Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
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Filedatalib_reporting_queries_test.php    [source] [336 lines]   Unit tests for the parts of {@link question_engine_data_mapper} related to reporting.
Filedatalib_test.php                      [source] [254 lines]   Unit tests for parts of {@link question_engine_data_mapper}.
Filehelpers.php                           [source] [1391 lines]  This file contains helper classes for testing the question engine.
Filequbaid_condition_test.php             [source] [161 lines]   This file contains tests for some of the code in ../datalib.php.
Filequestionattempt_db_test.php           [source] [255 lines]   This file contains tests for the question_attempt class. Action methods like start, process_action and finish are assumed to be tested by walkthrough tests in the various behaviours.
Filequestionattempt_test.php              [source] [125 lines]   This file contains tests for the question_attempt class. Action methods like start, process_action and finish are assumed to be tested by walkthrough tests in the various behaviours.
Filequestionattempt_with_steps_test.php   [source] [214 lines]   This file contains tests for the question_attempt class. Action methods like start, process_action and finish are assumed to be tested by walkthrough tests in the various behaviours.
Filequestionattemptiterator_test.php      [source] [125 lines]   This file contains tests for the question_attempt_iterator class.
Filequestionattemptstep_db_test.php       [source] [84 lines]    This file contains tests for the question_attempt_step class.
Filequestionattemptstep_test.php          [source] [131 lines]   This file contains tests for the question_attempt_step class.
Filequestionattemptstepiterator_test.php  [source] [144 lines]   This file contains tests for the question_attempt_step_iterator class.
Filequestionbank_test.php                 [source] [129 lines]   This file contains tests for the question_bank class.
Filequestionengine_test.php               [source] [150 lines]   This file contains tests for the question_engine class.
Filequestionstate_test.php                [source] [162 lines]   This file contains tests for the question_state class and subclasses.
Filequestionusage_autosave_test.php       [source] [755 lines]   This file contains tests for the autosave code in the question_usage class.
Filequestionusagebyactivity_data_test.php [source] [153 lines]   This file contains tests for the question_usage_by_activity class.
Filequestionusagebyactivity_test.php      [source] [161 lines]   This file contains tests for the question_usage_by_activity class.
Filequestionutils_test.php                [source] [240 lines]   This file contains tests for the {@link question_utils} class.
Fileunitofwork_test.php                   [source] [511 lines]   This file contains tests for the question_engine_unit_of_work class.
Filewalkthrough_test.php                  [source] [63 lines]    This file contains tests that walks a question through a whole attempt.