<?php // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. /** * Manage global search areas. * * @package core_search * @copyright 2016 Dan Poltawski <dan@moodle.com> * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once(__DIR__ . '/../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php'); admin_externalpage_setup('searchareas'); $areaid = optional_param('areaid', null, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $action = optional_param('action', null, PARAM_ALPHA); $indexingenabled = \core_search\manager::is_indexing_enabled(); // This restricts many of the actions on this page. // Get a search manager instance, which we'll need for display and to handle some actions. try { $searchmanager = \core_search\manager::instance(); } catch (core_search\engine_exception $searchmanagererror) { // In action cases, we'll throw this exception below. In non-action cases, we produce a lang string error. } $PAGE->set_primary_active_tab('siteadminnode'); // Handle all the actions. if ($action) { // If dealing with an areaid, we need to check that the area exists. if ($areaid) { $area = \core_search\manager::get_search_area($areaid); if ($area === false) { throw new moodle_exception('invalidrequest'); } } // All the indexing actions. if (in_array($action, ['delete', 'indexall', 'reindexall', 'deleteall'])) { // All of these actions require that indexing is enabled. if ($indexingenabled) { // For all of these actions, we strictly need a manager instance. if (isset($searchmanagererror)) { throw $searchmanagererror; } // Show confirm prompt for all these actions as they may be inadvisable, or may cause // an interruption in search functionality, on production systems. if (!optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_INT)) { // Display confirmation prompt. $a = null; if ($areaid) { $a = html_writer::tag('strong', $area->get_visible_name()); } $actionparams = ['sesskey' => sesskey(), 'action' => $action, 'confirm' => 1]; if ($areaid) { $actionparams['areaid'] = $areaid; } $actionurl = new moodle_url('/admin/searchareas.php', $actionparams); $cancelurl = new moodle_url('/admin/searchareas.php'); echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string('confirm_' . $action, 'search', $a), new single_button($actionurl, get_string('continue'), 'post', true), new single_button($cancelurl, get_string('cancel'), 'get')); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); exit; } else { // Confirmed, so run the required action. require_sesskey(); switch ($action) { case 'delete': $searchmanager->delete_index($areaid); \core\notification::success(get_string('searchindexdeleted', 'admin')); break; case 'indexall': $searchmanager->index(); \core\notification::success(get_string('searchindexupdated', 'admin')); break; case 'reindexall': $searchmanager->index(true); \core\notification::success(get_string('searchreindexed', 'admin')); break; case 'deleteall': $searchmanager->delete_index(); \core\notification::success(get_string('searchalldeleted', 'admin')); break; default: break; } // Redirect back to the main page after taking action. redirect(new moodle_url('/admin/searchareas.php')); } } } else if (in_array($action, ['enable', 'disable'])) { // Toggling search areas requires no confirmation. require_sesskey(); switch ($action) { case 'enable': $area->set_enabled(true); \core\notification::success(get_string('searchareaenabled', 'admin')); break; case 'disable': $area->set_enabled(false); core\notification::success(get_string('searchareadisabled', 'admin')); break; default: break; } redirect(new moodle_url('/admin/searchareas.php')); } else { // Invalid action. throw new moodle_exception('invalidaction'); } } // Display. if (isset($searchmanager) && $indexingenabled) { \core\notification::info(get_string('indexinginfo', 'admin')); } else if (isset($searchmanager)) { $params = (object) [ 'url' => (new moodle_url("/admin/settings.php?section=manageglobalsearch#admin-searchindexwhendisabled"))->out(false) ]; \core\notification::error(get_string('indexwhendisabledfullnotice', 'search', $params)); } else { // In non-action cases, init errors are translated and displayed to the user as error notifications. $errorstr = get_string($searchmanagererror->errorcode, $searchmanagererror->module, $searchmanagererror->a); \core\notification::error($errorstr); } echo $OUTPUT->header(); $table = new html_table(); $table->id = 'core-search-areas'; $table->head = [ get_string('searcharea', 'search'), get_string('searchareacategories', 'search'), get_string('enable'), get_string('newestdocindexed', 'admin'), get_string('searchlastrun', 'admin'), get_string('searchindexactions', 'admin') ]; $searchareas = \core_search\manager::get_search_areas_list();> core_collator::asort_objects_by_method($searchareas, 'get_visible_name');$areasconfig = isset($searchmanager) ? $searchmanager->get_areas_config($searchareas) : false; foreach ($searchareas as $area) { $areaid = $area->get_area_id(); $columns = array(new html_table_cell($area->get_visible_name())); $areacategories = []; foreach (\core_search\manager::get_search_area_categories() as $category) { if (key_exists($areaid, $category->get_areas())) { $areacategories[] = $category->get_visiblename(); } } $columns[] = new html_table_cell(implode(', ', $areacategories)); if ($area->is_enabled()) { $columns[] = $OUTPUT->action_icon(admin_searcharea_action_url('disable', $areaid), new pix_icon('t/hide', get_string('disable'), 'moodle', array('title' => '', 'class' => 'iconsmall')), null, array('title' => get_string('disable'))); if ($areasconfig && $indexingenabled) { $columns[] = $areasconfig[$areaid]->lastindexrun; if ($areasconfig[$areaid]->indexingstart) { $timediff = $areasconfig[$areaid]->indexingend - $areasconfig[$areaid]->indexingstart; $laststatus = $timediff . ' , ' . $areasconfig[$areaid]->docsprocessed . ' , ' . $areasconfig[$areaid]->recordsprocessed . ' , ' . $areasconfig[$areaid]->docsignored; if ($areasconfig[$areaid]->partial) { $laststatus .= ' ' . get_string('searchpartial', 'admin'); } } else { $laststatus = ''; } $columns[] = $laststatus; $accesshide = html_writer::span($area->get_visible_name(), 'accesshide'); $actions = []; $actions[] = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('t/delete', '') . html_writer::link(admin_searcharea_action_url('delete', $areaid), get_string('deleteindex', 'search', $accesshide)); if ($area->supports_get_document_recordset()) { $actions[] = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/reload', '') . html_writer::link( new moodle_url('searchreindex.php', ['areaid' => $areaid]), get_string('gradualreindex', 'search', $accesshide)); } $columns[] = html_writer::alist($actions, ['class' => 'unstyled list-unstyled']); } else { if (!$areasconfig) { $blankrow = new html_table_cell(get_string('searchnotavailable', 'admin')); } else { $blankrow = new html_table_cell(get_string('indexwhendisabledshortnotice', 'search')); } $blankrow->colspan = 3; $columns[] = $blankrow; } } else { $columns[] = $OUTPUT->action_icon(admin_searcharea_action_url('enable', $areaid), new pix_icon('t/show', get_string('enable'), 'moodle', array('title' => '', 'class' => 'iconsmall')), null, array('title' => get_string('enable'))); $blankrow = new html_table_cell(get_string('searchareadisabled', 'admin')); $blankrow->colspan = 3; $columns[] = $blankrow; } $row = new html_table_row($columns); $table->data[] = $row; } // Cross-search area tasks. $options = (isset($searchmanager) && $indexingenabled) ? [] : ['disabled' => true]; echo $OUTPUT->box_start('search-areas-actions'); echo $OUTPUT->single_button(admin_searcharea_action_url('indexall'), get_string('searchupdateindex', 'admin'), 'get', $options); echo $OUTPUT->single_button(admin_searcharea_action_url('reindexall'), get_string('searchreindexindex', 'admin'), 'get', $options); echo $OUTPUT->single_button(admin_searcharea_action_url('deleteall'), get_string('searchdeleteindex', 'admin'), 'get', $options); echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); echo html_writer::table($table); if (isset($searchmanager)) { // Show information about queued index requests for specific contexts. $searchrenderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core_search'); echo $searchrenderer->render_index_requests_info($searchmanager->get_index_requests_info()); } echo $OUTPUT->footer(); /** * Helper for generating url for management actions. * * @param string $action * @param string $areaid * @return moodle_url */ function admin_searcharea_action_url($action, $areaid = false) { $params = array('action' => $action); if ($areaid) { $params['areaid'] = $areaid; } if ($action === 'disable' || $action === 'enable') { $params['sesskey'] = sesskey(); } return new moodle_url('/admin/searchareas.php', $params); }