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Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
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 * mod_h5pactivity generator tests
 * @package    mod_h5pactivity
 * @category   test
 * @copyright  2020 Ferran Recio <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace mod_h5pactivity;

use advanced_testcase;
use backup;
use backup_controller;
use backup_setting;
use restore_controller;
use restore_dbops;
use stdClass;

 * Genarator tests class for mod_h5pactivity.
 * @package    mod_h5pactivity
 * @category   test
 * @copyright  2020 Ferran Recio <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
< class mod_h5pactivity_restore_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
> class restore_test extends advanced_testcase {
/** * Setup to ensure that fixtures are loaded. */ public static function setupBeforeClass(): void { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/backup_includes.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/restore_includes.php'); } /** * Test on H5P activity backup and restore. * * @dataProvider backup_restore_data * @param bool $content if has to create attempts * @param bool $userdata if backup have userdata * @param array $result1 data to check on original course * @param array $result2 data to check on resotred course */ public function test_backup_restore(bool $content, bool $userdata, array $result1, array $result2) { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); $this->setAdminUser(); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_and_enrol($course, 'student'); // Create one activity. $this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('h5pactivity', ['course' => $course->id])); $activity = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('h5pactivity', ['course' => $course]); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('h5pactivity', $activity->cmid, 0, false, MUST_EXIST); if ($content) { $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_h5pactivity'); $params = ['cmid' => $cm->id, 'userid' => $user->id]; $generator->create_content($activity, $params); } $this->assertEquals($result1[0], $DB->count_records('h5pactivity', ['course' => $course->id])); $this->assertEquals($result1[1], $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts', ['h5pactivityid' => $activity->id])); $attemptid = $DB->get_field('h5pactivity_attempts', 'id', ['h5pactivityid' => $activity->id]); $this->assertEquals($result1[2], $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results', ['attemptid' => $attemptid])); // Execute course backup and restore. $newcourseid = $this->backup_and_restore($course, $userdata); // Check original activity. $this->assertEquals($result1[0], $DB->count_records('h5pactivity', ['course' => $course->id])); $this->assertEquals($result1[1], $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts', ['h5pactivityid' => $activity->id])); $attempt = $DB->get_record('h5pactivity_attempts', ['h5pactivityid' => $activity->id]); $attemptid = $attempt->id ?? 0; $this->assertEquals($result1[2], $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results', ['attemptid' => $attemptid])); // Check original activity. $this->assertEquals($result2[0], $DB->count_records('h5pactivity', ['course' => $newcourseid])); $activity2 = $DB->get_record('h5pactivity', ['course' => $newcourseid]); $this->assertEquals($result2[1], $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts', ['h5pactivityid' => $activity2->id])); $attempt2 = $DB->get_record('h5pactivity_attempts', ['h5pactivityid' => $activity2->id]); $attempt2id = $attempt2->id ?? 0; $this->assertEquals($result2[2], $DB->count_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results', ['attemptid' => $attempt2id])); // Compare activities. $this->assertEquals($newcourseid, $activity2->course); $this->assertEquals($activity->name, $activity2->name); $this->assertEquals($activity->intro, $activity2->intro); $this->assertEquals($activity->introformat, $activity2->introformat); $this->assertEquals($activity->grade, $activity2->grade); $this->assertEquals($activity->displayoptions, $activity2->displayoptions); $this->assertEquals($activity->enabletracking, $activity2->enabletracking); $this->assertEquals($activity->grademethod, $activity2->grademethod); // Compare attempts. if ($content && $userdata) { $this->assertEquals($activity2->id, $attempt2->h5pactivityid); $this->assertEquals($attempt->userid, $attempt2->userid); $this->assertEquals($attempt->timecreated, $attempt2->timecreated); $this->assertEquals($attempt->timemodified, $attempt2->timemodified); $this->assertEquals($attempt->attempt, $attempt2->attempt); $this->assertEquals($attempt->rawscore, $attempt2->rawscore); $this->assertEquals($attempt->maxscore, $attempt2->maxscore); $this->assertEquals($attempt->duration, $attempt2->duration); $this->assertEquals($attempt->completion, $attempt2->completion); $this->assertEquals($attempt->success, $attempt2->success); // Compare results. $results = $DB->get_records('h5pactivity_attempts_results', ['attemptid' => $attempt->id]); foreach ($results as $result) { $result2 = $DB->get_record('h5pactivity_attempts_results', [ 'subcontent' => $result->subcontent, 'attemptid' => $attempt2->id ]); $this->assertNotFalse($result2); $this->assertEquals($result->timecreated, $result2->timecreated); $this->assertEquals($result->interactiontype, $result2->interactiontype); $this->assertEquals($result->description, $result2->description); $this->assertEquals($result->correctpattern, $result2->correctpattern); $this->assertEquals($result->response, $result2->response); $this->assertEquals($result->additionals, $result2->additionals); $this->assertEquals($result->rawscore, $result2->rawscore); $this->assertEquals($result->maxscore, $result2->maxscore); $this->assertEquals($result->duration, $result2->duration); $this->assertEquals($result->completion, $result2->completion); $this->assertEquals($result->success, $result2->success); } } } /** * Data provider for test_backup_restore. * * @return array */ public function backup_restore_data(): array { return [ 'Activity attempts and restore with userdata' => [ true, true, [1, 1, 3], [1, 1, 3] ], 'No activity attempts and restore with userdata' => [ false, true, [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0] ], 'Activity attempts and restore with no userdata' => [ true, false, [1, 1, 3], [1, 0, 0] ], 'No activity attempts and restore with no userdata' => [ false, false, [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0] ], ]; } /** * Backs a course up and restores it. * * @param stdClass $srccourse Course object to backup * @param bool $userdata if the backup must be with user data * @return int ID of newly restored course */ private function backup_and_restore(stdClass $srccourse, bool $userdata): int { global $USER, $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/backup_includes.php'); // Turn off file logging, otherwise it can't delete the file (Windows). $CFG->backup_file_logger_level = backup::LOG_NONE; // Do backup with default settings. MODE_IMPORT means it will just // create the directory and not zip it. $bc = new backup_controller(backup::TYPE_1COURSE, $srccourse->id, backup::FORMAT_MOODLE, backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_IMPORT, $USER->id); $bc->get_plan()->get_setting('users')->set_status(backup_setting::NOT_LOCKED); $bc->get_plan()->get_setting('users')->set_value($userdata); $backupid = $bc->get_backupid(); $bc->execute_plan(); $bc->destroy(); // Do restore to new course with default settings. $newcourseid = restore_dbops::create_new_course( $srccourse->fullname, $srccourse->shortname . '_2', $srccourse->category ); $rc = new restore_controller($backupid, $newcourseid, backup::INTERACTIVE_NO, backup::MODE_GENERAL, $USER->id, backup::TARGET_NEW_COURSE); $rc->get_plan()->get_setting('users')->set_status(backup_setting::NOT_LOCKED); $rc->get_plan()->get_setting('users')->set_value($userdata); $this->assertTrue($rc->execute_precheck()); $rc->execute_plan(); $rc->destroy(); return $newcourseid; } }