Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

Copyright 1999-2017 Horde LLC ( See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you did not receive this file, see

Copyright: 1999-2017 Horde LLC
License: LGPL 2.1
File Size: 397 lines (11 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Horde_Mime:: (10 methods):

Class: Horde_Mime  - X-Ref

Provide methods for dealing with MIME encoding (RFC 2045-2049);

is8bit($string, $charset = null)   X-Ref
Determines if a string contains 8-bit (non US-ASCII) characters.

param: string $string   The string to check.
param: string $charset  The charset of the string. Defaults to
return: boolean  True if string contains non 7-bit characters.

encode($text, $charset = 'UTF-8')   X-Ref
MIME encodes a string (RFC 2047).

param: string $text     The text to encode (UTF-8).
param: string $charset  The character set to encode to.
return: string  The MIME encoded string (US-ASCII).

decode($string)   X-Ref
Decodes a MIME encoded (RFC 2047) string.

param: string $string  The MIME encoded text.
return: string  The decoded text.

generateMessageId()   X-Ref

uudecode($input)   X-Ref

encodeParam($name, $val, array $opts = array()   X-Ref

decodeParam($type, $data)   X-Ref

mimeIdArithmetic($id, $action, $options = array()   X-Ref

isChild($base, $id)   X-Ref

quotedPrintableEncode($text, $eol = self::EOL,$wrap = 76)   X-Ref