Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 39 and 310] [Versions 39 and 311] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 39 and 401] [Versions 39 and 402] [Versions 39 and 403]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * Moodle-specific selectors.
  19   *
  20   * @package    core
  21   * @category   test
  22   * @copyright  2013 David MonllaĆ³
  23   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  24   */
  26  /**
  27   * Moodle selectors manager.
  28   *
  29   * @package    core
  30   * @category   test
  31   * @copyright  2013 David MonllaĆ³
  32   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  33   */
  34  class behat_partial_named_selector extends \Behat\Mink\Selector\PartialNamedSelector {
  36      // Use the named selector trait.
  37      use behat_named_selector;
  39      /**
  40       * Creates selector instance.
  41       */
  42      public function __construct() {
  43          foreach (self::$customselectors as $alias => $selectors) {
  44              $this->registerNamedXpath($alias, implode(' | ', $selectors));
  45          }
  47          foreach (static::$moodleselectors as $name => $xpath) {
  48              $this->registerNamedXpath($name, $xpath);
  49          }
  51          foreach (self::$customreplacements as $from => $tos) {
  52              $this->registerReplacement($from, implode(' or ', $tos));
  53          }
  55          $this->registerReplacement('%iconMatch%', "(contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' icon ') or self::img)");
  56          $this->registerReplacement('%imgAltMatch%', './/*[%iconMatch% and (%altMatch% or %titleMatch%)]');
  57          parent::__construct();
  58      }
  60      /**
  61       * @var array Allowed types when using text selectors arguments.
  62       */
  63      protected static $allowedtextselectors = array(
  64          'activity' => 'activity',
  65          'block' => 'block',
  66          'css_element' => 'css_element',
  67          'dialogue' => 'dialogue',
  68          'fieldset' => 'fieldset',
  69          'icon' => 'icon',
  70          'list_item' => 'list_item',
  71          'question' => 'question',
  72          'region' => 'region',
  73          'section' => 'section',
  74          'table' => 'table',
  75          'table_row' => 'table_row',
  76          'xpath_element' => 'xpath_element',
  77          'form_row' => 'form_row',
  78          'group_message_header' => 'group_message_header',
  79          'group_message' => 'group_message',
  80          'autocomplete' => 'autocomplete',
  81          'iframe' => 'iframe',
  82      );
  84      /**
  85       * @var array Allowed types when using selector arguments.
  86       */
  87      protected static $allowedselectors = array(
  88          'activity' => 'activity',
  89          'actionmenu' => 'actionmenu',
  90          'block' => 'block',
  91          'button' => 'button',
  92          'checkbox' => 'checkbox',
  93          'css_element' => 'css_element',
  94          'dialogue' => 'dialogue',
  95          'field' => 'field',
  96          'fieldset' => 'fieldset',
  97          'file' => 'file',
  98          'filemanager' => 'filemanager',
  99          'group_message' => 'group_message',
 100          'group_message_conversation' => 'group_message_conversation',
 101          'group_message_header' => 'group_message_header',
 102          'group_message_member' => 'group_message_member',
 103          'group_message_tab' => 'group_message_tab',
 104          'group_message_list_area' => 'group_message_list_area',
 105          'group_message_message_content' => 'group_message_message_content',
 106          'icon_container' => 'icon_container',
 107          'icon' => 'icon',
 108          'link' => 'link',
 109          'link_or_button' => 'link_or_button',
 110          'list_item' => 'list_item',
 111          'optgroup' => 'optgroup',
 112          'option' => 'option',
 113          'question' => 'question',
 114          'radio' => 'radio',
 115          'region' => 'region',
 116          'section' => 'section',
 117          'select' => 'select',
 118          'table' => 'table',
 119          'table_row' => 'table_row',
 120          'text' => 'text',
 121          'xpath_element' => 'xpath_element',
 122          'form_row' => 'form_row',
 123          'autocomplete_selection' => 'autocomplete_selection',
 124          'autocomplete_suggestions' => 'autocomplete_suggestions',
 125          'autocomplete' => 'autocomplete',
 126          'iframe' => 'iframe',
 127      );
 129      /**
 130       * Behat by default comes with XPath, CSS and named selectors,
 131       * named selectors are a mapping between names (like button) and
 132       * xpaths that represents that names and includes a placeholder that
 133       * will be replaced by the locator. These are Moodle's own xpaths.
 134       *
 135       * @var array XPaths for moodle elements.
 136       */
 137      protected static $moodleselectors = array(
 138          'activity' => <<<XPATH
 139  .//li[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' activity ')][descendant::*[contains(normalize-space(.), %locator%)]]
 140  XPATH
 141          , 'actionmenu' => <<<XPATH
 142  .//*[
 143      contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' action-menu ')
 144          and
 145      descendant::*[
 146          contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' dropdown-toggle ')
 147              and
 148          (contains(normalize-space(.), %locator%) or descendant::*[%titleMatch%])
 149      ]
 150  ]
 151  XPATH
 152          , 'block' => <<<XPATH
 153  .//*[@data-block][contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), concat(' ', %locator%, ' ')) or
 154       descendant::*[self::h2|self::h3|self::h4|self::h5][normalize-space(.) = %locator%]  or
 155       @aria-label = %locator%]
 156  XPATH
 157          , 'dialogue' => <<<XPATH
 158  .//div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' moodle-dialogue ') and
 159      normalize-space(descendant::div[
 160          contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' moodle-dialogue-hd ')
 161          ]) = %locator%] |
 162  .//div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' yui-dialog ') and
 163      normalize-space(descendant::div[@class='hd']) = %locator%]
 164          |
 165  .//div[@data-region='modal' and descendant::*[@data-region='title'] = %locator%]
 166          |
 167  .//div[
 168          contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' modal-content ')
 169              and
 170          normalize-space(descendant::*[self::h4 or self::h5][contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' modal-title ')]) = %locator%
 171      ]
 172          |
 173  .//div[
 174          contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' modal ')
 175              and
 176          normalize-space(descendant::*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' modal-header ')]) = %locator%
 177      ]
 178  XPATH
 179          , 'group_message' => <<<XPATH
 180          .//*[@data-conversation-id]//img[contains(@alt, %locator%)]/..
 181  XPATH
 182          , 'group_message_conversation' => <<<XPATH
 183              .//*[@data-region='message-drawer' and contains(., %locator%)]//div[@data-region='content-message-container']
 184  XPATH
 185      , 'group_message_header' => <<<XPATH
 186          .//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//div[@data-region='header-content' and contains(., %locator%)]
 187  XPATH
 188      , 'group_message_member' => <<<XPATH
 189          .//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//div[@data-region='group-info-content-container']
 190          //div[@class='list-group' and not(contains(@class, 'hidden'))]//*[text()[contains(., %locator%)]] |
 191          .//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//div[@data-region='group-info-content-container']
 192          //div[@data-region='empty-message-container' and not(contains(@class, 'hidden')) and contains(., %locator%)]
 193  XPATH
 194      , 'group_message_tab' => <<<XPATH
 195          .//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//button[@data-toggle='collapse' and contains(string(), %locator%)]
 196  XPATH
 197      , 'group_message_list_area' => <<<XPATH
 198          .//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//*[contains(@data-region, concat('view-overview-', %locator%))]
 199  XPATH
 200      , 'group_message_message_content' => <<<XPATH
 201          .//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//*[@data-region='message' and @data-message-id and contains(., %locator%)]
 202  XPATH
 203      , 'icon_container' => <<<XPATH
 204          .//span[contains(@data-region, concat(%locator%,'-icon-container'))]
 205  XPATH
 206          , 'icon' => <<<XPATH
 207  .//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' icon ') and ( contains(normalize-space(@title), %locator%))]
 208  XPATH
 209          , 'list_item' => <<<XPATH
 210  .//li[contains(normalize-space(.), %locator%) and not(.//li[contains(normalize-space(.), %locator%)])]
 211  XPATH
 212          , 'question' => <<<XPATH
 213  .//div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' que ')]
 214      [contains(div[@class='content']/div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' formulation ')], %locator%)]
 215  XPATH
 216          , 'region' => <<<XPATH
 217  .//*[self::div | self::section | self::aside | self::header | self::footer][./@id = %locator%]
 218  XPATH
 219          , 'section' => <<<XPATH
 220  .//li[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' section ')][./descendant::*[self::h3]
 221      [normalize-space(.) = %locator%][contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' sectionname ') or
 222      contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' section-title ')]] |
 223  .//div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' sitetopic ')]
 224      [./descendant::*[self::h2][normalize-space(.) = %locator%] or %locator% = 'frontpage']
 225  XPATH
 226          , 'table' => <<<XPATH
 227  .//table[(./@id = %locator% or contains(.//caption, %locator%) or contains(.//th, %locator%) or contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), %locator% ))]
 228  XPATH
 229          , 'table_row' => <<<XPATH
 230  .//tr[contains(normalize-space(.), %locator%) and not(.//tr[contains(normalize-space(.), %locator%)])]
 231  XPATH
 232          , 'text' => <<<XPATH
 233  .//*[contains(., %locator%) and not(.//*[contains(., %locator%)])]
 234  XPATH
 235          , 'form_row' => <<<XPATH
 236  .//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' col-form-label ')]
 237      [normalize-space(.)= %locator%]
 238      /ancestor::*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' fitem ')]
 239  XPATH
 240          , 'autocomplete_selection' => <<<XPATH
 241  .//div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), concat(' ', 'form-autocomplete-selection', ' '))]/span[@role='option'][contains(normalize-space(.), %locator%)]
 242  XPATH
 243          , 'autocomplete_suggestions' => <<<XPATH
 244  .//ul[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), concat(' ', 'form-autocomplete-suggestions', ' '))]/li[@role='option'][contains(normalize-space(.), %locator%)]
 245  XPATH
 246          , 'autocomplete' => <<<XPATH
 247  .//descendant::input[@id = //label[contains(normalize-space(string(.)), %locator%)]/@for]/ancestor::*[@data-fieldtype = 'autocomplete']
 248  XPATH
 249          , 'iframe' => <<<XPATH
 250  .//iframe[(%idOrNameMatch% or (contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), %locator% )))]
 251  XPATH
 252      );
 254      protected static $customselectors = [
 255          'field' => [
 256              'upstream' => <<<XPATH
 257  .//*
 258  [%fieldFilterWithPlaceholder%][%notFieldTypeFilter%][%fieldMatchWithPlaceholder%]
 259  |
 260  .//label[%tagTextMatch%]//.//*[%fieldFilterWithPlaceholder%][%notFieldTypeFilter%]
 261  |
 262  .//*
 263  [%fieldFilterWithoutPlaceholder%][%notFieldTypeFilter%][%fieldMatchWithoutPlaceholder%]
 264  |
 265  .//label[%tagTextMatch%]//.//*[%fieldFilterWithoutPlaceholder%][%notFieldTypeFilter%]
 266  XPATH
 267          ,
 268              'filemanager' => <<<XPATH
 269  .//*[@data-fieldtype = 'filemanager' or @data-fieldtype = 'filepicker']
 270      /descendant::input[@id = substring-before(//p[contains(normalize-space(string(.)), %locator%)]/@id, '_label')]
 271  XPATH
 272          ,
 273               'passwordunmask' => <<<XPATH
 274  .//*[@data-passwordunmask='wrapper']
 275      /descendant::input[@id = %locator% or @id = //label[contains(normalize-space(string(.)), %locator%)]/@for]
 276  XPATH
 277          ,
 278               'inplaceeditable' => <<<XPATH
 279  .//descendant::span[@data-inplaceeditable][descendant::a[%titleMatch%]]
 280  XPATH
 281          ,
 282              'date_time' => <<<XPATH
 283  .//fieldset[(%idMatch% or ./legend[%exactTagTextMatch%]) and (@data-fieldtype='date' or @data-fieldtype='date_time')]
 284  XPATH
 285          ],
 286      ];
 288      /**
 289       * Mink comes with a number of named replacements.
 290       * Sometimes we want to add our own.
 291       *
 292       * @var array XPaths for moodle elements.
 293       */
 294      protected static $customreplacements = [
 295          '%buttonMatch%' => [
 296              'upstream' => '%idOrNameMatch% or %valueMatch% or %titleMatch%',
 297              'aria' => '%ariaLabelMatch%',
 298          ],
 299          '%ariaLabelMatch%' => [
 300              'moodle' => 'contains(./@aria-label, %locator%)',
 301          ],
 302          '%exactTagTextMatch%' => [
 303              // This is based upon the upstream tagTextMatch but performs an exact match rather than a loose match using
 304              // contains().
 305              // If possible we should only use exact matches for any new form fields that we add.
 306              'moodle' => 'normalize-space(text())=%locator%',
 307          ],
 308      ];
 310      /** @var List of deprecated selectors */
 311      protected static $deprecatedselectors = [
 312          'group_message' => 'core_message > Message',
 313          'group_message_member' => 'core_message > Message member',
 314          'group_message_tab' => 'core_message > Message tab',
 315          'group_message_list_area' => 'core_message > Message list area',
 316          'group_message_message_content' => 'core_message > Message content',
 317      ];
 319      /**
 320       * Allowed selectors getter.
 321       *
 322       * @return array
 323       */
 324      public static function get_allowed_selectors() {
 325          return static::$allowedselectors;
 326      }
 328      /**
 329       * Allowed text selectors getter.
 330       *
 331       * @return array
 332       */
 333      public static function get_allowed_text_selectors() {
 334          return static::$allowedtextselectors;
 335      }
 336  }