Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
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Filebackup_forum_activity_test.php                 [source] [119 lines]   Tests for mod_forum_backup_forum_activity_task.
Filebuilders_exported_posts_test.php               [source] [524 lines]   The exported_posts builder tests.
Filecoverage.php                                   [source] [49 lines]    Coverage information for the mod_forum component.
Filecron_trait.php                                 [source] [129 lines]   The forum module cron trait.
Fileentities_author_test.php                       [source] [71 lines]    The author entity tests.
Fileentities_discussion_summary_test.php           [source] [108 lines]   The discussion_summary entity tests.
Fileentities_discussion_test.php                   [source] [182 lines]   The discussion entity tests.
Fileentities_forum_test.php                        [source] [177 lines]   The forum entity tests.
Fileentities_post_read_receipt_collection_test.php [source] [103 lines]   The post_read_receipt_collection entity tests.
Fileentities_post_test.php                         [source] [87 lines]    The post entity tests.
Fileentities_sorter_test.php                       [source] [95 lines]    The discussion entity tests.
Fileevents_test.php                                [source] [2907 lines]  Tests for forum events.
Fileexporters_author_test.php                      [source] [159 lines]   The author exporter tests.
Fileexporters_discussion_test.php                  [source] [116 lines]   The discussion exporter tests.
Fileexporters_forum_test.php                       [source] [78 lines]    The discussion forum tests.
Fileexporters_post_test.php                        [source] [593 lines]   The post exporter tests.
Fileexternallib_test.php                           [source] [3476 lines]  The module forums external functions unit tests
Filegenerator_test.php                             [source] [217 lines]   PHPUnit data generator tests
Filegenerator_trait.php                            [source] [174 lines]   The forum module trait with additional generator helpers.
Filegrades_forum_gradeitem_test.php                [source] [190 lines]   Tests for the the Forum gradeitem.
Filegrades_gradeitems_test.php                     [source] [97 lines]    Unit tests for mod_forum\grades\gradeitems.
Filelib_test.php                                   [source] [3721 lines]  The module forums tests
Filelocal_container_test.php                       [source] [109 lines]   Tests for the local\container class.
Filelocallib_test.php                              [source] [73 lines]    File containing the forum module local library function tests.
Filemail_group_test.php                            [source] [246 lines]   The forum module mail generation tests for groups.
Filemail_test.php                                  [source] [1606 lines]  The forum module mail generation tests.
Filemaildigest_test.php                            [source] [811 lines]   The module forums external functions unit tests
Filemanagers_capability_test.php                   [source] [1331 lines]  The capability manager tests.
Fileoutput_email_test.php                          [source] [191 lines]   The module forums tests
Fileportfolio_caller_test.php                      [source] [142 lines]   The portfolio forum tests.
Fileprivacy_provider_test.php                      [source] [2050 lines]  Tests for the forum implementation of the Privacy Provider API.
Fileprivate_replies_test.php                       [source] [242 lines]   Tests for private reply functionality.
Fileqanda_test.php                                 [source] [153 lines]   The forum module mail generation tests for groups.
Filerestore_date_test.php                          [source] [110 lines]   Restore date tests.
Filersslib_test.php                                [source] [102 lines]   Tests for the forum implementation of the RSS component.
Filesearch_test.php                                [source] [520 lines]   Forum search unit tests.
Filesubscriptions_test.php                         [source] [1451 lines]  The module forums tests
Filevaults_author_test.php                         [source] [83 lines]    The author vault tests.
Filevaults_discussion_list_test.php                [source] [557 lines]   The discussion_list vault tests.
Filevaults_discussion_test.php                     [source] [122 lines]   The discussion vault tests.
Filevaults_forum_test.php                          [source] [155 lines]   The forum vault tests.
Filevaults_post_attachment_test.php                [source] [107 lines]   The post_attachment vault tests.
Filevaults_post_read_receipt_collection_test.php   [source] [99 lines]    The post read receipt collection vault tests.
Filevaults_post_test.php                           [source] [1132 lines]  The post vault tests.