Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
FolderUp one level  
Fileaddquestion.php    [source] [93 lines]    Shows a screen where the user can choose a question type, before being redirected to question.php
Filecategory.php       [source] [160 lines]   This script allows a teacher to create, edit and delete question categories.
Filecategory_class.php [source] [609 lines]   A class for representing question categories.
Filecategory_form.php  [source] [117 lines]   Defines the form for editing question categories.
Fileedit.php           [source] [66 lines]    Page to edit the question bank
Fileeditlib.php        [source] [659 lines]   Functions used to show question editing interface
Fileexport.php         [source] [103 lines]   Script for importing questions into the question bank.
Fileexport_form.php    [source] [93 lines]    Defines the export questions form.
Fileexportone.php      [source] [79 lines]    Script to download the export of a single question.
Fileformat.php         [source] [1187 lines]  Defines the base class for question import and export formats.
Fileimport.php         [source] [149 lines]   Defines the import questions form.
Fileimport_form.php    [source] [160 lines]   Defines the import questions form.
Filelib.php            [source] [91 lines]    Question related functions. This file was created just because Fragment API expects callbacks to be defined on lib.php.
Filemove_form.php      [source] [52 lines]    Form for moving questions between categories.
Filepreview.php        [source] [295 lines]   This page displays a preview of a question The preview uses the option settings from the activity within which the question is previewed or the default settings if no activity is specified. The question session information is stored in the session as an array of subsequent states rather than in the database.
Filepreviewlib.php     [source] [328 lines]   Library functions used by question/preview.php.
Filequestion.php       [source] [342 lines]   Page for editing questions.
Filerenderer.php       [source] [134 lines]   Renderers for outputting parts of the question bank.
Filetoggleflag.php     [source] [47 lines]    Used by ajax calls to toggle the flagged state of a question in an attempt.
Fileupgrade.php        [source] [45 lines]    This file contains datbase upgrade code that is called from lib/db/upgrade.php, and also check methods that can be used for pre-install checks via admin/environment.php and lib/environmentlib.php.