Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
 * Copyright 2010-2017 Horde LLC (
 * See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (LGPL). If you
 * did not receive this file, see
 * @category  Horde
 * @copyright 2010-2017 Horde LLC
 * @package   Util
 * @license LGPL 2.1

 * Parse DOM data from HTML strings.
 * @author    Michael Slusarz <>
 * @category  Horde
 * @copyright 2010-2017 Horde LLC
 * @package   Util
 * @license LGPL 2.1
class Horde_Domhtml implements Iterator
     * DOM object.
     * @var DOMDocument
    public $dom;

     * Iterator status.
     * @var array
    protected $_iterator = null;

     * Original charset of data.
     * @var string
    protected $_origCharset;

     * Encoding tag added to beginning of output.
     * @var string
    protected $_xmlencoding = '';

     * Constructor.
     * @param string $text     The text of the HTML document.
     * @param string $charset  The charset of the HTML document.
     * @throws Exception
    public function __construct($text, $charset = null)
        if (!extension_loaded('dom')) {
            throw new Exception('DOM extension is not available.');

        // Bug #9616: Make sure we have valid HTML input.
        if (!strlen($text)) {
            $text = '<html></html>';

        $old_error = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
        $this->dom = new DOMDocument();

        if (is_null($charset)) {
            /* If no charset given, charset is whatever libxml tells us the
             * encoding should be defaulting to 'iso-8859-1'. */
            $this->_origCharset = $this->dom->encoding
                ? $this->dom->encoding
                : 'iso-8859-1';
        } else {
            /* Convert/try with UTF-8 first. */
            $this->_origCharset = Horde_String::lower($charset);
            $this->_xmlencoding = '<?xml encoding="UTF-8"?>';
                $this->_xmlencoding . Horde_String::convertCharset($text, $charset, 'UTF-8')

            if ($this->dom->encoding &&
                (Horde_String::lower($this->dom->encoding) != 'utf-8')) {
                /* Convert charset to what the HTML document says it SHOULD
                 * be. */
                    Horde_String::convertCharset($text, $charset, $this->dom->encoding)
                $this->_xmlencoding = '';

        if ($old_error) {

        /* Sanity checking: make sure we have the documentElement object. */
        if (!$this->dom->documentElement) {

        /* Remove old charset information. */
        $xpath = new DOMXPath($this->dom);
        $domlist = $xpath->query('/html/head/meta[@http-equiv="content-type"]');
        for ($i = $domlist->length; $i > 0; --$i) {
            $meta = $domlist->item($i - 1);

     * Returns the HEAD element, or creates one if it doesn't exist.
     * @return DOMElement  HEAD element.
    public function getHead()
        $head = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('head');
        if ($head->length) {
            return $head->item(0);

        $headelt = $this->dom->createElement('head');
        $this->dom->documentElement->insertBefore($headelt, $this->dom->documentElement->firstChild);

        return $headelt;

     * Returns the BODY element, or creates one if it doesn't exist.
     * @since 2.2.0
     * @return DOMElement  BODY element.
    public function getBody()
        $body = $this->dom->getElementsByTagName('body');
        if ($body->length) {
            return $body->item(0);

        $bodyelt = $this->dom->createElement('body');

        return $bodyelt;

     * Returns the full HTML text in the original charset.
     * @param array $opts  Additional options: (since 2.1.0)
     *   - charset: (string) Return using this charset. If set but empty, will
     *              return as currently stored in the DOM object.
     *   - metacharset: (boolean) If true, will add a META tag containing the
     *                  charset information.
     * @return string  HTML text.
    public function returnHtml(array $opts = array())
        $curr_charset = $this->getCharset();
        if (strcasecmp($curr_charset, 'US-ASCII') === 0) {
            $curr_charset = 'UTF-8';
        $charset = array_key_exists('charset', $opts)
            ? (empty($opts['charset']) ? $curr_charset : $opts['charset'])
            : $this->_origCharset;

        if (empty($opts['metacharset'])) {
            $text = $this->dom->saveHTML();
        } else {
            /* Add placeholder for META tag. Can't add charset yet because DOM
             * extension will alter output if it exists. */
            $meta = $this->dom->createElement('meta');
            $meta->setAttribute('http-equiv', 'content-type');
            $meta->setAttribute('horde_dom_html_charset', '');

            $head = $this->getHead();
            $head->insertBefore($meta, $head->firstChild);

            $text = str_replace(
                'content="text/html; charset=' . $charset . '"',


        if (strcasecmp($curr_charset, $charset) !== 0) {
            $text = Horde_String::convertCharset($text, $curr_charset, $charset);

        if (!$this->_xmlencoding ||
            (($pos = strpos($text, $this->_xmlencoding)) === false)) {
            return $text;

        return substr_replace($text, '', $pos, strlen($this->_xmlencoding));

     * Returns the body text in the original charset.
     * @return string  HTML text.
    public function returnBody()
        $body = $this->getBody();
        $text = '';

        if ($body->hasChildNodes()) {
            foreach ($body->childNodes as $child) {
                $text .= $this->dom->saveXML($child);

        return Horde_String::convertCharset($text, 'UTF-8', $this->_origCharset);

     * Get the charset of the DOM data.
     * @since 2.1.0
     * @return string  Charset of DOM data.
    public function getCharset()
        return $this->dom->encoding
            ? $this->dom->encoding
            : ($this->_xmlencoding ? 'UTF-8' : $this->_origCharset);

     * Loads the HTML data.
     * @param string $html  HTML data.
    protected function _loadHTML($html)
        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '>=')) {
            $mask = defined('LIBXML_PARSEHUGE')
                ? LIBXML_PARSEHUGE
                : 0;
            $mask |= defined('LIBXML_COMPACT')
                ? LIBXML_COMPACT
                : 0;
            $this->dom->loadHTML($html, $mask);
        } else {

    /* Iterator methods. */

> #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
public function current() { if ($this->_iterator instanceof DOMDocument) { return $this->_iterator; } $curr = end($this->_iterator); return $curr['list']->item($curr['i']); } /** */
> #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
public function key() { return 0; } /** */
> #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
public function next() { /* Iterate in the reverse direction through the node list. This allows * alteration of the original list without breaking things (foreach() * w/removeChild() may exit iteration after removal is complete. */ if ($this->_iterator instanceof DOMDocument) { $this->_iterator = array(); $curr = array(); $node = $this->dom; } elseif (empty($this->_iterator)) { $this->_iterator = null; return; } else { $curr = &$this->_iterator[count($this->_iterator) - 1]; $node = $curr['list']->item($curr['i']); } if (empty($curr['child']) && ($node instanceof DOMNode) && $node->hasChildNodes()) { $curr['child'] = true; $this->_iterator[] = array( 'child' => false, 'i' => $node->childNodes->length - 1, 'list' => $node->childNodes ); } elseif (--$curr['i'] < 0) { array_pop($this->_iterator); $this->next(); } else { $curr['child'] = false; } } /** */
> #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
public function rewind() { $this->_iterator = $this->dom; } /** */
> #[ReturnTypeWillChange]
public function valid() { return !is_null($this->_iterator); } }