Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 39 and 401] [Versions 39 and 402] [Versions 39 and 403]

This file contains the definition for the renderable classes for the assignment

Copyright: 2012 NetSpot {@link}
License: GNU GPL v3 or later
File Size: 983 lines (39 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 1 time
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 16 classes

assign_submit_for_grading_page:: (1 method):

assign_gradingmessage:: (1 method):

assign_form:: (1 method):

assign_user_summary:: (1 method):

assign_feedback_plugin_feedback:: (1 method):

assign_submission_plugin_submission:: (1 method):

assign_feedback_status:: (1 method):

assign_submission_status:: (1 method):

assign_submission_status_compact:: (0 methods):

assign_attempt_history:: (1 method):

assign_attempt_history_chooser:: (2 methods):

assign_header:: (1 method):

assign_plugin_header:: (1 method):

assign_grading_summary:: (1 method):

assign_course_index_summary:: (2 methods):

assign_files:: (2 methods):

Class: assign_submit_for_grading_page  - X-Ref

This class wraps the submit for grading confirmation page

__construct($notifications, $coursemoduleid, $confirmform)   X-Ref

param: string $notifications - Any mesages to display
param: int $coursemoduleid
param: moodleform $confirmform

Class: assign_gradingmessage  - X-Ref

Implements a renderable message notification

__construct($heading, $message, $coursemoduleid, $gradingerror = false, $page = null)   X-Ref

param: string $heading This is the heading to display
param: string $message This is the message to display
param: bool $gradingerror Set to true to display the message as an error.
param: int $coursemoduleid
param: int $page This is the current quick grading page

Class: assign_form  - X-Ref

Implements a renderable grading options form

__construct($classname, moodleform $form, $jsinitfunction = '')   X-Ref

param: string $classname This is the class name for the container div
param: moodleform $form This is the moodleform
param: string $jsinitfunction This is an optional js function to add to the page requires

Class: assign_user_summary  - X-Ref

Implements a renderable user summary

__construct(stdClass $user,$courseid,$viewfullnames,$blindmarking,$uniqueidforuser,$extrauserfields,$suspendeduser = false)   X-Ref

param: stdClass $user
param: int $courseid
param: bool $viewfullnames
param: bool $blindmarking
param: int $uniqueidforuser
param: array $extrauserfields
param: bool $suspendeduser

Class: assign_feedback_plugin_feedback  - X-Ref

Implements a renderable feedback plugin feedback

__construct(assign_feedback_plugin $plugin,stdClass $grade,$view,$coursemoduleid,$returnaction,$returnparams)   X-Ref
Feedback for a single plugin

param: assign_feedback_plugin $plugin
param: stdClass $grade
param: string $view one of feedback_plugin::SUMMARY or feedback_plugin::FULL
param: int $coursemoduleid
param: string $returnaction The action required to return to this page
param: array $returnparams The params required to return to this page

Class: assign_submission_plugin_submission  - X-Ref

Implements a renderable submission plugin submission

__construct(assign_submission_plugin $plugin,stdClass $submission,$view,$coursemoduleid,$returnaction,$returnparams)   X-Ref

param: assign_submission_plugin $plugin
param: stdClass $submission
param: string $view one of submission_plugin::SUMMARY, submission_plugin::FULL
param: int $coursemoduleid - the course module id
param: string $returnaction The action to return to the current page
param: array $returnparams The params to return to the current page

Class: assign_feedback_status  - X-Ref

Renderable feedback status

__construct($gradefordisplay,$gradeddate,$grader,$feedbackplugins,$grade,$coursemoduleid,$returnaction,$returnparams,$canviewfullnames)   X-Ref

param: string $gradefordisplay
param: mixed $gradeddate
param: mixed $grader
param: array $feedbackplugins
param: mixed $grade
param: int $coursemoduleid
param: string $returnaction The action required to return to this page
param: array $returnparams The list of params required to return to this page
param: bool $canviewfullnames

Class: assign_submission_status  - X-Ref

Renderable submission status

__construct($allowsubmissionsfromdate,$alwaysshowdescription,$submission,$teamsubmissionenabled,$teamsubmission,$submissiongroup,$submissiongroupmemberswhoneedtosubmit,$submissionsenabled,$locked,$graded,$duedate,$cutoffdate,$submissionplugins,$returnaction,$returnparams,$coursemoduleid,$courseid,$view,$canedit,$cansubmit,$canviewfullnames,$extensionduedate,$context,$blindmarking,$gradingcontrollerpreview,$attemptreopenmethod,$maxattempts,$gradingstatus,$preventsubmissionnotingroup,$usergroups)   X-Ref

param: int $allowsubmissionsfromdate
param: bool $alwaysshowdescription
param: stdClass $submission
param: bool $teamsubmissionenabled
param: stdClass $teamsubmission
param: int $submissiongroup
param: array $submissiongroupmemberswhoneedtosubmit
param: bool $submissionsenabled
param: bool $locked
param: bool $graded
param: int $duedate
param: int $cutoffdate
param: array $submissionplugins
param: string $returnaction
param: array $returnparams
param: int $coursemoduleid
param: int $courseid
param: string $view
param: bool $canedit
param: bool $cansubmit
param: bool $canviewfullnames
param: int $extensionduedate - Any extension to the due date granted for this user
param: context $context - Any extension to the due date granted for this user
param: bool $blindmarking - Should we hide student identities from graders?
param: string $gradingcontrollerpreview
param: string $attemptreopenmethod - The method of reopening student attempts.
param: int $maxattempts - How many attempts can a student make?
param: string $gradingstatus - The submission status (ie. Graded, Not Released etc).
param: bool $preventsubmissionnotingroup - Prevent submission if user is not in a group
param: array $usergroups - Array containing all groups the user is assigned to

Class: assign_submission_status_compact  - X-Ref

Renderable submission status

Class: assign_attempt_history  - X-Ref

Used to output the attempt history for a particular assignment.

__construct($submissions,$grades,$submissionplugins,$feedbackplugins,$coursemoduleid,$returnaction,$returnparams,$cangrade,$useridlistid,$rownum)   X-Ref

param: array $submissions
param: array $grades
param: array $submissionplugins
param: array $feedbackplugins
param: int $coursemoduleid
param: string $returnaction
param: array $returnparams
param: bool $cangrade
param: int $useridlistid
param: int $rownum

Class: assign_attempt_history_chooser  - X-Ref

Used to output the attempt history chooser for a particular assignment.

__construct($submissions,$grades,$coursemoduleid,$userid)   X-Ref

param: array $submissions
param: array $grades
param: int $coursemoduleid
param: int $userid

export_for_template(renderer_base $output)   X-Ref
Function to export the renderer data in a format that is suitable for a
mustache template.

param: renderer_base $output Used to do a final render of any components that need to be rendered for export.
return: stdClass|array

Class: assign_header  - X-Ref

Renderable header

__construct(stdClass $assign,$context,$showintro,$coursemoduleid,$subpage='',$preface='',$postfix='')   X-Ref

param: stdClass $assign  - the assign database record
param: mixed $context context|null the course module context
param: bool $showintro  - show or hide the intro
param: int $coursemoduleid  - the course module id
param: string $subpage  - an optional sub page in the navigation
param: string $preface  - an optional preface to show before the heading

Class: assign_plugin_header  - X-Ref

Renderable header related to an individual subplugin

__construct(assign_plugin $plugin)   X-Ref
Header for a single plugin

param: assign_plugin $plugin

Class: assign_grading_summary  - X-Ref

Renderable grading summary

__construct($participantcount,$submissiondraftsenabled,$submissiondraftscount,$submissionsenabled,$submissionssubmittedcount,$cutoffdate,$duedate,$coursemoduleid,$submissionsneedgradingcount,$teamsubmission,$warnofungroupedusers,$courserelativedatesmode,$coursestartdate,$cangrade = true,$isvisible = true)   X-Ref

param: int $participantcount
param: bool $submissiondraftsenabled
param: int $submissiondraftscount
param: bool $submissionsenabled
param: int $submissionssubmittedcount
param: int $cutoffdate
param: int $duedate
param: int $coursemoduleid
param: int $submissionsneedgradingcount
param: bool $teamsubmission
param: string $warnofungroupedusers
param: bool $courserelativedatesmode true if the course is using relative dates, false otherwise.
param: int $coursestartdate unix timestamp representation of the course start date.
param: bool $cangrade
param: bool $isvisible

Class: assign_course_index_summary  - X-Ref

Renderable course index summary

__construct($usesections, $courseformatname)   X-Ref

param: boolean $usesections - True if this course format uses sections
param: string $courseformatname - The id of this course format

add_assign_info($cmid, $cmname, $sectionname, $timedue, $submissioninfo, $gradeinfo)   X-Ref
Add a row of data to display on the course index page

param: int $cmid - The course module id for generating a link
param: string $cmname - The course module name for generating a link
param: string $sectionname - The name of the course section (only if $usesections is true)
param: int $timedue - The due date for the assignment - may be 0 if no duedate
param: string $submissioninfo - A string with either the number of submitted assignments, or the
param: string $gradeinfo - The current users grade if they have been graded and it is not hidden.

Class: assign_files  - X-Ref

An assign file class that extends rendererable class and is used by the assign module.

__construct(context $context, $sid, $filearea, $component)   X-Ref
The constructor

param: context $context
param: int $sid
param: string $filearea
param: string $component

preprocess($dir, $filearea, $component)   X-Ref
Preprocessing the file list to add the portfolio links if required.

param: array $dir
param: string $filearea
param: string $component
return: void