Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
/lib/ -> badgeslib.php (source)
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * Contains classes, functions and constants used in badges.
 * @package    core
 * @subpackage badges
 * @copyright  2012 onwards Totara Learning Solutions Ltd {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
 * @author     Yuliya Bozhko <>

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

/* Include required award criteria library. */
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/badges/criteria/award_criteria.php');

 * Number of records per page.
define('BADGE_PERPAGE', 50);

 * Badge award criteria aggregation method.

 * Badge award criteria aggregation method.

 * Inactive badge means that this badge cannot be earned and has not been awarded
 * yet. Its award criteria can be changed.

 * Active badge means that this badge can we earned, but it has not been awarded
 * yet. Can be deactivated for the purpose of changing its criteria.

 * Inactive badge can no longer be earned, but it has been awarded in the past and
 * therefore its criteria cannot be changed.

 * Active badge means that it can be earned and has already been awarded to users.
 * Its criteria cannot be changed any more.

 * Archived badge is considered deleted and can no longer be earned and is not
 * displayed in the list of all badges.

 * Badge type for site badges.
define('BADGE_TYPE_SITE', 1);

 * Badge type for course badges.
define('BADGE_TYPE_COURSE', 2);

 * Badge messaging schedule options.

 * URL of backpack. Custom ones can be added.

 * @deprecated since 3.7. Use the urls in the badge_external_backpack table instead.
define('BADGE_BACKPACKURL', '');

 * @deprecated since 3.9 (MDL-66357).

 * Open Badges specifications.
define('OPEN_BADGES_V1', 1);
define('OPEN_BADGES_V2', 2);
define('OPEN_BADGES_V2P1', 2.1);

 * Only use for Open Badges 2.0 specification
define('OPEN_BADGES_V2_CONTEXT', '');
define('OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_ASSERTION', 'Assertion');
define('OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_BADGE', 'BadgeClass');
define('OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_ISSUER', 'Issuer');
define('OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_ENDORSEMENT', 'Endorsement');
define('OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_AUTHOR', 'Author');

// Global badge class has been moved to the component namespace.
class_alias('\core_badges\badge', 'badge');

 * Sends notifications to users about awarded badges.
 * @param badge $badge Badge that was issued
 * @param int $userid Recipient ID
 * @param string $issued Unique hash of an issued badge
 * @param string $filepathhash File path hash of an issued badge for attachments
function badges_notify_badge_award(badge $badge, $userid, $issued, $filepathhash) {
    global $CFG, $DB;

    $admin = get_admin();
    $userfrom = new stdClass();
    $userfrom->id = $admin->id;
    $userfrom->email = !empty($CFG->badges_defaultissuercontact) ? $CFG->badges_defaultissuercontact : $admin->email;
    foreach (get_all_user_name_fields() as $addname) {
        $userfrom->$addname = !empty($CFG->badges_defaultissuername) ? '' : $admin->$addname;
    $userfrom->firstname = !empty($CFG->badges_defaultissuername) ? $CFG->badges_defaultissuername : $admin->firstname;
    $userfrom->maildisplay = true;

    $issuedlink = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/badges/badge.php', array('hash' => $issued)), $badge->name);
    $userto = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);

    $params = new stdClass();
    $params->badgename = $badge->name;
    $params->username = fullname($userto);
    $params->badgelink = $issuedlink;
    $message = badge_message_from_template($badge->message, $params);
    $plaintext = html_to_text($message);

    // Notify recipient.
    $eventdata = new \core\message\message();
    $eventdata->courseid          = is_null($badge->courseid) ? SITEID : $badge->courseid; // Profile/site come with no courseid.
    $eventdata->component         = 'moodle';
    $eventdata->name              = 'badgerecipientnotice';
    $eventdata->userfrom          = $userfrom;
    $eventdata->userto            = $userto;
    $eventdata->notification      = 1;
    $eventdata->subject           = $badge->messagesubject;
    $eventdata->fullmessage       = $plaintext;
    $eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_HTML;
    $eventdata->fullmessagehtml   = $message;
    $eventdata->smallmessage      = '';
    $eventdata->customdata        = [
        'notificationiconurl' => moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url(
            $badge->get_context()->id, 'badges', 'badgeimage', $badge->id, '/', 'f1')->out(),
        'hash' => $issued,

    // Attach badge image if possible.
    if (!empty($CFG->allowattachments) && $badge->attachment && is_string($filepathhash)) {
        $fs = get_file_storage();
        $file = $fs->get_file_by_hash($filepathhash);
        $eventdata->attachment = $file;
        $eventdata->attachname = str_replace(' ', '_', $badge->name) . ".png";

    } else {

    // Notify badge creator about the award if they receive notifications every time.
    if ($badge->notification == 1) {
        $userfrom = core_user::get_noreply_user();
        $userfrom->maildisplay = true;

        $creator = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $badge->usercreated), '*', MUST_EXIST);
        $a = new stdClass();
        $a->user = fullname($userto);
        $a->link = $issuedlink;
        $creatormessage = get_string('creatorbody', 'badges', $a);
        $creatorsubject = get_string('creatorsubject', 'badges', $badge->name);

        $eventdata = new \core\message\message();
        $eventdata->courseid          = $badge->courseid;
        $eventdata->component         = 'moodle';
        $eventdata->name              = 'badgecreatornotice';
        $eventdata->userfrom          = $userfrom;
        $eventdata->userto            = $creator;
        $eventdata->notification      = 1;
        $eventdata->subject           = $creatorsubject;
        $eventdata->fullmessage       = html_to_text($creatormessage);
        $eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_HTML;
        $eventdata->fullmessagehtml   = $creatormessage;
        $eventdata->smallmessage      = '';
        $eventdata->customdata        = [
            'notificationiconurl' => moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url(
                $badge->get_context()->id, 'badges', 'badgeimage', $badge->id, '/', 'f1')->out(),
            'hash' => $issued,

        $DB->set_field('badge_issued', 'issuernotified', time(), array('badgeid' => $badge->id, 'userid' => $userid));

 * Caclulates date for the next message digest to badge creators.
 * @param in $schedule Type of message schedule BADGE_MESSAGE_DAILY|BADGE_MESSAGE_WEEKLY|BADGE_MESSAGE_MONTHLY.
 * @return int Timestamp for next cron
function badges_calculate_message_schedule($schedule) {
    $nextcron = 0;

    switch ($schedule) {
            $tomorrow = new DateTime("1 day", core_date::get_server_timezone_object());
            $nextcron = $tomorrow->getTimestamp();
            $nextweek = new DateTime("1 week", core_date::get_server_timezone_object());
            $nextcron = $nextweek->getTimestamp();
            $nextmonth = new DateTime("1 month", core_date::get_server_timezone_object());
            $nextcron = $nextmonth->getTimestamp();

    return $nextcron;

 * Replaces variables in a message template and returns text ready to be emailed to a user.
 * @param string $message Message body.
 * @return string Message with replaced values
function badge_message_from_template($message, $params) {
    $msg = $message;
    foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
        $msg = str_replace("%$key%", $value, $msg);

    return $msg;

 * Get all badges.
 * @param int Type of badges to return
 * @param int Course ID for course badges
 * @param string $sort An SQL field to sort by
 * @param string $dir The sort direction ASC|DESC
 * @param int $page The page or records to return
 * @param int $perpage The number of records to return per page
 * @param int $user User specific search
 * @return array $badge Array of records matching criteria
function badges_get_badges($type, $courseid = 0, $sort = '', $dir = '', $page = 0, $perpage = BADGE_PERPAGE, $user = 0) {
    global $DB;
    $records = array();
    $params = array();
    $where = "b.status != :deleted AND b.type = :type ";
    $params['deleted'] = BADGE_STATUS_ARCHIVED;

    $userfields = array(',, b.status');
    $usersql = "";
    if ($user != 0) {
        $userfields[] = 'bi.dateissued';
        $userfields[] = 'bi.uniquehash';
        $usersql = " LEFT JOIN {badge_issued} bi ON = bi.badgeid AND bi.userid = :userid ";
        $params['userid'] = $user;
        $where .= " AND (b.status = 1 OR b.status = 3) ";
    $fields = implode(', ', $userfields);

    if ($courseid != 0 ) {
        $where .= "AND b.courseid = :courseid ";
        $params['courseid'] = $courseid;

    $sorting = (($sort != '' && $dir != '') ? 'ORDER BY ' . $sort . ' ' . $dir : '');
    $params['type'] = $type;

    $sql = "SELECT $fields FROM {badge} b $usersql WHERE $where $sorting";
    $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, $page * $perpage, $perpage);

    $badges = array();
    foreach ($records as $r) {
        $badge = new badge($r->id);
        $badges[$r->id] = $badge;
        if ($user != 0) {
            $badges[$r->id]->dateissued = $r->dateissued;
            $badges[$r->id]->uniquehash = $r->uniquehash;
        } else {
            $badges[$r->id]->awards = $DB->count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT(b.userid)
                                        FROM {badge_issued} b INNER JOIN {user} u ON b.userid =
                                        WHERE b.badgeid = :badgeid AND u.deleted = 0', array('badgeid' => $badge->id));
            $badges[$r->id]->statstring = $badge->get_status_name();
    return $badges;

 * Get badges for a specific user.
 * @param int $userid User ID
 * @param int $courseid Badges earned by a user in a specific course
 * @param int $page The page or records to return
 * @param int $perpage The number of records to return per page
 * @param string $search A simple string to search for
 * @param bool $onlypublic Return only public badges
 * @return array of badges ordered by decreasing date of issue
function badges_get_user_badges($userid, $courseid = 0, $page = 0, $perpage = 0, $search = '', $onlypublic = false) {
    global $CFG, $DB;

    $params = array(
        'userid' => $userid
    $sql = 'SELECT
       as issuedid,
                {badge} b,
                {badge_issued} bi,
                {user} u
            WHERE = bi.badgeid
                AND = bi.userid
                AND bi.userid = :userid';

    if (!empty($search)) {
        $sql .= ' AND (' . $DB->sql_like('', ':search', false) . ') ';
        $params['search'] = '%'.$DB->sql_like_escape($search).'%';
    if ($onlypublic) {
        $sql .= ' AND (bi.visible = 1) ';

    if (empty($CFG->badges_allowcoursebadges)) {
        $sql .= ' AND b.courseid IS NULL';
    } else if ($courseid != 0) {
        $sql .= ' AND (b.courseid = :courseid) ';
        $params['courseid'] = $courseid;
    $sql .= ' ORDER BY bi.dateissued DESC';
    $badges = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params, $page * $perpage, $perpage);

    return $badges;

 * Extends the course administration navigation with the Badges page
 * @param navigation_node $coursenode
 * @param object $course
function badges_add_course_navigation(navigation_node $coursenode, stdClass $course) {
    global $CFG, $SITE;

    $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
    $isfrontpage = (!$coursecontext || $course->id == $SITE->id);
    $canmanage = has_any_capability(array('moodle/badges:viewawarded',
                                          'moodle/badges:deletebadge'), $coursecontext);

    if (!empty($CFG->enablebadges) && !empty($CFG->badges_allowcoursebadges) && !$isfrontpage && $canmanage) {
        $coursenode->add(get_string('coursebadges', 'badges'), null,
                navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER, null, 'coursebadges',
                new pix_icon('i/badge', get_string('coursebadges', 'badges')));

        $url = new moodle_url('/badges/index.php', array('type' => BADGE_TYPE_COURSE, 'id' => $course->id));

        $coursenode->get('coursebadges')->add(get_string('managebadges', 'badges'), $url,
            navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'coursebadges');

        if (has_capability('moodle/badges:createbadge', $coursecontext)) {
            $url = new moodle_url('/badges/newbadge.php', array('type' => BADGE_TYPE_COURSE, 'id' => $course->id));

            $coursenode->get('coursebadges')->add(get_string('newbadge', 'badges'), $url,
                    navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'newbadge');

 * Triggered when badge is manually awarded.
 * @param   object      $data
 * @return  boolean
function badges_award_handle_manual_criteria_review(stdClass $data) {
    $criteria = $data->crit;
    $userid = $data->userid;
    $badge = new badge($criteria->badgeid);

    if (!$badge->is_active() || $badge->is_issued($userid)) {
        return true;

    if ($criteria->review($userid)) {

        if ($badge->criteria[BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL]->review($userid)) {

    return true;

 * Process badge image from form data
 * @param badge $badge Badge object
 * @param string $iconfile Original file
function badges_process_badge_image(badge $badge, $iconfile) {
    global $CFG, $USER;
    require_once($CFG->libdir. '/gdlib.php');

    if (!empty($CFG->gdversion)) {
        process_new_icon($badge->get_context(), 'badges', 'badgeimage', $badge->id, $iconfile, true);

        // Clean up file draft area after badge image has been saved.
        $context = context_user::instance($USER->id, MUST_EXIST);
        $fs = get_file_storage();
        $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'draft');

 * Print badge image.
 * @param badge $badge Badge object
 * @param stdClass $context
 * @param string $size
function print_badge_image(badge $badge, stdClass $context, $size = 'small') {
    $fsize = ($size == 'small') ? 'f2' : 'f1';

    $imageurl = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($context->id, 'badges', 'badgeimage', $badge->id, '/', $fsize, false);
    // Appending a random parameter to image link to forse browser reload the image.
    $imageurl->param('refresh', rand(1, 10000));
    $attributes = array('src' => $imageurl, 'alt' => s($badge->name), 'class' => 'activatebadge');

    return html_writer::empty_tag('img', $attributes);

 * Bake issued badge.
 * @param string $hash Unique hash of an issued badge.
 * @param int $badgeid ID of the original badge.
 * @param int $userid ID of badge recipient (optional).
 * @param boolean $pathhash Return file pathhash instead of image url (optional).
 * @return string|url Returns either new file path hash or new file URL
function badges_bake($hash, $badgeid, $userid = 0, $pathhash = false) {
    global $CFG, $USER;
    require_once(__DIR__ . '/../badges/lib/bakerlib.php');

    $badge = new badge($badgeid);
    $badge_context = $badge->get_context();
    $userid = ($userid) ? $userid : $USER->id;
    $user_context = context_user::instance($userid);

    $fs = get_file_storage();
    if (!$fs->file_exists($user_context->id, 'badges', 'userbadge', $badge->id, '/', $hash . '.png')) {
        if ($file = $fs->get_file($badge_context->id, 'badges', 'badgeimage', $badge->id, '/', 'f3.png')) {
            $contents = $file->get_content();

            $filehandler = new PNG_MetaDataHandler($contents);
            // For now, the site backpack OB version will be used as default.
            $obversion = badges_open_badges_backpack_api();
            $assertion = new core_badges_assertion($hash, $obversion);
            $assertionjson = json_encode($assertion->get_badge_assertion());
            if ($filehandler->check_chunks("iTXt", "openbadges")) {
                // Add assertion URL iTXt chunk.
                $newcontents = $filehandler->add_chunks("iTXt", "openbadges", $assertionjson);
                $fileinfo = array(
                        'contextid' => $user_context->id,
                        'component' => 'badges',
                        'filearea' => 'userbadge',
                        'itemid' => $badge->id,
                        'filepath' => '/',
                        'filename' => $hash . '.png',

                // Create a file with added contents.
                $newfile = $fs->create_file_from_string($fileinfo, $newcontents);
                if ($pathhash) {
                    return $newfile->get_pathnamehash();
        } else {
            debugging('Error baking badge image!', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);

    // If file exists and we just need its path hash, return it.
    if ($pathhash) {
        $file = $fs->get_file($user_context->id, 'badges', 'userbadge', $badge->id, '/', $hash . '.png');
        return $file->get_pathnamehash();

    $fileurl = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($user_context->id, 'badges', 'userbadge', $badge->id, '/', $hash, true);
    return $fileurl;

 * Returns external backpack settings and badges from this backpack.
 * This function first checks if badges for the user are cached and
 * tries to retrieve them from the cache. Otherwise, badges are obtained
 * through curl request to the backpack.
 * @param int $userid Backpack user ID.
 * @param boolean $refresh Refresh badges collection in cache.
 * @return null|object Returns null is there is no backpack or object with backpack settings.
function get_backpack_settings($userid, $refresh = false) {
    global $DB;

    // Try to get badges from cache first.
    $badgescache = cache::make('core', 'externalbadges');
    $out = $badgescache->get($userid);
    if ($out !== false && !$refresh) {
        return $out;
    // Get badges through curl request to the backpack.
    $record = $DB->get_record('badge_backpack', array('userid' => $userid));
    if ($record) {
        $sitebackpack = badges_get_site_backpack($record->externalbackpackid);
        $backpack = new \core_badges\backpack_api($sitebackpack, $record);
        $out = new stdClass();
        $out->backpackid = $sitebackpack->id;

        if ($collections = $DB->get_records('badge_external', array('backpackid' => $record->id))) {
            $out->totalcollections = count($collections);
            $out->totalbadges = 0;
            $out->badges = array();
            foreach ($collections as $collection) {
                $badges = $backpack->get_badges($collection, true);
                if (!empty($badges)) {
                    $out->badges = array_merge($out->badges, $badges);
                    $out->totalbadges += count($badges);
                } else {
                    $out->badges = array_merge($out->badges, array());
        } else {
            $out->totalbadges = 0;
            $out->totalcollections = 0;

        $badgescache->set($userid, $out);
        return $out;

    return null;

 * Download all user badges in zip archive.
 * @param int $userid ID of badge owner.
function badges_download($userid) {
    global $CFG, $DB;
    $context = context_user::instance($userid);
    $records = $DB->get_records('badge_issued', array('userid' => $userid));

    // Get list of files to download.
    $fs = get_file_storage();
    $filelist = array();
    foreach ($records as $issued) {
        $badge = new badge($issued->badgeid);
        // Need to make image name user-readable and unique using filename safe characters.
        $name =  $badge->name . ' ' . userdate($issued->dateissued, '%d %b %Y') . ' ' . hash('crc32', $badge->id);
        $name = str_replace(' ', '_', $name);
        $name = clean_param($name, PARAM_FILE);
        if ($file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'badges', 'userbadge', $issued->badgeid, '/', $issued->uniquehash . '.png')) {
            $filelist[$name . '.png'] = $file;

    // Zip files and sent them to a user.
    $tempzip = tempnam($CFG->tempdir.'/', 'mybadges');
    $zipper = new zip_packer();
    if ($zipper->archive_to_pathname($filelist, $tempzip)) {
        send_temp_file($tempzip, '');
    } else {
        debugging("Problems with archiving the files.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);

 * Checks if badges can be pushed to external backpack.
 * @return string Code of backpack accessibility status.
function badges_check_backpack_accessibility() {
        // For behat sites, do not poll the remote badge site.
        // Behat sites should not be available, but we should pretend as though they are.
        return 'available';

    if (badges_open_badges_backpack_api() == OPEN_BADGES_V2) {
        return 'available';

    global $CFG;
    include_once $CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php';

    // Using fake assertion url to check whether backpack can access the web site.
    $fakeassertion = new moodle_url('/badges/assertion.php', array('b' => 'abcd1234567890'));

    // Curl request to backpack baker.
    $curl = new curl();
    $options = array(
        'FRESH_CONNECT' => true,
        'RETURNTRANSFER' => true,
        'HEADER' => 0,
        'CONNECTTIMEOUT' => 2,
    // BADGE_BACKPACKURL and the "baker" API is deprecated and should never be used in future.
    $location = BADGE_BACKPACKURL . '/baker';
    $out = $curl->get($location, array('assertion' => $fakeassertion->out(false)), $options);

    $data = json_decode($out);
    if (!empty($curl->error)) {
        return 'curl-request-timeout';
    } else {
        if (isset($data->code) && $data->code == 'http-unreachable') {
            return 'http-unreachable';
        } else {
            return 'available';

    return false;

 * Checks if user has external backpack connected.
 * @param int $userid ID of a user.
 * @return bool True|False whether backpack connection exists.
function badges_user_has_backpack($userid) {
    global $DB;
    return $DB->record_exists('badge_backpack', array('userid' => $userid));

 * Handles what happens to the course badges when a course is deleted.
 * @param int $courseid course ID.
 * @return void.
function badges_handle_course_deletion($courseid) {
    global $CFG, $DB;
    include_once $CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php';

    $systemcontext = context_system::instance();
    $coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid);
    $fs = get_file_storage();

    // Move badges images to the system context.
    $fs->move_area_files_to_new_context($coursecontext->id, $systemcontext->id, 'badges', 'badgeimage');

    // Get all course badges.
    $badges = $DB->get_records('badge', array('type' => BADGE_TYPE_COURSE, 'courseid' => $courseid));
    foreach ($badges as $badge) {
        // Archive badges in this course.
        $toupdate = new stdClass();
        $toupdate->id = $badge->id;
        $toupdate->type = BADGE_TYPE_SITE;
        $toupdate->courseid = null;
        $toupdate->status = BADGE_STATUS_ARCHIVED;
        $DB->update_record('badge', $toupdate);

 * Loads JS files required for backpack support.
 * @uses   $CFG, $PAGE
 * @return void
function badges_setup_backpack_js() {
    global $CFG, $PAGE;
    if (!empty($CFG->badges_allowexternalbackpack)) {
        if (badges_open_badges_backpack_api() == OPEN_BADGES_V1) {
            $PAGE->requires->string_for_js('error:backpackproblem', 'badges');
            // The issuer.js API is deprecated and should not be used in future.
            $PAGE->requires->js(new moodle_url(BADGE_BACKPACKURL . '/issuer.js'), true);
            // The backpack.js file is deprecated and should not be used in future.
            $PAGE->requires->js('/badges/backpack.js', true);

 * No js files are required for backpack support.
 * This only exists to directly support the custom V1 backpack api.
 * @param boolean $checksite Call check site function.
 * @return void
function badges_local_backpack_js($checksite = false) {
    global $CFG, $PAGE;
    if (!empty($CFG->badges_allowexternalbackpack)) {
        if (badges_open_badges_backpack_api() == OPEN_BADGES_V1) {
            $PAGE->requires->js('/badges/backpack.js', true);
            if ($checksite) {
                $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('check_site_access', null, false);

< * Create the backpack with this data.
> * Create the site backpack with this data.
* * @param stdClass $data The new backpack data. * @return boolean */ function badges_create_site_backpack($data) { global $DB; $context = context_system::instance(); require_capability('moodle/badges:manageglobalsettings', $context); $max = $DB->get_field_sql('SELECT MAX(sortorder) FROM {badge_external_backpack}');
> $data->sortorder = $max + 1;
< $backpack = new stdClass(); < $backpack->apiversion = $data->apiversion; < $backpack->backpackapiurl = $data->backpackapiurl; < $backpack->backpackweburl = $data->backpackweburl; < $backpack->sortorder = $max + 1; < $DB->insert_record('badge_external_backpack', $backpack); < return true;
> return badges_save_external_backpack($data);
} /** * Update the backpack with this id. * * @param integer $id The backpack to edit * @param stdClass $data The new backpack data. * @return boolean */ function badges_update_site_backpack($id, $data) { global $DB; $context = context_system::instance(); require_capability('moodle/badges:manageglobalsettings', $context); if ($backpack = badges_get_site_backpack($id)) {
< $backpack = new stdClass(); < $backpack->id = $id; < $backpack->apiversion = $data->apiversion; < $backpack->backpackweburl = $data->backpackweburl; < $backpack->backpackapiurl = $data->backpackapiurl; < $backpack->password = !empty($data->password) ? $data->password : ''; < $backpack->oauth2_issuerid = !empty($data->oauth2_issuerid) ? $data->oauth2_issuerid : ''; < $DB->update_record('badge_external_backpack', $backpack); < return true;
> $data->id = $id; > return badges_save_external_backpack($data);
} return false; } /** * Delete the backpack with this id. * * @param integer $id The backpack to delete. * @return boolean */ function badges_delete_site_backpack($id) { global $DB, $CFG; $context = context_system::instance(); require_capability('moodle/badges:manageglobalsettings', $context); // Only remove site backpack if it's not the default one. if ($CFG->badges_site_backpack != $id && $DB->record_exists('badge_external_backpack', ['id' => $id])) { $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction(); // Remove connections for users to this backpack. $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT FROM {badge_backpack} bb WHERE bb.externalbackpackid = :backpackid"; $params = ['backpackid' => $id]; $userbackpacks = $DB->get_fieldset_sql($sql, $params); if ($userbackpacks) { // Delete user external collections references to this backpack. list($insql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($userbackpacks); $DB->delete_records_select('badge_external', "backpackid $insql", $params); } $DB->delete_records('badge_backpack', ['externalbackpackid' => $id]); // Delete backpack entry. $result = $DB->delete_records('badge_external_backpack', ['id' => $id]); $transaction->allow_commit(); return $result; } return false; } /**
> * Perform the actual create/update of external bakpacks. Any checks on the validity of the id will need to be * Is any backpack enabled that supports open badges V1? > * performed before it reaches this function. * @return boolean > * */ > * @param stdClass $data The backpack data we are updating/inserting function badges_open_badges_backpack_api() { > * @return int Returns the id of the new/updated record global $CFG; > */ > function badges_save_external_backpack(stdClass $data) { $backpack = badges_get_site_backpack($CFG->badges_site_backpack); > global $DB; if (empty($backpack->apiversion)) { > $backpack = new stdClass(); return OPEN_BADGES_V2; > } > $backpack->apiversion = $data->apiversion; return $backpack->apiversion; > $backpack->backpackweburl = $data->backpackweburl; } > $backpack->backpackapiurl = $data->backpackapiurl; > $backpack->oauth2_issuerid = $data->oauth2_issuerid ?? ''; /** > if (isset($data->sortorder)) { * Get a site backpacks by id or url. > $backpack->sortorder = $data->sortorder; * > } * @param int $id The backpack id. > * @return array(stdClass) > if (empty($data->id)) { */ > $backpack->id = $DB->insert_record('badge_external_backpack', $backpack); function badges_get_site_backpack($id) { > } else { global $DB; > $backpack->id = $data->id; > $DB->update_record('badge_external_backpack', $backpack); return $DB->get_record('badge_external_backpack', ['id' => $id]); > } } > $data->externalbackpackid = $backpack->id; > /** > unset($data->id); * List the backpacks at site level. > badges_save_backpack_credentials($data); * > return $data->externalbackpackid; * @return array(stdClass) > } */ > function badges_get_site_backpacks() { > /** global $DB, $CFG; > * Create a backpack with the provided details. Stores the auth details of the backpack > * $all = $DB->get_records('badge_external_backpack', null, 'sortorder ASC'); > * @param stdClass $data Backpack specific data. > * @return int The id of the external backpack that the credentials correspond to foreach ($all as $key => $bp) { > */ if ($bp->id == $CFG->badges_site_backpack) { > function badges_save_backpack_credentials(stdClass $data) { $all[$key]->sitebackpack = true; > global $DB; } else { > $all[$key]->sitebackpack = false; > if (isset($data->backpackemail) && isset($data->password)) { } > $backpack = new stdClass(); } > return $all; > $backpack->email = $data->backpackemail; } > $backpack->password = !empty($data->password) ? $data->password : ''; > $backpack->externalbackpackid = $data->externalbackpackid; /** > $backpack->userid = $data->userid ?? 0; * List the supported badges api versions. > $backpack->backpackuid = $data->backpackuid ?? 0; * > $backpack->autosync = $data->autosync ?? 0; * @return array(version) > */ > if (!empty($data->badgebackpack)) { function badges_get_badge_api_versions() { > $backpack->id = $data->badgebackpack; return [ > } else if (!empty($data->id)) { (string)OPEN_BADGES_V1 => get_string('openbadgesv1', 'badges'), > $backpack->id = $data->id; (string)OPEN_BADGES_V2 => get_string('openbadgesv2', 'badges'), > } (string)OPEN_BADGES_V2P1 => get_string('openbadgesv2p1', 'badges') > ]; > if (empty($backpack->id)) { } > $backpack->id = $DB->insert_record('badge_backpack', $backpack); > } else { /** > $DB->update_record('badge_backpack', $backpack); * Get the default issuer for a badge from this site. > } * > * @return array > return $backpack->externalbackpackid; */ > } function badges_get_default_issuer() { > global $CFG, $SITE; > return $data->externalbackpackid ?? 0; > } $issuer = array(); > $issuerurl = new moodle_url('/'); > /**
$issuer['name'] = $CFG->badges_defaultissuername;
> * @param int|null $backpackid Check the version of the given id OR if null the sitewide backpack
< function badges_open_badges_backpack_api() {
> function badges_open_badges_backpack_api(?int $backpackid = null) { > if (!$backpackid) {
$issuer['name'] = $SITE->fullname ? $SITE->fullname : $SITE->shortname;
> $backpackid = $CFG->badges_site_backpack; } > }
< $backpack = badges_get_site_backpack($CFG->badges_site_backpack);
> $backpack = badges_get_site_backpack($backpackid);
< * Get a site backpacks by id or url.
> * Get a site backpacks by id for a particular user or site (if userid is 0)
$issuer['@context'] = OPEN_BADGES_V2_CONTEXT;
> * @param int $userid The owner of the backpack, 0 if it's a sitewide backpack else a user's site backpack
< function badges_get_site_backpack($id) {
> function badges_get_site_backpack($id, int $userid = 0) {
< return $DB->get_record('badge_external_backpack', ['id' => $id]);
> $sql = "SELECT beb.*, AS badgebackpack, bb.password, AS backpackemail > FROM {badge_external_backpack} beb > LEFT JOIN {badge_backpack} bb ON bb.externalbackpackid = AND bb.userid=:userid > WHERE"; > > return $DB->get_record_sql($sql, ['id' => $id, 'userid' => $userid]); > } > > /** > * Get the user backpack for the currently logged in user OR the provided user > * > * @param int|null $userid The user whose backpack you're requesting for. If null, get the logged in user's backpack > * @return mixed The user's backpack or none. > * @throws dml_exception > */ > function badges_get_user_backpack(?int $userid = 0) { > global $DB; > > if (!$userid) { > global $USER; > $userid = $USER->id; > } > > $sql = "SELECT beb.*, AS badgebackpack, bb.password, AS backpackemail > FROM {badge_external_backpack} beb > JOIN {badge_backpack} bb ON bb.externalbackpackid = AND bb.userid=:userid"; > > return $DB->get_record_sql($sql, ['userid' => $userid]); > } > > /** > * Get the primary backpack for the site > * > * @return array(stdClass) > */ > function badges_get_site_primary_backpack() { > global $CFG; > > return badges_get_site_backpack($CFG->badges_site_backpack);
$issuer['type'] = OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_ISSUER;
> $sitebackpack = badges_get_site_primary_backpack();
< $issuer['email'] = $CFG->badges_defaultissuercontact;
> $issuer['email'] = $sitebackpack->backpackemail ?: $CFG->badges_defaultissuercontact;
} /** * Disconnect from the user backpack by deleting the user preferences. * * @param integer $userid The user to diconnect. * @return boolean */ function badges_disconnect_user_backpack($userid) { global $USER; // We can only change backpack settings for our own real backpack. if ($USER->id != $userid || \core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) { return false; } unset_user_preference('badges_email_verify_secret'); unset_user_preference('badges_email_verify_address'); unset_user_preference('badges_email_verify_backpackid'); unset_user_preference('badges_email_verify_password'); return true; } /** * Used to remember which objects we connected with a backpack before. * * @param integer $sitebackpackid The site backpack to connect to. * @param string $type The type of this remote object. * @param string $internalid The id for this object on the Moodle site.
> * @param string $param The param we need to return. Defaults to the externalid.
* @return mixed The id or false if it doesn't exist. */
< function badges_external_get_mapping($sitebackpackid, $type, $internalid) {
> function badges_external_get_mapping($sitebackpackid, $type, $internalid, $param = 'externalid') {
global $DB; // Return externalid if it exists. $params = [ 'sitebackpackid' => $sitebackpackid, 'type' => $type, 'internalid' => $internalid ];
< $record = $DB->get_record('badge_external_identifier', $params, 'externalid', IGNORE_MISSING);
> $record = $DB->get_record('badge_external_identifier', $params, $param, IGNORE_MISSING);
if ($record) {
< return $record->externalid;
> return $record->$param;
} return false; } /** * Save the info about which objects we connected with a backpack before. * * @param integer $sitebackpackid The site backpack to connect to. * @param string $type The type of this remote object. * @param string $internalid The id for this object on the Moodle site. * @param string $externalid The id of this object on the remote site. * @return boolean */ function badges_external_create_mapping($sitebackpackid, $type, $internalid, $externalid) { global $DB; $params = [ 'sitebackpackid' => $sitebackpackid, 'type' => $type, 'internalid' => $internalid, 'externalid' => $externalid ]; return $DB->insert_record('badge_external_identifier', $params); } /** * Delete all external mapping information for a backpack. * * @param integer $sitebackpackid The site backpack to connect to. * @return boolean */ function badges_external_delete_mappings($sitebackpackid) { global $DB; $params = ['sitebackpackid' => $sitebackpackid]; return $DB->delete_records('badge_external_identifier', $params); } /** * Delete a specific external mapping information for a backpack. * * @param integer $sitebackpackid The site backpack to connect to. * @param string $type The type of this remote object. * @param string $internalid The id for this object on the Moodle site. * @return boolean */ function badges_external_delete_mapping($sitebackpackid, $type, $internalid) { global $DB; $params = [ 'sitebackpackid' => $sitebackpackid, 'type' => $type, 'internalid' => $internalid ]; $DB->delete_record('badge_external_identifier', $params); } /** * Create and send a verification email to the email address supplied. * * Since we're not sending this email to a user, email_to_user can't be used * but this function borrows largely the code from that process. * * @param string $email the email address to send the verification email to. * @param int $backpackid the id of the backpack to connect to * @param string $backpackpassword the user entered password to connect to this backpack * @return true if the email was sent successfully, false otherwise. */ function badges_send_verification_email($email, $backpackid, $backpackpassword) { global $DB, $USER; // Store a user secret (badges_email_verify_secret) and the address (badges_email_verify_address) as users prefs. // The address will be used by edit_backpack_form for display during verification and to facilitate the resending // of verification emails to said address. $secret = random_string(15); set_user_preference('badges_email_verify_secret', $secret); set_user_preference('badges_email_verify_address', $email); set_user_preference('badges_email_verify_backpackid', $backpackid); set_user_preference('badges_email_verify_password', $backpackpassword); // To, from. $tempuser = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $USER->id), '*', MUST_EXIST); $tempuser->email = $email; $noreplyuser = core_user::get_noreply_user(); // Generate the verification email body. $verificationurl = '/badges/backpackemailverify.php'; $verificationurl = new moodle_url($verificationurl); $verificationpath = $verificationurl->out(false); $site = get_site(); $args = new stdClass(); $args->link = $verificationpath . '?data='. $secret; $args->sitename = $site->fullname; $args->admin = generate_email_signoff(); $messagesubject = get_string('backpackemailverifyemailsubject', 'badges', $site->fullname); $messagetext = get_string('backpackemailverifyemailbody', 'badges', $args); $messagehtml = text_to_html($messagetext, false, false, true); return email_to_user($tempuser, $noreplyuser, $messagesubject, $messagetext, $messagehtml); } /** * Return all the enabled criteria types for this site. * * @param boolean $enabled * @return array */ function badges_list_criteria($enabled = true) { global $CFG; $types = array( BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_OVERALL => 'overall', BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_ACTIVITY => 'activity', BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_MANUAL => 'manual', BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_SOCIAL => 'social', BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COURSE => 'course', BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COURSESET => 'courseset', BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_PROFILE => 'profile', BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_BADGE => 'badge', BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COHORT => 'cohort', BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COMPETENCY => 'competency', ); if ($enabled) { foreach ($types as $key => $type) { $class = 'award_criteria_' . $type; $file = $CFG->dirroot . '/badges/criteria/' . $class . '.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { require_once($file); if (!$class::is_enabled()) { unset($types[$key]); } } } } return $types; } /** * Check if any badge has records for competencies. * * @param array $competencyids Array of competencies ids. * @return boolean Return true if competencies were found in any badge. */ function badge_award_criteria_competency_has_records_for_competencies($competencyids) { global $DB; list($insql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($competencyids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT bc.badgeid FROM {badge_criteria} bc JOIN {badge_criteria_param} bcp ON = bcp.critid WHERE bc.criteriatype = :criteriatype AND bcp.value $insql"; $params['criteriatype'] = BADGE_CRITERIA_TYPE_COMPETENCY; return $DB->record_exists_sql($sql, $params); } /** * Creates single message for all notification and sends it out * * @param object $badge A badge which is notified about. */ function badge_assemble_notification(stdClass $badge) { global $DB; $userfrom = core_user::get_noreply_user(); $userfrom->maildisplay = true; if ($msgs = $DB->get_records_select('badge_issued', 'issuernotified IS NULL AND badgeid = ?', array($badge->id))) { // Get badge creator. $creator = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $badge->creator), '*', MUST_EXIST); $creatorsubject = get_string('creatorsubject', 'badges', $badge->name); $creatormessage = ''; // Put all messages in one digest. foreach ($msgs as $msg) { $issuedlink = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/badges/badge.php', array('hash' => $msg->uniquehash)), $badge->name); $recipient = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $msg->userid), '*', MUST_EXIST); $a = new stdClass(); $a->user = fullname($recipient); $a->link = $issuedlink; $creatormessage .= get_string('creatorbody', 'badges', $a); $DB->set_field('badge_issued', 'issuernotified', time(), array('badgeid' => $msg->badgeid, 'userid' => $msg->userid)); } // Create a message object. $eventdata = new \core\message\message(); $eventdata->courseid = SITEID; $eventdata->component = 'moodle'; $eventdata->name = 'badgecreatornotice'; $eventdata->userfrom = $userfrom; $eventdata->userto = $creator; $eventdata->notification = 1; $eventdata->subject = $creatorsubject; $eventdata->fullmessage = format_text_email($creatormessage, FORMAT_HTML); $eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN; $eventdata->fullmessagehtml = $creatormessage; $eventdata->smallmessage = $creatorsubject; message_send($eventdata); } } /** * Attempt to authenticate with the site backpack credentials and return an error * if the authentication fails. If external backpacks are not enabled, this will * not perform any test. * * @return string */ function badges_verify_site_backpack() { global $CFG; return badges_verify_backpack($CFG->badges_site_backpack); } /** * Attempt to authenticate with a backpack credentials and return an error * if the authentication fails. * If external backpacks are not enabled or the backpack version is different * from OBv2, this will not perform any test. * * @param int $backpackid Backpack identifier to verify. * @return string The result of the verification process. */ function badges_verify_backpack(int $backpackid) { global $OUTPUT, $CFG; if (empty($CFG->badges_allowexternalbackpack)) { return ''; } $backpack = badges_get_site_backpack($backpackid); if (empty($backpack->apiversion) || ($backpack->apiversion == OPEN_BADGES_V2)) { $backpackapi = new \core_badges\backpack_api($backpack); // Clear any cached access tokens in the session. $backpackapi->clear_system_user_session(); // Now attempt a login with these credentials. $result = $backpackapi->authenticate(); if (empty($result) || !empty($result->error)) { $warning = $backpackapi->get_authentication_error(); $params = ['id' => $backpack->id, 'action' => 'edit']; $backpackurl = (new moodle_url('/badges/backpacks.php', $params))->out(false); $message = get_string('sitebackpackwarning', 'badges', ['url' => $backpackurl, 'warning' => $warning]); $icon = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/warning', get_string('warning', 'moodle'));
< return $OUTPUT->container($icon . $message, 'text-error');
> return $OUTPUT->container($icon . $message, 'text-danger');
} } return ''; } /** * Get OAuth2 services for the external backpack. * * @return array * @throws coding_exception */ function badges_get_oauth2_service_options() { global $DB; $issuers = core\oauth2\api::get_all_issuers(); $options = ['' => 'None']; foreach ($issuers as $issuer) { $options[$issuer->get('id')] = $issuer->get('name'); } return $options;
> } } > > /** > * Generate a public badgr URL that conforms to OBv2. This is done because badgr responses do not currently conform to > * the spec. > * > * WARNING: This is an extremely hacky way of implementing this and should be removed once the standards are conformed to. > * > * @param stdClass $backpack The Badgr backpack we are pushing to > * @param string $type The type of object we are dealing with either Issuer, Assertion OR Badge. > * @param string $externalid The externalid as provided by the backpack > * @return string The public URL to access Badgr objects > */ > function badges_generate_badgr_open_url($backpack, $type, $externalid) { > if (badges_open_badges_backpack_api($backpack->id) == OPEN_BADGES_V2) { > $entity = strtolower($type); > if ($type == OPEN_BADGES_V2_TYPE_BADGE) { > $entity = "badge"; > } > $url = new moodle_url($backpack->backpackapiurl); > return "{$url->get_scheme()}://{$url->get_host()}/public/{$entity}s/$externalid"; > > }