $data Data to post to the URL
  72       * @param bool $blocking Set to 'FALSE' to instantly time out (fire and forget)
  73       * @param string $stream Path to where the file should be saved
  74       * @return string The content (response body). NULL if something went wrong
  75       */
  76      public function fetchExternalData($url, $data = null, $blocking = true, $stream = null) {
  78          if ($stream === null) {
  79              // Download file.
  80              set_time_limit(0);
  82              // Get the extension of the remote file.
  83              $parsedurl = parse_url($url);
  84              $ext = pathinfo($parsedurl['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
  86              // Generate local tmp file path.
  87              $fs = new \core_h5p\file_storage();
  88              $localfolder = $fs->getTmpPath();
  89              $stream = $localfolder;
  91              // Add the remote file's extension to the temp file.
  92              if ($ext) {
  93                  $stream .= '.' . $ext;
  94              }
  96              $this->getUploadedH5pFolderPath($localfolder);
  97              $this->getUploadedH5pPath($stream);
  98          }
 100          $response = download_file_content($url, null, $data, true, 300, 20,
 101                  false, $stream);
 103          if (empty($response->error) && ($response->status != '404')) {
 104              return $response->results;
 105          } else {
 106              $this->setErrorMessage($response->error, 'failed-fetching-external-data');
 107          }
 108      }
 110      /**
 111       * Set the tutorial URL for a library. All versions of the library is set.
 112       * Implements setLibraryTutorialUrl.
 113       *
 114       * @param string $libraryname
 115       * @param string $url
 116       */
 117      public function setLibraryTutorialUrl($libraryname, $url) {
 118          // Tutorial url is currently not being used or stored in libraries.
 119      }
 121      /**
 122       * Set an error message.
 123       * Implements setErrorMessage.
 124       *
 125       * @param string $message The error message
 126       * @param string $code An optional code
 127       */
 128      public function setErrorMessage($message, $code = null) {
 129          if ($message !== null) {
 130              $this->set_message('error', $message, $code);
 131          }
 132      }
 134      /**
 135       * Set an info message.
 136       * Implements setInfoMessage.
 137       *
 138       * @param string $message The info message
 139       */
 140      public function setInfoMessage($message) {
 141          if ($message !== null) {
 142              $this->set_message('info', $message);
 143          }
 144      }
 146      /**
 147       * Return messages.
 148       * Implements getMessages.
 149       *
 150       * @param string $type The message type, e.g. 'info' or 'error'
 151       * @return string[] Array of messages
 152       */
 153      public function getMessages($type) {
 154          global $SESSION;
 156          // Return and reset messages.
 157          $messages = array();
 158          if (isset($SESSION->core_h5p_messages[$type])) {
 159              $messages = $SESSION->core_h5p_messages[$type];
 160              unset($SESSION->core_h5p_messages[$type]);
 161              if (empty($SESSION->core_h5p_messages)) {
 162                  unset($SESSION->core_h5p_messages);
 163              }
 164          }
 166          return $messages;
 167      }
 169      /**
 170       * Translation function.
 171       * The purpose of this function is to map the strings used in the core h5p methods
 172       * and replace them with the translated ones. If a translation for a particular string
 173       * is not available, the default message (key) will be returned.
 174       * Implements t.
 175       *
 176       * @param string $message The english string to be translated
 177       * @param array $replacements An associative array of replacements to make after translation
 178       * @return string Translated string or the english string if a translation is not available
 179       */
 180      public function t($message, $replacements = array()) {
 182          // Create mapping.
 183          $translationsmap = [
 184              'The file you uploaded is not a valid HTML5 Package (It does not have the .h5p file extension)' => 'noextension',
 185              'The file you uploaded is not a valid HTML5 Package (We are unable to unzip it)' => 'nounzip',
 186              'The main h5p.json file is not valid' => 'nojson',
 187              'Library directory name must match machineName or machineName-majorVersion.minorVersion (from library.json).' .
 188                  ' (Directory: %directoryName , machineName: %machineName, majorVersion: %majorVersion, minorVersion:' .
 189                  ' %minorVersion)'
 190                  => 'librarydirectoryerror',
 191              'A valid content folder is missing' => 'missingcontentfolder',
 192              'A valid main h5p.json file is missing' => 'invalidmainjson',
 193              'Missing required library @library' => 'missinglibrary',
 194              "Note that the libraries may exist in the file you uploaded, but you're not allowed to upload new libraries." .
 195                  ' Contact the site administrator about this.' => 'missinguploadpermissions',
 196              'Invalid library name: %name' => 'invalidlibraryname',
 197              'Could not find library.json file with valid json format for library %name' => 'missinglibraryjson',
 198              'Invalid semantics.json file has been included in the library %name' => 'invalidsemanticsjson',
 199              'Invalid language file %file in library %library' => 'invalidlanguagefile',
 200              'Invalid language file %languageFile has been included in the library %name' => 'invalidlanguagefile2',
 201              'The file "%file" is missing from library: "%name"' => 'missinglibraryfile',
 202              'The system was unable to install the <em>%component</em> component from the package, it requires a newer' .
 203                  ' version of the H5P plugin. This site is currently running version %current, whereas the required version' .
 204                  ' is %required or higher. You should consider upgrading and then try again.' => 'missingcoreversion',
 205              "Invalid data provided for %property in %library. Boolean expected." => 'invalidlibrarydataboolean',
 206              "Invalid data provided for %property in %library" => 'invalidlibrarydata',
 207              "Can't read the property %property in %library" => 'invalidlibraryproperty',
 208              'The required property %property is missing from %library' => 'missinglibraryproperty',
 209              'Illegal option %option in %library' => 'invalidlibraryoption',
 210              'Added %new new H5P library and updated %old old one.' => 'addedandupdatedss',
 211              'Added %new new H5P library and updated %old old ones.' => 'addedandupdatedsp',
 212              'Added %new new H5P libraries and updated %old old one.' => 'addedandupdatedps',
 213              'Added %new new H5P libraries and updated %old old ones.' => 'addedandupdatedpp',
 214              'Added %new new H5P library.' => 'addednewlibrary',
 215              'Added %new new H5P libraries.' => 'addednewlibraries',
 216              'Updated %old H5P library.' => 'updatedlibrary',
 217              'Updated %old H5P libraries.' => 'updatedlibraries',
 218              'Missing dependency @dep required by @lib.' => 'missingdependency',
 219              'Provided string is not valid according to regexp in semantics. (value: "%value", regexp: "%regexp")'
 220                  => 'invalidstring',
 221              'File "%filename" not allowed. Only files with the following extensions are allowed: %files-allowed.'
 222                  => 'invalidfile',
 223              'Invalid selected option in multi-select.' => 'invalidmultiselectoption',
 224              'Invalid selected option in select.' => 'invalidselectoption',
 225              'H5P internal error: unknown content type "@type" in semantics. Removing content!' => 'invalidsemanticstype',
 226              'Copyright information' => 'copyrightinfo',
 227              'Title' => 'title',
 228              'Author' => 'author',
 229              'Year(s)' => 'years',
 230              'Year' => 'year',
 231              'Source' => 'source',
 232              'License' => 'license',
 233              'Undisclosed' => 'undisclosed',
 234              'General Public License v3' => 'gpl',
 235              'Public Domain' => 'pd',
 236              'Public Domain Dedication and Licence' => 'pddl',
 237              'Public Domain Mark' => 'pdm',
 238              'Public Domain Mark (PDM)' => 'pdm',
 239              'Copyright' => 'copyrightstring',
 240              'The mbstring PHP extension is not loaded. H5P need this to function properly' => 'missingmbstring',
 241              'The version of the H5P library %machineName used in this content is not valid. Content contains %contentLibrary, ' .
 242                  'but it should be %semanticsLibrary.' => 'wrongversion',
 243              'The H5P library %library used in the content is not valid' => 'invalidlibrarynamed',
 244              'Fullscreen' => 'fullscreen',
 245              'Disable fullscreen' => 'disablefullscreen',
 246              'Download' => 'download',
 247              'Rights of use' => 'copyright',
 248              'Embed' => 'embed',
 249              'Size' => 'size',
 250              'Show advanced' => 'showadvanced',
 251              'Hide advanced' => 'hideadvanced',
 252              'Include this script on your website if you want dynamic sizing of the embedded content:' => 'resizescript',
 253              'Close' => 'close',
 254              'Thumbnail' => 'thumbnail',
 255              'No copyright information available for this content.' => 'nocopyright',
 256              'Download this content as a H5P file.' => 'downloadtitle',
 257              'View copyright information for this content.' => 'copyrighttitle',
 258              'View the embed code for this content.' => 'embedtitle',
 259              'Visit to check out more cool content.' => 'h5ptitle',
 260              'This content has changed since you last used it.' => 'contentchanged',
 261              "You'll be starting over." => 'startingover',
 262              'by' => 'by',
 263              'Show more' => 'showmore',
 264              'Show less' => 'showless',
 265              'Sublevel' => 'sublevel',
 266              'Confirm action' => 'confirmdialogheader',
 267              'Please confirm that you wish to proceed. This action is not reversible.' => 'confirmdialogbody',
 268              'Cancel' => 'cancellabel',
 269              'Confirm' => 'confirmlabel',
 270              '4.0 International' => 'licenseCC40',
 271              '3.0 Unported' => 'licenseCC30',
 272              '2.5 Generic' => 'licenseCC25',
 273              '2.0 Generic' => 'licenseCC20',
 274              '1.0 Generic' => 'licenseCC10',
 275              'General Public License' => 'licenseGPL',
 276              'Version 3' => 'licenseV3',
 277              'Version 2' => 'licenseV2',
 278              'Version 1' => 'licenseV1',
 279              'CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication' => 'licenseCC010',
 280              'CC0 1.0 Universal' => 'licenseCC010U',
 281              'License Version' => 'licenseversion',
 282              'Creative Commons' => 'creativecommons',
 283              'Attribution' => 'ccattribution',
 284              'Attribution (CC BY)' => 'ccattribution',
 285              'Attribution-ShareAlike' => 'ccattributionsa',
 286              'Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)' => 'ccattributionsa',
 287              'Attribution-NoDerivs' => 'ccattributionnd',
 288              'Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND)' => 'ccattributionnd',
 289              'Attribution-NonCommercial' => 'ccattributionnc',
 290              'Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC)' => 'ccattributionnc',
 291              'Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike' => 'ccattributionncsa',
 292              'Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)' => 'ccattributionncsa',
 293              'Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs' => 'ccattributionncnd',
 294              'Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)' => 'ccattributionncnd',
 295              'Public Domain Dedication (CC0)' => 'ccpdd',
 296              'Years (from)' => 'yearsfrom',
 297              'Years (to)' => 'yearsto',
 298              "Author's name" => 'authorname',
 299              "Author's role" => 'authorrole',
 300              'Editor' => 'editor',
 301              'Licensee' => 'licensee',
 302              'Originator' => 'originator',
 303              'Any additional information about the license' => 'additionallicenseinfo',
 304              'License Extras' => 'licenseextras',
 305              'Changelog' => 'changelog',
 306              'Content Type' => 'contenttype',
 307              'Date' => 'date',
 308              'Changed by' => 'changedby',
 309              'Description of change' => 'changedescription',
 310              'Photo cropped, text changed, etc.' => 'changeplaceholder',
 311              'Author comments' => 'authorcomments',
 312              'Comments for the editor of the content (This text will not be published as a part of copyright info)'
 313                  => 'authorcommentsdescription',
 314              'Reuse' => 'reuse',
 315              'Reuse Content' => 'reuseContent',
 316              'Reuse this content.' => 'reuseDescription',
 317              'Content is copied to the clipboard' => 'contentCopied',
 318              'Connection lost. Results will be stored and sent when you regain connection.' => 'connectionLost',
 319              'Connection reestablished.' => 'connectionReestablished',
 320              'Attempting to submit stored results.' => 'resubmitScores',
 321              'Your connection to the server was lost' => 'offlineDialogHeader',
 322              'We were unable to send information about your completion of this task. Please check your internet connection.'
 323                  => 'offlineDialogBody',
 324              'Retrying in :num....' => 'offlineDialogRetryMessage',
 325              'Retry now' => 'offlineDialogRetryButtonLabel',
 326              'Successfully submitted results.' => 'offlineSuccessfulSubmit',
 327              'One of the files inside the package exceeds the maximum file size allowed. (%file %used > %max)'
 328                  => 'fileExceedsMaxSize',
 329              'The total size of the unpacked files exceeds the maximum size allowed. (%used > %max)'
 330                  => 'unpackedFilesExceedsMaxSize',
 331              'Unable to read file from the package: %fileName' => 'couldNotReadFileFromZip',
 332              'Unable to parse JSON from the package: %fileName' => 'couldNotParseJSONFromZip',
 333              'A problem with the server write access was detected. Please make sure that your server can write to your data folder.' => 'nowriteaccess',
 334              'H5P hub communication has been disabled because one or more H5P requirements failed.' => 'hubcommunicationdisabled',
 335              'Site could not be registered with the hub. Please contact your site administrator.' => 'sitecouldnotberegistered',
 336              'The H5P Hub has been disabled until this problem can be resolved. You may still upload libraries through the "H5P Libraries" page.' => 'hubisdisableduploadlibraries',
 337              'When you have revised your server setup you may re-enable H5P hub communication in H5P Settings.' => 'reviseserversetupandretry',
 338              'You have been provided a unique key that identifies you with the Hub when receiving new updates. The key is available for viewing in the "H5P Settings" page.' => 'sitekeyregistered',
 339              'Your PHP max post size is quite small. With your current setup, you may not upload files larger than {$a->%number} MB. This might be a problem when trying to upload H5Ps, images and videos. Please consider to increase it to more than 5MB' => 'maxpostsizetoosmall',
 340              'Your PHP max upload size is bigger than your max post size. This is known to cause issues in some installations.' => 'uploadsizelargerthanpostsize',
 341              'Your PHP max upload size is quite small. With your current setup, you may not upload files larger than {$a->%number} MB. This might be a problem when trying to upload H5Ps, images and videos. Please consider to increase it to more than 5MB.' => 'maxuploadsizetoosmall',
 342              'Your PHP version does not support ZipArchive.' => 'noziparchive',
 343              'Your PHP version is outdated. H5P requires version 5.2 to function properly. Version 5.6 or later is recommended.' => 'oldphpversion',
 344              'Your server does not have SSL enabled. SSL should be enabled to ensure a secure connection with the H5P hub.' => 'sslnotenabled',
 345              'Your site was successfully registered with the H5P Hub.' => 'successfullyregisteredwithhub'
 346          ];
 348          if (isset($translationsmap[$message])) {
 349              return get_string($translationsmap[$message], 'core_h5p', $replacements);
 350          }
 352          debugging("String translation cannot be found. Please add a string definition for '" .
 353              $message . "' in the core_h5p component.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 355          return $message;
 356      }
 358      /**
 359       * Get URL to file in the specifimake_pluginfile_urlc library.
 360       * Implements getLibraryFileUrl.
 361       *
 362       * @param string $libraryfoldername The name or path of the library's folder
 363       * @param string $filename The file name
 364       * @return string URL to file
 365       */
 366      public function getLibraryFileUrl($libraryfoldername, $filename) {
 367          global $DB;
 369          // Remove unnecessary slashes (first and last, if present) from the path to the folder
 370          // of the library file.
 371          $libraryfilepath = trim($libraryfoldername, '/');
 373          // Get the folder name of the library from the path.
 374          // The first element should represent the folder name of the library.
 375          $libfoldername = explode('/', $libraryfilepath)[0];
 377          $factory = new \core_h5p\factory();
 378          $core = $factory->get_core();
 380          // The provided folder name of the library must have a valid format (can be parsed).
 381          // The folder name is parsed with a purpose of getting the library related information
 382          // such as 'machineName', 'majorVersion' and 'minorVersion'.
 383          // This information is later used to retrieve the library ID.
 384          if (!$libdata = $core->libraryFromString($libfoldername, true)) {
 385              debugging('The provided string value "' . $libfoldername .
 386                  '" is not a valid name for a library folder.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 388              return;
 389          }
 391          $params = array(
 392              'machinename' => $libdata['machineName'],
 393              'majorversion' => $libdata['majorVersion'],
 394              'minorversion' => $libdata['minorVersion']
 395          );
 397          $libraries = $DB->get_records('h5p_libraries', $params, 'patchversion DESC', 'id',
 398              0, 1);
 400          if (!$library = reset($libraries)) {
 401              debugging('The library "' . $libfoldername . '" does not exist.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
 403              return;
 404          }
 406          $context = \context_system::instance();
 408          return \moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($context->id, 'core_h5p', 'libraries',
 409              $library->id, '/' . $libraryfilepath . '/', $filename)->out();
 410      }
 412      /**
 413       * Get the Path to the last uploaded h5p.
 414       * Implements getUploadedH5PFolderPath.
 415       *
 416       * @param string $setpath The path to the folder of the last uploaded h5p
 417       * @return string Path to the folder where the last uploaded h5p for this session is located
 418       */
 419      public function getUploadedH5pFolderPath($setpath = null) {
 420          if ($setpath !== null) {
 421              $this->lastuploadedfolder = $setpath;
 422          }
 424          if (!isset($this->lastuploadedfolder)) {
 425              throw new \coding_exception('Using getUploadedH5pFolderPath() before path is set');
 426          }
 428          return $this->lastuploadedfolder;
 429      }
 431      /**
 432       * Get the path to the last uploaded h5p file.
 433       * Implements getUploadedH5PPath.
 434       *
 435       * @param string $setpath The path to the last uploaded h5p
 436       * @return string Path to the last uploaded h5p
 437       */
 438      public function getUploadedH5pPath($setpath = null) {
 439          if ($setpath !== null) {
 440              $this->lastuploadedfile = $setpath;
 441          }
 443          if (!isset($this->lastuploadedfile)) {
 444              throw new \coding_exception('Using getUploadedH5pPath() before path is set');
 445          }
 447          return $this->lastuploadedfile;
 448      }
 450      /**
 451       * Load addon libraries.
 452       * Implements loadAddons.
 453       *
 454       * @return array The array containing the addon libraries
 455       */
 456      public function loadAddons() {
 457          global $DB;
 459          $addons = array();
 461          $records = $DB->get_records_sql(
 462                  "SELECT AS library_id,
 463                              l1.machinename AS machine_name,
 464                              l1.majorversion AS major_version,
 465                              l1.minorversion AS minor_version,
 466                              l1.patchversion AS patch_version,
 467                              l1.addto AS add_to,
 468                              l1.preloadedjs AS preloaded_js,
 469                              l1.preloadedcss AS preloaded_css
 470                         FROM {h5p_libraries} l1
 471                    LEFT JOIN {h5p_libraries} l2
 472                           ON l1.machinename = l2.machinename
 473                          AND (l1.majorversion < l2.majorversion
 474                               OR (l1.majorversion = l2.majorversion
 475                                   AND l1.minorversion < l2.minorversion))
 476                        WHERE l1.addto IS NOT NULL
 477                          AND l2.machinename IS NULL");
 479          // NOTE: These are treated as library objects but are missing the following properties:
 480          // title, droplibrarycss, fullscreen, runnable, semantics.
 482          // Extract num from records.
 483          foreach ($records as $addon) {
 484              $addons[] = \H5PCore::snakeToCamel($addon);
 485          }
 487          return $addons;
 488      }
 490      /**
 491       * Load config for libraries.
 492       * Implements getLibraryConfig.
 493       *
 494       * @param array|null $libraries List of libraries
 495       * @return array|null The library config if it exists, null otherwise
 496       */
 497      public function getLibraryConfig($libraries = null) {
 498          global $CFG;
 499          return isset($CFG->core_h5p_library_config) ? $CFG->core_h5p_library_config : null;
 500      }
 502      /**
 503       * Get a list of the current installed libraries.
 504       * Implements loadLibraries.
 505       *
 506       * @return array Associative array containing one entry per machine name.
 507       *               For each machineName there is a list of libraries(with different versions).
 508       */
 509      public function loadLibraries() {
 510          global $DB;
 512          $results = $DB->get_records('h5p_libraries', [], 'title ASC, majorversion ASC, minorversion ASC',
 513              'id, machinename AS machine_name, majorversion AS major_version, minorversion AS minor_version,
 514              patchversion AS patch_version, runnable, title');
 516          $libraries = array();
 517          foreach ($results as $library) {
 518              $libraries[$library->machine_name][] = $library;
 519          }
 521          return $libraries;
 522      }
 524      /**
 525       * Returns the URL to the library admin page.
 526       * Implements getAdminUrl.
 527       *
 528       * @return string URL to admin page
 529       */
 530      public function getAdminUrl() {
 531          // Not supported.
 532      }
 534      /**
 535       * Return the library's ID.
 536       * Implements getLibraryId.
 537       *
 538       * @param string $machinename The librarys machine name
 539       * @param string $majorversion Major version number for library (optional)
 540       * @param string $minorversion Minor version number for library (optional)
 541       * @return int|bool Identifier, or false if non-existent
 542       */
 543      public function getLibraryId($machinename, $majorversion = null, $minorversion = null) {
 544          global $DB;
 546          $params = array(
 547              'machinename' => $machinename
 548          );
 550          if ($majorversion !== null) {
 551              $params['majorversion'] = $majorversion;
 552          }
 554          if ($minorversion !== null) {
 555              $params['minorversion'] = $minorversion;
 556          }
 558          $libraries = $DB->get_records('h5p_libraries', $params,
 559              'majorversion DESC, minorversion DESC, patchversion DESC', 'id', 0, 1);
 561          // Get the latest version which matches the input parameters.
 562          if ($libraries) {
 563              $library = reset($libraries);
 564              return $library->id ?? false;
 565          }
 567          return false;
 568      }
 570      /**
 571       * Get allowed file extension list.
 572       * Implements getWhitelist.
 573       *
 574       * The default extension list is part of h5p, but admins should be allowed to modify it.
 575       *
 576       * @param boolean $islibrary TRUE if this is the whitelist for a library. FALSE if it is the whitelist
 577       *                           for the content folder we are getting.
 578       * @param string $defaultcontentwhitelist A string of file extensions separated by whitespace.
 579       * @param string $defaultlibrarywhitelist A string of file extensions separated by whitespace.
 580       * @return string A string containing the allowed file extensions separated by whitespace.
 581       */
 582      public function getWhitelist($islibrary, $defaultcontentwhitelist, $defaultlibrarywhitelist) {
 583          return $defaultcontentwhitelist . ($islibrary ? ' ' . $defaultlibrarywhitelist : '');
 584      }
 586      /**
 587       * Is the library a patched version of an existing library?
 588       * Implements isPatchedLibrary.
 589       *
 590       * @param array $library An associative array containing:
 591       *                       - machineName: The library machine name
 592       *                       - majorVersion: The librarys major version
 593       *                       - minorVersion: The librarys minor version
 594       *                       - patchVersion: The librarys patch version
 595       * @return boolean TRUE if the library is a patched version of an existing library FALSE otherwise
 596       */
 597      public function isPatchedLibrary($library) {
 598          global $DB;
 600          $sql = "SELECT id
 601                    FROM {h5p_libraries}
 602                   WHERE machinename = :machinename
 603                     AND majorversion = :majorversion
 604                     AND minorversion = :minorversion
 605                     AND patchversion < :patchversion";
 607          $library = $DB->get_records_sql(
 608              $sql,
 609              array(
 610                  'machinename' => $library['machineName'],
 611                  'majorversion' => $library['majorVersion'],
 612                  'minorversion' => $library['minorVersion'],
 613                  'patchversion' => $library['patchVersion']
 614              ),
 615              0,
 616              1
 617          );
 619          return !empty($library);
 620      }
 622      /**
 623       * Is H5P in development mode?
 624       * Implements isInDevMode.
 625       *
 626       * @return boolean TRUE if H5P development mode is active FALSE otherwise
 627       */
 628      public function isInDevMode() {
 629          return false; // Not supported (Files in moodle not editable).
 630      }
 632      /**
 633       * Is the current user allowed to update libraries?
 634       * Implements mayUpdateLibraries.
 635       *
 636       * @return boolean TRUE if the user is allowed to update libraries,
 637       *                 FALSE if the user is not allowed to update libraries.
 638       */
 639      public function mayUpdateLibraries() {
 640          return helper::can_update_library($this->get_file());
 641      }
 643      /**
 644       * Get the .h5p file.
 645       *
 646       * @return stored_file The .h5p file.
 647       */
 648      public function get_file(): \stored_file {
 649          if (!isset($this->file)) {
 650              throw new \coding_exception('Using get_file() before file is set');
 651          }
 653          return $this->file;
 654      }
 656      /**
 657       * Set the .h5p file.
 658       *
 659       * @param  stored_file $file The .h5p file.
 660       */
 661      public function set_file(\stored_file $file): void {
 662          $this->file = $file;
 663      }
 665      /**
 666       * Store data about a library.
 667       * Implements saveLibraryData.
 668       *
 669       * Also fills in the libraryId in the libraryData object if the object is new.
 670       *
 671       * @param array $librarydata Associative array containing:
 672       *                           - libraryId: The id of the library if it is an existing library
 673       *                           - title: The library's name
 674       *                           - machineName: The library machineName
 675       *                           - majorVersion: The library's majorVersion
 676       *                           - minorVersion: The library's minorVersion
 677       *                           - patchVersion: The library's patchVersion
 678       *                           - runnable: 1 if the library is a content type, 0 otherwise
 679       *                           - fullscreen(optional): 1 if the library supports fullscreen, 0 otherwise
 680       *                           - embedtypes: list of supported embed types
 681       *                           - preloadedJs(optional): list of associative arrays containing:
 682       *                             - path: path to a js file relative to the library root folder
 683       *                           - preloadedCss(optional): list of associative arrays containing:
 684       *                             - path: path to css file relative to the library root folder
 685       *                           - dropLibraryCss(optional): list of associative arrays containing:
 686       *                             - machineName: machine name for the librarys that are to drop their css
 687       *                           - semantics(optional): Json describing the content structure for the library
 688       *                           - metadataSettings(optional): object containing:
 689       *                             - disable: 1 if metadata is disabled completely
 690       *                             - disableExtraTitleField: 1 if the title field is hidden in the form
 691       * @param bool $new Whether it is a new or existing library.
 692       */
 693      public function saveLibraryData(&$librarydata, $new = true) {
 694          global $DB;
 696          // Some special properties needs some checking and converting before they can be saved.
 697          $preloadedjs = $this->library_parameter_values_to_csv($librarydata, 'preloadedJs', 'path');
 698          $preloadedcss = $this->library_parameter_values_to_csv($librarydata, 'preloadedCss', 'path');
 699          $droplibrarycss = $this->library_parameter_values_to_csv($librarydata, 'dropLibraryCss', 'machineName');
 701          if (!isset($librarydata['semantics'])) {
 702              $librarydata['semantics'] = '';
 703          }
 704          if (!isset($librarydata['fullscreen'])) {
 705              $librarydata['fullscreen'] = 0;
 706          }
 707          $embedtypes = '';
 708          if (isset($librarydata['embedTypes'])) {
 709              $embedtypes = implode(', ', $librarydata['embedTypes']);
 710          }
 712          $library = (object) array(
 713              'title' => $librarydata['title'],
 714              'machinename' => $librarydata['machineName'],
 715              'majorversion' => $librarydata['majorVersion'],
 716              'minorversion' => $librarydata['minorVersion'],
 717              'patchversion' => $librarydata['patchVersion'],
 718              'runnable' => $librarydata['runnable'],
 719              'fullscreen' => $librarydata['fullscreen'],
 720              'embedtypes' => $embedtypes,
 721              'preloadedjs' => $preloadedjs,
 722              'preloadedcss' => $preloadedcss,
 723              'droplibrarycss' => $droplibrarycss,
 724              'semantics' => $librarydata['semantics'],
 725              'addto' => isset($librarydata['addTo']) ? json_encode($librarydata['addTo']) : null,
 726              'coremajor' => isset($librarydata['coreApi']['majorVersion']) ? $librarydata['coreApi']['majorVersion'] : null,
 727              'coreminor' => isset($librarydata['coreApi']['majorVersion']) ? $librarydata['coreApi']['minorVersion'] : null,
 728              'metadatasettings' => isset($librarydata['metadataSettings']) ? $librarydata['metadataSettings'] : null,
 729          );
 731          if ($new) {
 732              // Create new library and keep track of id.
 733              $library->id = $DB->insert_record('h5p_libraries', $library);
 734              $librarydata['libraryId'] = $library->id;
 735          } else {
 736              // Update library data.
 737              $library->id = $librarydata['libraryId'];
 738              // Save library data.
 739              $DB->update_record('h5p_libraries', $library);
 740              // Remove old dependencies.
 741              $this->deleteLibraryDependencies($librarydata['libraryId']);
 742          }
 743      }
 745      /**
 746       * Insert new content.
 747       * Implements insertContent.
 748       *
 749       * @param array $content An associative array containing:
 750       *                       - id: The content id
 751       *                       - params: The content in json format
 752       *                       - library: An associative array containing:
 753       *                         - libraryId: The id of the main library for this content
 754       *                       - disable: H5P Button display options
 755       *                       - pathnamehash: The pathnamehash linking the record with the entry in the mdl_files table
 756       *                       - contenthash: The contenthash linking the record with the entry in the mdl_files table
 757       * @param int $contentmainid Main id for the content if this is a system that supports versions
 758       * @return int The ID of the newly inserted content
 759       */
 760      public function insertContent($content, $contentmainid = null) {
 761          return $this->updateContent($content);
 762      }
 764      /**
 765       * Update old content or insert new content.
 766       * Implements updateContent.
 767       *
 768       * @param array $content An associative array containing:
 769       *                       - id: The content id
 770       *                       - params: The content in json format
 771       *                       - library: An associative array containing:
 772       *                         - libraryId: The id of the main library for this content
 773       *                       - disable: H5P Button display options
 774       *                       - pathnamehash: The pathnamehash linking the record with the entry in the mdl_files table
 775       *                       - contenthash: The contenthash linking the record with the entry in the mdl_files table
 776       * @param int $contentmainid Main id for the content if this is a system that supports versions
 777       * @return int The ID of the newly inserted or updated content
 778       */
 779      public function updateContent($content, $contentmainid = null) {
 780          global $DB;
 782          if (!isset($content['pathnamehash'])) {
 783              $content['pathnamehash'] = '';
 784          }
 786          if (!isset($content['contenthash'])) {
 787              $content['contenthash'] = '';
 788          }
 790          // If the libraryid declared in the package is empty, get the latest version.
 791          if (empty($content['library']['libraryId'])) {
 792              $mainlibrary = $this->get_latest_library_version($content['library']['machineName']);
 793              if (empty($mainlibrary)) {
 794                  // Raise an error if the main library is not defined and the latest version doesn't exist.
 795                  $message = $this->t('Missing required library @library', ['@library' => $content['library']['machineName']]);
 796                  $this->setErrorMessage($message, 'missing-required-library');
 797                  return false;
 798              }
 799              $content['library']['libraryId'] = $mainlibrary->id;
 800          }
 802          $content['disable'] = $content['disable'] ?? null;
 803          // Add title to 'params' to use in the editor.
 804          if (!empty($content['title'])) {
 805              $params = json_decode($content['params']);
 806              $params->title = $content['title'];
 807              $content['params'] = json_encode($params);
 808          }
 809          $data = [
 810              'jsoncontent' => $content['params'],
 811              'displayoptions' => $content['disable'],
 812              'mainlibraryid' => $content['library']['libraryId'],
 813              'timemodified' => time(),
 814              'filtered' => null,
 815              'pathnamehash' => $content['pathnamehash'],
 816              'contenthash' => $content['contenthash']
 817          ];
 819          if (!isset($content['id'])) {
 820              $data['timecreated'] = $data['timemodified'];
 821              $id = $DB->insert_record('h5p', $data);
 822          } else {
 823              $id = $data['id'] = $content['id'];
 824              $DB->update_record('h5p', $data);
 825          }
 827          return $id;
 828      }
 830      /**
 831       * Resets marked user data for the given content.
 832       * Implements resetContentUserData.
 833       *
 834       * @param int $contentid The h5p content id
 835       */
 836      public function resetContentUserData($contentid) {
 837          // Currently, we do not store user data for a content.
 838      }
 840      /**
 841       * Save what libraries a library is depending on.
 842       * Implements saveLibraryDependencies.
 843       *
 844       * @param int $libraryid Library Id for the library we're saving dependencies for
 845       * @param array $dependencies List of dependencies as associative arrays containing:
 846       *                            - machineName: The library machineName
 847       *                            - majorVersion: The library's majorVersion
 848       *                            - minorVersion: The library's minorVersion
 849       * @param string $dependencytype The type of dependency
 850       */
 851      public function saveLibraryDependencies($libraryid, $dependencies, $dependencytype) {
 852          global $DB;
 854          foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
 855              // Find dependency library.
 856              $dependencylibrary = $DB->get_record('h5p_libraries',
 857                  array(
 858                      'machinename' => $dependency['machineName'],
 859                      'majorversion' => $dependency['majorVersion'],
 860                      'minorversion' => $dependency['minorVersion']
 861                  )
 862              );
 864              // Create relation.
 865              $DB->insert_record('h5p_library_dependencies', array(
 866                  'libraryid' => $libraryid,
 867                  'requiredlibraryid' => $dependencylibrary->id,
 868                  'dependencytype' => $dependencytype
 869              ));
 870          }
 871      }
 873      /**
 874       * Give an H5P the same library dependencies as a given H5P.
 875       * Implements copyLibraryUsage.
 876       *
 877       * @param int $contentid Id identifying the content
 878       * @param int $copyfromid Id identifying the content to be copied
 879       * @param int $contentmainid Main id for the content, typically used in frameworks
 880       */
 881      public function copyLibraryUsage($contentid, $copyfromid, $contentmainid = null) {
 882          // Currently not being called.
 883      }
 885      /**
 886       * Deletes content data.
 887       * Implements deleteContentData.
 888       *
 889       * @param int $contentid Id identifying the content
 890       */
 891      public function deleteContentData($contentid) {
 892          global $DB;
 894          // Remove content.
 895          $DB->delete_records('h5p', array('id' => $contentid));
 897          // Remove content library dependencies.
 898          $this->deleteLibraryUsage($contentid);
 899      }
 901      /**
 902       * Delete what libraries a content item is using.
 903       * Implements deleteLibraryUsage.
 904       *
 905       * @param int $contentid Content Id of the content we'll be deleting library usage for
 906       */
 907      public function deleteLibraryUsage($contentid) {
 908          global $DB;
 910          $DB->delete_records('h5p_contents_libraries', array('h5pid' => $contentid));
 911      }
 913      /**
 914       * Saves what libraries the content uses.
 915       * Implements saveLibraryUsage.
 916       *
 917       * @param int $contentid Id identifying the content
 918       * @param array $librariesinuse List of libraries the content uses
 919       */
 920      public function saveLibraryUsage($contentid, $librariesinuse) {
 921          global $DB;
 923          $droplibrarycsslist = array();
 924          foreach ($librariesinuse as $dependency) {
 925              if (!empty($dependency['library']['dropLibraryCss'])) {
 926                  $droplibrarycsslist = array_merge($droplibrarycsslist,
 927                          explode(', ', $dependency['library']['dropLibraryCss']));
 928              }
 929          }
 931          foreach ($librariesinuse as $dependency) {
 932              $dropcss = in_array($dependency['library']['machineName'], $droplibrarycsslist) ? 1 : 0;
 933              $DB->insert_record('h5p_contents_libraries', array(
 934                  'h5pid' => $contentid,
 935                  'libraryid' => $dependency['library']['libraryId'],
 936                  'dependencytype' => $dependency['type'],
 937                  'dropcss' => $dropcss,
 938                  'weight' => $dependency['weight']
 939              ));
 940          }
 941      }
 943      /**
 944       * Get number of content/nodes using a library, and the number of dependencies to other libraries.
 945       * Implements getLibraryUsage.
 946       *
 947       * @param int $id Library identifier
 948       * @param boolean $skipcontent Optional. Set as true to get number of content instances for library
 949       * @return array The array contains two elements, keyed by 'content' and 'libraries'.
 950       *               Each element contains a number
 951       */
 952      public function getLibraryUsage($id, $skipcontent = false) {
 953          global $DB;
 955          if ($skipcontent) {
 956              $content = -1;
 957          } else {
 958              $sql = "SELECT COUNT(distinct
 959                        FROM {h5p_libraries} l
 960                        JOIN {h5p_contents_libraries} cl ON = cl.libraryid
 961                        JOIN {h5p} c ON cl.h5pid =
 962                       WHERE = :libraryid";
 964              $sqlargs = array(
 965                  'libraryid' => $id
 966              );
 968              $content = $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $sqlargs);
 969          }
 971          $libraries = $DB->count_records('h5p_library_dependencies', ['requiredlibraryid' => $id]);
 973          return array(
 974              'content' => $content,
 975              'libraries' => $libraries,
 976          );
 977      }
 979      /**
 980       * Loads a library.
 981       * Implements loadLibrary.
 982       *
 983       * @param string $machinename The library's machine name
 984       * @param int $majorversion The library's major version
 985       * @param int $minorversion The library's minor version
 986       * @return array|bool Returns FALSE if the library does not exist
 987       *                     Otherwise an associative array containing:
 988       *                     - libraryId: The id of the library if it is an existing library,
 989       *                     - title: The library's name,
 990       *                     - machineName: The library machineName
 991       *                     - majorVersion: The library's majorVersion
 992       *                     - minorVersion: The library's minorVersion
 993       *                     - patchVersion: The library's patchVersion
 994       *                     - runnable: 1 if the library is a content type, 0 otherwise
 995       *                     - fullscreen: 1 if the library supports fullscreen, 0 otherwise
 996       *                     - embedTypes: list of supported embed types
 997       *                     - preloadedJs: comma separated string with js file paths
 998       *                     - preloadedCss: comma separated sting with css file paths
 999       *                     - dropLibraryCss: list of associative arrays containing:
1000       *                       - machineName: machine name for the librarys that are to drop their css
1001       *                     - semantics: Json describing the content structure for the library
1002       *                     - preloadedDependencies(optional): list of associative arrays containing:
1003       *                       - machineName: Machine name for a library this library is depending on
1004       *                       - majorVersion: Major version for a library this library is depending on
1005       *                       - minorVersion: Minor for a library this library is depending on
1006       *                     - dynamicDependencies(optional): list of associative arrays containing:
1007       *                       - machineName: Machine name for a library this library is depending on
1008       *                       - majorVersion: Major version for a library this library is depending on
1009       *                       - minorVersion: Minor for a library this library is depending on
1010       */
1011      public function loadLibrary($machinename, $majorversion, $minorversion) {
1012          global $DB;
1014          $library = $DB->get_record('h5p_libraries', array(
1015              'machinename' => $machinename,
1016              'majorversion' => $majorversion,
1017              'minorversion' => $minorversion
1018          ));
1020          if (!$library) {
1021              return false;
1022          }
1024          $librarydata = array(
1025              'libraryId' => $library->id,
1026              'title' => $library->title,
1027              'machineName' => $library->machinename,
1028              'majorVersion' => $library->majorversion,
1029              'minorVersion' => $library->minorversion,
1030              'patchVersion' => $library->patchversion,
1031              'runnable' => $library->runnable,
1032              'fullscreen' => $library->fullscreen,
1033              'embedTypes' => $library->embedtypes,
1034              'preloadedJs' => $library->preloadedjs,
1035              'preloadedCss' => $library->preloadedcss,
1036              'dropLibraryCss' => $library->droplibrarycss,
1037              'semantics'     => $library->semantics
1038          );
1040          $sql = 'SELECT, hl.machinename, hl.majorversion, hl.minorversion, hll.dependencytype
1041                    FROM {h5p_library_dependencies} hll
1042                    JOIN {h5p_libraries} hl ON hll.requiredlibraryid =
1043                   WHERE hll.libraryid = :libraryid
1044                ORDER BY ASC';
1046          $sqlargs = array(
1047              'libraryid' => $library->id
1048          );
1050          $dependencies = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $sqlargs);
1052          foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
1053              $librarydata[$dependency->dependencytype . 'Dependencies'][] = array(
1054                  'machineName' => $dependency->machinename,
1055                  'majorVersion' => $dependency->majorversion,
1056                  'minorVersion' => $dependency->minorversion
1057              );
1058          }
1060          return $librarydata;
1061      }
1063      /**
1064       * Loads library semantics.
1065       * Implements loadLibrarySemantics.
1066       *
1067       * @param string $name Machine name for the library
1068       * @param int $majorversion The library's major version
1069       * @param int $minorversion The library's minor version
1070       * @return string The library's semantics as json
1071       */
1072      public function loadLibrarySemantics($name, $majorversion, $minorversion) {
1073          global $DB;
1075          $semantics = $DB->get_field('h5p_libraries', 'semantics',
1076              array(
1077                  'machinename' => $name,
1078                  'majorversion' => $majorversion,
1079                  'minorversion' => $minorversion
1080              )
1081          );
1083          return ($semantics === false ? null : $semantics);
1084      }
1086      /**
1087       * Makes it possible to alter the semantics, adding custom fields, etc.
1088       * Implements alterLibrarySemantics.
1089       *
1090       * @param array $semantics Associative array representing the semantics
1091       * @param string $name The library's machine name
1092       * @param int $majorversion The library's major version
1093       * @param int $minorversion The library's minor version
1094       */
1095      public function alterLibrarySemantics(&$semantics, $name, $majorversion, $minorversion) {
1096          global $PAGE;
1098          $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core_h5p');
1099          $renderer->h5p_alter_semantics($semantics, $name, $majorversion, $minorversion);
1100      }
1102      /**
1103       * Delete all dependencies belonging to given library.
1104       * Implements deleteLibraryDependencies.
1105       *
1106       * @param int $libraryid Library identifier
1107       */
1108      public function deleteLibraryDependencies($libraryid) {
1109          global $DB;
1111          $DB->delete_records('h5p_library_dependencies', array('libraryid' => $libraryid));
1112      }
1114      /**
1115       * Start an atomic operation against the dependency storage.
1116       * Implements lockDependencyStorage.
1117       */
1118      public function lockDependencyStorage() {
1119          // Library development mode not supported.
1120      }
1122      /**
1123       * Start an atomic operation against the dependency storage.
1124       * Implements unlockDependencyStorage.
1125       */
1126      public function unlockDependencyStorage() {
1127          // Library development mode not supported.
1128      }
1130      /**
1131       * Delete a library from database and file system.
1132       * Implements deleteLibrary.
1133       *
1134       * @param stdClass $library Library object with id, name, major version and minor version
1135       */
1136      public function deleteLibrary($library) {
1137          $factory = new \core_h5p\factory();
1138          \core_h5p\api::delete_library($factory, $library);
1139      }
1141      /**
1142       * Load content.
1143       * Implements loadContent.
1144       *
1145       * @param int $id Content identifier
1146       * @return array Associative array containing:
1147       *               - id: Identifier for the content
1148       *               - params: json content as string
1149       *               - embedType: list of supported embed types
1150       *               - disable: H5P Button display options
1151       *               - title: H5P content title
1152       *               - slug: Human readable content identifier that is unique
1153       *               - libraryId: Id for the main library
1154       *               - libraryName: The library machine name
1155       *               - libraryMajorVersion: The library's majorVersion
1156       *               - libraryMinorVersion: The library's minorVersion
1157       *               - libraryEmbedTypes: CSV of the main library's embed types
1158       *               - libraryFullscreen: 1 if fullscreen is supported. 0 otherwise
1159       *               - metadata: The content's metadata
1160       */
1161      public function loadContent($id) {
1162          global $DB;
1164          $sql = "SELECT, hc.jsoncontent, hc.displayoptions, AS libraryid,
1165                         hl.machinename, hl.title, hl.majorversion, hl.minorversion, hl.fullscreen,
1166                         hl.embedtypes, hl.semantics, hc.filtered, hc.pathnamehash
1167                    FROM {h5p} hc
1168                    JOIN {h5p_libraries} hl ON = hc.mainlibraryid
1169                   WHERE = :h5pid";
1171          $sqlargs = array(
1172              'h5pid' => $id
1173          );
1175          $data = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $sqlargs);
1177          // Return null if not found.
1178          if ($data === false) {
1179              return null;
1180          }
1182          // Some databases do not support camelCase, so we need to manually
1183          // map the values to the camelCase names used by the H5P core.
1184          $content = array(
1185              'id' => $data->id,
1186              'params' => $data->jsoncontent,
1187              // It has been decided that the embedtype will be always set to 'iframe' (at least for now) because the 'div'
1188              // may cause conflicts with CSS and JS in some cases.
1189              'embedType' => 'iframe',
1190              'disable' => $data->displayoptions,
1191              'title' => $data->title,
1192              'slug' => \H5PCore::slugify($data->title) . '-' . $data->id,
1193              'filtered' => $data->filtered,
1194              'libraryId' => $data->libraryid,
1195              'libraryName' => $data->machinename,
1196              'libraryMajorVersion' => $data->majorversion,
1197              'libraryMinorVersion' => $data->minorversion,
1198              'libraryEmbedTypes' => $data->embedtypes,
1199              'libraryFullscreen' => $data->fullscreen,
1200              'metadata' => '',
1201              'pathnamehash' => $data->pathnamehash
1202          );
1204          $params = json_decode($data->jsoncontent);
1205          if (empty($params->metadata)) {
1206              $params->metadata = new \stdClass();
1207          }
1208          // Add title to metadata.
1209          if (!empty($params->title) && empty($params->metadata->title)) {
1210              $params->metadata->title = $params->title;
1211          }
1212          $content['metadata'] = $params->metadata;
1213          $content['params'] = json_encode($params->params ?? $params);
1215          return $content;
1216      }
1218      /**
1219       * Load dependencies for the given content of the given type.
1220       * Implements loadContentDependencies.
1221       *
1222       * @param int $id Content identifier
1223       * @param int $type The dependency type
1224       * @return array List of associative arrays containing:
1225       *               - libraryId: The id of the library if it is an existing library
1226       *               - machineName: The library machineName
1227       *               - majorVersion: The library's majorVersion
1228       *               - minorVersion: The library's minorVersion
1229       *               - patchVersion: The library's patchVersion
1230       *               - preloadedJs(optional): comma separated string with js file paths
1231       *               - preloadedCss(optional): comma separated sting with css file paths
1232       *               - dropCss(optional): csv of machine names
1233       *               - dependencyType: The dependency type
1234       */
1235      public function loadContentDependencies($id, $type = null) {
1236          global $DB;
1238          $query = "SELECT AS unidepid, AS library_id, hl.machinename AS machine_name,
1239                           hl.majorversion AS major_version, hl.minorversion AS minor_version,
1240                           hl.patchversion AS patch_version, hl.preloadedcss AS preloaded_css,
1241                           hl.preloadedjs AS preloaded_js, hcl.dropcss AS drop_css,
1242                           hcl.dependencytype as dependency_type
1243                      FROM {h5p_contents_libraries} hcl
1244                      JOIN {h5p_libraries} hl ON hcl.libraryid =
1245                     WHERE hcl.h5pid = :h5pid";
1246          $queryargs = array(
1247              'h5pid' => $id
1248          );
1250          if ($type !== null) {
1251              $query .= " AND hcl.dependencytype = :dependencytype";
1252              $queryargs['dependencytype'] = $type;
1253          }
1255          $query .= " ORDER BY hcl.weight";
1256          $data = $DB->get_records_sql($query, $queryargs);
1258          $dependencies = array();
1259          foreach ($data as $dependency) {
1260              unset($dependency->unidepid);
1261              $dependencies[$dependency->machine_name] = \H5PCore::snakeToCamel($dependency);
1262          }
1264          return $dependencies;
1265      }
1267      /**
1268       * Get stored setting.
1269       * Implements getOption.
1270       *
1271       * To avoid updating the cache libraries when using the Hub selector,
1272       * {@link \H5PEditorAjax::isContentTypeCacheUpdated}, the setting content_type_cache_updated_at
1273       * always return the current time.
1274       *
1275       * @param string $name Identifier for the setting
1276       * @param string $default Optional default value if settings is not set
1277       * @return mixed Return  Whatever has been stored as the setting
1278       */
1279      public function getOption($name, $default = false) {
1280          if ($name == core::DISPLAY_OPTION_DOWNLOAD || $name == core::DISPLAY_OPTION_EMBED) {
1281              // For now, the download and the embed displayoptions are disabled by default, so only will be rendered when
1282              // defined in the displayoptions DB field.
1283              // This check should be removed if they are added as new H5P settings, to let admins to define the default value.
1284              return \H5PDisplayOptionBehaviour::CONTROLLED_BY_AUTHOR_DEFAULT_OFF;
1285          }
1287          // To avoid update the libraries cache using the Hub selector.
1288          if ($name == 'content_type_cache_updated_at') {
1289              return time();
1290          }
1292          $value = get_config('core_h5p', $name);
1293          if ($value === false) {
1294              return $default;
1295          }
1296          return $value;
1297      }
1299      /**
1300       * Stores the given setting.
1301       * For example when did we last check for updates to our libraries.
1302       * Implements setOption.
1303       *
1304       * @param string $name Identifier for the setting
1305       * @param mixed $value Data Whatever we want to store as the setting
1306       */
1307      public function setOption($name, $value) {
1308          set_config($name, $value, 'core_h5p');
1309      }
1311      /**
1312       * This will update selected fields on the given content.
1313       * Implements updateContentFields().
1314       *
1315       * @param int $id Content identifier
1316       * @param array $fields Content fields, e.g. filtered
1317       */
1318      public function updateContentFields($id, $fields) {
1319          global $DB;
1321          $content = new \stdClass();
1322          $content->id = $id;
1324          foreach ($fields as $name => $value) {
1325              // Skip 'slug' as it currently does not exist in the h5p content table.
1326              if ($name == 'slug') {
1327                  continue;
1328              }
1330              $content->$name = $value;
1331          }
1333          $DB->update_record('h5p', $content);
1334      }
1336      /**
1337       * Will clear filtered params for all the content that uses the specified.
1338       * libraries. This means that the content dependencies will have to be rebuilt and the parameters re-filtered.
1339       * Implements clearFilteredParameters().
1340       *
1341       * @param array $libraryids Array of library ids
1342       */
1343      public function clearFilteredParameters($libraryids) {
1344          global $DB;
1346          if (empty($libraryids)) {
1347              return;
1348          }
1350          list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($libraryids);
1352          $DB->set_field_select('h5p', 'filtered', null,
1353              "mainlibraryid $insql", $inparams);
1354      }
1356      /**
1357       * Get number of contents that has to get their content dependencies rebuilt.
1358       * and parameters re-filtered.
1359       * Implements getNumNotFiltered().
1360       *
1361       * @return int The number of contents that has to get their content dependencies rebuilt
1362       *             and parameters re-filtered
1363       */
1364      public function getNumNotFiltered() {
1365          global $DB;
1367          $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id)
1368                    FROM {h5p}
1369                   WHERE " . $DB->sql_compare_text('filtered') . " IS NULL";
1371          return $DB->count_records_sql($sql);
1372      }
1374      /**
1375       * Get number of contents using library as main library.
1376       * Implements getNumContent().
1377       *
1378       * @param int $libraryid The library ID
1379       * @param array $skip The array of h5p content ID's that should be ignored
1380       * @return int The number of contents using library as main library
1381       */
1382      public function getNumContent($libraryid, $skip = null) {
1383          global $DB;
1385          $notinsql = '';
1386          $params = array();
1388          if (!empty($skip)) {
1389              list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($skip, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'param', false);
1390              $notinsql = " AND id {$sql}";
1391          }
1393          $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id)
1394                    FROM {h5p}
1395                   WHERE mainlibraryid = :libraryid {$notinsql}";
1397          $params['libraryid'] = $libraryid;
1399          return $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params);
1400      }
1402      /**
1403       * Determines if content slug is used.
1404       * Implements isContentSlugAvailable.
1405       *
1406       * @param string $slug The content slug
1407       * @return boolean Whether the content slug is used
1408       */
1409      public function isContentSlugAvailable($slug) {
1410          // By default the slug should be available as it's currently generated as a unique
1411          // value for each h5p content (not stored in the h5p table).
1412          return true;
1413      }
1415      /**
1416       * Generates statistics from the event log per library.
1417       * Implements getLibraryStats.
1418       *
1419       * @param string $type Type of event to generate stats for
1420       * @return array Number values indexed by library name and version
1421       */
1422      public function getLibraryStats($type) {
1423          // Event logs are not being stored.
1424      }
1426      /**
1427       * Aggregate the current number of H5P authors.
1428       * Implements getNumAuthors.
1429       *
1430       * @return int The current number of H5P authors
1431       */
1432      public function getNumAuthors() {
1433          // Currently, H5P authors are not being stored.
1434      }
1436      /**
1437       * Stores hash keys for cached assets, aggregated JavaScripts and
1438       * stylesheets, and connects it to libraries so that we know which cache file
1439       * to delete when a library is updated.
1440       * Implements saveCachedAssets.
1441       *
1442       * @param string $key Hash key for the given libraries
1443       * @param array $libraries List of dependencies(libraries) used to create the key
1444       */
1445      public function saveCachedAssets($key, $libraries) {
1446          global $DB;
1448          foreach ($libraries as $library) {
1449              $cachedasset = new \stdClass();
1450              $cachedasset->libraryid = $library['libraryId'];
1451              $cachedasset->hash = $key;
1453              $DB->insert_record('h5p_libraries_cachedassets', $cachedasset);
1454          }
1455      }
1457      /**
1458       * Locate hash keys for given library and delete them.
1459       * Used when cache file are deleted.
1460       * Implements deleteCachedAssets.
1461       *
1462       * @param int $libraryid Library identifier
1463       * @return array List of hash keys removed
1464       */
1465      public function deleteCachedAssets($libraryid) {
1466          global $DB;
1468          // Get all the keys so we can remove the files.
1469          $results = $DB->get_records('h5p_libraries_cachedassets', ['libraryid' => $libraryid]);
1471          $hashes = array_map(function($result) {
1472              return $result->hash;
1473          }, $results);
1475          if (!empty($hashes)) {
1476              list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($hashes, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
1477              // Remove all invalid keys.
1478              $DB->delete_records_select('h5p_libraries_cachedassets', 'hash ' . $sql, $params);
1480              // Remove also the cachedassets files.
1481              $fs = new file_storage();
1482              $fs->deleteCachedAssets($hashes);
1483          }
1485          return $hashes;
1486      }
1488      /**
1489       * Get the amount of content items associated to a library.
1490       * Implements getLibraryContentCount.
1491       *
1492       * return array The number of content items associated to a library
1493       */
1494      public function getLibraryContentCount() {
1495          global $DB;
1497          $contentcount = array();
1499          $sql = "SELECT h.mainlibraryid,
1500                         l.machinename,
1501                         l.majorversion,
1502                         l.minorversion,
1503                         COUNT( AS count
1504                    FROM {h5p} h
1505               LEFT JOIN {h5p_libraries} l
1506                      ON h.mainlibraryid =
1507                GROUP BY h.mainlibraryid, l.machinename, l.majorversion, l.minorversion";
1509          // Count content using the same content type.
1510          $res = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
1512          // Extract results.
1513          foreach ($res as $lib) {
1514              $contentcount["{$lib->machinename} {$lib->majorversion}.{$lib->minorversion}"] = $lib->count;
1515          }
1517          return $contentcount;
1518      }
1520      /**
1521       * Will trigger after the export file is created.
1522       * Implements afterExportCreated.
1523       *
1524       * @param array $content The content
1525       * @param string $filename The file name
1526       */
1527      public function afterExportCreated($content, $filename) {
1528          // Not being used.
1529      }
1531      /**
1532       * Check whether a user has permissions to execute an action, such as embed H5P content.
1533       * Implements hasPermission.
1534       *
1535       * @param  \H5PPermission $permission Permission type
1536       * @param  int $id Id need by platform to determine permission
1537       * @return boolean true if the user can execute the action defined in $permission; false otherwise
1538       */
1539      public function hasPermission($permission, $id = null) {
1540          // H5P capabilities have not been introduced.
1541      }
1543      /**
1544       * Replaces existing content type cache with the one passed in.
1545       * Implements replaceContentTypeCache.
1546       *
1547       * @param object $contenttypecache Json with an array called 'libraries' containing the new content type cache
1548       *                                 that should replace the old one
1549       */
1550      public function replaceContentTypeCache($contenttypecache) {
1551          // Currently, content type caches are not being stored.
1552      }
1554      /**
1555       * Checks if the given library has a higher version.
1556       * Implements libraryHasUpgrade.
1557       *
1558       * @param array $library An associative array containing:
1559       *                       - machineName: The library machineName
1560       *                       - majorVersion: The library's majorVersion
1561       *                       - minorVersion: The library's minorVersion
1562       * @return boolean Whether the library has a higher version
1563       */
1564      public function libraryHasUpgrade($library) {
1565          global $DB;
1567          $sql = "SELECT id
1568                    FROM {h5p_libraries}
1569                   WHERE machinename = :machinename
1570                     AND (majorversion > :majorversion1
1571                      OR (majorversion = :majorversion2 AND minorversion > :minorversion))";
1573          $results = $DB->get_records_sql(
1574              $sql,
1575              array(
1576                  'machinename' => $library['machineName'],
1577                  'majorversion1' => $library['majorVersion'],
1578                  'majorversion2' => $library['majorVersion'],
1579                  'minorversion' => $library['minorVersion']
1580              ),
1581              0,
1582              1
1583          );
1585          return !empty($results);
1586      }
1588      /**
1589       * Get current H5P language code.
1590       *
1591       * @return string Language Code
1592       */
1593      public static function get_language() {
1594          static $map;
1596          if (empty($map)) {
1597              // Create mapping for "converting" language codes.
1598              $map = array(
1599                  'no' => 'nb'
1600              );
1601          }
1603          // Get current language in Moodle.
1604          $language = str_replace('_', '-', strtolower(\current_language()));
1606          // Try to map.
1607          return $map[$language] ?? $language;
1608      }
1610      /**
1611       * Store messages until they can be printed to the current user.
1612       *
1613       * @param string $type Type of messages, e.g. 'info', 'error', etc
1614       * @param string $newmessage The message
1615       * @param string $code The message code
1616       */
1617      private function set_message(string $type, string $newmessage = null, string $code = null) {
1618          global $SESSION;
1620          // We expect to get out an array of strings when getting info
1621          // and an array of objects when getting errors for consistency across platforms.
1622          // This implementation should be improved for consistency across the data type returned here.
1623          if ($type === 'error') {
1624              $SESSION->core_h5p_messages[$type][] = (object) array(
1625                  'code' => $code,
1626                  'message' => $newmessage
1627              );
1628          } else {
1629              $SESSION->core_h5p_messages[$type][] = $newmessage;
1630          }
1631      }
1633      /**
1634       * Convert list of library parameter values to csv.
1635       *
1636       * @param array $librarydata Library data as found in library.json files
1637       * @param string $key Key that should be found in $librarydata
1638       * @param string $searchparam The library parameter (Default: 'path')
1639       * @return string Library parameter values separated by ', '
1640       */
1641      private function library_parameter_values_to_csv(array $librarydata, string $key, string $searchparam = 'path'): string {
1642          if (isset($librarydata[$key])) {
1643              $parametervalues = array();
1644              foreach ($librarydata[$key] as $file) {
1645                  foreach ($file as $index => $value) {
1646                      if ($index === $searchparam) {
1647                          $parametervalues[] = $value;
1648                      }
1649                  }
1650              }
1651              return implode(', ', $parametervalues);
1652          }
1653          return '';
1654      }
1656      /**
1657       * Get the latest library version.
1658       *
1659       * @param  string $machinename The library's machine name
1660       * @return stdClass|null An object with the latest library version
1661       */
1662      public function get_latest_library_version(string $machinename): ?\stdClass {
1663          global $DB;
1665          $libraries = $DB->get_records('h5p_libraries', ['machinename' => $machinename],
1666              'majorversion DESC, minorversion DESC, patchversion DESC', '*', 0, 1);
1667          if ($libraries) {
1668              return reset($libraries);
1669          }
1671          return null;
1672      }
1673  }