Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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 * This file defines the question attempt class, and a few related classes.
 * @package    moodlecore
 * @subpackage questionengine
 * @copyright  2009 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * Tracks an attempt at one particular question in a {@link question_usage_by_activity}.
 * Most calling code should need to access objects of this class. They should be
 * able to do everything through the usage interface. This class is an internal
 * implementation detail of the question engine.
 * Instances of this class correspond to rows in the question_attempts table, and
 * a collection of {@link question_attempt_steps}. Question inteaction models and
 * question types do work with question_attempt objects.
 * @copyright  2009 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class question_attempt {
     * @var string this is a magic value that question types can return from
     * {@link question_definition::get_expected_data()}.
    const USE_RAW_DATA = 'use raw data';

     * @var string Should not longer be used.
     * @deprecated since Moodle 3.0

     * @var string special value to indicate a response variable that is uploaded
     * files.
    const PARAM_FILES = 'paramfiles';

     * @var string special value to indicate a response variable that is uploaded
     * files.
    const PARAM_RAW_FILES = 'paramrawfiles';

     * @var string means first try at a question during an attempt by a user.
     * Constant used when calling classify response.
    const FIRST_TRY = 'firsttry';

     * @var string means last try at a question during an attempt by a user.
     * Constant used when calling classify response.
    const LAST_TRY = 'lasttry';

     * @var string means all tries at a question during an attempt by a user.
     * Constant used when calling classify response.
    const ALL_TRIES = 'alltries';

     * @var bool used to manage the lazy-initialisation of question objects.

     * @var bool used to manage the lazy-initialisation of question objects.
    const QUESTION_STATE_APPLIED = true;

    /** @var integer if this attempts is stored in the question_attempts table, the id of that row. */
    protected $id = null;

    /** @var integer|string the id of the question_usage_by_activity we belong to. */
    protected $usageid;

    /** @var integer the number used to identify this question_attempt within the usage. */
    protected $slot = null;

     * @var question_behaviour the behaviour controlling this attempt.
     * null until {@link start()} is called.
    protected $behaviour = null;

    /** @var question_definition the question this is an attempt at. */
    protected $question;

     * @var bool tracks whether $question has had {@link question_definition::start_attempt()} or
     * {@link question_definition::apply_attempt_state()} called.
    protected $questioninitialised;

    /** @var int which variant of the question to use. */
    protected $variant;

     * @var float the maximum mark that can be scored at this question.
     * Actually, this is only really a nominal maximum. It might be better thought
     * of as the question weight.
    protected $maxmark;

     * @var float the minimum fraction that can be scored at this question, so
     * the minimum mark is $this->minfraction * $this->maxmark.
    protected $minfraction = null;

     * @var float the maximum fraction that can be scored at this question, so
     * the maximum mark is $this->maxfraction * $this->maxmark.
    protected $maxfraction = null;

     * @var string plain text summary of the variant of the question the
     * student saw. Intended for reporting purposes.
    protected $questionsummary = null;

     * @var string plain text summary of the response the student gave.
     * Intended for reporting purposes.
    protected $responsesummary = null;

     * @var int last modified time.
    public $timemodified = null;

     * @var string plain text summary of the correct response to this question
     * variant the student saw. The format should be similar to responsesummary.
     * Intended for reporting purposes.
    protected $rightanswer = null;

    /** @var array of {@link question_attempt_step}s. The steps in this attempt. */
    protected $steps = array();

     * @var question_attempt_step if, when we loaded the step from the DB, there was
     * an autosaved step, we save a pointer to it here. (It is also added to the $steps array.)
    protected $autosavedstep = null;

    /** @var boolean whether the user has flagged this attempt within the usage. */
    protected $flagged = false;

    /** @var question_usage_observer tracks changes to the useage this attempt is part of.*/
    protected $observer;

     * Constants used by the intereaction models to indicate whether the current
     * pending step should be kept or discarded.
    const KEEP = true;
    const DISCARD = false;

     * Create a new {@link question_attempt}. Normally you should create question_attempts
     * indirectly, by calling {@link question_usage_by_activity::add_question()}.
     * @param question_definition $question the question this is an attempt at.
     * @param int|string $usageid The id of the
     *      {@link question_usage_by_activity} we belong to. Used by {@link get_field_prefix()}.
     * @param question_usage_observer $observer tracks changes to the useage this
     *      attempt is part of. (Optional, a {@link question_usage_null_observer} is
     *      used if one is not passed.
     * @param number $maxmark the maximum grade for this question_attempt. If not
     * passed, $question->defaultmark is used.
    public function __construct(question_definition $question, $usageid,
            question_usage_observer $observer = null, $maxmark = null) {
        $this->question = $question;
        $this->questioninitialised = self::QUESTION_STATE_NOT_APPLIED;
        $this->usageid = $usageid;
        if (is_null($observer)) {
            $observer = new question_usage_null_observer();
        $this->observer = $observer;
        if (!is_null($maxmark)) {
            $this->maxmark = $maxmark;
        } else {
            $this->maxmark = $question->defaultmark;

     * This method exists so that {@link question_attempt_with_restricted_history}
     * can override it. You should not normally need to call it.
     * @return question_attempt return ourself.
    public function get_full_qa() {
        return $this;

     * Get the question that is being attempted.
     * @param bool $requirequestioninitialised set this to false if you don't need
     *      the behaviour initialised, which may improve performance.
     * @return question_definition the question this is an attempt at.
    public function get_question($requirequestioninitialised = true) {
        if ($requirequestioninitialised && !empty($this->steps)) {
        return $this->question;

     * Get the id of the question being attempted.
     * @return int question id.
    public function get_question_id() {
        return $this->question->id;

     * Get the variant of the question being used in a given slot.
     * @return int the variant number.
    public function get_variant() {
        return $this->variant;

     * Set the number used to identify this question_attempt within the usage.
     * For internal use only.
     * @param int $slot
    public function set_slot($slot) {
        $this->slot = $slot;

    /** @return int the number used to identify this question_attempt within the usage. */
    public function get_slot() {
        return $this->slot;

     * @return int the id of row for this question_attempt, if it is stored in the
     * database. null if not.
    public function get_database_id() {
        return $this->id;

     * For internal use only. Set the id of the corresponding database row.
     * @param int $id the id of row for this question_attempt, if it is
     * stored in the database.
    public function set_database_id($id) {
        $this->id = $id;

     * You should almost certainly not call this method from your code. It is for
     * internal use only.
     * @param question_usage_observer that should be used to tracking changes made to this qa.
    public function set_observer($observer) {
        $this->observer = $observer;

    /** @return int|string the id of the {@link question_usage_by_activity} we belong to. */
    public function get_usage_id() {
        return $this->usageid;

     * Set the id of the {@link question_usage_by_activity} we belong to.
     * For internal use only.
     * @param int|string the new id.
    public function set_usage_id($usageid) {
        $this->usageid = $usageid;

    /** @return string the name of the behaviour that is controlling this attempt. */
    public function get_behaviour_name() {
        return $this->behaviour->get_name();

     * For internal use only.
     * @param bool $requirequestioninitialised set this to false if you don't need
     *      the behaviour initialised, which may improve performance.
     * @return question_behaviour the behaviour that is controlling this attempt.
    public function get_behaviour($requirequestioninitialised = true) {
        if ($requirequestioninitialised && !empty($this->steps)) {
        return $this->behaviour;

     * Set the flagged state of this question.
     * @param bool $flagged the new state.
    public function set_flagged($flagged) {
        $this->flagged = $flagged;

    /** @return bool whether this question is currently flagged. */
    public function is_flagged() {
        return $this->flagged;

     * Get the name (in the sense a HTML name="" attribute, or a $_POST variable
     * name) to use for the field that indicates whether this question is flagged.
     * @return string The field name to use.
    public function get_flag_field_name() {
        return $this->get_control_field_name('flagged');

     * Get the name (in the sense a HTML name="" attribute, or a $_POST variable
     * name) to use for a question_type variable belonging to this question_attempt.
     * See the comment on {@link question_attempt_step} for an explanation of
     * question type and behaviour variables.
     * @param string $varname The short form of the variable name.
     * @return string The field name to use.
    public function get_qt_field_name($varname) {
        return $this->get_field_prefix() . $varname;

     * Get the name (in the sense a HTML name="" attribute, or a $_POST variable
     * name) to use for a question_type variable belonging to this question_attempt.
     * See the comment on {@link question_attempt_step} for an explanation of
     * question type and behaviour variables.
     * @param string $varname The short form of the variable name.
     * @return string The field name to use.
    public function get_behaviour_field_name($varname) {
        return $this->get_field_prefix() . '-' . $varname;

     * Get the name (in the sense a HTML name="" attribute, or a $_POST variable
     * name) to use for a control variables belonging to this question_attempt.
     * Examples are :sequencecheck and :flagged
     * @param string $varname The short form of the variable name.
     * @return string The field name to use.
    public function get_control_field_name($varname) {
        return $this->get_field_prefix() . ':' . $varname;

     * Get the prefix added to variable names to give field names for this
     * question attempt.
     * You should not use this method directly. This is an implementation detail
     * anyway, but if you must access it, use {@link question_usage_by_activity::get_field_prefix()}.
     * @return string The field name to use.
    public function get_field_prefix() {
        return 'q' . $this->usageid . ':' . $this->slot . '_';

     * When the question is rendered, this unique id is added to the
     * outer div of the question. It can be used to uniquely reference
     * the question from JavaScript.
     * @return string id added to the outer <div class="que ..."> when the question is rendered.
    public function get_outer_question_div_unique_id() {
        return 'question-' . $this->usageid . '-' . $this->slot;

     * Get one of the steps in this attempt.
     * @param int $i the step number, which counts from 0.
     * @return question_attempt_step
    public function get_step($i) {
        if ($i < 0 || $i >= count($this->steps)) {
            throw new coding_exception('Index out of bounds in question_attempt::get_step.');
        return $this->steps[$i];

     * Get the number of real steps in this attempt.
     * This is put as a hidden field in the HTML, so that when we receive some
     * data to process, then we can check that it came from the question
     * in the state we are now it.
     * @return int a number that summarises the current state of this question attempt.
    public function get_sequence_check_count() {
        $numrealsteps = $this->get_num_steps();
        if ($this->has_autosaved_step()) {
            $numrealsteps -= 1;
        return $numrealsteps;

     * Get the number of steps in this attempt.
     * For internal/test code use only.
     * @return int the number of steps we currently have.
    public function get_num_steps() {
        return count($this->steps);

     * Return the latest step in this question_attempt.
     * For internal/test code use only.
     * @return question_attempt_step
    public function get_last_step() {
        if (count($this->steps) == 0) {
            return new question_null_step();
        return end($this->steps);

     * @return boolean whether this question_attempt has autosaved data from
     * some time in the past.
    public function has_autosaved_step() {
        return !is_null($this->autosavedstep);

     * @return question_attempt_step_iterator for iterating over the steps in
     * this attempt, in order.
    public function get_step_iterator() {
        return new question_attempt_step_iterator($this);

     * The same as {@link get_step_iterator()}. However, for a
     * {@link question_attempt_with_restricted_history} this returns the full
     * list of steps, while {@link get_step_iterator()} returns only the
     * limited history.
     * @return question_attempt_step_iterator for iterating over the steps in
     * this attempt, in order.
    public function get_full_step_iterator() {
        return $this->get_step_iterator();

     * @return question_attempt_reverse_step_iterator for iterating over the steps in
     * this attempt, in reverse order.
    public function get_reverse_step_iterator() {
        return new question_attempt_reverse_step_iterator($this);

     * Get the qt data from the latest step that has any qt data. Return $default
     * array if it is no step has qt data.
     * @param mixed default the value to return no step has qt data.
     *      (Optional, defaults to an empty array.)
     * @return array|mixed the data, or $default if there is not any.
    public function get_last_qt_data($default = array()) {
        foreach ($this->get_reverse_step_iterator() as $step) {
            $response = $step->get_qt_data();
            if (!empty($response)) {
                return $response;
        return $default;

     * Get the last step with a particular question type varialbe set.
     * @param string $name the name of the variable to get.
     * @return question_attempt_step the last step, or a step with no variables
     * if there was not a real step.
    public function get_last_step_with_qt_var($name) {
        foreach ($this->get_reverse_step_iterator() as $step) {
            if ($step->has_qt_var($name)) {
                return $step;
        return new question_attempt_step_read_only();

     * Get the last step with a particular behaviour variable set.
     * @param string $name the name of the variable to get.
     * @return question_attempt_step the last step, or a step with no variables
     * if there was not a real step.
    public function get_last_step_with_behaviour_var($name) {
        foreach ($this->get_reverse_step_iterator() as $step) {
            if ($step->has_behaviour_var($name)) {
                return $step;
        return new question_attempt_step_read_only();

     * Get the latest value of a particular question type variable. That is, get
     * the value from the latest step that has it set. Return null if it is not
     * set in any step.
     * @param string $name the name of the variable to get.
     * @param mixed default the value to return in the variable has never been set.
     *      (Optional, defaults to null.)
     * @return mixed string value, or $default if it has never been set.
    public function get_last_qt_var($name, $default = null) {
        $step = $this->get_last_step_with_qt_var($name);
        if ($step->has_qt_var($name)) {
            return $step->get_qt_var($name);
        } else {
            return $default;

     * Get the latest set of files for a particular question type variable of
     * type question_attempt::PARAM_FILES.
     * @param string $name the name of the associated variable.
     * @param int $contextid the context to which the files are linked.
     * @return array of {@link stored_files}.
    public function get_last_qt_files($name, $contextid) {
        foreach ($this->get_reverse_step_iterator() as $step) {
            if ($step->has_qt_var($name)) {
                return $step->get_qt_files($name, $contextid);
        return array();

     * Get the URL of a file that belongs to a response variable of this
     * question_attempt.
     * @param stored_file $file the file to link to.
     * @return string the URL of that file.
    public function get_response_file_url(stored_file $file) {
        return file_encode_url(new moodle_url('/pluginfile.php'), '/' . implode('/', array(
                $file->get_itemid())) .
                $file->get_filepath() . $file->get_filename(), true);

     * Prepare a draft file are for the files belonging the a response variable
     * of this question attempt. The draft area is populated with the files from
     * the most recent step having files.
     * @param string $name the variable name the files belong to.
     * @param int $contextid the id of the context the quba belongs to.
     * @return int the draft itemid.
    public function prepare_response_files_draft_itemid($name, $contextid) {
        foreach ($this->get_reverse_step_iterator() as $step) {
            if ($step->has_qt_var($name)) {
                return $step->prepare_response_files_draft_itemid($name, $contextid);

        // No files yet.
        $draftid = 0; // Will be filled in by file_prepare_draft_area.
        file_prepare_draft_area($draftid, $contextid, 'question', 'response_' . $name, null);
        return $draftid;

     * Get the latest value of a particular behaviour variable. That is,
     * get the value from the latest step that has it set. Return null if it is
     * not set in any step.
     * @param string $name the name of the variable to get.
     * @param mixed default the value to return in the variable has never been set.
     *      (Optional, defaults to null.)
     * @return mixed string value, or $default if it has never been set.
    public function get_last_behaviour_var($name, $default = null) {
        foreach ($this->get_reverse_step_iterator() as $step) {
            if ($step->has_behaviour_var($name)) {
                return $step->get_behaviour_var($name);
        return $default;

     * Get the current state of this question attempt. That is, the state of the
     * latest step.
     * @return question_state
    public function get_state() {
        return $this->get_last_step()->get_state();

     * @param bool $showcorrectness Whether right/partial/wrong states should
     * be distinguised.
     * @return string A brief textual description of the current state.
    public function get_state_string($showcorrectness) {
        // Special case when attempt is based on previous one, see MDL-31226.
        if ($this->get_num_steps() == 1 && $this->get_state() == question_state::$complete) {
            return get_string('notchanged', 'question');
        return $this->behaviour->get_state_string($showcorrectness);

     * @param bool $showcorrectness Whether right/partial/wrong states should
     * be distinguised.
     * @return string a CSS class name for the current state.
    public function get_state_class($showcorrectness) {
        return $this->get_state()->get_state_class($showcorrectness);

     * @return int the timestamp of the most recent step in this question attempt.
    public function get_last_action_time() {
        return $this->get_last_step()->get_timecreated();

     * Get the current fraction of this question attempt. That is, the fraction
     * of the latest step, or null if this question has not yet been graded.
     * @return number the current fraction.
    public function get_fraction() {
        return $this->get_last_step()->get_fraction();

    /** @return bool whether this question attempt has a non-zero maximum mark. */
    public function has_marks() {
        // Since grades are stored in the database as NUMBER(12,7).
        return $this->maxmark >= question_utils::MARK_TOLERANCE;

     * @return number the current mark for this question.
     * {@link get_fraction()} * {@link get_max_mark()}.
    public function get_mark() {
        return $this->fraction_to_mark($this->get_fraction());

     * This is used by the manual grading code, particularly in association with
     * validation. It gets the current manual mark for a question, in exactly the string
     * form that the teacher entered it, if possible. This may come from the current
     * POST request, if there is one, otherwise from the database.
     * @return string the current manual mark for this question, in the format the teacher typed,
     *     if possible.
    public function get_current_manual_mark() {
        // Is there a current value in the current POST data? If so, use that.
        $mark = $this->get_submitted_var($this->get_behaviour_field_name('mark'), PARAM_RAW_TRIMMED);
        if ($mark !== null) {
            return $mark;

        // Otherwise, use the stored value.
        // If the question max mark has not changed, use the stored value that was input.
        $storedmaxmark = $this->get_last_behaviour_var('maxmark');
        if ($storedmaxmark !== null && ($storedmaxmark - $this->get_max_mark()) < 0.0000005) {
            return $this->get_last_behaviour_var('mark');

        // The max mark for this question has changed so we must re-scale the current mark.
        return format_float($this->get_mark(), 7, true, true);

     * @param number|null $fraction a fraction.
     * @return number|null the corresponding mark.
    public function fraction_to_mark($fraction) {
        if (is_null($fraction)) {
            return null;
        return $fraction * $this->maxmark;

     * @return float the maximum mark possible for this question attempt.
     * In fact, this is not strictly the maximum, becuase get_max_fraction may
     * return a number greater than 1. It might be better to think of this as a
     * question weight.
    public function get_max_mark() {
        return $this->maxmark;

    /** @return float the maximum mark possible for this question attempt. */
    public function get_min_fraction() {
        if (is_null($this->minfraction)) {
            throw new coding_exception('This question_attempt has not been started yet, the min fraction is not yet known.');
        return $this->minfraction;

    /** @return float the maximum mark possible for this question attempt. */
    public function get_max_fraction() {
        if (is_null($this->maxfraction)) {
            throw new coding_exception('This question_attempt has not been started yet, the max fraction is not yet known.');
        return $this->maxfraction;

     * The current mark, formatted to the stated number of decimal places. Uses
     * {@link format_float()} to format floats according to the current locale.
     * @param int $dp number of decimal places.
     * @return string formatted mark.
    public function format_mark($dp) {
        return $this->format_fraction_as_mark($this->get_fraction(), $dp);

     * The a mark, formatted to the stated number of decimal places. Uses
     * {@link format_float()} to format floats according to the current locale.
     * @param number $fraction a fraction.
     * @param int $dp number of decimal places.
     * @return string formatted mark.
    public function format_fraction_as_mark($fraction, $dp) {
        return format_float($this->fraction_to_mark($fraction), $dp);

     * The maximum mark for this question attempt, formatted to the stated number
     * of decimal places. Uses {@link format_float()} to format floats according
     * to the current locale.
     * @param int $dp number of decimal places.
     * @return string formatted maximum mark.
    public function format_max_mark($dp) {
        return format_float($this->maxmark, $dp);

     * Return the hint that applies to the question in its current state, or null.
     * @return question_hint|null
    public function get_applicable_hint() {
        return $this->behaviour->get_applicable_hint();

     * Produce a plain-text summary of what the user did during a step.
     * @param question_attempt_step $step the step in question.
     * @return string a summary of what was done during that step.
    public function summarise_action(question_attempt_step $step) {
        return $this->behaviour->summarise_action($step);

     * Return one of the bits of metadata for a this question attempt.
     * @param string $name the name of the metadata variable to return.
     * @return string the value of that metadata variable.
    public function get_metadata($name) {
        return $this->get_step(0)->get_metadata_var($name);

     * Set some metadata for this question attempt.
     * @param string $name the name of the metadata variable to return.
     * @param string $value the value to set that metadata variable to.
    public function set_metadata($name, $value) {
        $firststep = $this->get_step(0);
        if (!$firststep->has_metadata_var($name)) {
            $this->observer->notify_metadata_added($this, $name);
        } else if ($value !== $firststep->get_metadata_var($name)) {
            $this->observer->notify_metadata_modified($this, $name);
        $firststep->set_metadata_var($name, $value);

     * Helper function used by {@link rewrite_pluginfile_urls()} and
     * {@link rewrite_response_pluginfile_urls()}.
     * @return array ids that need to go into the file paths.
    protected function extra_file_path_components() {
        return array($this->get_usage_id(), $this->get_slot());

     * Calls {@link question_rewrite_question_urls()} with appropriate parameters
     * for content belonging to this question.
     * @param string $text the content to output.
     * @param string $component the component name (normally 'question' or 'qtype_...')
     * @param string $filearea the name of the file area.
     * @param int $itemid the item id.
     * @return string the content with the URLs rewritten.
    public function rewrite_pluginfile_urls($text, $component, $filearea, $itemid) {
        return question_rewrite_question_urls($text, 'pluginfile.php',
                $this->question->contextid, $component, $filearea,
                $this->extra_file_path_components(), $itemid);

     * Calls {@link question_rewrite_question_urls()} with appropriate parameters
     * for content belonging to responses to this question.
     * @param string $text the text to update the URLs in.
     * @param int $contextid the id of the context the quba belongs to.
     * @param string $name the variable name the files belong to.
     * @param question_attempt_step $step the step the response is coming from.
     * @return string the content with the URLs rewritten.
    public function rewrite_response_pluginfile_urls($text, $contextid, $name,
            question_attempt_step $step) {
        return $step->rewrite_response_pluginfile_urls($text, $contextid, $name,

     * Get the {@link core_question_renderer}, in collaboration with appropriate
     * {@link qbehaviour_renderer} and {@link qtype_renderer} subclasses, to generate the
     * HTML to display this question attempt in its current state.
     * @param question_display_options $options controls how the question is rendered.
     * @param string|null $number The question number to display.
     * @param moodle_page|null $page the page the question is being redered to.
     *      (Optional. Defaults to $PAGE.)
     * @return string HTML fragment representing the question.
    public function render($options, $number, $page = null) {
        if (is_null($page)) {
            global $PAGE;
            $page = $PAGE;
        $qoutput = $page->get_renderer('core', 'question');
        $qtoutput = $this->question->get_renderer($page);
        return $this->behaviour->render($options, $number, $qoutput, $qtoutput);

     * Generate any bits of HTML that needs to go in the <head> tag when this question
     * attempt is displayed in the body.
     * @return string HTML fragment.
    public function render_head_html($page = null) {
        if (is_null($page)) {
            global $PAGE;
            $page = $PAGE;
        // TODO go via behaviour.
        return $this->question->get_renderer($page)->head_code($this) .

     * Like {@link render_question()} but displays the question at the past step
     * indicated by $seq, rather than showing the latest step.
     * @param int $seq the seq number of the past state to display.
     * @param question_display_options $options controls how the question is rendered.
     * @param string|null $number The question number to display. 'i' is a special
     *      value that gets displayed as Information. Null means no number is displayed.
     * @param string $preferredbehaviour the preferred behaviour. It is slightly
     *      annoying that this needs to be passed, but unavoidable for now.
     * @return string HTML fragment representing the question.
    public function render_at_step($seq, $options, $number, $preferredbehaviour) {
        $restrictedqa = new question_attempt_with_restricted_history($this, $seq, $preferredbehaviour);
        return $restrictedqa->render($options, $number);

     * Checks whether the users is allow to be served a particular file.
     * @param question_display_options $options the options that control display of the question.
     * @param string $component the name of the component we are serving files for.
     * @param string $filearea the name of the file area.
     * @param array $args the remaining bits of the file path.
     * @param bool $forcedownload whether the user must be forced to download the file.
     * @return bool true if the user can access this file.
    public function check_file_access($options, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload) {
        return $this->behaviour->check_file_access($options, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload);

     * Add a step to this question attempt.
     * @param question_attempt_step $step the new step.
    protected function add_step(question_attempt_step $step) {
        $this->steps[] = $step;
        $this->observer->notify_step_added($step, $this, key($this->steps));

     * Add an auto-saved step to this question attempt. We mark auto-saved steps by
     * changing saving the step number with a - sign.
     * @param question_attempt_step $step the new step.
    protected function add_autosaved_step(question_attempt_step $step) {
        $this->steps[] = $step;
        $this->autosavedstep = $step;
        $this->observer->notify_step_added($step, $this, -key($this->steps));

     * Discard any auto-saved data belonging to this question attempt.
    public function discard_autosaved_step() {
        if (!$this->has_autosaved_step()) {

        $autosaved = array_pop($this->steps);
        $this->autosavedstep = null;
        $this->observer->notify_step_deleted($autosaved, $this);

     * If there is an autosaved step, convert it into a real save, so that it
     * is preserved.
    protected function convert_autosaved_step_to_real_step() {
        if ($this->autosavedstep === null) {

        $laststep = end($this->steps);
        if ($laststep !== $this->autosavedstep) {
            throw new coding_exception('Cannot convert autosaved step to real step, since other steps have been added.');

        $this->observer->notify_step_modified($this->autosavedstep, $this, key($this->steps));
        $this->autosavedstep = null;

     * Use a strategy to pick a variant.
     * @param question_variant_selection_strategy $variantstrategy a strategy.
     * @return int the selected variant.
    public function select_variant(question_variant_selection_strategy $variantstrategy) {
        return $variantstrategy->choose_variant($this->get_question()->get_num_variants(),

     * Start this question attempt.
     * You should not call this method directly. Call
     * {@link question_usage_by_activity::start_question()} instead.
     * @param string|question_behaviour $preferredbehaviour the name of the
     *      desired archetypal behaviour, or an actual behaviour instance.
     * @param int $variant the variant of the question to start. Between 1 and
     *      $this->get_question()->get_num_variants() inclusive.
     * @param array $submitteddata optional, used when re-starting to keep the same initial state.
     * @param int $timestamp optional, the timstamp to record for this action. Defaults to now.
     * @param int $userid optional, the user to attribute this action to. Defaults to the current user.
     * @param int $existingstepid optional, if this step is going to replace an existing step
     *      (for example, during a regrade) this is the id of the previous step we are replacing.
    public function start($preferredbehaviour, $variant, $submitteddata = array(),
            $timestamp = null, $userid = null, $existingstepid = null) {

        if ($this->get_num_steps() > 0) {
            throw new coding_exception('Cannot start a question that is already started.');

        // Initialise the behaviour.
        $this->variant = $variant;
        if (is_string($preferredbehaviour)) {
            $this->behaviour =
                    $this->question->make_behaviour($this, $preferredbehaviour);
        } else {
            $class = get_class($preferredbehaviour);
            $this->behaviour = new $class($this, $preferredbehaviour);

        // Record the minimum and maximum fractions.
        $this->minfraction = $this->behaviour->get_min_fraction();
        $this->maxfraction = $this->behaviour->get_max_fraction();

        // Initialise the first step.
        $firststep = new question_attempt_step($submitteddata, $timestamp, $userid, $existingstepid);
        if ($submitteddata) {
        } else {
            $this->behaviour->init_first_step($firststep, $variant);
        $this->questioninitialised = self::QUESTION_STATE_APPLIED;

        // Record questionline and correct answer.
        $this->questionsummary = $this->behaviour->get_question_summary();
        $this->rightanswer = $this->behaviour->get_right_answer_summary();

     * Start this question attempt, starting from the point that the previous
     * attempt $oldqa had reached.
     * You should not call this method directly. Call
     * {@link question_usage_by_activity::start_question_based_on()} instead.
     * @param question_attempt $oldqa a previous attempt at this quetsion that
     *      defines the starting point.
    public function start_based_on(question_attempt $oldqa) {
        $this->start($oldqa->behaviour, $oldqa->get_variant(), $oldqa->get_resume_data());

     * Used by {@link start_based_on()} to get the data needed to start a new
     * attempt from the point this attempt has go to.
     * @return array name => value pairs.
    protected function get_resume_data() {
        $resumedata = $this->behaviour->get_resume_data();
        foreach ($resumedata as $name => $value) {
            if ($value instanceof question_file_loader) {
                $resumedata[$name] = $value->get_question_file_saver();
        return $resumedata;

     * Get a particular parameter from the current request. A wrapper round
     * {@link optional_param()}, except that the results is returned without
     * slashes.
     * @param string $name the paramter name.
     * @param int $type one of the standard PARAM_... constants, or one of the
     *      special extra constands defined by this class.
     * @param array $postdata (optional, only inteded for testing use) take the
     *      data from this array, instead of from $_POST.
     * @return mixed the requested value.
    public function get_submitted_var($name, $type, $postdata = null) {
        switch ($type) {

            case self::PARAM_FILES:
                return $this->process_response_files($name, $name, $postdata);

            case self::PARAM_RAW_FILES:
                $var = $this->get_submitted_var($name, PARAM_RAW, $postdata);
                return $this->process_response_files($name, $name . ':itemid', $postdata, $var);

                if (is_null($postdata)) {
                    $var = optional_param($name, null, $type);
                } else if (array_key_exists($name, $postdata)) {
                    $var = clean_param($postdata[$name], $type);
                } else {
                    $var = null;

                if ($var !== null) {
                    // Ensure that, if set, $var is a string. This is because later, after
                    // it has been saved to the database and loaded back it will be a string,
                    // so better if the type is predictably always a string.
                    $var = (string) $var;

                return $var;

     * Validate the manual mark for a question.
     * @param string $currentmark the user input (e.g. '1,0', '1,0' or 'invalid'.
     * @return string any errors with the value, or '' if it is OK.
    public function validate_manual_mark($currentmark) {
        if ($currentmark === null || $currentmark === '') {
            return '';

        $mark = question_utils::clean_param_mark($currentmark);
        if ($mark === null) {
            return get_string('manualgradeinvalidformat', 'question');

        $maxmark = $this->get_max_mark();
        if ($mark > $maxmark * $this->get_max_fraction() + question_utils::MARK_TOLERANCE ||
                $mark < $maxmark * $this->get_min_fraction() - question_utils::MARK_TOLERANCE) {
            return get_string('manualgradeoutofrange', 'question');

        return '';

     * Handle a submitted variable representing uploaded files.
     * @param string $name the field name.
     * @param string $draftidname the field name holding the draft file area id.
     * @param array $postdata (optional, only inteded for testing use) take the
     *      data from this array, instead of from $_POST. At the moment, this
     *      behaves as if there were no files.
     * @param string $text optional reponse text.
     * @return question_file_saver that can be used to save the files later.
    protected function process_response_files($name, $draftidname, $postdata = null, $text = null) {
        if ($postdata) {
            // For simulated posts, get the draft itemid from there.
            $draftitemid = $this->get_submitted_var($draftidname, PARAM_INT, $postdata);
        } else {
            $draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid($draftidname);

        if (!$draftitemid) {
            return null;

        $filearea = str_replace($this->get_field_prefix(), '', $name);
        $filearea = str_replace('-', 'bf_', $filearea);
        $filearea = 'response_' . $filearea;
        return new question_file_saver($draftitemid, 'question', $filearea, $text);

     * Get any data from the request that matches the list of expected params.
     * @param array $expected variable name => PARAM_... constant.
     * @param null|array $postdata null to use real post data, otherwise an array of data to use.
     * @param string $extraprefix '-' or ''.
     * @return array name => value.
    protected function get_expected_data($expected, $postdata, $extraprefix) {
        $submitteddata = array();
        foreach ($expected as $name => $type) {
            $value = $this->get_submitted_var(
                    $this->get_field_prefix() . $extraprefix . $name, $type, $postdata);
            if (!is_null($value)) {
                $submitteddata[$extraprefix . $name] = $value;
        return $submitteddata;

     * Get all the submitted question type data for this question, whithout checking
     * that it is valid or cleaning it in any way.
     * @param null|array $postdata null to use real post data, otherwise an array of data to use.
     * @return array name => value.
    public function get_all_submitted_qt_vars($postdata) {
        if (is_null($postdata)) {
            $postdata = $_POST;

        $pattern = '/^' . preg_quote($this->get_field_prefix(), '/') . '[^-:]/';
        $prefixlen = strlen($this->get_field_prefix());

        $submitteddata = array();
        foreach ($postdata as $name => $value) {
            if (preg_match($pattern, $name)) {
                $submitteddata[substr($name, $prefixlen)] = $value;

        return $submitteddata;

     * Get all the sumbitted data belonging to this question attempt from the
     * current request.
     * @param array $postdata (optional, only inteded for testing use) take the
     *      data from this array, instead of from $_POST.
     * @return array name => value pairs that could be passed to {@link process_action()}.
    public function get_submitted_data($postdata = null) {

        $submitteddata = $this->get_expected_data(
                $this->behaviour->get_expected_data(), $postdata, '-');

        $expected = $this->behaviour->get_expected_qt_data();

        if ($expected === self::USE_RAW_DATA) {
            $submitteddata += $this->get_all_submitted_qt_vars($postdata);
        } else {
            $submitteddata += $this->get_expected_data($expected, $postdata, '');
        return $submitteddata;

     * Ensure that no reserved prefixes are being used by installed
     * question types.
     * @param array $expected An array of question type variables
    protected function check_qt_var_name_restrictions($expected) {
        global $CFG;

        if ($CFG->debugdeveloper && $expected !== self::USE_RAW_DATA) {
            foreach ($expected as $key => $value) {
                if (strpos($key, 'bf_') !== false) {
                    debugging('The bf_ prefix is reserved and cannot be used by question types', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);

     * Get a set of response data for this question attempt that would get the
     * best possible mark. If it is not possible to compute a correct
     * response, this method should return null.
     * @return array|null name => value pairs that could be passed to {@link process_action()}.
    public function get_correct_response() {
        $response = $this->question->get_correct_response();
        if (is_null($response)) {
            return null;
        $imvars = $this->behaviour->get_correct_response();
        foreach ($imvars as $name => $value) {
            $response['-' . $name] = $value;
        return $response;

     * Change the quetsion summary. Note, that this is almost never necessary.
     * This method was only added to work around a limitation of the Opaque
     * protocol, which only sends questionLine at the end of an attempt.
     * @param string $questionsummary the new summary to set.
    public function set_question_summary($questionsummary) {
        $this->questionsummary = $questionsummary;

     * @return string a simple textual summary of the question that was asked.
    public function get_question_summary() {
        return $this->questionsummary;

     * @return string a simple textual summary of response given.
    public function get_response_summary() {
        return $this->responsesummary;

     * @return string a simple textual summary of the correct resonse.
    public function get_right_answer_summary() {
        return $this->rightanswer;

     * Whether this attempt at this question could be completed just by the
     * student interacting with the question, before {@link finish()} is called.
     * @return boolean whether this attempt can finish naturally.
    public function can_finish_during_attempt() {
        return $this->behaviour->can_finish_during_attempt();

     * Perform the action described by $submitteddata.
     * @param array $submitteddata the submitted data the determines the action.
     * @param int $timestamp the time to record for the action. (If not given, use now.)
     * @param int $userid the user to attribute the action to. (If not given, use the current user.)
     * @param int $existingstepid used by the regrade code.
    public function process_action($submitteddata, $timestamp = null, $userid = null, $existingstepid = null) {
        $pendingstep = new question_attempt_pending_step($submitteddata, $timestamp, $userid, $existingstepid);
        if ($this->behaviour->process_action($pendingstep) == self::KEEP) {
            if ($pendingstep->response_summary_changed()) {
                $this->responsesummary = $pendingstep->get_new_response_summary();
            if ($pendingstep->variant_number_changed()) {
                $this->variant = $pendingstep->get_new_variant_number();

     * Process an autosave.
     * @param array $submitteddata the submitted data the determines the action.
     * @param int $timestamp the time to record for the action. (If not given, use now.)
     * @param int $userid the user to attribute the action to. (If not given, use the current user.)
     * @return bool whether anything was saved.
    public function process_autosave($submitteddata, $timestamp = null, $userid = null) {
        $pendingstep = new question_attempt_pending_step($submitteddata, $timestamp, $userid);
        if ($this->behaviour->process_autosave($pendingstep) == self::KEEP) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Perform a finish action on this question attempt. This corresponds to an
     * external finish action, for example the user pressing Submit all and finish
     * in the quiz, rather than using one of the controls that is part of the
     * question.
     * @param int $timestamp the time to record for the action. (If not given, use now.)
     * @param int $userid the user to attribute the aciton to. (If not given, use the current user.)
    public function finish($timestamp = null, $userid = null) {
        $this->process_action(array('-finish' => 1), $timestamp, $userid);

> * Verify if this question_attempt in can be regraded with that other question version. * Perform a regrade. This replays all the actions from $oldqa into this > * * attempt. > * @param question_definition $otherversion a different version of the question to use in the regrade. * @param question_attempt $oldqa the attempt to regrade. > * @return string|null null if the regrade can proceed, else a reason why not. * @param bool $finished whether the question attempt should be forced to be finished > */ * after the regrade, or whether it may still be in progress (default false). > public function validate_can_regrade_with_other_version(question_definition $otherversion): ?string { */ > return $this->get_question(false)->validate_can_regrade_with_other_version($otherversion); public function regrade(question_attempt $oldqa, $finished) { > } $oldqa->ensure_question_initialised(); > $first = true; > /**
foreach ($oldqa->get_step_iterator() as $step) { $this->observer->notify_step_deleted($step, $this); if ($first) { // First step of the attempt. $first = false;
< $this->start($oldqa->behaviour, $oldqa->get_variant(), $step->get_all_data(),
> $this->start($oldqa->behaviour, $oldqa->get_variant(), > $this->get_attempt_state_data_to_regrade_with_version($step, $oldqa->get_question()),
$step->get_timecreated(), $step->get_user_id(), $step->get_id()); } else if ($step->has_behaviour_var('finish') && count($step->get_submitted_data()) > 1) { // This case relates to MDL-32062. The upgrade code from 2.0 // generates attempts where the final submit of the question // data, and the finish action, are in the same step. The system // cannot cope with that, so convert the single old step into // two new steps. $submitteddata = $step->get_submitted_data(); unset($submitteddata['-finish']); $this->process_action($submitteddata, $step->get_timecreated(), $step->get_user_id(), $step->get_id()); $this->finish($step->get_timecreated(), $step->get_user_id()); } else { // This is the normal case. Replay the next step of the attempt. if ($step === $oldqa->autosavedstep) { $this->process_autosave($step->get_submitted_data(), $step->get_timecreated(), $step->get_user_id()); } else { $this->process_action($step->get_submitted_data(), $step->get_timecreated(), $step->get_user_id(), $step->get_id()); } } } if ($finished) { $this->finish(); } $this->set_flagged($oldqa->is_flagged());
> } } > > /** /** > * Helper used by regrading. * Change the max mark for this question_attempt. > * * @param float $maxmark the new max mark. > * Get the data from the first step of the old attempt and, if necessary, */ > * update it to be suitable for use with the other version of the question. public function set_max_mark($maxmark) { > * $this->maxmark = $maxmark; > * @param question_attempt_step $oldstep First step at an attempt at $otherversion of this question. $this->observer->notify_attempt_modified($this); > * @param question_definition $otherversion Another version of the question being attempted. } > * @return array updated data required to restart an attempt with the current version of this question. > */ /** > protected function get_attempt_state_data_to_regrade_with_version(question_attempt_step $oldstep, * Perform a manual grading action on this attempt. > question_definition $otherversion): array { * @param string $comment the comment being added. > if ($this->get_question(false) === $otherversion) { * @param float $mark the new mark. If null, then only a comment is added. > return $oldstep->get_all_data(); * @param int $commentformat the FORMAT_... for $comment. Must be given. > } else { * @param int $timestamp the time to record for the action. (If not given, use now.) > // Update the data belonging to the question type by asking the question to do it. * @param int $userid the user to attribute the aciton to. (If not given, use the current user.) > $attemptstatedata = $this->get_question(false)->update_attempt_state_data_for_new_version( */ > $oldstep, $otherversion); public function manual_grade($comment, $mark, $commentformat = null, $timestamp = null, $userid = null) { > $this->ensure_question_initialised(); > // Then copy over all the behaviour and metadata variables. $submitteddata = array('-comment' => $comment); > // This terminology is explained in the class comment on {@see question_attempt_step}. if (is_null($commentformat)) { > foreach ($oldstep->get_all_data() as $name => $value) { debugging('You should pass $commentformat to manual_grade.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); > if (substr($name, 0, 1) === '-' || substr($name, 0, 2) === ':_') { $commentformat = FORMAT_HTML; > $attemptstatedata[$name] = $value; } > } $submitteddata['-commentformat'] = $commentformat; > } if (!is_null($mark)) { > return $attemptstatedata; $submitteddata['-mark'] = $mark; > }
$submitteddata['-maxmark'] = $this->maxmark; } $this->process_action($submitteddata, $timestamp, $userid); } /** @return bool Whether this question attempt has had a manual comment added. */ public function has_manual_comment() { foreach ($this->steps as $step) { if ($step->has_behaviour_var('comment')) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return array(string, int) the most recent manual comment that was added * to this question, the FORMAT_... it is and the step itself. */ public function get_manual_comment() { foreach ($this->get_reverse_step_iterator() as $step) { if ($step->has_behaviour_var('comment')) { return array($step->get_behaviour_var('comment'), $step->get_behaviour_var('commentformat'), $step); } } return array(null, null, null); } /** * This is used by the manual grading code, particularly in association with * validation. If there is a comment submitted in the request, then use that, * otherwise use the latest comment for this question. * * @return array with three elements, comment, commentformat and mark. */ public function get_current_manual_comment() { $comment = $this->get_submitted_var($this->get_behaviour_field_name('comment'), PARAM_RAW); if (is_null($comment)) { return $this->get_manual_comment(); } else { $commentformat = $this->get_submitted_var( $this->get_behaviour_field_name('commentformat'), PARAM_INT); if ($commentformat === null) { $commentformat = FORMAT_HTML; } return array($comment, $commentformat, null); } } /** * Break down a student response by sub part and classification. See also {@link question::classify_response}. * Used for response analysis. * * @param string $whichtries which tries to analyse for response analysis. Will be one of * question_attempt::FIRST_TRY, LAST_TRY or ALL_TRIES. Defaults to question_attempt::LAST_TRY. * @return question_classified_response[]|question_classified_response[][] If $whichtries is * question_attempt::FIRST_TRY or LAST_TRY index is subpartid and values are * question_classified_response instances. * If $whichtries is question_attempt::ALL_TRIES then first key is submitted response no * and the second key is subpartid. */ public function classify_response($whichtries = self::LAST_TRY) { $this->ensure_question_initialised(); return $this->behaviour->classify_response($whichtries); } /** * Create a question_attempt_step from records loaded from the database. * * For internal use only. * * @param Iterator $records Raw records loaded from the database. * @param int $questionattemptid The id of the question_attempt to extract. * @param question_usage_observer $observer the observer that will be monitoring changes in us. * @param string $preferredbehaviour the preferred behaviour under which we are operating. * @return question_attempt The newly constructed question_attempt. */ public static function load_from_records($records, $questionattemptid, question_usage_observer $observer, $preferredbehaviour) { $record = $records->current(); while ($record->questionattemptid != $questionattemptid) { $records->next(); if (!$records->valid()) { throw new coding_exception("Question attempt {$questionattemptid} not found in the database."); } $record = $records->current(); } try { $question = question_bank::load_question($record->questionid); } catch (Exception $e) { // The question must have been deleted somehow. Create a missing // question to use in its place. $question = question_bank::get_qtype('missingtype')->make_deleted_instance( $record->questionid, $record->maxmark + 0); } $qa = new question_attempt($question, $record->questionusageid, null, $record->maxmark + 0); $qa->set_database_id($record->questionattemptid); $qa->set_slot($record->slot); $qa->variant = $record->variant + 0; $qa->minfraction = $record->minfraction + 0; $qa->maxfraction = $record->maxfraction + 0; $qa->set_flagged($record->flagged); $qa->questionsummary = $record->questionsummary; $qa->rightanswer = $record->rightanswer; $qa->responsesummary = $record->responsesummary; $qa->timemodified = $record->timemodified; $qa->behaviour = question_engine::make_behaviour( $record->behaviour, $qa, $preferredbehaviour); $qa->observer = $observer; // If attemptstepid is null (which should not happen, but has happened // due to corrupt data, see MDL-34251) then the current pointer in $records // will not be advanced in the while loop below, and we get stuck in an // infinite loop, since this method is supposed to always consume at // least one record. Therefore, in this case, advance the record here. if (is_null($record->attemptstepid)) { $records->next(); } $i = 0; $autosavedstep = null; $autosavedsequencenumber = null; while ($record && $record->questionattemptid == $questionattemptid && !is_null($record->attemptstepid)) { $sequencenumber = $record->sequencenumber; $nextstep = question_attempt_step::load_from_records($records, $record->attemptstepid, $qa->get_question(false)->get_type_name()); if ($sequencenumber < 0) { if (!$autosavedstep) { $autosavedstep = $nextstep; $autosavedsequencenumber = -$sequencenumber; } else { // Old redundant data. Mark it for deletion. $qa->observer->notify_step_deleted($nextstep, $qa); } } else { $qa->steps[$i] = $nextstep; $i++; } if ($records->valid()) { $record = $records->current(); } else { $record = false; } } if ($autosavedstep) { if ($autosavedsequencenumber >= $i) { $qa->autosavedstep = $autosavedstep; $qa->steps[$i] = $qa->autosavedstep; } else { $qa->observer->notify_step_deleted($autosavedstep, $qa); } } return $qa; } /** * This method is part of the lazy-initialisation of question objects. * * Methods which require $this->question to be fully initialised * (to have had init_first_step or apply_attempt_state called on it) * should call this method before proceeding. */ protected function ensure_question_initialised() { if ($this->questioninitialised === self::QUESTION_STATE_APPLIED) { return; // Already done. } if (empty($this->steps)) { throw new coding_exception('You must call start() before doing anything to a question_attempt().'); } $this->question->apply_attempt_state($this->steps[0]); $this->questioninitialised = self::QUESTION_STATE_APPLIED; } /** * Allow access to steps with responses submitted by students for grading in a question attempt. * * @return question_attempt_steps_with_submitted_response_iterator to access all steps with submitted data for questions that * allow multiple submissions that count towards grade, per attempt. */ public function get_steps_with_submitted_response_iterator() { return new question_attempt_steps_with_submitted_response_iterator($this); } } /** * This subclass of question_attempt pretends that only part of the step history * exists. It is used for rendering the question in past states. * * All methods that try to modify the question_attempt throw exceptions. * * @copyright 2010 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_attempt_with_restricted_history extends question_attempt { /** * @var question_attempt the underlying question_attempt. */ protected $baseqa; /** * Create a question_attempt_with_restricted_history * @param question_attempt $baseqa The question_attempt to make a restricted version of. * @param int $lastseq the index of the last step to include. * @param string $preferredbehaviour the preferred behaviour. It is slightly * annoying that this needs to be passed, but unavoidable for now. */ public function __construct(question_attempt $baseqa, $lastseq, $preferredbehaviour) { $this->baseqa = $baseqa->get_full_qa(); if ($lastseq < 0 || $lastseq >= $this->baseqa->get_num_steps()) { throw new coding_exception('$lastseq out of range', $lastseq); } $this->steps = array_slice($this->baseqa->steps, 0, $lastseq + 1); $this->observer = new question_usage_null_observer(); // This should be a straight copy of all the remaining fields. $this->id = $this->baseqa->id; $this->usageid = $this->baseqa->usageid; $this->slot = $this->baseqa->slot; $this->question = $this->baseqa->question; $this->maxmark = $this->baseqa->maxmark; $this->minfraction = $this->baseqa->minfraction; $this->maxfraction = $this->baseqa->maxfraction; $this->questionsummary = $this->baseqa->questionsummary; $this->responsesummary = $this->baseqa->responsesummary; $this->rightanswer = $this->baseqa->rightanswer; $this->flagged = $this->baseqa->flagged; // Except behaviour, where we need to create a new one. $this->behaviour = question_engine::make_behaviour( $this->baseqa->get_behaviour_name(), $this, $preferredbehaviour); } public function get_full_qa() { return $this->baseqa; } public function get_full_step_iterator() { return $this->baseqa->get_step_iterator(); } protected function add_step(question_attempt_step $step) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function process_action($submitteddata, $timestamp = null, $userid = null, $existingstepid = null) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function start($preferredbehaviour, $variant, $submitteddata = array(), $timestamp = null, $userid = null, $existingstepid = null) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function set_database_id($id) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function set_flagged($flagged) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function set_slot($slot) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function set_question_summary($questionsummary) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } public function set_usage_id($usageid) { throw new coding_exception('Cannot modify a question_attempt_with_restricted_history.'); } } /** * A class abstracting access to the {@link question_attempt::$states} array. * * This is actively linked to question_attempt. If you add an new step * mid-iteration, then it will be included. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_attempt_step_iterator implements Iterator, ArrayAccess { /** @var question_attempt the question_attempt being iterated over. */ protected $qa; /** @var integer records the current position in the iteration. */ protected $i; /** * Do not call this constructor directly. * Use {@link question_attempt::get_step_iterator()}. * @param question_attempt $qa the attempt to iterate over. */ public function __construct(question_attempt $qa) { $this->qa = $qa; $this->rewind(); } /** @return question_attempt_step */ public function current() { return $this->offsetGet($this->i); } /** @return int */ public function key() { return $this->i; } public function next() { ++$this->i; } public function rewind() { $this->i = 0; } /** @return bool */ public function valid() { return $this->offsetExists($this->i); } /** @return bool */ public function offsetExists($i) { return $i >= 0 && $i < $this->qa->get_num_steps(); } /** @return question_attempt_step */ public function offsetGet($i) { return $this->qa->get_step($i); } public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { throw new coding_exception('You are only allowed read-only access to question_attempt::states through a question_attempt_step_iterator. Cannot set.'); } public function offsetUnset($offset) { throw new coding_exception('You are only allowed read-only access to question_attempt::states through a question_attempt_step_iterator. Cannot unset.'); } } /** * A variant of {@link question_attempt_step_iterator} that iterates through the * steps in reverse order. * * @copyright 2009 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_attempt_reverse_step_iterator extends question_attempt_step_iterator { public function next() { --$this->i; } public function rewind() { $this->i = $this->qa->get_num_steps() - 1; } } /** * A variant of {@link question_attempt_step_iterator} that iterates through the * steps with submitted tries. * * @copyright 2014 The Open University * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class question_attempt_steps_with_submitted_response_iterator extends question_attempt_step_iterator implements Countable { /** @var question_attempt the question_attempt being iterated over. */ protected $qa; /** @var integer records the current position in the iteration. */ protected $submittedresponseno; /** * Index is the submitted response number and value is the step no. * * @var int[] */ protected $stepswithsubmittedresponses; /** * Do not call this constructor directly. * Use {@link question_attempt::get_submission_step_iterator()}. * @param question_attempt $qa the attempt to iterate over. */ public function __construct(question_attempt $qa) { $this->qa = $qa; $this->find_steps_with_submitted_response(); $this->rewind(); } /** * Find the step nos in which a student has submitted a response. Including any step with a response that is saved before * the question attempt finishes. * * Called from constructor, should not be called from elsewhere. * */ protected function find_steps_with_submitted_response() { $stepnos = array(); $lastsavedstep = null; foreach ($this->qa->get_step_iterator() as $stepno => $step) { if ($this->qa->get_behaviour()->step_has_a_submitted_response($step)) { $stepnos[] = $stepno; $lastsavedstep = null; } else { $qtdata = $step->get_qt_data(); if (count($qtdata)) { $lastsavedstep = $stepno; } } } if (!is_null($lastsavedstep)) { $stepnos[] = $lastsavedstep; } if (empty($stepnos)) { $this->stepswithsubmittedresponses = array(); } else { // Re-index array so index starts with 1. $this->stepswithsubmittedresponses = array_combine(range(1, count($stepnos)), $stepnos); } } /** @return question_attempt_step */ public function current() { return $this->offsetGet($this->submittedresponseno); } /** @return int */ public function key() { return $this->submittedresponseno; } public function next() { ++$this->submittedresponseno; } public function rewind() { $this->submittedresponseno = 1; } /** @return bool */ public function valid() { return $this->submittedresponseno >= 1 && $this->submittedresponseno <= count($this->stepswithsubmittedresponses); } /** * @param int $submittedresponseno * @return bool */ public function offsetExists($submittedresponseno) { return $submittedresponseno >= 1; } /** * @param int $submittedresponseno * @return question_attempt_step */ public function offsetGet($submittedresponseno) { if ($submittedresponseno > count($this->stepswithsubmittedresponses)) { return null; } else { return $this->qa->get_step($this->step_no_for_try($submittedresponseno)); } } /** * @return int the count of steps with tries. */ public function count() { return count($this->stepswithsubmittedresponses); } /** * @param int $submittedresponseno * @throws coding_exception * @return int|null the step number or null if there is no such submitted response. */ public function step_no_for_try($submittedresponseno) { if (isset($this->stepswithsubmittedresponses[$submittedresponseno])) { return $this->stepswithsubmittedresponses[$submittedresponseno]; } else if ($submittedresponseno > count($this->stepswithsubmittedresponses)) { return null; } else { throw new coding_exception('Try number not found. It should be 1 or more.'); } } public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { throw new coding_exception('You are only allowed read-only access to question_attempt::states '. 'through a question_attempt_step_iterator. Cannot set.'); } public function offsetUnset($offset) { throw new coding_exception('You are only allowed read-only access to question_attempt::states '. 'through a question_attempt_step_iterator. Cannot unset.'); } }