Tests for behat_form_text class
Copyright: | 2022 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link https://stronk7.com} |
License: | https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 191 lines (8 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
behat_form_text_test:: (4 methods):
phpunit_string_manager:: (2 methods):
Class: behat_form_text_test - X-Ref
Tests for the behat_form_text classprovider_test_set_get_value() X-Ref |
Data provider for the test_set_get_value() method. return: array of value and expectation pairs to be tested. |
test_set_get_value($value, $expectation) X-Ref |
Test the set_value() and get_value() methods. param: mixed $value value to be set. param: mixed $expectation value to be checked. |
provider_test_matches() X-Ref |
Data provider for the test_text_matches() method. return: array of decsep, value, match and result pairs to be tested. |
test_matches($decsep, $value, $match, $result) X-Ref |
Test the matches() method. param: string $decsep decimal separator to use. param: mixed $value value to be set. param: mixed $match value to be matched. param: bool $result expected return status of the function. |
Class: phpunit_string_manager - X-Ref
Customised values that will be used instead of standard manager one.get_string($identifier, $component = '', $a = null, $lang = null) X-Ref |
Get String returns a requested string return: string The String ! param: string $identifier The identifier of the string to search for param: string $component The module the string is associated with param: string|object|array $a An object, string or number that can be used param: string $lang moodle translation language, null means use current |
set_string($identifier, $component, $value) X-Ref |
Sets a custom string to be returned by the string manager instead of the language file one. param: string $identifier The identifier of the string to search for param: string $component The module the string is associated with param: string $value the contents of the language string to be returned by get_string() |