Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 39 and 401] [Versions 39 and 402] [Versions 39 and 403]

This file contains the base classes for portfolio plugins to inherit from: portfolio_plugin_pull_base and portfolio_plugin_push_base which both in turn inherit from portfolio_plugin_base. {@link}

Copyright: 2008 Penny Leach <>,
License: GNU GPL v3 or later
File Size: 873 lines (31 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 3 classes

Class: portfolio_plugin_base  - X-Ref

The base class for portfolio plugins.

All plugins must subclass this
either via portfolio_plugin_pull_base or portfolio_plugin_push_base
supported_formats()   X-Ref
Array of formats this portfolio supports
the intersection of what this function returns
and what the caller supports will be used.
Use the constants PORTFOLIO_FORMAT_*

return: array list of formats

file_mime_check($mimetype)   X-Ref
Override this if you are supporting the 'file' type (or a subformat)
but have restrictions on mimetypes

param: string $mimetype file type or subformat
return: bool

get_name()   X-Ref
Returns the user-friendly name for this plugin.
Usually just get_string('pluginname', 'portfolio_something')

plugin_sanity_check()   X-Ref
Check sanity of plugin.
If this function returns something non empty, ALL instances of your plugin
will be set to invisble and not be able to be set back until it's fixed

return: string|int|bool - string = error string KEY (must be inside portfolio_$yourplugin) or 0/false if you're ok

instance_sanity_check()   X-Ref
Check sanity of instances.
If this function returns something non empty, the instance will be
set to invislbe and not be able to be set back until it's fixed.

return: int|string|bool - string = error string KEY (must be inside portfolio_$yourplugin) or 0/false if you're ok

has_admin_config()   X-Ref
Does this plugin need any configuration by the administrator?
If you override this to return true,
you <b>must</b> implement admin_config_form.

return: bool

has_user_config()   X-Ref
Can this plugin be configured by the user in their profile?
If you override this to return true,
you <b>must</b> implement user_config_form

return: bool

has_export_config()   X-Ref
Does this plugin need configuration during export time?
If you override this to return true,
you <b>must</b> implement export_config_form.

return: bool

export_config_validation(array $data)   X-Ref
Just like the moodle form validation function.
This is passed in the data array from the form
and if a non empty array is returned, form processing will stop.

param: array $data data from form.

user_config_validation(array $data)   X-Ref
Just like the moodle form validation function.
This is passed in the data array from the form
and if a non empty array is returned, form processing will stop.

param: array $data data from form.

set_export_config($config)   X-Ref
Sets the export time config from the moodle form.
You can also use this to set export config that
isn't actually controlled by the user.
Eg: things that your subclasses want to keep in state
across the export.
Keys must be in get_allowed_export_config
This is deliberately not final (see boxnet plugin)

param: array $config named array of config items to set.

get_export_config($key)   X-Ref
Gets an export time config value.
Subclasses should not override this.

param: string $key field to fetch
return: null|string config value

get_export_summary()   X-Ref
After the user submits their config,
they're given a confirm screen
summarising what they've chosen.
This function should return a table of nice strings => values
of what they've chosen
to be displayed in a table.

return: bool

get_extra_finish_options()   X-Ref
Once everything is done and the user
has the finish page displayed to them.
The base class takes care of printing them
"return to where you are" or "continue to portfolio" links.
This function allows for exta finish options from the plugin

return: bool

get_static_continue_url()   X-Ref
The url to save in the log as the continue url.
This is passed through resolve_static_continue_url()
at display time to the user.

return: string

resolve_static_continue_url($url)   X-Ref
Override this function if you need to add something on to the url
for post-export continues (eg from the log page).
Mahara does this, for example, to start a jump session.

param: string $url static continue url
return: string

user_config_form(&$mform)   X-Ref
mform to display to the user in their profile
if your plugin can't be configured by the user,

param: moodleform $mform passed by reference, add elements to it

admin_config_form(&$mform)   X-Ref
mform to display to the admin configuring the plugin.
If your plugin can't be configured by the admin,

param: moodleform $mform passed by reference, add elements to it.

admin_config_validation($data)   X-Ref
Just like the moodle form validation function,
this is passed in the data array from the form
and if a non empty array is returned, form processing will stop.

param: array $data data from form.

export_config_form(&$mform)   X-Ref
mform to display to the user exporting data using this plugin.
If your plugin doesn't need user input at this time,

param: moodleform $mform passed by reference, add elements to it.

allows_multiple_instances()   X-Ref
Override this if your plugin doesn't allow multiple instances

return: bool

steal_control($stage)   X-Ref
If at any point the caller wants to steal control,
it can, by returning something that isn't false
in this function
The controller will redirect to whatever url
this function returns.
Afterwards, you can redirect back to portfolio/add.php?postcontrol=1
and post_control is called before the rest of the processing
for the stage is done,

param: int $stage to steal control *before* (see constants PARAM_STAGE_*}
return: bool

post_control($stage, $params)   X-Ref
After a plugin has elected to steal control,
and control returns to portfolio/add.php|postcontrol=1,
this function is called, and passed the stage that was stolen control from
and the request (get and post but not cookie) parameters.
This is useful for external systems that need to redirect the user back
with some extra data in the url (like auth tokens etc)
for an example implementation, see boxnet portfolio plugin.

param: int $stage the stage before control was stolen
param: array $params a merge of $_GET and $_POST

create_instance($plugin, $name, $config)   X-Ref
This function creates a new instance of a plugin
saves it in the database, saves the config
and returns it.
You shouldn't need to override it
unless you're doing something really funky

param: string $plugin portfolio plugin to create
param: string $name name of new instance
param: array $config what the admin config form returned
return: object subclass of portfolio_plugin_base

__construct($instanceid, $record=null)   X-Ref
Construct a plugin instance.
Subclasses should not need to override this unless they're doing something special
and should call parent::__construct afterwards.

param: int $instanceid id of plugin instance to construct
param: mixed $record stdclass object or named array - use this if you already have the record to avoid another query
return: portfolio_plugin_base

init()   X-Ref
Called after __construct - allows plugins to perform initialisation tasks
without having to override the constructor.

get_allowed_config()   X-Ref
A list of fields that can be configured per instance.
This is used for the save handlers of the config form
and as checks in set_config and get_config.

return: array array of strings (config item names)

get_allowed_user_config()   X-Ref
A list of fields that can be configured by the user.
This is used for the save handlers in the config form
and as checks in set_user_config and get_user_config.

return: array array of strings (config field names)

get_allowed_export_config()   X-Ref
A list of fields that can be configured by the user.
This is used for the save handlers in the config form
and as checks in set_export_config and get_export_config.

return: array array of strings (config field names)

set_config($config)   X-Ref
Saves (or updates) the config stored in portfolio_instance_config.
You shouldn't need to override this unless you're doing something funky.

param: array $config array of config items.

get_config($key)   X-Ref
Gets the value of a particular config item

param: string $key key to fetch
return: null|mixed the corresponding value

get_user_config($key, $userid=0)   X-Ref
Get the value of a config item for a particular user.

param: string $key key to fetch
param: int $userid id of user (defaults to current)
return: string the corresponding value

set_user_config($config, $userid=0)   X-Ref
Sets config options for a given user.

param: array $config array containing key/value pairs to set
param: int $userid userid to set config for (defaults to current)

get($field)   X-Ref
Generic getter for properties belonging to this instance
<b>outside</b> the subclasses
like name, visible etc.

param: string $field property name
return: array|string|int|boolean value of the field

set($field, $value)   X-Ref
Generic setter for properties belonging to this instance
<b>outside</b> the subclass
like name, visible, etc.

param: string $field property's name
param: string $value property's value
return: bool

save()   X-Ref
Saves stuff that's been stored in the object to the database.
You shouldn't need to override this
unless you're doing something really funky.
and if so, call parent::save when you're done.

return: bool

delete()   X-Ref
Deletes everything from the database about this plugin instance.
You shouldn't need to override this unless you're storing stuff
in your own tables.  and if so, call parent::delete when you're done.

return: bool

cleanup()   X-Ref
Perform any required cleanup functions

return: bool

allows_multiple_exports()   X-Ref
Whether this plugin supports multiple exports in the same session
most plugins should handle this, but some that require a redirect for authentication
and then don't support dynamically constructed urls to return to (eg
need to override this to return false.
This means that moodle will prevent multiple exports of this *type* of plugin
occurring in the same session.

return: bool

heading_summary()   X-Ref
Return a string to put at the header summarising this export
by default, just the plugin instance name

return: string

Class: portfolio_plugin_push_base  - X-Ref

Class to inherit from for 'push' type plugins

Eg: those that send the file via a HTTP post or whatever

is_push()   X-Ref
Get the capability to push

return: bool

Class: portfolio_plugin_pull_base  - X-Ref

Class to inherit from for 'pull' type plugins.

Eg: those that write a file and wait for the remote system to request it
from portfolio/file.php.
If you're using this you must do $this->set('file', $file) so that it can be served.

is_push()   X-Ref
return the enablelity to push

return: bool

get_base_file_url()   X-Ref
The base part of the download file url to pull files from
your plugin might need to add &foo=bar on the end

return: string the url

send_file()   X-Ref
Called from portfolio/file.php.
This function sends the stored file out to the browser.
The default is to just use send_stored_file,
but other implementations might do something different,
for example, send back the file base64 encoded and encrypted
mahara does this but in the response to an xmlrpc request
rather than through file.php

set_file(\stored_file $file)   X-Ref
Sets the $file instance var to the id of the supplied \stored_file.
This helper allows the $this->get('file') call to return a \stored_file, but means that we only ever record an id reference
in the $file instance var.

param: \stored_file $file The stored_file instance.
return: void

get_file()   X-Ref
Gets the \stored_file object from the file id in the $file instance var.

return: stored_file|null the \stored_file object if it exists, null otherwise.