Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 39 and 311] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 39 and 401]

(no description)

File Size: 1233 lines (37 kb)
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Defines 1 class

Matrix:: (31 methods):

Class: Matrix  - X-Ref

Matrix class.

__construct(...$args)   X-Ref
Polymorphic constructor.

As PHP has no support for polymorphic constructors, we use tricks to make our own sort of polymorphism using func_num_args, func_get_arg, and gettype. In essence, we're just implementing a simple RTTI filter and calling the appropriate constructor.

getArray()   X-Ref

return: array Matrix array

getRowDimension()   X-Ref

return: int Row dimension

getColumnDimension()   X-Ref

return: int Column dimension

get($i = null, $j = null)   X-Ref

Get the i,j-th element of the matrix.

param: int $i Row position
param: int $j Column position
return: mixed Element (int/float/double)

getMatrix(...$args)   X-Ref

Get a submatrix

param: int $i0 Initial row index
param: int $iF Final row index
param: int $j0 Initial column index
param: int $jF Final column index
return: Matrix Submatrix

checkMatrixDimensions($B = null)   X-Ref

Is matrix B the same size?

param: Matrix $B Matrix B
return: bool

set($i = null, $j = null, $c = null)   X-Ref

Set the i,j-th element of the matrix.

param: int $i Row position
param: int $j Column position
param: mixed $c Int/float/double value
return: mixed Element (int/float/double)

identity($m = null, $n = null)   X-Ref

Generate an identity matrix.

param: int $m Row dimension
param: int $n Column dimension
return: Matrix Identity matrix

diagonal($m = null, $n = null, $c = 1)   X-Ref

Generate a diagonal matrix

param: int $m Row dimension
param: int $n Column dimension
param: mixed $c Diagonal value
return: Matrix Diagonal matrix

getMatrixByRow($i0 = null, $iF = null)   X-Ref

Get a submatrix by row index/range

param: int $i0 Initial row index
param: int $iF Final row index
return: Matrix Submatrix

getMatrixByCol($j0 = null, $jF = null)   X-Ref

Get a submatrix by column index/range

param: int $j0 Initial column index
param: int $jF Final column index
return: Matrix Submatrix

transpose()   X-Ref

Tranpose matrix

return: Matrix Transposed matrix

trace()   X-Ref

Sum of diagonal elements

return: float Sum of diagonal elements

uminus()   X-Ref

Unary minus matrix -A

return: Matrix Unary minus matrix

plus(...$args)   X-Ref

A + B

param: mixed $B Matrix/Array
return: Matrix Sum

plusEquals(...$args)   X-Ref

A = A + B

param: mixed $B Matrix/Array
return: Matrix Sum

minus(...$args)   X-Ref

A - B

param: mixed $B Matrix/Array
return: Matrix Sum

minusEquals(...$args)   X-Ref

A = A - B

param: mixed $B Matrix/Array
return: Matrix Sum

arrayTimes(...$args)   X-Ref

Element-by-element multiplication
Cij = Aij * Bij

param: mixed $B Matrix/Array
return: Matrix Matrix Cij

arrayTimesEquals(...$args)   X-Ref

Element-by-element multiplication
Aij = Aij * Bij

param: mixed $B Matrix/Array
return: Matrix Matrix Aij

arrayRightDivide(...$args)   X-Ref

Element-by-element right division
A / B

param: Matrix $B Matrix B
return: Matrix Division result

arrayRightDivideEquals(...$args)   X-Ref

Element-by-element right division
Aij = Aij / Bij

param: mixed $B Matrix/Array
return: Matrix Matrix Aij

arrayLeftDivide(...$args)   X-Ref

Element-by-element Left division
A / B

param: Matrix $B Matrix B
return: Matrix Division result

arrayLeftDivideEquals(...$args)   X-Ref

Element-by-element Left division
Aij = Aij / Bij

param: mixed $B Matrix/Array
return: Matrix Matrix Aij

times(...$args)   X-Ref

Matrix multiplication

param: mixed $n Matrix/Array/Scalar
return: Matrix Product

power(...$args)   X-Ref

A = A ^ B

param: mixed $B Matrix/Array
return: Matrix Sum

concat(...$args)   X-Ref

A = A & B

param: mixed $B Matrix/Array
return: Matrix Sum

solve($B)   X-Ref
Solve A*X = B.

param: Matrix $B Right hand side
return: Matrix ... Solution if A is square, least squares solution otherwise

inverse()   X-Ref
Matrix inverse or pseudoinverse.

return: Matrix ... Inverse(A) if A is square, pseudoinverse otherwise.

det()   X-Ref

Calculate determinant

return: float Determinant