See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release
<?php // This file is part of Moodle - // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <>. /** * This file contains the class for restore of this gradebookservices plugin * * @package ltiservice_gradebookservices * @copyright 2017 Cengage Learning * @author Dirk Singels, Diego del Blanco, Claude Vervoort * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lti/locallib.php'); /** * Restore subplugin class. * * Provides the necessary information * needed to restore the lineitems related with the lti activity (coupled), * and all the uncoupled ones from the course. * * @package ltiservice_gradebookservices * @copyright 2017 Cengage Learning * @author Dirk Singels, Diego del Blanco, Claude Vervoort * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class restore_ltiservice_gradebookservices_subplugin extends restore_subplugin { /** * Returns the subplugin structure to attach to the XML element. * * @return restore_path_element[] array of elements to be processed on restore. */ protected function define_lti_subplugin_structure() { $paths = array(); $elename = $this->get_namefor('lineitem'); $elepath = $this->get_pathfor('/lineitems/lineitem'); $paths[] = new restore_path_element($elename, $elepath); return $paths; } /** * Processes one lineitem * * @param mixed $data * @return void */ public function process_ltiservice_gradebookservices_lineitem($data) { global $DB; $data = (object)$data; // The coupled lineitems are restored as any other grade item // so we will only create the entry in the ltiservice_gradebookservices table. // We will try to find a valid toolproxy in the system. // If it has been found before... we use it. /* cache parent property to account for missing PHPDoc type specification */ /** @var backup_activity_task $activitytask */ $activitytask = $this->task; $courseid = $activitytask->get_courseid(); if ($data->typeid != null) { if ($ltitypeid = $this->get_mappingid('ltitype', $data->typeid)) { $newtypeid = $ltitypeid; } else { // If not, then we will call our own function to find it. $newtypeid = $this->find_typeid($data, $courseid); } } else { $newtypeid = null; } if ($data->toolproxyid != null) { $ltitoolproxy = $this->get_mappingid('ltitoolproxy', $data->toolproxyid); if ($ltitoolproxy && $ltitoolproxy != 0) { $newtoolproxyid = $ltitoolproxy; } else { // If not, then we will call our own function to find it. $newtoolproxyid = $this->find_proxy_id($data); } } else { $newtoolproxyid = null; } if ($data->ltilinkid != null) {> if ($data->ltilinkid != $this->get_old_parentid('lti')) { $ltilinkid = $this->get_new_parentid('lti'); > // This is a linked item, but not for the current lti link, so skip it. } else { > return; $ltilinkid = null; > }} $resourceid = null; if (property_exists( $data, 'resourceid' )) { $resourceid = $data->resourceid; } // If this has not been restored before. if ($this->get_mappingid('gbsgradeitemrestored', $data->id, 0) == 0) { $newgbsid = $DB->insert_record('ltiservice_gradebookservices', (object) array( 'gradeitemid' => 0, 'courseid' => $courseid, 'toolproxyid' => $newtoolproxyid, 'ltilinkid' => $ltilinkid, 'typeid' => $newtypeid, 'baseurl' => $data->baseurl, 'resourceid' => $resourceid, 'tag' => $data->tag )); $this->set_mapping('gbsgradeitemoldid', $newgbsid, $data->gradeitemid); $this->set_mapping('gbsgradeitemrestored', $data->id, $data->id); } } /** * If the toolproxy is not in the mapping (or it is 0) * we try to find the toolproxyid. * If none is found, then we set it to 0. * * @param mixed $data * @return integer $newtoolproxyid */ private function find_proxy_id($data) { global $DB; $newtoolproxyid = 0; $oldtoolproxyguid = $data->guid; $oldtoolproxyvendor = $data->vendorcode; $dbtoolproxyjsonparams = array('guid' => $oldtoolproxyguid, 'vendorcode' => $oldtoolproxyvendor); $dbtoolproxy = $DB->get_field('lti_tool_proxies', 'id', $dbtoolproxyjsonparams, IGNORE_MISSING); if ($dbtoolproxy) { $newtoolproxyid = $dbtoolproxy; } return $newtoolproxyid; } /** * If the typeid is not in the mapping or it is 0, (it should be most of the times) * we will try to find the better typeid that matches with the lineitem. * If none is found, then we set it to 0. * * @param stdClass $data * @param int $courseid * @return int The item type id */ private function find_typeid($data, $courseid) { global $DB; $newtypeid = 0; $oldtypeid = $data->typeid; // 1. Find a type with the same id in the same course. $dbtypeidparameter = array('id' => $oldtypeid, 'course' => $courseid, 'baseurl' => $data->baseurl); $dbtype = $DB->get_field_select('lti_types', 'id', "id=:id AND course=:course AND ".$DB->sql_compare_text('baseurl')."=:baseurl", $dbtypeidparameter); if ($dbtype) { $newtypeid = $dbtype; } else { // 2. Find a site type for all the courses (course == 1), but with the same id. $dbtypeidparameter = array('id' => $oldtypeid, 'baseurl' => $data->baseurl); $dbtype = $DB->get_field_select('lti_types', 'id', "id=:id AND course=1 AND ".$DB->sql_compare_text('baseurl')."=:baseurl", $dbtypeidparameter); if ($dbtype) { $newtypeid = $dbtype; } else { // 3. Find a type with the same baseurl in the actual site. $dbtypeidparameter = array('course' => $courseid, 'baseurl' => $data->baseurl); $dbtype = $DB->get_field_select('lti_types', 'id', "course=:course AND ".$DB->sql_compare_text('baseurl')."=:baseurl", $dbtypeidparameter); if ($dbtype) { $newtypeid = $dbtype; } else { // 4. Find a site type for all the courses (course == 1) with the same baseurl. $dbtypeidparameter = array('course' => 1, 'baseurl' => $data->baseurl); $dbtype = $DB->get_field_select('lti_types', 'id', "course=1 AND ".$DB->sql_compare_text('baseurl')."=:baseurl", $dbtypeidparameter); if ($dbtype) { $newtypeid = $dbtype; } } } } return $newtypeid; } /** * We call the after_restore_lti to update the grade_items id's that we didn't know in the moment of creating * the gradebookservices rows. */ protected function after_restore_lti() { global $DB; $activitytask = $this->task; $courseid = $activitytask->get_courseid(); $gbstoupdate = $DB->get_records('ltiservice_gradebookservices', array('gradeitemid' => 0, 'courseid' => $courseid)); foreach ($gbstoupdate as $gbs) { $oldgradeitemid = $this->get_mappingid('gbsgradeitemoldid', $gbs->id, 0); $newgradeitemid = $this->get_mappingid('grade_item', $oldgradeitemid, 0); if ($newgradeitemid > 0) { $gbs->gradeitemid = $newgradeitemid; if (!isset($gbs->resourceid)) { // Before 3.9 resourceid was stored in grade_item->idnumber. $gbs->resourceid = $DB->get_field_select('grade_items', 'idnumber', "id=:id", ['id' => $newgradeitemid]); } $DB->update_record('ltiservice_gradebookservices', $gbs); } } // Pre 3.9 backups did not include a gradebookservices record. Adding one here if missing for the restored instance. $gi = $DB->get_record('grade_items', array('itemtype' => 'mod', 'itemmodule' => 'lti', 'courseid' => $courseid, 'iteminstance' => $this->task->get_activityid())); if ($gi) { $gbs = $DB->get_records('ltiservice_gradebookservices', ['gradeitemid' => $gi->id]); if (empty($gbs)) { // The currently restored LTI link has a grade item but no gbs, so let's create a gbs entry. if ($instance = $DB->get_record('lti', array('id' => $gi->iteminstance))) { if ($tool = lti_get_instance_type($instance)) { $DB->insert_record('ltiservice_gradebookservices', (object) array( 'gradeitemid' => $gi->id, 'courseid' => $courseid, 'toolproxyid' => $tool->toolproxyid, 'ltilinkid' => $gi->iteminstance, 'typeid' => $tool->id, 'baseurl' => $tool->baseurl, 'resourceid' => $gi->idnumber )); } } } } } }