Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation;

< use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Date; < use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\StringHelper; < use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\NumberFormat;
> use DateTimeInterface;
> /** class TextData > * @deprecated 1.18.0 { > */
< private static $invalidChars; < < private static function unicodeToOrd($character) < { < return unpack('V', iconv('UTF-8', 'UCS-4LE', $character))[1]; < } <
/** * CHARACTER. *
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param string $character Value > * * > * @see Use the character() method in the TextData\CharacterConvert class instead * @return string > *
< * @return string
> * @return array|string
public static function CHARACTER($character) {
< $character = Functions::flattenSingleValue($character); < < if ((!is_numeric($character)) || ($character < 0)) { < return Functions::VALUE(); < } < < if (function_exists('iconv')) { < return iconv('UCS-4LE', 'UTF-8', pack('V', $character)); < } < < return mb_convert_encoding('&#' . (int) $character . ';', 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
> return TextData\CharacterConvert::character($character);
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param mixed $stringValue Value to check > * * > * @see Use the nonPrintable() method in the TextData\Trim class instead * @return string > *
< * @return string
> * @return null|array|string
public static function TRIMNONPRINTABLE($stringValue = '') {
< $stringValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($stringValue); < < if (is_bool($stringValue)) { < return ($stringValue) ? Calculation::getTRUE() : Calculation::getFALSE(); < } < < if (self::$invalidChars === null) { < self::$invalidChars = range(chr(0), chr(31)); < } < < if (is_string($stringValue) || is_numeric($stringValue)) { < return str_replace(self::$invalidChars, '', trim($stringValue, "\x00..\x1F")); < } < < return null;
> return TextData\Trim::nonPrintable($stringValue);
} /** * TRIMSPACES. *
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param mixed $stringValue Value to check > * * > * @see Use the spaces() method in the TextData\Trim class instead * @return string > *
< * @return string
> * @return array|string
public static function TRIMSPACES($stringValue = '') {
< $stringValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($stringValue); < if (is_bool($stringValue)) { < return ($stringValue) ? Calculation::getTRUE() : Calculation::getFALSE(); < } < < if (is_string($stringValue) || is_numeric($stringValue)) { < return trim(preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', trim($stringValue, ' ')), ' '); < } < < return null; < } < < private static function convertBooleanValue($value) < { < if (Functions::getCompatibilityMode() == Functions::COMPATIBILITY_OPENOFFICE) { < return (int) $value; < } < < return ($value) ? Calculation::getTRUE() : Calculation::getFALSE();
> return TextData\Trim::spaces($stringValue);
} /** * ASCIICODE. *
< * @param string $characters Value
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 > * > * @see Use the code() method in the TextData\CharacterConvert class instead > * > * @param array|string $characters Value
< * @return int
> * @return array|int|string A string if arguments are invalid
*/ public static function ASCIICODE($characters) {
< if (($characters === null) || ($characters === '')) { < return Functions::VALUE(); < } < $characters = Functions::flattenSingleValue($characters); < if (is_bool($characters)) { < $characters = self::convertBooleanValue($characters); < } < < $character = $characters; < if (mb_strlen($characters, 'UTF-8') > 1) { < $character = mb_substr($characters, 0, 1, 'UTF-8'); < } < < return self::unicodeToOrd($character);
> return TextData\CharacterConvert::code($characters);
} /** * CONCATENATE. *
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @return string > * */ > * @see Use the CONCATENATE() method in the TextData\Concatenate class instead public static function CONCATENATE(...$args) > *
< $returnValue = ''; < < // Loop through arguments < $aArgs = Functions::flattenArray($args); < foreach ($aArgs as $arg) { < if (is_bool($arg)) { < $arg = self::convertBooleanValue($arg); < } < $returnValue .= $arg; < } < < return $returnValue;
> return TextData\Concatenate::CONCATENATE(...$args);
} /** * DOLLAR. * * This function converts a number to text using currency format, with the decimals rounded to the specified place. * The format used is $#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00).. *
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param float $value The value to format > * * @param int $decimals The number of digits to display to the right of the decimal point. > * @see Use the DOLLAR() method in the TextData\Format class instead * If decimals is negative, number is rounded to the left of the decimal point. > *
* If you omit decimals, it is assumed to be 2 *
< * @return string
> * @return array|string
*/ public static function DOLLAR($value = 0, $decimals = 2) {
< $value = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value); < $decimals = $decimals === null ? 0 : Functions::flattenSingleValue($decimals); < < // Validate parameters < if (!is_numeric($value) || !is_numeric($decimals)) { < return Functions::NAN(); < } < $decimals = floor($decimals); < < $mask = '$#,##0'; < if ($decimals > 0) { < $mask .= '.' . str_repeat('0', $decimals); < } else { < $round = pow(10, abs($decimals)); < if ($value < 0) { < $round = 0 - $round; < } < $value = MathTrig::MROUND($value, $round); < } < < return NumberFormat::toFormattedString($value, $mask);
> return TextData\Format::DOLLAR($value, $decimals);
} /**
> * FIND.
< * @param string $needle The string to look for < * @param string $haystack The string in which to look < * @param int $offset Offset within $haystack
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0
< * @return string
> * @see Use the sensitive() method in the TextData\Search class instead > * > * @param array|string $needle The string to look for > * @param array|string $haystack The string in which to look > * @param array|int $offset Offset within $haystack > * > * @return array|int|string
*/ public static function SEARCHSENSITIVE($needle, $haystack, $offset = 1) {
< $needle = Functions::flattenSingleValue($needle); < $haystack = Functions::flattenSingleValue($haystack); < $offset = Functions::flattenSingleValue($offset); < < if (!is_bool($needle)) { < if (is_bool($haystack)) { < $haystack = ($haystack) ? Calculation::getTRUE() : Calculation::getFALSE(); < } < < if (($offset > 0) && (StringHelper::countCharacters($haystack) > $offset)) { < if (StringHelper::countCharacters($needle) === 0) { < return $offset; < } < < $pos = mb_strpos($haystack, $needle, --$offset, 'UTF-8'); < if ($pos !== false) { < return ++$pos; < } < } < } < < return Functions::VALUE();
> return TextData\Search::sensitive($needle, $haystack, $offset);
} /**
< * @param string $needle The string to look for < * @param string $haystack The string in which to look < * @param int $offset Offset within $haystack
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0
< * @return string
> * @see Use the insensitive() method in the TextData\Search class instead > * > * @param array|string $needle The string to look for > * @param array|string $haystack The string in which to look > * @param array|int $offset Offset within $haystack > * > * @return array|int|string
*/ public static function SEARCHINSENSITIVE($needle, $haystack, $offset = 1) {
< $needle = Functions::flattenSingleValue($needle); < $haystack = Functions::flattenSingleValue($haystack); < $offset = Functions::flattenSingleValue($offset); < < if (!is_bool($needle)) { < if (is_bool($haystack)) { < $haystack = ($haystack) ? Calculation::getTRUE() : Calculation::getFALSE(); < } < < if (($offset > 0) && (StringHelper::countCharacters($haystack) > $offset)) { < if (StringHelper::countCharacters($needle) === 0) { < return $offset; < } < < $pos = mb_stripos($haystack, $needle, --$offset, 'UTF-8'); < if ($pos !== false) { < return ++$pos; < } < } < } < < return Functions::VALUE();
> return TextData\Search::insensitive($needle, $haystack, $offset);
} /** * FIXEDFORMAT. *
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param mixed $value Value to check > * * @param int $decimals > * @see Use the FIXEDFORMAT() method in the TextData\Format class instead * @param bool $no_commas > *
< * @return string
> * @return array|string
*/ public static function FIXEDFORMAT($value, $decimals = 2, $no_commas = false) {
< $value = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value); < $decimals = Functions::flattenSingleValue($decimals); < $no_commas = Functions::flattenSingleValue($no_commas); < < // Validate parameters < if (!is_numeric($value) || !is_numeric($decimals)) { < return Functions::NAN(); < } < $decimals = (int) floor($decimals); < < $valueResult = round($value, $decimals); < if ($decimals < 0) { < $decimals = 0; < } < if (!$no_commas) { < $valueResult = number_format( < $valueResult, < $decimals, < StringHelper::getDecimalSeparator(), < StringHelper::getThousandsSeparator() < ); < } < < return (string) $valueResult;
> return TextData\Format::FIXEDFORMAT($value, $decimals, $no_commas);
} /** * LEFT. *
< * @param string $value Value < * @param int $chars Number of characters
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0
< * @return string
> * @see Use the left() method in the TextData\Extract class instead > * > * @param array|string $value Value > * @param array|int $chars Number of characters > * > * @return array|string
*/ public static function LEFT($value = '', $chars = 1) {
< $value = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value); < $chars = Functions::flattenSingleValue($chars); < < if ($chars < 0) { < return Functions::VALUE(); < } < < if (is_bool($value)) { < $value = ($value) ? Calculation::getTRUE() : Calculation::getFALSE(); < } < < return mb_substr($value, 0, $chars, 'UTF-8');
> return TextData\Extract::left($value, $chars);
} /** * MID. *
< * @param string $value Value < * @param int $start Start character < * @param int $chars Number of characters
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0
< * @return string
> * @see Use the mid() method in the TextData\Extract class instead > * > * @param array|string $value Value > * @param array|int $start Start character > * @param array|int $chars Number of characters > * > * @return array|string
*/ public static function MID($value = '', $start = 1, $chars = null) {
< $value = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value); < $start = Functions::flattenSingleValue($start); < $chars = Functions::flattenSingleValue($chars); < < if (($start < 1) || ($chars < 0)) { < return Functions::VALUE(); < } < < if (is_bool($value)) { < $value = ($value) ? Calculation::getTRUE() : Calculation::getFALSE(); < } < < if (empty($chars)) { < return ''; < } < < return mb_substr($value, --$start, $chars, 'UTF-8');
> return TextData\Extract::mid($value, $start, $chars);
} /** * RIGHT. *
< * @param string $value Value < * @param int $chars Number of characters
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0
< * @return string
> * @see Use the right() method in the TextData\Extract class instead > * > * @param array|string $value Value > * @param array|int $chars Number of characters > * > * @return array|string
*/ public static function RIGHT($value = '', $chars = 1) {
< $value = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value); < $chars = Functions::flattenSingleValue($chars); < < if ($chars < 0) { < return Functions::VALUE(); < } < < if (is_bool($value)) { < $value = ($value) ? Calculation::getTRUE() : Calculation::getFALSE(); < } < < return mb_substr($value, mb_strlen($value, 'UTF-8') - $chars, $chars, 'UTF-8');
> return TextData\Extract::right($value, $chars);
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param string $value Value > * * > * @see Use the length() method in the TextData\Text class instead * @return int > *
< * @return int
> * @return array|int
public static function STRINGLENGTH($value = '') {
< $value = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value); < < if (is_bool($value)) { < $value = ($value) ? Calculation::getTRUE() : Calculation::getFALSE(); < } < < return mb_strlen($value, 'UTF-8');
> return TextData\Text::length($value);
} /** * LOWERCASE. *
< * Converts a string value to upper case.
> * Converts a string value to lower case.
< * @param string $mixedCaseString
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0
< * @return string
> * @see Use the lower() method in the TextData\CaseConvert class instead > * > * @param array|string $mixedCaseString > * > * @return array|string
*/ public static function LOWERCASE($mixedCaseString) {
< $mixedCaseString = Functions::flattenSingleValue($mixedCaseString); < < if (is_bool($mixedCaseString)) { < $mixedCaseString = ($mixedCaseString) ? Calculation::getTRUE() : Calculation::getFALSE(); < } < < return StringHelper::strToLower($mixedCaseString);
> return TextData\CaseConvert::lower($mixedCaseString);
} /** * UPPERCASE. * * Converts a string value to upper case. *
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param string $mixedCaseString > * * > * @see Use the upper() method in the TextData\CaseConvert class instead * @return string > *
< * @return string
> * @return array|string
public static function UPPERCASE($mixedCaseString) {
< $mixedCaseString = Functions::flattenSingleValue($mixedCaseString); < < if (is_bool($mixedCaseString)) { < $mixedCaseString = ($mixedCaseString) ? Calculation::getTRUE() : Calculation::getFALSE(); < } < < return StringHelper::strToUpper($mixedCaseString);
> return TextData\CaseConvert::upper($mixedCaseString);
} /** * PROPERCASE. *
< * Converts a string value to upper case.
> * Converts a string value to proper/title case.
< * @param string $mixedCaseString
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0
< * @return string
> * @see Use the proper() method in the TextData\CaseConvert class instead > * > * @param array|string $mixedCaseString > * > * @return array|string
*/ public static function PROPERCASE($mixedCaseString) {
< $mixedCaseString = Functions::flattenSingleValue($mixedCaseString); < < if (is_bool($mixedCaseString)) { < $mixedCaseString = ($mixedCaseString) ? Calculation::getTRUE() : Calculation::getFALSE(); < } < < return StringHelper::strToTitle($mixedCaseString);
> return TextData\CaseConvert::proper($mixedCaseString);
} /** * REPLACE. *
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param string $oldText String to modify > * * @param int $start Start character > * @see Use the replace() method in the TextData\Replace class instead * @param int $chars Number of characters > *
* @param string $newText String to replace in defined position *
< * @return string
> * @return array|string
*/ public static function REPLACE($oldText, $start, $chars, $newText) {
< $oldText = Functions::flattenSingleValue($oldText); < $start = Functions::flattenSingleValue($start); < $chars = Functions::flattenSingleValue($chars); < $newText = Functions::flattenSingleValue($newText); < < $left = self::LEFT($oldText, $start - 1); < $right = self::RIGHT($oldText, self::STRINGLENGTH($oldText) - ($start + $chars) + 1); < < return $left . $newText . $right;
> return TextData\Replace::replace($oldText, $start, $chars, $newText);
} /** * SUBSTITUTE. *
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param string $text Value > * * @param string $fromText From Value > * @see Use the substitute() method in the TextData\Replace class instead * @param string $toText To Value > *
* @param int $instance Instance Number *
< * @return string
> * @return array|string
*/ public static function SUBSTITUTE($text = '', $fromText = '', $toText = '', $instance = 0) {
< $text = Functions::flattenSingleValue($text); < $fromText = Functions::flattenSingleValue($fromText); < $toText = Functions::flattenSingleValue($toText); < $instance = floor(Functions::flattenSingleValue($instance)); < < if ($instance == 0) { < return str_replace($fromText, $toText, $text); < } < < $pos = -1; < while ($instance > 0) { < $pos = mb_strpos($text, $fromText, $pos + 1, 'UTF-8'); < if ($pos === false) { < break; < } < --$instance; < } < < if ($pos !== false) { < return self::REPLACE($text, ++$pos, mb_strlen($fromText, 'UTF-8'), $toText); < } < < return $text;
> return TextData\Replace::substitute($text, $fromText, $toText, $instance);
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param mixed $testValue Value to check > * * > * @see Use the test() method in the TextData\Text class instead * @return null|string > *
< * @return null|string
> * @return null|array|string
public static function RETURNSTRING($testValue = '') {
< $testValue = Functions::flattenSingleValue($testValue); < < if (is_string($testValue)) { < return $testValue; < } < < return null;
> return TextData\Text::test($testValue);
} /** * TEXTFORMAT. *
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param mixed $value Value to check > * * @param string $format Format mask to use > * @see Use the TEXTFORMAT() method in the TextData\Format class instead * > *
< * @return string
> * @return array|string
*/ public static function TEXTFORMAT($value, $format) {
< $value = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value); < $format = Functions::flattenSingleValue($format); < < if ((is_string($value)) && (!is_numeric($value)) && Date::isDateTimeFormatCode($format)) { < $value = DateTime::DATEVALUE($value); < } < < return (string) NumberFormat::toFormattedString($value, $format);
> return TextData\Format::TEXTFORMAT($value, $format);
} /** * VALUE. *
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param mixed $value Value to check > * * > * @see Use the VALUE() method in the TextData\Format class instead * @return bool > *
< * @return bool
> * @return array|DateTimeInterface|float|int|string A string if arguments are invalid
public static function VALUE($value = '') {
< $value = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value); < < if (!is_numeric($value)) { < $numberValue = str_replace( < StringHelper::getThousandsSeparator(), < '', < trim($value, " \t\n\r\0\x0B" . StringHelper::getCurrencyCode()) < ); < if (is_numeric($numberValue)) { < return (float) $numberValue; < } < < $dateSetting = Functions::getReturnDateType(); < Functions::setReturnDateType(Functions::RETURNDATE_EXCEL); < < if (strpos($value, ':') !== false) { < $timeValue = DateTime::TIMEVALUE($value); < if ($timeValue !== Functions::VALUE()) { < Functions::setReturnDateType($dateSetting); < < return $timeValue; < } < } < $dateValue = DateTime::DATEVALUE($value); < if ($dateValue !== Functions::VALUE()) { < Functions::setReturnDateType($dateSetting); < < return $dateValue; < } < Functions::setReturnDateType($dateSetting); < < return Functions::VALUE(); < } < < return (float) $value;
> return TextData\Format::VALUE($value);
} /** * NUMBERVALUE. *
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param mixed $value Value to check > * * @param string $decimalSeparator decimal separator, defaults to locale defined value > * @see Use the NUMBERVALUE() method in the TextData\Format class instead * @param string $groupSeparator group/thosands separator, defaults to locale defined value > *
< * @return float|string
> * @return array|float|string
*/ public static function NUMBERVALUE($value = '', $decimalSeparator = null, $groupSeparator = null) {
< $value = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value); < $decimalSeparator = Functions::flattenSingleValue($decimalSeparator); < $groupSeparator = Functions::flattenSingleValue($groupSeparator); < < if (!is_numeric($value)) { < $decimalSeparator = empty($decimalSeparator) ? StringHelper::getDecimalSeparator() : $decimalSeparator; < $groupSeparator = empty($groupSeparator) ? StringHelper::getThousandsSeparator() : $groupSeparator; < < $decimalPositions = preg_match_all('/' . preg_quote($decimalSeparator) . '/', $value, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); < if ($decimalPositions > 1) { < return Functions::VALUE(); < } < $decimalOffset = array_pop($matches[0])[1]; < if (strpos($value, $groupSeparator, $decimalOffset) !== false) { < return Functions::VALUE(); < } < < $value = str_replace([$groupSeparator, $decimalSeparator], ['', '.'], $value); < < // Handle the special case of trailing % signs < $percentageString = rtrim($value, '%'); < if (!is_numeric($percentageString)) { < return Functions::VALUE(); < } < < $percentageAdjustment = strlen($value) - strlen($percentageString); < if ($percentageAdjustment) { < $value = (float) $percentageString; < $value /= pow(10, $percentageAdjustment * 2); < } < } < < return (float) $value;
> return TextData\Format::NUMBERVALUE($value, $decimalSeparator, $groupSeparator);
} /** * Compares two text strings and returns TRUE if they are exactly the same, FALSE otherwise. * EXACT is case-sensitive but ignores formatting differences. * Use EXACT to test text being entered into a document. *
< * @param $value1 < * @param $value2
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 > * > * @see Use the exact() method in the TextData\Text class instead > * > * @param mixed $value1 > * @param mixed $value2
< * @return bool
> * @return array|bool
*/ public static function EXACT($value1, $value2) {
< $value1 = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value1); < $value2 = Functions::flattenSingleValue($value2); < < return (string) $value2 === (string) $value1;
> return TextData\Text::exact($value1, $value2);
} /** * TEXTJOIN. *
> * @Deprecated 1.18.0 * @param mixed $delimiter > * * @param mixed $ignoreEmpty > * @see Use the TEXTJOIN() method in the TextData\Concatenate class instead * @param mixed $args > *
< * @return string
> * @return array|string
*/ public static function TEXTJOIN($delimiter, $ignoreEmpty, ...$args) {
< // Loop through arguments < $aArgs = Functions::flattenArray($args); < foreach ($aArgs as $key => &$arg) { < if ($ignoreEmpty && trim($arg) == '') { < unset($aArgs[$key]); < } elseif (is_bool($arg)) { < $arg = self::convertBooleanValue($arg); < }
> return TextData\Concatenate::TEXTJOIN($delimiter, $ignoreEmpty, ...$args);
< return implode($delimiter, $aArgs);
> /** > * REPT. > * > * Returns the result of builtin function repeat after validating args. > * > * @Deprecated 1.18.0 > * > * @see Use the builtinREPT() method in the TextData\Concatenate class instead > * > * @param array|string $str Should be numeric > * @param mixed $number Should be int > * > * @return array|string > */ > public static function builtinREPT($str, $number) > { > return TextData\Concatenate::builtinREPT($str, $number);
} }