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Moodle 4.0 XRef and Diffs
Quick Navigation
Moodle 4.0
Moodle 4.0 Database Schema
Moodle 4.3
Moodle 4.2
Moodle 4.1
Moodle 4.0
Moodle 3.11
Moodle 3.10
Moodle 3.9
Search moodle.org's
Developer Documentation
See Release Notes
Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
Moodle 4.0 Database Schema (by Marcus Green)
Top level directory
Variable Cross Reference
line 48
line 2041
line 3173
line 4339
line 179
line 47
line 231
line 342
line 91
line 125
line 609
line 341
line 345
line 98
line 4448
line 53
line 100
line 147
line 211
line 26
line 292
line 362
Referenced 175 times:
line 262
line 266
line 48
line 50
line 178
line 214
line 432
line 885
line 888
line 2041
line 2050
line 2052
line 2053
line 3173
line 3174
line 3175
line 3184
line 3457
line 3538
line 4268
line 4339
line 4340
line 4341
line 4352
line 262
line 267
line 214
line 179
line 182
line 260
line 265
line 1466
line 181
line 226
line 117
line 117
line 47
line 70
line 89
line 100
line 187
line 231
line 236
line 238
line 239
line 240
line 243
line 248
line 258
line 258
line 259
line 261
line 263
line 271
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line 288
line 289
line 292
line 293
line 299
line 300
line 302
line 317
line 319
line 321
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line 332
line 332
line 342
line 343
line 41
line 266
line 270
line 530
line 150
line 63
line 91
line 108
line 125
line 127
line 200
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line 337
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line 338
line 361
line 361
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line 423
line 423
line 431
line 609
line 616
line 851
line 341
line 344
line 345
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line 357
line 107
line 112
line 91
line 91
line 98
line 99
line 100
line 218
line 220
line 221
line 221
line 4448
line 4449
line 4463
line 4468
line 53
line 63
line 100
line 109
line 147
line 157
line 211
line 222
line 26
line 29
line 48
line 54
line 67
line 99
line 113
line 292
line 297
line 297
line 301
line 316
line 324
line 105
line 527
line 98
line 102
line 104
line 105
line 107
line 1281
line 32
line 262
line 266
line 347
line 144
line 212
line 927
line 944
line 950
line 964
line 974
line 980
line 163
line 163
line 167
line 262
line 266
line 362
line 363
line 372
line 381
line 46
line 50
line 195
line 195
line 260