Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer;

> use HTMLPurifier;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Calculation; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Cell; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\Coordinate; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Chart\Chart; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\RichText\RichText; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\RichText\Run;
> use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Settings;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Drawing as SharedDrawing; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\File; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\Font as SharedFont; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\StringHelper; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Alignment; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Border; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Borders; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Fill; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Font; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\NumberFormat; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Style; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Drawing; use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\MemoryDrawing;
> use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\PageSetup;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet;
< use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Exception as WriterException;
class Html extends BaseWriter { /** * Spreadsheet object. * * @var Spreadsheet */ protected $spreadsheet; /** * Sheet index to write. *
< * @var int
> * @var null|int
*/ private $sheetIndex = 0; /** * Images root. * * @var string */ private $imagesRoot = ''; /** * embed images, or link to images. * * @var bool */
< private $embedImages = false;
> protected $embedImages = false;
/** * Use inline CSS? * * @var bool */ private $useInlineCss = false; /** * Use embedded CSS? * * @var bool */ private $useEmbeddedCSS = true; /** * Array of CSS styles. * * @var array */ private $cssStyles; /** * Array of column widths in points. * * @var array */ private $columnWidths; /** * Default font. * * @var Font */ private $defaultFont; /** * Flag whether spans have been calculated. * * @var bool */ private $spansAreCalculated = false; /** * Excel cells that should not be written as HTML cells. * * @var array */ private $isSpannedCell = []; /** * Excel cells that are upper-left corner in a cell merge. * * @var array */ private $isBaseCell = []; /** * Excel rows that should not be written as HTML rows. * * @var array */ private $isSpannedRow = []; /** * Is the current writer creating PDF? * * @var bool */ protected $isPdf = false; /**
> * Is the current writer creating mPDF? * Generate the Navigation block. > * * > * @var bool * @var bool > */ */ > protected $isMPdf = false; private $generateSheetNavigationBlock = true; > > /**
< * Create a new HTML.
> * Callback for editing generated html.
< * @param Spreadsheet $spreadsheet
> * @var null|callable > */ > private $editHtmlCallback; > > /** > * Create a new HTML.
*/ public function __construct(Spreadsheet $spreadsheet) { $this->spreadsheet = $spreadsheet; $this->defaultFont = $this->spreadsheet->getDefaultStyle()->getFont(); } /** * Save Spreadsheet to file. *
< * @param string $pFilename
> * @param resource|string $filename > */ > public function save($filename, int $flags = 0): void > { > $this->processFlags($flags); > > // Open file > $this->openFileHandle($filename); > > // Write html > fwrite($this->fileHandle, $this->generateHTMLAll()); > > // Close file > $this->maybeCloseFileHandle(); > } > > /** > * Save Spreadsheet as html to variable.
< * @throws WriterException
> * @return string
< public function save($pFilename)
> public function generateHtmlAll()
{ // garbage collect $this->spreadsheet->garbageCollect(); $saveDebugLog = Calculation::getInstance($this->spreadsheet)->getDebugLog()->getWriteDebugLog(); Calculation::getInstance($this->spreadsheet)->getDebugLog()->setWriteDebugLog(false); $saveArrayReturnType = Calculation::getArrayReturnType(); Calculation::setArrayReturnType(Calculation::RETURN_ARRAY_AS_VALUE); // Build CSS $this->buildCSS(!$this->useInlineCss);
< // Open file < $fileHandle = fopen($pFilename, 'wb+'); < if ($fileHandle === false) { < throw new WriterException("Could not open file $pFilename for writing."); < }
> $html = '';
// Write headers
< fwrite($fileHandle, $this->generateHTMLHeader(!$this->useInlineCss));
> $html .= $this->generateHTMLHeader(!$this->useInlineCss);
// Write navigation (tabs) if ((!$this->isPdf) && ($this->generateSheetNavigationBlock)) {
< fwrite($fileHandle, $this->generateNavigation());
> $html .= $this->generateNavigation();
} // Write data
< fwrite($fileHandle, $this->generateSheetData());
> $html .= $this->generateSheetData();
// Write footer
< fwrite($fileHandle, $this->generateHTMLFooter()); < < // Close file < fclose($fileHandle);
> $html .= $this->generateHTMLFooter(); > $callback = $this->editHtmlCallback; > if ($callback) { > $html = $callback($html); > }
Calculation::setArrayReturnType($saveArrayReturnType); Calculation::getInstance($this->spreadsheet)->getDebugLog()->setWriteDebugLog($saveDebugLog);
> } > return $html; > } /** > * Map VAlign. > /** * > * Set a callback to edit the entire HTML. * @param string $vAlign Vertical alignment > * * > * The callback must accept the HTML as string as first parameter, * @return string > * and it must return the edited HTML as string. */ > */ private function mapVAlign($vAlign) > public function setEditHtmlCallback(?callable $callback): void { > { switch ($vAlign) { > $this->editHtmlCallback = $callback;
< switch ($vAlign) { < case Alignment::VERTICAL_BOTTOM: < return 'bottom'; < case Alignment::VERTICAL_TOP: < return 'top'; < case Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER: < case Alignment::VERTICAL_JUSTIFY: < return 'middle'; < default: < return 'baseline'; < }
> return Alignment::VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_FOR_HTML[$vAlign] ?? '';
/** * Map HAlign. * * @param string $hAlign Horizontal alignment *
< * @return false|string
> * @return string
*/ private function mapHAlign($hAlign) {
< switch ($hAlign) { < case Alignment::HORIZONTAL_GENERAL: < return false; < case Alignment::HORIZONTAL_LEFT: < return 'left'; < case Alignment::HORIZONTAL_RIGHT: < return 'right'; < case Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER: < case Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER_CONTINUOUS: < return 'center'; < case Alignment::HORIZONTAL_JUSTIFY: < return 'justify'; < default: < return false; < }
> return Alignment::HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_FOR_HTML[$hAlign] ?? '';
> const BORDER_ARR = [ /** > Border::BORDER_NONE => 'none', * Map border style. > Border::BORDER_DASHDOT => '1px dashed', * > Border::BORDER_DASHDOTDOT => '1px dotted', * @param int $borderStyle Sheet index > Border::BORDER_DASHED => '1px dashed', * > Border::BORDER_DOTTED => '1px dotted', * @return string > Border::BORDER_DOUBLE => '3px double', */ > Border::BORDER_HAIR => '1px solid', private function mapBorderStyle($borderStyle) > Border::BORDER_MEDIUM => '2px solid', { > Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOT => '2px dashed', switch ($borderStyle) { > Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOTDOT => '2px dotted', case Border::BORDER_NONE: > Border::BORDER_SLANTDASHDOT => '2px dashed', return 'none'; > Border::BORDER_THICK => '3px solid', case Border::BORDER_DASHDOT: > ]; return '1px dashed'; >
< * @param int $borderStyle Sheet index
> * @param int|string $borderStyle Sheet index
< switch ($borderStyle) { < case Border::BORDER_NONE: < return 'none'; < case Border::BORDER_DASHDOT: < return '1px dashed'; < case Border::BORDER_DASHDOTDOT: < return '1px dotted'; < case Border::BORDER_DASHED: < return '1px dashed'; < case Border::BORDER_DOTTED: < return '1px dotted'; < case Border::BORDER_DOUBLE: < return '3px double'; < case Border::BORDER_HAIR: < return '1px solid'; < case Border::BORDER_MEDIUM: < return '2px solid'; < case Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOT: < return '2px dashed'; < case Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHDOTDOT: < return '2px dotted'; < case Border::BORDER_MEDIUMDASHED: < return '2px dashed'; < case Border::BORDER_SLANTDASHDOT: < return '2px dashed'; < case Border::BORDER_THICK: < return '3px solid'; < case Border::BORDER_THIN: < return '1px solid'; < default: < // map others to thin < return '1px solid'; < }
> return array_key_exists($borderStyle, self::BORDER_ARR) ? self::BORDER_ARR[$borderStyle] : '1px solid';
< * < * @return int
< public function getSheetIndex()
> public function getSheetIndex(): ?int
return $this->sheetIndex; } /** * Set sheet index. *
< * @param int $pValue Sheet index
> * @param int $sheetIndex Sheet index
< * @return HTML
> * @return $this
< public function setSheetIndex($pValue)
> public function setSheetIndex($sheetIndex)
< $this->sheetIndex = $pValue;
> $this->sheetIndex = $sheetIndex;
return $this; } /** * Get sheet index. * * @return bool */ public function getGenerateSheetNavigationBlock() { return $this->generateSheetNavigationBlock; } /** * Set sheet index. *
< * @param bool $pValue Flag indicating whether the sheet navigation block should be generated or not
> * @param bool $generateSheetNavigationBlock Flag indicating whether the sheet navigation block should be generated or not
< * @return HTML
> * @return $this
< public function setGenerateSheetNavigationBlock($pValue)
> public function setGenerateSheetNavigationBlock($generateSheetNavigationBlock)
< $this->generateSheetNavigationBlock = (bool) $pValue;
> $this->generateSheetNavigationBlock = (bool) $generateSheetNavigationBlock;
return $this; } /** * Write all sheets (resets sheetIndex to NULL).
> * */ > * @return $this
public function writeAllSheets() { $this->sheetIndex = null; return $this; }
> private static function generateMeta(?string $val, string $desc): string /** > { * Generate HTML header. > return $val * > ? (' <meta name="' . $desc . '" content="' . htmlspecialchars($val, Settings::htmlEntityFlags()) . '" />' . PHP_EOL) * @param bool $pIncludeStyles Include styles? > : ''; * > } * @throws WriterException > * > public const BODY_LINE = ' <body>' . PHP_EOL; * @return string >
< * @param bool $pIncludeStyles Include styles? < * < * @throws WriterException
> * @param bool $includeStyles Include styles?
< public function generateHTMLHeader($pIncludeStyles = false)
> public function generateHTMLHeader($includeStyles = false)
$properties = $this->spreadsheet->getProperties();
< $html = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">' . PHP_EOL; < $html .= '<html>' . PHP_EOL;
> $html = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">' . PHP_EOL; > $html .= '<html xmlns="">' . PHP_EOL;
$html .= ' <head>' . PHP_EOL;
< $html .= ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' . PHP_EOL; < $html .= ' <meta name="generator" content="PhpSpreadsheet,">' . PHP_EOL; < if ($properties->getTitle() > '') { < $html .= ' <title>' . htmlspecialchars($properties->getTitle()) . '</title>' . PHP_EOL; < } < if ($properties->getCreator() > '') { < $html .= ' <meta name="author" content="' . htmlspecialchars($properties->getCreator()) . '" />' . PHP_EOL; < } < if ($properties->getTitle() > '') { < $html .= ' <meta name="title" content="' . htmlspecialchars($properties->getTitle()) . '" />' . PHP_EOL; < } < if ($properties->getDescription() > '') { < $html .= ' <meta name="description" content="' . htmlspecialchars($properties->getDescription()) . '" />' . PHP_EOL; < } < if ($properties->getSubject() > '') { < $html .= ' <meta name="subject" content="' . htmlspecialchars($properties->getSubject()) . '" />' . PHP_EOL; < } < if ($properties->getKeywords() > '') { < $html .= ' <meta name="keywords" content="' . htmlspecialchars($properties->getKeywords()) . '" />' . PHP_EOL; < } < if ($properties->getCategory() > '') { < $html .= ' <meta name="category" content="' . htmlspecialchars($properties->getCategory()) . '" />' . PHP_EOL; < } < if ($properties->getCompany() > '') { < $html .= ' <meta name="company" content="' . htmlspecialchars($properties->getCompany()) . '" />' . PHP_EOL; < } < if ($properties->getManager() > '') { < $html .= ' <meta name="manager" content="' . htmlspecialchars($properties->getManager()) . '" />' . PHP_EOL; < }
> $html .= ' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />' . PHP_EOL; > $html .= ' <meta name="generator" content="PhpSpreadsheet," />' . PHP_EOL; > $html .= ' <title>' . htmlspecialchars($properties->getTitle(), Settings::htmlEntityFlags()) . '</title>' . PHP_EOL; > $html .= self::generateMeta($properties->getCreator(), 'author'); > $html .= self::generateMeta($properties->getTitle(), 'title'); > $html .= self::generateMeta($properties->getDescription(), 'description'); > $html .= self::generateMeta($properties->getSubject(), 'subject'); > $html .= self::generateMeta($properties->getKeywords(), 'keywords'); > $html .= self::generateMeta($properties->getCategory(), 'category'); > $html .= self::generateMeta($properties->getCompany(), 'company'); > $html .= self::generateMeta($properties->getManager(), 'manager');
< if ($pIncludeStyles) { < $html .= $this->generateStyles(true); < }
> $html .= $includeStyles ? $this->generateStyles(true) : $this->generatePageDeclarations(true);
$html .= ' </head>' . PHP_EOL; $html .= '' . PHP_EOL;
< $html .= ' <body>' . PHP_EOL;
> $html .= self::BODY_LINE;
return $html; }
< /** < * Generate sheet data. < * < * @throws WriterException < * < * @return string < */ < public function generateSheetData()
> private function generateSheetPrep(): array
{ // Ensure that Spans have been calculated?
< if ($this->sheetIndex !== null || !$this->spansAreCalculated) {
< }
// Fetch sheets
< $sheets = [];
if ($this->sheetIndex === null) { $sheets = $this->spreadsheet->getAllSheets(); } else {
< $sheets[] = $this->spreadsheet->getSheet($this->sheetIndex);
> $sheets = [$this->spreadsheet->getSheet($this->sheetIndex)];
< // Construct HTML < $html = ''; < < // Loop all sheets < $sheetId = 0; < foreach ($sheets as $sheet) { < // Write table header < $html .= $this->generateTableHeader($sheet); < < // Get worksheet dimension < $dimension = explode(':', $sheet->calculateWorksheetDimension()); < $dimension[0] = Coordinate::coordinateFromString($dimension[0]); < $dimension[0][0] = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($dimension[0][0]); < $dimension[1] = Coordinate::coordinateFromString($dimension[1]); < $dimension[1][0] = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($dimension[1][0]); < < // row min,max < $rowMin = $dimension[0][1]; < $rowMax = $dimension[1][1];
> return $sheets; > }
> private function generateSheetStarts(Worksheet $sheet, int $rowMin): array // calculate start of <tbody>, <thead> > {
$tbodyStart = $rowMin; $theadStart = $theadEnd = 0; // default: no <thead> no </thead> if ($sheet->getPageSetup()->isRowsToRepeatAtTopSet()) { $rowsToRepeatAtTop = $sheet->getPageSetup()->getRowsToRepeatAtTop(); // we can only support repeating rows that start at top row if ($rowsToRepeatAtTop[0] == 1) { $theadStart = $rowsToRepeatAtTop[0]; $theadEnd = $rowsToRepeatAtTop[1]; $tbodyStart = $rowsToRepeatAtTop[1] + 1; } }
< // Loop through cells < $row = $rowMin - 1; < while ($row++ < $rowMax) {
> return [$theadStart, $theadEnd, $tbodyStart]; > } > > private function generateSheetTags(int $row, int $theadStart, int $theadEnd, int $tbodyStart): array > {
// <thead> ?
< if ($row == $theadStart) { < $html .= ' <thead>' . PHP_EOL; < $cellType = 'th';
> $startTag = ($row == $theadStart) ? (' <thead>' . PHP_EOL) : ''; > if (!$startTag) { > $startTag = ($row == $tbodyStart) ? (' <tbody>' . PHP_EOL) : '';
> $endTag = ($row == $theadEnd) ? (' </thead>' . PHP_EOL) : ''; > $cellType = ($row >= $tbodyStart) ? 'td' : 'th';
< // <tbody> ? < if ($row == $tbodyStart) { < $html .= ' <tbody>' . PHP_EOL; < $cellType = 'td';
> return [$cellType, $startTag, $endTag];
> /** // Write row if there are HTML table cells in it > * Generate sheet data. if (!isset($this->isSpannedRow[$sheet->getParent()->getIndex($sheet)][$row])) { > * // Start a new rowData > * @return string $rowData = []; > */ // Loop through columns > public function generateSheetData() $column = $dimension[0][0]; > { while ($column <= $dimension[1][0]) { > $sheets = $this->generateSheetPrep(); // Cell exists? > if ($sheet->cellExistsByColumnAndRow($column, $row)) { > // Construct HTML $rowData[$column] = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($column) . $row; > $html = ''; } else { > $rowData[$column] = ''; > // Loop all sheets } > $sheetId = 0; ++$column; > foreach ($sheets as $sheet) { } > // Write table header $html .= $this->generateRow($sheet, $rowData, $row - 1, $cellType); > $html .= $this->generateTableHeader($sheet); } > > // Get worksheet dimension // </thead> ? > [$min, $max] = explode(':', $sheet->calculateWorksheetDataDimension()); if ($row == $theadEnd) { > [$minCol, $minRow] = Coordinate::indexesFromString($min); $html .= ' </thead>' . PHP_EOL; > [$maxCol, $maxRow] = Coordinate::indexesFromString($max); } > } > [$theadStart, $theadEnd, $tbodyStart] = $this->generateSheetStarts($sheet, $minRow); $html .= $this->extendRowsForChartsAndImages($sheet, $row); > > // Loop through cells // Close table body. > $row = $minRow - 1; $html .= ' </tbody>' . PHP_EOL; > while ($row++ < $maxRow) { > [$cellType, $startTag, $endTag] = $this->generateSheetTags($row, $theadStart, $theadEnd, $tbodyStart); // Write table footer > $html .= $startTag; $html .= $this->generateTableFooter(); >
< $column = $dimension[0][0]; < while ($column <= $dimension[1][0]) {
> $column = $minCol; > while ($column <= $maxCol) {
< if ($sheet->cellExistsByColumnAndRow($column, $row)) { < $rowData[$column] = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($column) . $row; < } else { < $rowData[$column] = ''; < } < ++$column;
> $cellAddress = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($column) . $row; > $rowData[$column++] = ($sheet->getCellCollection()->has($cellAddress)) ? $cellAddress : '';
< // </thead> ? < if ($row == $theadEnd) { < $html .= ' </thead>' . PHP_EOL; < }
> $html .= $endTag;
return $html;
> --$row;
< // Close table body. < $html .= ' </tbody>' . PHP_EOL; <
< if ($this->isPdf) {
> if ($this->isPdf && $this->useInlineCss) {
< $html .= '<div style="page-break-before:always" />';
> $html .= '<div style="page-break-before:always" ></div>';
< * @throws WriterException < *
*/ public function generateNavigation() { // Fetch sheets $sheets = []; if ($this->sheetIndex === null) { $sheets = $this->spreadsheet->getAllSheets(); } else { $sheets[] = $this->spreadsheet->getSheet($this->sheetIndex); } // Construct HTML $html = ''; // Only if there are more than 1 sheets if (count($sheets) > 1) { // Loop all sheets $sheetId = 0; $html .= '<ul class="navigation">' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($sheets as $sheet) { $html .= ' <li class="sheet' . $sheetId . '"><a href="#sheet' . $sheetId . '">' . $sheet->getTitle() . '</a></li>' . PHP_EOL; ++$sheetId; } $html .= '</ul>' . PHP_EOL; } return $html; }
< private function extendRowsForChartsAndImages(Worksheet $pSheet, $row)
> /** > * Extend Row if chart is placed after nominal end of row. > * This code should be exercised by sample: > * Chart/32_Chart_read_write_PDF.php. > * > * @param int $row Row to check for charts > * > * @return array > */ > private function extendRowsForCharts(Worksheet $worksheet, int $row)
{ $rowMax = $row; $colMax = 'A';
> $anyfound = false;
if ($this->includeCharts) {
< foreach ($pSheet->getChartCollection() as $chart) {
> foreach ($worksheet->getChartCollection() as $chart) {
if ($chart instanceof Chart) {
> $anyfound = true;
$chartCoordinates = $chart->getTopLeftPosition(); $chartTL = Coordinate::coordinateFromString($chartCoordinates['cell']); $chartCol = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($chartTL[0]); if ($chartTL[1] > $rowMax) { $rowMax = $chartTL[1]; if ($chartCol > Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($colMax)) { $colMax = $chartTL[0]; } } } } }
< foreach ($pSheet->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) { < if ($drawing instanceof Drawing) {
> return [$rowMax, $colMax, $anyfound]; > } > > private function extendRowsForChartsAndImages(Worksheet $worksheet, int $row): string > { > [$rowMax, $colMax, $anyfound] = $this->extendRowsForCharts($worksheet, $row); > > foreach ($worksheet->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) { > $anyfound = true;
$imageTL = Coordinate::coordinateFromString($drawing->getCoordinates()); $imageCol = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($imageTL[0]); if ($imageTL[1] > $rowMax) { $rowMax = $imageTL[1]; if ($imageCol > Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($colMax)) { $colMax = $imageTL[0]; } } }
< }
// Don't extend rows if not needed
< if ($row === $rowMax) {
> if ($row === $rowMax || !$anyfound) {
return ''; } $html = ''; ++$colMax;
> ++$row;
while ($row <= $rowMax) { $html .= '<tr>'; for ($col = 'A'; $col != $colMax; ++$col) {
< $html .= '<td>'; < $html .= $this->writeImageInCell($pSheet, $col . $row); < if ($this->includeCharts) { < $html .= $this->writeChartInCell($pSheet, $col . $row);
> $htmlx = $this->writeImageInCell($worksheet, $col . $row); > $htmlx .= $this->includeCharts ? $this->writeChartInCell($worksheet, $col . $row) : ''; > if ($htmlx) { > $html .= "<td class='style0' style='position: relative;'>$htmlx</td>"; > } else { > $html .= "<td class='style0'></td>";
< $html .= '</td>';
} ++$row;
< $html .= '</tr>';
> $html .= '</tr>' . PHP_EOL;
} return $html; } /**
> * Convert Windows file name to file protocol URL. * Generate image tag in cell. > * * > * @param string $filename file name on local system * @param Worksheet $pSheet \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet > * * @param string $coordinates Cell coordinates > * @return string * > */ * @return string > public static function winFileToUrl($filename, bool $mpdf = false) */ > { private function writeImageInCell(Worksheet $pSheet, $coordinates) > // Windows filename { > if (substr($filename, 1, 2) === ':\\') { // Construct HTML > $protocol = $mpdf ? '' : 'file:///'; $html = ''; > $filename = $protocol . str_replace('\\', '/', $filename); > } // Write images > foreach ($pSheet->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) { > return $filename; if ($drawing instanceof Drawing) { > } if ($drawing->getCoordinates() == $coordinates) { > $filename = $drawing->getPath(); > /**
< * @param Worksheet $pSheet \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet
> * @param Worksheet $worksheet \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet
< private function writeImageInCell(Worksheet $pSheet, $coordinates)
> private function writeImageInCell(Worksheet $worksheet, $coordinates)
< foreach ($pSheet->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) {
> foreach ($worksheet->getDrawingCollection() as $drawing) { > if ($drawing->getCoordinates() != $coordinates) { > continue; > } > $filedesc = $drawing->getDescription(); > $filedesc = $filedesc ? htmlspecialchars($filedesc, ENT_QUOTES) : 'Embedded image';
< if ($drawing->getCoordinates() == $coordinates) {
< if (substr($filename, 0, 1) == '.') { < $filename = substr($filename, 1); < }
> $filename = (string) preg_replace('/^[.]/', '', $filename);
$filename = $this->getImagesRoot() . $filename;
< // Strip off eventual '.' < if (substr($filename, 0, 1) == '.' && substr($filename, 0, 2) != './') { < $filename = substr($filename, 1); < }
> // Strip off eventual '.' if followed by non-/ > $filename = (string) preg_replace('@^[.]([^/])@', '$1', $filename);
// Convert UTF8 data to PCDATA
< $filename = htmlspecialchars($filename);
> $filename = htmlspecialchars($filename, Settings::htmlEntityFlags());
$html .= PHP_EOL;
< if ((!$this->embedImages) || ($this->isPdf)) { < $imageData = $filename; < } else { < $imageDetails = getimagesize($filename); < if ($fp = fopen($filename, 'rb', 0)) { < $picture = ''; < while (!feof($fp)) { < $picture .= fread($fp, 1024); < } < fclose($fp); < // base64 encode the binary data, then break it < // into chunks according to RFC 2045 semantics < $base64 = chunk_split(base64_encode($picture));
> $imageData = self::winFileToUrl($filename, $this->isMPdf); > > if ($this->embedImages || substr($imageData, 0, 6) === 'zip://') { > $picture = @file_get_contents($filename); > if ($picture !== false) { > $imageDetails = getimagesize($filename) ?: []; > // base64 encode the binary data > $base64 = base64_encode($picture);
$imageData = 'data:' . $imageDetails['mime'] . ';base64,' . $base64;
< } else { < $imageData = $filename;
} }
< $html .= '<div style="position: relative;">';
$html .= '<img style="position: absolute; z-index: 1; left: ' . $drawing->getOffsetX() . 'px; top: ' . $drawing->getOffsetY() . 'px; width: ' . $drawing->getWidth() . 'px; height: ' . $drawing->getHeight() . 'px;" src="' .
< $imageData . '" border="0" />'; < $html .= '</div>'; < }
> $imageData . '" alt="' . $filedesc . '" />';
} elseif ($drawing instanceof MemoryDrawing) {
< if ($drawing->getCoordinates() != $coordinates) { < continue; < }
> $imageResource = $drawing->getImageResource(); > if ($imageResource) {
ob_start(); // Let's start output buffering.
< imagepng($drawing->getImageResource()); // This will normally output the image, but because of ob_start(), it won't. < $contents = ob_get_contents(); // Instead, output above is saved to $contents
> imagepng($imageResource); // This will normally output the image, but because of ob_start(), it won't. > $contents = (string) ob_get_contents(); // Instead, output above is saved to $contents
ob_end_clean(); // End the output buffer.
< $dataUri = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' . base64_encode($contents);
> $dataUri = 'data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode($contents);
// Because of the nature of tables, width is more important than height. // max-width: 100% ensures that image doesnt overflow containing cell // width: X sets width of supplied image. // As a result, images bigger than cell will be contained and images smaller will not get stretched
< $html .= '<img src="' . $dataUri . '" style="max-width:100%;width:' . $drawing->getWidth() . 'px;" />';
> $html .= '<img alt="' . $filedesc . '" src="' . $dataUri . '" style="max-width:100%;width:' . $drawing->getWidth() . 'px;" />'; > }
} } return $html; } /** * Generate chart tag in cell.
< * < * @param Worksheet $pSheet \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet < * @param string $coordinates Cell coordinates < * < * @return string
> * This code should be exercised by sample: > * Chart/32_Chart_read_write_PDF.php.
< private function writeChartInCell(Worksheet $pSheet, $coordinates)
> private function writeChartInCell(Worksheet $worksheet, string $coordinates): string
{ // Construct HTML $html = ''; // Write charts
< foreach ($pSheet->getChartCollection() as $chart) {
> foreach ($worksheet->getChartCollection() as $chart) {
if ($chart instanceof Chart) { $chartCoordinates = $chart->getTopLeftPosition(); if ($chartCoordinates['cell'] == $coordinates) { $chartFileName = File::sysGetTempDir() . '/' . uniqid('', true) . '.png'; if (!$chart->render($chartFileName)) {
< return;
> return '';
} $html .= PHP_EOL;
< $imageDetails = getimagesize($chartFileName); < if ($fp = fopen($chartFileName, 'rb', 0)) { < $picture = fread($fp, filesize($chartFileName)); < fclose($fp); < // base64 encode the binary data, then break it < // into chunks according to RFC 2045 semantics < $base64 = chunk_split(base64_encode($picture));
> $imageDetails = getimagesize($chartFileName) ?: []; > $filedesc = $chart->getTitle(); > $filedesc = $filedesc ? $filedesc->getCaptionText() : ''; > $filedesc = $filedesc ? htmlspecialchars($filedesc, ENT_QUOTES) : 'Embedded chart'; > $picture = file_get_contents($chartFileName); > if ($picture !== false) { > $base64 = base64_encode($picture);
$imageData = 'data:' . $imageDetails['mime'] . ';base64,' . $base64;
< $html .= '<div style="position: relative;">'; < $html .= '<img style="position: absolute; z-index: 1; left: ' . $chartCoordinates['xOffset'] . 'px; top: ' . $chartCoordinates['yOffset'] . 'px; width: ' . $imageDetails[0] . 'px; height: ' . $imageDetails[1] . 'px;" src="' . $imageData . '" border="0" />' . PHP_EOL; < $html .= '</div>'; < < unlink($chartFileName);
> $html .= '<img style="position: absolute; z-index: 1; left: ' . $chartCoordinates['xOffset'] . 'px; top: ' . $chartCoordinates['yOffset'] . 'px; width: ' . $imageDetails[0] . 'px; height: ' . $imageDetails[1] . 'px;" src="' . $imageData . '" alt="' . $filedesc . '" />' . PHP_EOL;
> unlink($chartFileName);
} } } // Return return $html; } /** * Generate CSS styles. * * @param bool $generateSurroundingHTML Generate surrounding HTML tags? (&lt;style&gt; and &lt;/style&gt;) *
< * @throws WriterException < *
* @return string */ public function generateStyles($generateSurroundingHTML = true) { // Build CSS $css = $this->buildCSS($generateSurroundingHTML); // Construct HTML $html = ''; // Start styles if ($generateSurroundingHTML) { $html .= ' <style type="text/css">' . PHP_EOL;
< $html .= ' html { ' . $this->assembleCSS($css['html']) . ' }' . PHP_EOL;
> $html .= (array_key_exists('html', $css)) ? (' html { ' . $this->assembleCSS($css['html']) . ' }' . PHP_EOL) : '';
} // Write all other styles foreach ($css as $styleName => $styleDefinition) { if ($styleName != 'html') { $html .= ' ' . $styleName . ' { ' . $this->assembleCSS($styleDefinition) . ' }' . PHP_EOL; } }
> $html .= $this->generatePageDeclarations(false);
// End styles if ($generateSurroundingHTML) { $html .= ' </style>' . PHP_EOL; } // Return return $html; }
> private function buildCssRowHeights(Worksheet $sheet, array &$css, int $sheetIndex): void /** > { * Build CSS styles. > // Calculate row heights * > foreach ($sheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) { * @param bool $generateSurroundingHTML Generate surrounding HTML style? (html { }) > $row = $rowDimension->getRowIndex() - 1; * > * @throws WriterException > // table.sheetN tr.rowYYYYYY { } * > $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row] = []; * @return array > */ > if ($rowDimension->getRowHeight() != -1) { public function buildCSS($generateSurroundingHTML = true) > $pt_height = $rowDimension->getRowHeight(); { > $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row]['height'] = $pt_height . 'pt'; // Cached? > } if ($this->cssStyles !== null) { > if ($rowDimension->getVisible() === false) { return $this->cssStyles; > $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row]['display'] = 'none'; } > $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row]['visibility'] = 'hidden'; > } // Ensure that spans have been calculated > } if (!$this->spansAreCalculated) { > } $this->calculateSpans(); > } > private function buildCssPerSheet(Worksheet $sheet, array &$css): void > { // Construct CSS > // Calculate hash code $css = []; > $sheetIndex = $sheet->getParentOrThrow()->getIndex($sheet); > $setup = $sheet->getPageSetup(); // Start styles > if ($setup->getFitToPage() && $setup->getFitToHeight() === 1) { if ($generateSurroundingHTML) { > $css["table.sheet$sheetIndex"]['page-break-inside'] = 'avoid'; // html { } > $css["table.sheet$sheetIndex"]['break-inside'] = 'avoid'; $css['html']['font-family'] = 'Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'; > } $css['html']['font-size'] = '11pt'; > $css['html']['background-color'] = 'white'; > // Build styles } > // Calculate column widths > $sheet->calculateColumnWidths(); // CSS for comments as found in LibreOffice > $css['a.comment-indicator:hover + div.comment'] = [ > // col elements, initialize 'background' => '#ffd', > $highestColumnIndex = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($sheet->getHighestColumn()) - 1; 'position' => 'absolute', > $column = -1; 'display' => 'block', > while ($column++ < $highestColumnIndex) { 'border' => '1px solid black', > $this->columnWidths[$sheetIndex][$column] = 42; // approximation 'padding' => '0.5em', > $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' col.col' . $column]['width'] = '42pt'; ]; > } > $css['a.comment-indicator'] = [ > // col elements, loop through columnDimensions and set width 'background' => 'red', > foreach ($sheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) { 'display' => 'inline-block', > $column = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($columnDimension->getColumnIndex()) - 1; 'border' => '1px solid black', > $width = SharedDrawing::cellDimensionToPixels($columnDimension->getWidth(), $this->defaultFont); 'width' => '0.5em', > $width = SharedDrawing::pixelsToPoints($width); 'height' => '0.5em', > if ($columnDimension->getVisible() === false) { ]; > $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' .column' . $column]['display'] = 'none'; > } $css['div.comment']['display'] = 'none'; > if ($width >= 0) { > $this->columnWidths[$sheetIndex][$column] = $width; // table { } > $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' col.col' . $column]['width'] = $width . 'pt'; $css['table']['border-collapse'] = 'collapse'; > } if (!$this->isPdf) { > } $css['table']['page-break-after'] = 'always'; > } > // Default row height > $rowDimension = $sheet->getDefaultRowDimension(); // .gridlines td { } > $css['.gridlines td']['border'] = '1px dotted black'; > // table.sheetN tr { } $css['.gridlines th']['border'] = '1px dotted black'; > $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr'] = []; > // .b {} > if ($rowDimension->getRowHeight() == -1) { $css['.b']['text-align'] = 'center'; // BOOL > $pt_height = SharedFont::getDefaultRowHeightByFont($this->spreadsheet->getDefaultStyle()->getFont()); > } else { // .e {} > $pt_height = $rowDimension->getRowHeight(); $css['.e']['text-align'] = 'center'; // ERROR > } > $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr']['height'] = $pt_height . 'pt'; // .f {} > if ($rowDimension->getVisible() === false) { $css['.f']['text-align'] = 'right'; // FORMULA > $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr']['display'] = 'none'; > $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr']['visibility'] = 'hidden'; // .inlineStr {} > } $css['.inlineStr']['text-align'] = 'left'; // INLINE > > $this->buildCssRowHeights($sheet, $css, $sheetIndex); // .n {} > } $css['.n']['text-align'] = 'right'; // NUMERIC >
< * @throws WriterException < *
< if (!$this->spansAreCalculated) {
< }
< if (!$this->isPdf) { < $css['table']['page-break-after'] = 'always'; < } < < // .gridlines td { } < $css['.gridlines td']['border'] = '1px dotted black'; < $css['.gridlines th']['border'] = '1px dotted black';
< $css['' . $index] = $this->createCSSStyle($style); < $css['' . $index] = $this->createCSSStyle($style);
> $css['' . $index . ',' . $index] = $this->createCSSStyle($style); > //$css['' . $index] = $this->createCSSStyle($style);
$sheets = $this->spreadsheet->getAllSheets(); } else { $sheets[] = $this->spreadsheet->getSheet($this->sheetIndex); } // Build styles per sheet foreach ($sheets as $sheet) {
< // Calculate hash code < $sheetIndex = $sheet->getParent()->getIndex($sheet); < < // Build styles < // Calculate column widths < $sheet->calculateColumnWidths(); < < // col elements, initialize < $highestColumnIndex = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($sheet->getHighestColumn()) - 1; < $column = -1; < while ($column++ < $highestColumnIndex) { < $this->columnWidths[$sheetIndex][$column] = 42; // approximation < $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' col.col' . $column]['width'] = '42pt'; < } < < // col elements, loop through columnDimensions and set width < foreach ($sheet->getColumnDimensions() as $columnDimension) { < if (($width = SharedDrawing::cellDimensionToPixels($columnDimension->getWidth(), $this->defaultFont)) >= 0) { < $width = SharedDrawing::pixelsToPoints($width); < $column = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($columnDimension->getColumnIndex()) - 1; < $this->columnWidths[$sheetIndex][$column] = $width; < $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' col.col' . $column]['width'] = $width . 'pt'; < < if ($columnDimension->getVisible() === false) { < $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' .column' . $column]['visibility'] = 'collapse'; < $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' .column' . $column]['display'] = 'none'; // target IE6+7 < } < } < } < < // Default row height < $rowDimension = $sheet->getDefaultRowDimension(); < < // table.sheetN tr { } < $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr'] = []; < < if ($rowDimension->getRowHeight() == -1) { < $pt_height = SharedFont::getDefaultRowHeightByFont($this->spreadsheet->getDefaultStyle()->getFont()); < } else { < $pt_height = $rowDimension->getRowHeight(); < } < $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr']['height'] = $pt_height . 'pt'; < if ($rowDimension->getVisible() === false) { < $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr']['display'] = 'none'; < $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr']['visibility'] = 'hidden'; < } < < // Calculate row heights < foreach ($sheet->getRowDimensions() as $rowDimension) { < $row = $rowDimension->getRowIndex() - 1; < < // table.sheetN tr.rowYYYYYY { } < $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row] = []; < < if ($rowDimension->getRowHeight() == -1) { < $pt_height = SharedFont::getDefaultRowHeightByFont($this->spreadsheet->getDefaultStyle()->getFont()); < } else { < $pt_height = $rowDimension->getRowHeight(); < } < $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row]['height'] = $pt_height . 'pt'; < if ($rowDimension->getVisible() === false) { < $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row]['display'] = 'none'; < $css['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row]['visibility'] = 'hidden'; < } < }
> $this->buildCssPerSheet($sheet, $css);
} // Cache if ($this->cssStyles === null) { $this->cssStyles = $css; } // Return return $css; } /** * Create CSS style. *
< * @param Style $pStyle < *
* @return array */
< private function createCSSStyle(Style $pStyle)
> private function createCSSStyle(Style $style)
{ // Create CSS return array_merge(
< $this->createCSSStyleAlignment($pStyle->getAlignment()), < $this->createCSSStyleBorders($pStyle->getBorders()), < $this->createCSSStyleFont($pStyle->getFont()), < $this->createCSSStyleFill($pStyle->getFill())
> $this->createCSSStyleAlignment($style->getAlignment()), > $this->createCSSStyleBorders($style->getBorders()), > $this->createCSSStyleFont($style->getFont()), > $this->createCSSStyleFill($style->getFill())
); } /**
< * Create CSS style (\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Alignment). < * < * @param Alignment $pStyle \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Alignment
> * Create CSS style.
* * @return array */
< private function createCSSStyleAlignment(Alignment $pStyle)
> private function createCSSStyleAlignment(Alignment $alignment)
{ // Construct CSS $css = []; // Create CSS
< $css['vertical-align'] = $this->mapVAlign($pStyle->getVertical()); < if ($textAlign = $this->mapHAlign($pStyle->getHorizontal())) {
> $verticalAlign = $this->mapVAlign($alignment->getVertical() ?? ''); > if ($verticalAlign) { > $css['vertical-align'] = $verticalAlign; > } > $textAlign = $this->mapHAlign($alignment->getHorizontal() ?? ''); > if ($textAlign) {
$css['text-align'] = $textAlign; if (in_array($textAlign, ['left', 'right'])) {
< $css['padding-' . $textAlign] = (string) ((int) $pStyle->getIndent() * 9) . 'px';
> $css['padding-' . $textAlign] = (string) ((int) $alignment->getIndent() * 9) . 'px'; > } > } > $rotation = $alignment->getTextRotation(); > if ($rotation !== 0 && $rotation !== Alignment::TEXTROTATION_STACK_PHPSPREADSHEET) { > if ($this->isMPdf) { > $css['text-rotate'] = "$rotation"; > } else { > $css['transform'] = "rotate({$rotation}deg)";
} } return $css; } /**
< * Create CSS style (\PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Font). < * < * @param Font $pStyle
> * Create CSS style.
* * @return array */
< private function createCSSStyleFont(Font $pStyle)
> private function createCSSStyleFont(Font $font)
{ // Construct CSS $css = []; // Create CSS
< if ($pStyle->getBold()) {
> if ($font->getBold()) {
$css['font-weight'] = 'bold'; }
< if ($pStyle->getUnderline() != Font::UNDERLINE_NONE && $pStyle->getStrikethrough()) {
> if ($font->getUnderline() != Font::UNDERLINE_NONE && $font->getStrikethrough()) {
$css['text-decoration'] = 'underline line-through';
< } elseif ($pStyle->getUnderline() != Font::UNDERLINE_NONE) {
> } elseif ($font->getUnderline() != Font::UNDERLINE_NONE) {
$css['text-decoration'] = 'underline';
< } elseif ($pStyle->getStrikethrough()) {
> } elseif ($font->getStrikethrough()) {
$css['text-decoration'] = 'line-through'; }
< if ($pStyle->getItalic()) {
> if ($font->getItalic()) {
$css['font-style'] = 'italic'; }
< $css['color'] = '#' . $pStyle->getColor()->getRGB(); < $css['font-family'] = '\'' . $pStyle->getName() . '\''; < $css['font-size'] = $pStyle->getSize() . 'pt';
> $css['color'] = '#' . $font->getColor()->getRGB(); > $css['font-family'] = '\'' . $font->getName() . '\''; > $css['font-size'] = $font->getSize() . 'pt';
return $css; } /**
< * Create CSS style (Borders).
> * Create CSS style.
< * @param Borders $pStyle Borders
> * @param Borders $borders Borders
* * @return array */
< private function createCSSStyleBorders(Borders $pStyle)
> private function createCSSStyleBorders(Borders $borders)
{ // Construct CSS $css = []; // Create CSS
< $css['border-bottom'] = $this->createCSSStyleBorder($pStyle->getBottom()); < $css['border-top'] = $this->createCSSStyleBorder($pStyle->getTop()); < $css['border-left'] = $this->createCSSStyleBorder($pStyle->getLeft()); < $css['border-right'] = $this->createCSSStyleBorder($pStyle->getRight());
> $css['border-bottom'] = $this->createCSSStyleBorder($borders->getBottom()); > $css['border-top'] = $this->createCSSStyleBorder($borders->getTop()); > $css['border-left'] = $this->createCSSStyleBorder($borders->getLeft()); > $css['border-right'] = $this->createCSSStyleBorder($borders->getRight());
return $css; } /**
< * Create CSS style (Border). < * < * @param Border $pStyle Border
> * Create CSS style.
< * @return string
> * @param Border $border Border
< private function createCSSStyleBorder(Border $pStyle)
> private function createCSSStyleBorder(Border $border): string
{ // Create CSS - add !important to non-none border styles for merged cells
< $borderStyle = $this->mapBorderStyle($pStyle->getBorderStyle());
> $borderStyle = $this->mapBorderStyle($border->getBorderStyle());
< return $borderStyle . ' #' . $pStyle->getColor()->getRGB() . (($borderStyle == 'none') ? '' : ' !important');
> return $borderStyle . ' #' . $border->getColor()->getRGB() . (($borderStyle == 'none') ? '' : ' !important');
} /** * Create CSS style (Fill). *
< * @param Fill $pStyle Fill
> * @param Fill $fill Fill
* * @return array */
< private function createCSSStyleFill(Fill $pStyle)
> private function createCSSStyleFill(Fill $fill)
{ // Construct HTML $css = []; // Create CSS
< $value = $pStyle->getFillType() == Fill::FILL_NONE ? < 'white' : '#' . $pStyle->getStartColor()->getRGB();
> if ($fill->getFillType() !== Fill::FILL_NONE) { > $value = $fill->getFillType() == Fill::FILL_NONE ? > 'white' : '#' . $fill->getStartColor()->getRGB();
$css['background-color'] = $value;
> }
return $css; } /** * Generate HTML footer. */
< public function generateHTMLFooter()
> public function generateHTMLFooter(): string
{ // Construct HTML $html = ''; $html .= ' </body>' . PHP_EOL; $html .= '</html>' . PHP_EOL; return $html; }
> private function generateTableTagInline(Worksheet $worksheet, string $id): string /** > { * Generate table header. > $style = isset($this->cssStyles['table']) ? * > $this->assembleCSS($this->cssStyles['table']) : ''; * @param Worksheet $pSheet The worksheet for the table we are writing > * > $prntgrid = $worksheet->getPrintGridlines(); * @return string > $viewgrid = $this->isPdf ? $prntgrid : $worksheet->getShowGridlines(); */ > if ($viewgrid && $prntgrid) { private function generateTableHeader($pSheet) > $html = " <table border='1' cellpadding='1' $id cellspacing='1' style='$style' class='gridlines gridlinesp'>" . PHP_EOL; { > } elseif ($viewgrid) { $sheetIndex = $pSheet->getParent()->getIndex($pSheet); > $html = " <table border='0' cellpadding='0' $id cellspacing='0' style='$style' class='gridlines'>" . PHP_EOL; > } elseif ($prntgrid) { // Construct HTML > $html = " <table border='0' cellpadding='0' $id cellspacing='0' style='$style' class='gridlinesp'>" . PHP_EOL; $html = ''; > } else { if ($this->useEmbeddedCSS) { > $html = " <table border='0' cellpadding='1' $id cellspacing='0' style='$style'>" . PHP_EOL; $html .= $this->setMargins($pSheet); > } } > > return $html; if (!$this->useInlineCss) { > } $gridlines = $pSheet->getShowGridlines() ? ' gridlines' : ''; > $html .= ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="sheet' . $sheetIndex . '" class="sheet' . $sheetIndex . $gridlines . '">' . PHP_EOL; > private function generateTableTag(Worksheet $worksheet, string $id, string &$html, int $sheetIndex): void } else { > { $style = isset($this->cssStyles['table']) ? > if (!$this->useInlineCss) { $this->assembleCSS($this->cssStyles['table']) : ''; > $gridlines = $worksheet->getShowGridlines() ? ' gridlines' : ''; > $gridlinesp = $worksheet->getPrintGridlines() ? ' gridlinesp' : ''; if ($this->isPdf && $pSheet->getShowGridlines()) { > $html .= " <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' $id class='sheet$sheetIndex$gridlines$gridlinesp'>" . PHP_EOL; $html .= ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" id="sheet' . $sheetIndex . '" cellspacing="1" style="' . $style . '">' . PHP_EOL; > } else { } else { > $html .= $this->generateTableTagInline($worksheet, $id); $html .= ' <table border="0" cellpadding="1" id="sheet' . $sheetIndex . '" cellspacing="0" style="' . $style . '">' . PHP_EOL; > } } > } } >
< * @param Worksheet $pSheet The worksheet for the table we are writing
> * @param Worksheet $worksheet The worksheet for the table we are writing > * @param bool $showid whether or not to add id to table tag
< private function generateTableHeader($pSheet)
> private function generateTableHeader(Worksheet $worksheet, $showid = true)
< $sheetIndex = $pSheet->getParent()->getIndex($pSheet);
> $sheetIndex = $worksheet->getParentOrThrow()->getIndex($worksheet);
< if ($this->useEmbeddedCSS) { < $html .= $this->setMargins($pSheet); < } < < if (!$this->useInlineCss) { < $gridlines = $pSheet->getShowGridlines() ? ' gridlines' : ''; < $html .= ' <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="sheet' . $sheetIndex . '" class="sheet' . $sheetIndex . $gridlines . '">' . PHP_EOL; < } else { < $style = isset($this->cssStyles['table']) ? < $this->assembleCSS($this->cssStyles['table']) : ''; < < if ($this->isPdf && $pSheet->getShowGridlines()) { < $html .= ' <table border="1" cellpadding="1" id="sheet' . $sheetIndex . '" cellspacing="1" style="' . $style . '">' . PHP_EOL;
> $id = $showid ? "id='sheet$sheetIndex'" : ''; > if ($showid) { > $html .= "<div style='page: page$sheetIndex'>" . PHP_EOL;
< $html .= ' <table border="0" cellpadding="1" id="sheet' . $sheetIndex . '" cellspacing="0" style="' . $style . '">' . PHP_EOL; < }
> $html .= "<div style='page: page$sheetIndex' class='scrpgbrk'>" . PHP_EOL;
> $this->generateTableTag($worksheet, $id, $html, $sheetIndex); /** >
< $highestColumnIndex = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($pSheet->getHighestColumn()) - 1;
> $highestColumnIndex = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($worksheet->getHighestColumn()) - 1;
< if (!$this->isPdf) {
< $html .= ' <col class="col' . $i . '">' . PHP_EOL;
> $html .= ' <col class="col' . $i . '" />' . PHP_EOL;
< $html .= ' <col style="' . $style . '">' . PHP_EOL; < }
> $html .= ' <col style="' . $style . '" />' . PHP_EOL;
< private function generateTableFooter()
> private function generateTableFooter(): string
< return ' </table>' . PHP_EOL;
> return ' </tbody></table>' . PHP_EOL . '</div>' . PHP_EOL;
< * Generate row. < * < * @param Worksheet $pSheet \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Worksheet < * @param array $pValues Array containing cells in a row < * @param int $pRow Row number (0-based) < * @param string $cellType eg: 'td'
> * Generate row start.
< * @throws WriterException
> * @param int $sheetIndex Sheet index (0-based) > * @param int $row row number
* * @return string */
< private function generateRow(Worksheet $pSheet, array $pValues, $pRow, $cellType)
> private function generateRowStart(Worksheet $worksheet, $sheetIndex, $row)
< // Construct HTML
$html = '';
< < // Sheet index < $sheetIndex = $pSheet->getParent()->getIndex($pSheet); < < // Dompdf and breaks < if ($this->isPdf && count($pSheet->getBreaks()) > 0) { < $breaks = $pSheet->getBreaks();
> if (count($worksheet->getBreaks()) > 0) { > $breaks = $worksheet->getRowBreaks();
// check if a break is needed before this row
< if (isset($breaks['A' . $pRow])) {
> if (isset($breaks['A' . $row])) {
// close table: </table> $html .= $this->generateTableFooter();
< < // insert page break
> if ($this->isPdf && $this->useInlineCss) {
$html .= '<div style="page-break-before:always" />';
> }
// open table again: <table> + <col> etc.
< $html .= $this->generateTableHeader($pSheet);
> $html .= $this->generateTableHeader($worksheet, false); > $html .= '<tbody>' . PHP_EOL;
} } // Write row start if (!$this->useInlineCss) {
< $html .= ' <tr class="row' . $pRow . '">' . PHP_EOL;
> $html .= ' <tr class="row' . $row . '">' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
< $style = isset($this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $pRow]) < ? $this->assembleCSS($this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $pRow]) : '';
> $style = isset($this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row]) > ? $this->assembleCSS($this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row]) : '';
$html .= ' <tr style="' . $style . '">' . PHP_EOL; }
< // Write cells < $colNum = 0; < foreach ($pValues as $cellAddress) { < $cell = ($cellAddress > '') ? $pSheet->getCell($cellAddress) : ''; < $coordinate = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($colNum + 1) . ($pRow + 1);
> return $html; > } > > private function generateRowCellCss(Worksheet $worksheet, string $cellAddress, int $row, int $columnNumber): array > { > $cell = ($cellAddress > '') ? $worksheet->getCellCollection()->get($cellAddress) : ''; > $coordinate = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($columnNumber + 1) . ($row + 1);
if (!$this->useInlineCss) {
< $cssClass = 'column' . $colNum;
> $cssClass = 'column' . $columnNumber;
} else { $cssClass = [];
< if ($cellType == 'th') { < if (isset($this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' th.column' . $colNum])) { < $this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' th.column' . $colNum]; < } < } else { < if (isset($this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' td.column' . $colNum])) { < $this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' td.column' . $colNum];
> // The statements below do nothing. > // Commenting out the code rather than deleting it > // in case someone can figure out what their intent was. > //if ($cellType == 'th') { > // if (isset($this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' th.column' . $colNum])) { > // $this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' th.column' . $colNum]; > // } > //} else { > // if (isset($this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' td.column' . $colNum])) { > // $this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' td.column' . $colNum]; > // } > //} > // End of mystery statements.
< } < } < $colSpan = 1; < $rowSpan = 1;
< // initialize < $cellData = '&nbsp;'; < < // Cell < if ($cell instanceof Cell) { < $cellData = ''; < if ($cell->getParent() === null) { < $cell->attach($pSheet);
> return [$cell, $cssClass, $coordinate];
< // Value < if ($cell->getValue() instanceof RichText) {
> > private function generateRowCellDataValueRich(Cell $cell, string &$cellData): void > {
// Loop through rich text elements $elements = $cell->getValue()->getRichTextElements(); foreach ($elements as $element) { // Rich text start? if ($element instanceof Run) {
> $cellEnd = ''; $cellData .= '<span style="' . $this->assembleCSS($this->createCSSStyleFont($element->getFont())) . '">'; > if ($element->getFont() !== null) {
if ($element->getFont()->getSuperscript()) { $cellData .= '<sup>';
> $cellEnd = '</sup>';
} elseif ($element->getFont()->getSubscript()) { $cellData .= '<sub>';
> $cellEnd = '</sub>';
} } // Convert UTF8 data to PCDATA $cellText = $element->getText();
< $cellData .= htmlspecialchars($cellText);
> $cellData .= htmlspecialchars($cellText, Settings::htmlEntityFlags());
< if ($element instanceof Run) { < if ($element->getFont()->getSuperscript()) { < $cellData .= '</sup>'; < } elseif ($element->getFont()->getSubscript()) { < $cellData .= '</sub>'; < }
> $cellData .= $cellEnd;
$cellData .= '</span>';
> } else { } > // Convert UTF8 data to PCDATA } > $cellText = $element->getText(); } else { > $cellData .= htmlspecialchars($cellText, Settings::htmlEntityFlags());
if ($this->preCalculateFormulas) {
> } $cellData = NumberFormat::toFormattedString( > $cell->getCalculatedValue(), > private function generateRowCellDataValue(Worksheet $worksheet, Cell $cell, string &$cellData): void $pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex())->getNumberFormat()->getFormatCode(), > { [$this, 'formatColor'] > if ($cell->getValue() instanceof RichText) { ); > $this->generateRowCellDataValueRich($cell, $cellData);
< if ($this->preCalculateFormulas) { < $cellData = NumberFormat::toFormattedString( < $cell->getCalculatedValue(), < $pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex())->getNumberFormat()->getFormatCode(), < [$this, 'formatColor'] < ); < } else {
> $origData = $this->preCalculateFormulas ? $cell->getCalculatedValue() : $cell->getValue(); > $formatCode = $worksheet->getParentOrThrow()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex())->getNumberFormat()->getFormatCode(); >
< $cell->getValue(), < $pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex())->getNumberFormat()->getFormatCode(),
> $origData ?? '', > $formatCode ?? NumberFormat::FORMAT_GENERAL,
$cellData = '<sup>' . $cellData . '</sup>';
> } elseif ($pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex())->getFont()->getSubscript()) { > if ($cellData === $origData) { $cellData = '<sub>' . $cellData . '</sub>'; > $cellData = htmlspecialchars($cellData, Settings::htmlEntityFlags());
< $cellData = htmlspecialchars($cellData); < if ($pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex())->getFont()->getSuperscript()) {
> if ($worksheet->getParentOrThrow()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex())->getFont()->getSuperscript()) {
< } elseif ($pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex())->getFont()->getSubscript()) {
> } elseif ($worksheet->getParentOrThrow()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex())->getFont()->getSubscript()) {
// Converts the cell content so that spaces occuring at beginning of each new line are replaced by &nbsp;
> } // Example: " Hello\n to the world" is converted to "&nbsp;&nbsp;Hello\n&nbsp;to the world" > $cellData = preg_replace('/(?m)(?:^|\\G) /', '&nbsp;', $cellData); > /** > * @param null|Cell|string $cell // convert newline "\n" to '<br>' > * @param array|string $cssClass $cellData = nl2br($cellData); > */ > private function generateRowCellData(Worksheet $worksheet, $cell, &$cssClass, string $cellType): string // Extend CSS class? > { if (!$this->useInlineCss) { > $cellData = '&nbsp;'; $cssClass .= ' style' . $cell->getXfIndex(); > if ($cell instanceof Cell) { $cssClass .= ' ' . $cell->getDataType(); > $cellData = ''; } else { > // Don't know what this does, and no test cases. if ($cellType == 'th') { > //if ($cell->getParent() === null) { if (isset($this->cssStyles['' . $cell->getXfIndex()])) { > // $cell->attach($worksheet); $cssClass = array_merge($cssClass, $this->cssStyles['' . $cell->getXfIndex()]); > //} } > // Value } else { > $this->generateRowCellDataValue($worksheet, $cell, $cellData);
< $cellData = preg_replace('/(?m)(?:^|\\G) /', '&nbsp;', $cellData);
> $cellData = (string) preg_replace('/(?m)(?:^|\\G) /', '&nbsp;', $cellData);
< if (!$this->useInlineCss) {
> if (!$this->useInlineCss && is_string($cssClass)) {
< } else {
> } elseif (is_array($cssClass)) {
} // General horizontal alignment: Actual horizontal alignment depends on dataType
< $sharedStyle = $pSheet->getParent()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex()); < if ($sharedStyle->getAlignment()->getHorizontal() == Alignment::HORIZONTAL_GENERAL
> $sharedStyle = $worksheet->getParentOrThrow()->getCellXfByIndex($cell->getXfIndex()); > if ( > $sharedStyle->getAlignment()->getHorizontal() == Alignment::HORIZONTAL_GENERAL
&& isset($this->cssStyles['.' . $cell->getDataType()]['text-align']) ) { $cssClass['text-align'] = $this->cssStyles['.' . $cell->getDataType()]['text-align']; } }
> } else { } > // Use default borders for empty cell > if (is_string($cssClass)) { // Hyperlink? > $cssClass .= ' style0'; if ($pSheet->hyperlinkExists($coordinate) && !$pSheet->getHyperlink($coordinate)->isInternal()) { > }
< // Hyperlink? < if ($pSheet->hyperlinkExists($coordinate) && !$pSheet->getHyperlink($coordinate)->isInternal()) { < $cellData = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($pSheet->getHyperlink($coordinate)->getUrl()) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($pSheet->getHyperlink($coordinate)->getTooltip()) . '">' . $cellData . '</a>';
> return $cellData;
< // Should the cell be written or is it swallowed by a rowspan or colspan? < $writeCell = !(isset($this->isSpannedCell[$pSheet->getParent()->getIndex($pSheet)][$pRow + 1][$colNum]) < && $this->isSpannedCell[$pSheet->getParent()->getIndex($pSheet)][$pRow + 1][$colNum]);
> private function generateRowIncludeCharts(Worksheet $worksheet, string $coordinate): string > { > return $this->includeCharts ? $this->writeChartInCell($worksheet, $coordinate) : ''; > }
< // Colspan and Rowspan < $colspan = 1; < $rowspan = 1; < if (isset($this->isBaseCell[$pSheet->getParent()->getIndex($pSheet)][$pRow + 1][$colNum])) { < $spans = $this->isBaseCell[$pSheet->getParent()->getIndex($pSheet)][$pRow + 1][$colNum]; < $rowSpan = $spans['rowspan']; < $colSpan = $spans['colspan'];
> private function generateRowSpans(string $html, int $rowSpan, int $colSpan): string > { > $html .= ($colSpan > 1) ? (' colspan="' . $colSpan . '"') : ''; > $html .= ($rowSpan > 1) ? (' rowspan="' . $rowSpan . '"') : '';
< // Also apply style from last cell in merge to fix borders - < // relies on !important for non-none border declarations in createCSSStyleBorder < $endCellCoord = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($colNum + $colSpan) . ($pRow + $rowSpan); < if (!$this->useInlineCss) { < $cssClass .= ' style' . $pSheet->getCell($endCellCoord)->getXfIndex(); < }
> return $html;
< // Write < if ($writeCell) {
> /** > * @param array|string $cssClass > */ > private function generateRowWriteCell(string &$html, Worksheet $worksheet, string $coordinate, string $cellType, string $cellData, int $colSpan, int $rowSpan, $cssClass, int $colNum, int $sheetIndex, int $row): void > { > // Image? > $htmlx = $this->writeImageInCell($worksheet, $coordinate); > // Chart? > $htmlx .= $this->generateRowIncludeCharts($worksheet, $coordinate);
// Column start $html .= ' <' . $cellType;
< if (!$this->useInlineCss) {
> if (!$this->useInlineCss && !$this->isPdf && is_string($cssClass)) {
$html .= ' class="' . $cssClass . '"';
> if ($htmlx) { } else { > $html .= " style='position: relative;'"; //** Necessary redundant code for the sake of \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\Pdf ** > }
// We must explicitly write the width of the <td> element because TCPDF // does not recognize e.g. <col style="width:42pt">
> if ($this->useInlineCss) { $width = 0; > $xcssClass = is_array($cssClass) ? $cssClass : []; $i = $colNum - 1; > } else { $e = $colNum + $colSpan - 1; > if (is_string($cssClass)) { while ($i++ < $e) { > $html .= ' class="' . $cssClass . '"'; if (isset($this->columnWidths[$sheetIndex][$i])) { > } $width += $this->columnWidths[$sheetIndex][$i]; > $xcssClass = []; } > }
< $cssClass['width'] = $width . 'pt'; <
> $xcssClass['width'] = (string) $width . 'pt';
// We must also explicitly write the height of the <td> element because TCPDF // does not recognize e.g. <tr style="height:50pt">
< if (isset($this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $pRow]['height'])) { < $height = $this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $pRow]['height']; < $cssClass['height'] = $height;
> if (isset($this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row]['height'])) { > $height = $this->cssStyles['table.sheet' . $sheetIndex . ' tr.row' . $row]['height']; > $xcssClass['height'] = $height;
} //** end of redundant code **
< $html .= ' style="' . $this->assembleCSS($cssClass) . '"'; < } < if ($colSpan > 1) { < $html .= ' colspan="' . $colSpan . '"';
> if ($htmlx) { > $xcssClass['position'] = 'relative';
< if ($rowSpan > 1) { < $html .= ' rowspan="' . $rowSpan . '"';
> $html .= ' style="' . $this->assembleCSS($xcssClass) . '"';
> $html = $this->generateRowSpans($html, $rowSpan, $colSpan); $html .= '>'; >
> $html .= $htmlx;
< $html .= $this->writeComment($pSheet, $coordinate); < < // Image? < $html .= $this->writeImageInCell($pSheet, $coordinate); < < // Chart? < if ($this->includeCharts) { < $html .= $this->writeChartInCell($pSheet, $coordinate); < }
> $html .= $this->writeComment($worksheet, $coordinate);
// Cell data $html .= $cellData; // Column end $html .= '</' . $cellType . '>' . PHP_EOL; }
> /** // Next column > * Generate row. ++$colNum; > * } > * @param array $values Array containing cells in a row > * @param int $row Row number (0-based) // Write row end > * @param string $cellType eg: 'td' $html .= ' </tr>' . PHP_EOL; > * > * @return string // Return > */ return $html; > private function generateRow(Worksheet $worksheet, array $values, $row, $cellType) } > { > // Sheet index /** > $sheetIndex = $worksheet->getParentOrThrow()->getIndex($worksheet); * Takes array where of CSS properties / values and converts to CSS string. > $html = $this->generateRowStart($worksheet, $sheetIndex, $row); * > $generateDiv = $this->isMPdf && $worksheet->getRowDimension($row + 1)->getVisible() === false; * @param array $pValue > if ($generateDiv) { * > $html .= '<div style="visibility:hidden; display:none;">' . PHP_EOL; * @return string > } */ > private function assembleCSS(array $pValue = []) > // Write cells { > $colNum = 0; $pairs = []; > foreach ($values as $cellAddress) { foreach ($pValue as $property => $value) { > [$cell, $cssClass, $coordinate] = $this->generateRowCellCss($worksheet, $cellAddress, $row, $colNum); $pairs[] = $property . ':' . $value; > } > // Cell Data $string = implode('; ', $pairs); > $cellData = $this->generateRowCellData($worksheet, $cell, $cssClass, $cellType); > return $string; > // Hyperlink? } > if ($worksheet->hyperlinkExists($coordinate) && !$worksheet->getHyperlink($coordinate)->isInternal()) { > $cellData = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($worksheet->getHyperlink($coordinate)->getUrl(), Settings::htmlEntityFlags()) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($worksheet->getHyperlink($coordinate)->getTooltip(), Settings::htmlEntityFlags()) . '">' . $cellData . '</a>'; /** > } * Get images root. > * > // Should the cell be written or is it swallowed by a rowspan or colspan? * @return string > $writeCell = !(isset($this->isSpannedCell[$worksheet->getParentOrThrow()->getIndex($worksheet)][$row + 1][$colNum]) */ > && $this->isSpannedCell[$worksheet->getParentOrThrow()->getIndex($worksheet)][$row + 1][$colNum]); public function getImagesRoot() > { > // Colspan and Rowspan return $this->imagesRoot; > $colSpan = 1; } > $rowSpan = 1; > if (isset($this->isBaseCell[$worksheet->getParentOrThrow()->getIndex($worksheet)][$row + 1][$colNum])) { /** > $spans = $this->isBaseCell[$worksheet->getParentOrThrow()->getIndex($worksheet)][$row + 1][$colNum]; * Set images root. > $rowSpan = $spans['rowspan']; * > $colSpan = $spans['colspan']; * @param string $pValue > * > // Also apply style from last cell in merge to fix borders - * @return HTML > // relies on !important for non-none border declarations in createCSSStyleBorder */ > $endCellCoord = Coordinate::stringFromColumnIndex($colNum + $colSpan) . ($row + $rowSpan); public function setImagesRoot($pValue) > if (!$this->useInlineCss) { { > $cssClass .= ' style' . $worksheet->getCell($endCellCoord)->getXfIndex(); $this->imagesRoot = $pValue; > } > } return $this; > } > // Write > if ($writeCell) { /** > $this->generateRowWriteCell($html, $worksheet, $coordinate, $cellType, $cellData, $colSpan, $rowSpan, $cssClass, $colNum, $sheetIndex, $row); * Get embed images. > } * >
* @return bool
> if ($generateDiv) { */ > $html .= '</div>' . PHP_EOL; public function getEmbedImages() > }
< * @param array $pValue < *
< private function assembleCSS(array $pValue = [])
> private function assembleCSS(array $values = [])
< foreach ($pValue as $property => $value) {
> foreach ($values as $property => $value) {
< * @param string $pValue
> * @param string $imagesRoot
< * @return HTML
> * @return $this
< public function setImagesRoot($pValue)
> public function setImagesRoot($imagesRoot)
< $this->imagesRoot = $pValue;
> $this->imagesRoot = $imagesRoot;
< * @param bool $pValue
> * @param bool $embedImages
< * @return HTML
> * @return $this
< public function setEmbedImages($pValue)
> public function setEmbedImages($embedImages)
< $this->embedImages = $pValue;
> $this->embedImages = $embedImages;
return $this; } /** * Get use inline CSS? * * @return bool */ public function getUseInlineCss() { return $this->useInlineCss; } /** * Set use inline CSS? *
< * @param bool $pValue
> * @param bool $useInlineCss
< * @return HTML
> * @return $this
< public function setUseInlineCss($pValue)
> public function setUseInlineCss($useInlineCss)
< $this->useInlineCss = $pValue;
> $this->useInlineCss = $useInlineCss;
return $this; } /** * Get use embedded CSS? * * @return bool
> * */ > * @codeCoverageIgnore public function getUseEmbeddedCSS() > * { > * @deprecated no longer used
return $this->useEmbeddedCSS; } /** * Set use embedded CSS? *
< * @param bool $pValue
> * @param bool $useEmbeddedCSS
< * @return HTML
> * @return $this > * > * @codeCoverageIgnore > * > * @deprecated no longer used
< public function setUseEmbeddedCSS($pValue)
> public function setUseEmbeddedCSS($useEmbeddedCSS)
< $this->useEmbeddedCSS = $pValue;
> $this->useEmbeddedCSS = $useEmbeddedCSS;
return $this; } /** * Add color to formatted string as inline style. *
< * @param string $pValue Plain formatted value without color < * @param string $pFormat Format code
> * @param string $value Plain formatted value without color > * @param string $format Format code
* * @return string */
< public function formatColor($pValue, $pFormat)
> public function formatColor($value, $format)
{ // Color information, e.g. [Red] is always at the beginning $color = null; // initialize $matches = []; $color_regex = '/^\\[[a-zA-Z]+\\]/';
< if (preg_match($color_regex, $pFormat, $matches)) {
> if (preg_match($color_regex, $format, $matches)) {
$color = str_replace(['[', ']'], '', $matches[0]); $color = strtolower($color); } // convert to PCDATA
< $value = htmlspecialchars($pValue);
> $result = htmlspecialchars($value, Settings::htmlEntityFlags());
// color span tag if ($color !== null) {
< $value = '<span style="color:' . $color . '">' . $value . '</span>';
> $result = '<span style="color:' . $color . '">' . $result . '</span>';
< return $value;
> return $result;
} /** * Calculate information about HTML colspan and rowspan which is not always the same as Excel's. */
< private function calculateSpans()
> private function calculateSpans(): void
> if ($this->spansAreCalculated) { // Identify all cells that should be omitted in HTML due to cell merge. > return; // In HTML only the upper-left cell should be written and it should have > }
// appropriate rowspan / colspan attribute $sheetIndexes = $this->sheetIndex !== null ? [$this->sheetIndex] : range(0, $this->spreadsheet->getSheetCount() - 1); foreach ($sheetIndexes as $sheetIndex) { $sheet = $this->spreadsheet->getSheet($sheetIndex); $candidateSpannedRow = []; // loop through all Excel merged cells foreach ($sheet->getMergeCells() as $cells) { [$cells] = Coordinate::splitRange($cells); $first = $cells[0]; $last = $cells[1];
< [$fc, $fr] = Coordinate::coordinateFromString($first); < $fc = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($fc) - 1;
> [$fc, $fr] = Coordinate::indexesFromString($first); > $fc = $fc - 1;
< [$lc, $lr] = Coordinate::coordinateFromString($last); < $lc = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($lc) - 1;
> [$lc, $lr] = Coordinate::indexesFromString($last); > $lc = $lc - 1;
// loop through the individual cells in the individual merge $r = $fr - 1; while ($r++ < $lr) { // also, flag this row as a HTML row that is candidate to be omitted $candidateSpannedRow[$r] = $r; $c = $fc - 1; while ($c++ < $lc) { if (!($c == $fc && $r == $fr)) { // not the upper-left cell (should not be written in HTML) $this->isSpannedCell[$sheetIndex][$r][$c] = [ 'baseCell' => [$fr, $fc], ]; } else { // upper-left is the base cell that should hold the colspan/rowspan attribute $this->isBaseCell[$sheetIndex][$r][$c] = [ 'xlrowspan' => $lr - $fr + 1, // Excel rowspan 'rowspan' => $lr - $fr + 1, // HTML rowspan, value may change 'xlcolspan' => $lc - $fc + 1, // Excel colspan 'colspan' => $lc - $fc + 1, // HTML colspan, value may change ]; } } } }
> $this->calculateSpansOmitRows($sheet, $sheetIndex, $candidateSpannedRow); // Identify which rows should be omitted in HTML. These are the rows where all the cells > // participate in a merge and the where base cells are somewhere above. > // TODO: Same for columns $countColumns = Coordinate::columnIndexFromString($sheet->getHighestColumn()); > } foreach ($candidateSpannedRow as $rowIndex) { > if (isset($this->isSpannedCell[$sheetIndex][$rowIndex])) { > // We have calculated the spans if (count($this->isSpannedCell[$sheetIndex][$rowIndex]) == $countColumns) { > $this->spansAreCalculated = true; $this->isSpannedRow[$sheetIndex][$rowIndex] = $rowIndex; > } } > } > private function calculateSpansOmitRows(Worksheet $sheet, int $sheetIndex, array $candidateSpannedRow): void } > {
// For each of the omitted rows we found above, the affected rowspans should be subtracted by 1 if (isset($this->isSpannedRow[$sheetIndex])) { foreach ($this->isSpannedRow[$sheetIndex] as $rowIndex) { $adjustedBaseCells = []; $c = -1; $e = $countColumns - 1; while ($c++ < $e) { $baseCell = $this->isSpannedCell[$sheetIndex][$rowIndex][$c]['baseCell'];
< if (!in_array($baseCell, $adjustedBaseCells)) {
> if (!in_array($baseCell, $adjustedBaseCells, true)) {
// subtract rowspan by 1 --$this->isBaseCell[$sheetIndex][$baseCell[0]][$baseCell[1]]['rowspan']; $adjustedBaseCells[] = $baseCell; } } } }
< < // TODO: Same for columns < } < < // We have calculated the spans < $this->spansAreCalculated = true; < } < < private function setMargins(Worksheet $pSheet) < { < $htmlPage = '@page { '; < $htmlBody = 'body { '; < < $left = StringHelper::formatNumber($pSheet->getPageMargins()->getLeft()) . 'in; '; < $htmlPage .= 'margin-left: ' . $left; < $htmlBody .= 'margin-left: ' . $left; < $right = StringHelper::formatNumber($pSheet->getPageMargins()->getRight()) . 'in; '; < $htmlPage .= 'margin-right: ' . $right; < $htmlBody .= 'margin-right: ' . $right; < $top = StringHelper::formatNumber($pSheet->getPageMargins()->getTop()) . 'in; '; < $htmlPage .= 'margin-top: ' . $top; < $htmlBody .= 'margin-top: ' . $top; < $bottom = StringHelper::formatNumber($pSheet->getPageMargins()->getBottom()) . 'in; '; < $htmlPage .= 'margin-bottom: ' . $bottom; < $htmlBody .= 'margin-bottom: ' . $bottom; < < $htmlPage .= "}\n"; < $htmlBody .= "}\n"; < < return "<style>\n" . $htmlPage . $htmlBody . "</style>\n";
} /** * Write a comment in the same format as LibreOffice. * * @see *
< * @param Worksheet $pSheet
* @param string $coordinate * * @return string */
< private function writeComment(Worksheet $pSheet, $coordinate)
> private function writeComment(Worksheet $worksheet, $coordinate)
{ $result = '';
< if (!$this->isPdf && isset($pSheet->getComments()[$coordinate])) {
> if (!$this->isPdf && isset($worksheet->getComments()[$coordinate])) { > $sanitizer = new HTMLPurifier(); > $cachePath = File::sysGetTempDir() . '/phpsppur'; > if (is_dir($cachePath) || mkdir($cachePath)) { > $sanitizer->config->set('Cache.SerializerPath', $cachePath); > } > $sanitizedString = $sanitizer->purify($worksheet->getComment($coordinate)->getText()->getPlainText()); > if ($sanitizedString !== '') {
$result .= '<a class="comment-indicator"></a>';
< $result .= '<div class="comment">' . nl2br($pSheet->getComment($coordinate)->getText()->getPlainText()) . '</div>';
> $result .= '<div class="comment">' . nl2br($sanitizedString) . '</div>';
$result .= PHP_EOL; }
> }
return $result;
> } } > } > public function getOrientation(): ?string > { > // Expect Pdf classes to override this method. > return $this->isPdf ? PageSetup::ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT : null; > } > > /** > * Generate @page declarations. > * > * @param bool $generateSurroundingHTML > * > * @return string > */ > private function generatePageDeclarations($generateSurroundingHTML) > { > // Ensure that Spans have been calculated? > $this->calculateSpans(); > > // Fetch sheets > $sheets = []; > if ($this->sheetIndex === null) { > $sheets = $this->spreadsheet->getAllSheets(); > } else { > $sheets[] = $this->spreadsheet->getSheet($this->sheetIndex); > } > > // Construct HTML > $htmlPage = $generateSurroundingHTML ? ('<style type="text/css">' . PHP_EOL) : ''; > > // Loop all sheets > $sheetId = 0; > foreach ($sheets as $worksheet) { > $htmlPage .= "@page page$sheetId { "; > $left = StringHelper::formatNumber($worksheet->getPageMargins()->getLeft()) . 'in; '; > $htmlPage .= 'margin-left: ' . $left; > $right = StringHelper::FormatNumber($worksheet->getPageMargins()->getRight()) . 'in; '; > $htmlPage .= 'margin-right: ' . $right; > $top = StringHelper::FormatNumber($worksheet->getPageMargins()->getTop()) . 'in; '; > $htmlPage .= 'margin-top: ' . $top; > $bottom = StringHelper::FormatNumber($worksheet->getPageMargins()->getBottom()) . 'in; '; > $htmlPage .= 'margin-bottom: ' . $bottom; > $orientation = $this->getOrientation() ?? $worksheet->getPageSetup()->getOrientation(); > if ($orientation === PageSetup::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { > $htmlPage .= 'size: landscape; '; > } elseif ($orientation === PageSetup::ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) { > $htmlPage .= 'size: portrait; '; > } > $htmlPage .= '}' . PHP_EOL; > ++$sheetId; > } > $htmlPage .= implode(PHP_EOL, [ > '.navigation {page-break-after: always;}', > '.scrpgbrk, div + div {page-break-before: always;}', > '@media screen {', > ' .gridlines td {border: 1px solid black;}', > ' .gridlines th {border: 1px solid black;}', > ' body>div {margin-top: 5px;}', > ' body>div:first-child {margin-top: 0;}', > ' .scrpgbrk {margin-top: 1px;}', > '}', > '@media print {', > ' .gridlinesp td {border: 1px solid black;}', > ' .gridlinesp th {border: 1px solid black;}', > ' .navigation {display: none;}', > '}', > '', > ]); > $htmlPage .= $generateSurroundingHTML ? ('</style>' . PHP_EOL) : ''; > > return $htmlPage;