Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 39 and 400] [Versions 400 and 403]

Class containing helper methods for processing data requests.

Copyright: 2018 Jun Pataleta
License: GNU GPL v3 or later
File Size: 1345 lines (52 kb)
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Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

api:: (49 methods):

Class: api  - X-Ref

Class containing helper methods for processing data requests.

can_contact_dpo()   X-Ref
Determines whether the user can contact the site's Data Protection Officer via Moodle.

return: boolean True when tool_dataprivacy|contactdataprotectionofficer is enabled.

can_manage_data_requests($userid)   X-Ref
Checks whether the current user has the capability to manage data requests.

return: bool
param: int $userid The user ID.

check_can_manage_data_registry($contextid = false)   X-Ref
Checks if the current user can manage the data registry at the provided id.

return: null
param: int $contextid Fallback to system context id.

get_assigned_privacy_officer_roles()   X-Ref
Fetches the list of configured privacy officer roles.

Every time this function is called, it checks each role if they have the 'managedatarequests' capability and removes
any role that doesn't have the required capability anymore.

return: int[]

get_dpo_role_names()   X-Ref
Fetches the role shortnames of Data Protection Officer roles.

return: array An array of the DPO role shortnames

get_site_dpos()   X-Ref
Fetches the list of users with the Privacy Officer role.

is_site_dpo($userid)   X-Ref
Checks whether a given user is a site Privacy Officer.

return: bool
param: int $userid The user ID.

create_data_request($foruser, $type, $comments = '',$creationmethod = data_request::DATAREQUEST_CREATION_MANUAL,$notify = null)   X-Ref
Lodges a data request and sends the request details to the site Data Protection Officer(s).

return: data_request
param: int $foruser The user whom the request is being made for.
param: int $type The request type.
param: string $comments Request comments.
param: int $creationmethod The creation method of the data request.
param: bool $notify Notify DPOs of this pending request.

get_data_requests($userid = 0, $statuses = [], $types = [], $creationmethods = [],$sort = '', $offset = 0, $limit = 0)   X-Ref
Fetches the list of the data requests.

If user ID is provided, it fetches the data requests for the user.
Otherwise, it fetches all of the data requests, provided that the user has the capability to manage data requests.
(e.g. Users with the Data Protection Officer roles)

return: data_request[]
param: int $userid The User ID.
param: int[] $statuses The status filters.
param: int[] $types The request type filters.
param: int[] $creationmethods The request creation method filters.
param: string $sort The order by clause.
param: int $offset Amount of records to skip.
param: int $limit Amount of records to fetch.

get_data_requests_count($userid = 0, $statuses = [], $types = [], $creationmethods = [])   X-Ref
Fetches the count of data request records based on the given parameters.

return: int
param: int $userid The User ID.
param: int[] $statuses The status filters.
param: int[] $types The request type filters.
param: int[] $creationmethods The request creation method filters.

has_ongoing_request($userid, $type)   X-Ref
Checks whether there is already an existing pending/in-progress data request for a user for a given request type.

return: bool
param: int $userid The user ID.
param: int $type The request type.

find_ongoing_request_types_for_users(array $userids)   X-Ref
Find whether any ongoing requests exist for a set of users.

return: array
param: array   $userids

is_active($status)   X-Ref
Determines whether a request is active or not based on its status.

return: bool
param: int $status The request status.

update_request_status($requestid, $status, $dpoid = 0, $comment = '')   X-Ref
Cancels the data request for a given request ID.

return: bool
param: int $requestid The request identifier.
param: int $status The request status.
param: int $dpoid The user ID of the Data Protection Officer
param: string $comment The comment about the status update.

get_request($requestid)   X-Ref
Fetches a request based on the request ID.

return: data_request
param: int $requestid The request identifier

approve_data_request($requestid)   X-Ref
Approves a data request based on the request ID.

return: bool
param: int $requestid The request identifier

deny_data_request($requestid)   X-Ref
Rejects a data request based on the request ID.

return: bool
param: int $requestid The request identifier

notify_dpo($dpo, data_request $request)   X-Ref
Sends a message to the site's Data Protection Officer about a request.

return: int|false
param: stdClass $dpo The DPO user record
param: data_request $request The data request

can_create_data_request_for_user($user, $requester = null)   X-Ref
Checks whether a non-DPO user can make a data request for another user.

return: bool
param: int     $user The user ID of the target user.
param: int     $requester The user ID of the user making the request.

require_can_create_data_request_for_user($user, $requester = null)   X-Ref
Require that the current user can make a data request for the specified other user.

return: bool
param: int     $user The user ID of the target user.
param: int     $requester The user ID of the user making the request.

can_create_data_download_request_for_self(int $userid = null)   X-Ref
Check if user has permission to create data download request for themselves

return: bool
param: int|null $userid

can_create_data_deletion_request_for_self(int $userid = null)   X-Ref
Check if user has permisson to create data deletion request for themselves.

return: bool
param: int|null $userid ID of the user.

can_create_data_deletion_request_for_other(int $userid = null)   X-Ref
Check if user has permission to create data deletion request for another user.

return: bool
param: int|null $userid ID of the user.

can_create_data_deletion_request_for_children(int $userid, int $requesterid = null)   X-Ref
Check if parent can create data deletion request for their children.

return: bool
param: int $userid ID of a user being requested.
param: int|null $requesterid ID of a user making request.

can_download_data_request_for_user($userid, $requesterid, $downloaderid = null)   X-Ref
Checks whether a user can download a data request.

return: bool
param: int $userid Target user id (subject of data request)
param: int $requesterid Requester user id (person who requsted it)
param: int|null $downloaderid Person who wants to download user id (default current)

get_download_link(\context_user $usercontext, $requestid)   X-Ref
Gets an action menu link to download a data request.

return: \action_menu_link_secondary Action menu link
param: \context_user $usercontext User context (of user who the data is for)
param: int $requestid Request id

create_purpose(stdClass $record)   X-Ref
Creates a new data purpose.

return: \tool_dataprivacy\purpose.
param: stdClass $record

update_purpose(stdClass $record)   X-Ref
Updates an existing data purpose.

return: \tool_dataprivacy\purpose.
param: stdClass $record

delete_purpose($id)   X-Ref
Deletes a data purpose.

return: bool
param: int $id

get_purposes()   X-Ref
Get all system data purposes.

return: \tool_dataprivacy\purpose[]

create_category(stdClass $record)   X-Ref
Creates a new data category.

return: \tool_dataprivacy\category.
param: stdClass $record

update_category(stdClass $record)   X-Ref
Updates an existing data category.

return: \tool_dataprivacy\category.
param: stdClass $record

delete_category($id)   X-Ref
Deletes a data category.

return: bool
param: int $id

get_categories()   X-Ref
Get all system data categories.

return: \tool_dataprivacy\category[]

set_context_instance($record)   X-Ref
Sets the context instance purpose and category.

return: \tool_dataprivacy\context_instance
param: \stdClass $record

unset_context_instance(context_instance $instance)   X-Ref
Unsets the context instance record.

return: null
param: \tool_dataprivacy\context_instance $instance

set_contextlevel($record)   X-Ref
Sets the context level purpose and category.

return: contextlevel
param: \stdClass $record

get_effective_context_category(\context $context, $forcedvalue = false)   X-Ref
Returns the effective category given a context instance.

return: category|false
param: \context $context
param: int $forcedvalue Use this categoryid value as if this was this context instance category.

get_effective_context_purpose(\context $context, $forcedvalue = false)   X-Ref
Returns the effective purpose given a context instance.

return: purpose|false
param: \context $context
param: int $forcedvalue Use this purposeid value as if this was this context instance purpose.

get_effective_contextlevel_category($contextlevel)   X-Ref
Returns the effective category given a context level.

return: category|false
param: int $contextlevel

get_effective_contextlevel_purpose($contextlevel, $forcedvalue=false)   X-Ref
Returns the effective purpose given a context level.

return: purpose|false
param: int $contextlevel
param: int $forcedvalue Use this purposeid value as if this was this context level purpose.

create_expired_context($contextid)   X-Ref
Creates an expired context record for the provided context id.

return: \tool_dataprivacy\expired_context
param: int $contextid

delete_expired_context($id)   X-Ref
Deletes an expired context record.

return: bool True on success.
param: int $id The tool_dataprivacy_ctxexpire id.

set_expired_context_status(expired_context $expiredctx, $status)   X-Ref
Updates the status of an expired context.

return: null
param: \tool_dataprivacy\expired_context $expiredctx
param: int $status

get_approved_contextlist_collection_for_collection(contextlist_collection $collection,\stdClass $foruser, int $type)   X-Ref
Finds all contextlists having at least one approved context, and returns them as in a contextlist_collection.

return: contextlist_collection  The collection of approved_contextlist objects.
param: contextlist_collection  $collection The collection of unapproved contextlist objects.
param: \stdClass               $foruser The target user
param: int                     $type The purpose of the collection

set_context_defaults($contextlevel, $categoryid, $purposeid, $activity = null, $override = false)   X-Ref
Updates the default category and purpose for a given context level (and optionally, a plugin).

return: boolean True if set/unset config succeeds. Otherwise, it throws an exception.
param: int $contextlevel The context level.
param: int $categoryid The ID matching the category.
param: int $purposeid The ID matching the purpose record.
param: int $activity The name of the activity that we're making a defaults configuration for.
param: bool $override Whether to override the purpose/categories of existing instances to these defaults.

format_retention_period(\DateInterval $interval)   X-Ref
Format the supplied date interval as a retention period.

return: string
param: \DateInterval   $interval

is_automatic_request_approval_on(int $type)   X-Ref
Whether automatic data request approval is turned on or not for the given request type.

return: bool
param: int $type The request type.

queue_data_request_task(int $requestid, int $userid = null)   X-Ref
Creates an ad-hoc task for the data request.

param: int $requestid The data request ID.
param: int $userid Optional. The user ID to run the task as, if necessary.