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See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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// (at your option) any later version.
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< * Test sqlsrv dml support.
> * Test case for sqlsrv dml support.
* * @package core
< * @category dml
> * @category test
* @copyright 2017 John Okely * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */
> namespace core; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); > > use sqlsrv_native_moodle_database; global $CFG; >
require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/dml/sqlsrv_native_moodle_database.php'); /** * Test case for sqlsrv dml support. * * @package core
< * @category dml
> * @category test
* @copyright 2017 John Okely * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */
< class sqlsrv_native_moodle_database_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
> class sqlsrv_native_moodle_database_test extends \advanced_testcase {
< public function setUp() {
> public function setUp(): void {
parent::setUp(); $this->resetAfterTest(); } /** * Dataprovider for test_add_no_lock_to_temp_tables * @return array Data for test_add_no_lock_to_temp_tables */ public function add_no_lock_to_temp_tables_provider() { return [ "Basic temp table, nothing following" => [ 'input' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp}', 'expected' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} WITH (NOLOCK)' ], "Basic temp table, with capitalised alias" => [ 'input' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} MYTABLE', 'expected' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} MYTABLE WITH (NOLOCK)' ], "Temp table with alias, and another non-temp table" => [ 'input' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} x WHERE y in (SELECT y from {table2})', 'expected' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} x WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE y in (SELECT y from {table2})' ], "Temp table with reserve word following, no alias" => [ 'input' => 'SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} WHERE y in (SELECT y from {table2} nottemp)', 'expected' => 'SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE y in (SELECT y from {table2} nottemp)' ], "Temp table with reserve word, lower case" => [ 'input' => 'SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} where y in (SELECT y from {table2} nottemp)', 'expected' => 'SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} WITH (NOLOCK) where y in (SELECT y from {table2} nottemp)' ], "Another reserve word test" => [ 'input' => 'SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} PIVOT y in (SELECT y from {table2} nottemp)', 'expected' => 'SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} WITH (NOLOCK) PIVOT y in (SELECT y from {table2} nottemp)' ], "Another reserve word test should fail" => [ 'input' => 'SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} PIVOT y in (SELECT y from {table2} nottemp)', 'expected' => 'SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} WITH (NOLOCK) PIVOT y in (SELECT y from {table2} nottemp)' ], "Temp table with an alias starting with a keyword" => [ 'input' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} asx', 'expected' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} asx WITH (NOLOCK)' ], "Keep alias with underscore" => [ 'input' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} alias_for_table', 'expected' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} alias_for_table WITH (NOLOCK)' ], "Alias with number" => [ 'input' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} a5 WHERE y', 'expected' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} a5 WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE y' ], "Alias with number and underscore" => [ 'input' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} a_5 WHERE y', 'expected' => 'SELECT * FROM {table_temp} a_5 WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE y' ], "Temp table in subquery" => [ 'input' => 'select * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp})', 'expected' => 'select * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} WITH (NOLOCK))' ], "Temp table in subquery, with following commands" => [ 'input' => 'select * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} ) WHERE y', 'expected' => 'select * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} WITH (NOLOCK) ) WHERE y' ], "Temp table in subquery, with alias" => [ 'input' => 'select * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} x) WHERE y', 'expected' => 'select * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT * FROM {table_temp} x WITH (NOLOCK)) WHERE y' ], ]; } /** * Test add_no_lock_to_temp_tables * * @param string $input The input SQL query * @param string $expected The expected resultant query * @dataProvider add_no_lock_to_temp_tables_provider */ public function test_add_no_lock_to_temp_tables($input, $expected) { $sqlsrv = new sqlsrv_native_moodle_database();
< $reflector = new ReflectionObject($sqlsrv);
> $reflector = new \ReflectionObject($sqlsrv);
$method = $reflector->getMethod('add_no_lock_to_temp_tables'); $method->setAccessible(true); $temptablesproperty = $reflector->getProperty('temptables'); $temptablesproperty->setAccessible(true); $temptables = new temptables_tester(); $temptablesproperty->setValue($sqlsrv, $temptables); $result = $method->invoke($sqlsrv, $input); $temptablesproperty->setValue($sqlsrv, null); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); } /** * Data provider for test_has_query_order_by * * @return array data for test_has_query_order_by */ public function has_query_order_by_provider() { // Fixtures taken from return [ 'User with language => FALSE' => [ 'sql' => <<<EOT SELECT username, lang FROM prefix_user EOT , 'expectedmainquery' => <<<EOT SELECT username, lang FROM prefix_user EOT , 'expectedresult' => false ], 'List Users with extra info (email) in current course => FALSE' => [ 'sql' => <<<EOT SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname, FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS context ON = ra.contextid AND context.contextlevel = 50 JOIN prefix_course AS c ON = context.instanceid AND = %%COURSEID%% JOIN prefix_user AS u ON = ra.userid EOT , 'expectedmainquery' => <<<EOT SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname, FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS context ON = ra.contextid AND context.contextlevel = 50 JOIN prefix_course AS c ON = context.instanceid AND = %%COURSEID%% JOIN prefix_user AS u ON = ra.userid EOT , 'expectedresult' => false ], 'ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ...) => FALSE (' => [ 'sql' => <<<EOT SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Users who have logged in today' FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY lastaccess DESC) AS Row FROM mdl_user WHERE lastaccess > DATEDIFF(s, '1970-01-01 02:00:00', (SELECT Convert(DateTime, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE())))) ) AS Logins EOT , 'expectedmainquery' => <<<EOT SELECT COUNT() AS 'Users who have logged in today' FROM () AS Logins EOT , 'expectedresult' => false ], 'CONTRIB-7725 workaround) => TRUE' => [ 'sql' => <<<EOT SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Users who have logged in today' FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY lastaccess DESC) AS Row FROM mdl_user WHERE lastaccess > DATEDIFF(s, '1970-01-01 02:00:00', (SELECT Convert(DateTime, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, GETDATE())))) ) AS Logins ORDER BY 1 EOT , 'expectedmainquery' => <<<EOT SELECT COUNT() AS 'Users who have logged in today' FROM () AS Logins ORDER BY 1 EOT , 'expectedresult' => true ], 'Enrolment count in each Course => TRUE' => [ 'sql' => <<<EOT SELECT c.fullname, COUNT( AS Enroled FROM prefix_course AS c JOIN prefix_enrol AS en ON en.courseid = JOIN prefix_user_enrolments AS ue ON ue.enrolid = GROUP BY ORDER BY c.fullname EOT , 'expectedmainquery' => <<<EOT SELECT c.fullname, COUNT() AS Enroled FROM prefix_course AS c JOIN prefix_enrol AS en ON en.courseid = JOIN prefix_user_enrolments AS ue ON ue.enrolid = GROUP BY ORDER BY c.fullname EOT , 'expectedresult' => true ], ]; } /** * Test has_query_order_by * * @dataProvider has_query_order_by_provider * @param string $sql the query * @param string $expectedmainquery the expected main query * @param bool $expectedresult the expected result */ public function test_has_query_order_by(string $sql, string $expectedmainquery, bool $expectedresult) { $mainquery = preg_replace('/\(((?>[^()]+)|(?R))*\)/', '()', $sql); $this->assertSame($expectedmainquery, $mainquery); // The has_query_order_by static method is protected. Use Reflection to call the method.
< $method = new ReflectionMethod('sqlsrv_native_moodle_database', 'has_query_order_by');
> $method = new \ReflectionMethod('sqlsrv_native_moodle_database', 'has_query_order_by');
$method->setAccessible(true); $result = $method->invoke(null, $sql); $this->assertSame($expectedresult, $result); } } /** * Test class for testing temptables * * @copyright 2017 John Okely * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class temptables_tester { /** * Returns if one table, based in the information present in the store, is a temp table * * For easy testing, anything with the word 'temp' in it is considered temporary. * * @param string $tablename name without prefix of the table we are asking about * @return bool true if the table is a temp table (based in the store info), false if not */ public function is_temptable($tablename) { if (strpos($tablename, 'temp') === false) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Dispose the temptables * * @return void */ public function dispose() { } }