Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

namespace tool_licensemanager;

use tool_licensemanager\form\edit_license;
use license_manager;
use stdClass;

 * License manager, main controller for tool_licensemanager.
 * @package    tool_licensemanager
 * @copyright  2019 Tom Dickman <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class manager {

     * Action for creating a new custom license.
    const ACTION_CREATE = 'create';

     * Action for updating a custom license's details.
    const ACTION_UPDATE = 'update';

     * Action for deleting a custom license.
    const ACTION_DELETE = 'delete';

     * Action for disabling a custom license.
    const ACTION_DISABLE = 'disable';

     * Action for enabling a custom license.
    const ACTION_ENABLE = 'enable';

     * Action for displaying the license list view.
    const ACTION_VIEW_LICENSE_MANAGER = 'viewlicensemanager';

     * Action for moving a license up order.
    const ACTION_MOVE_UP = 'moveup';

     * Action for moving a license down order.
    const ACTION_MOVE_DOWN = 'movedown';

     * Entry point for internal license manager.
     * @param string $action the api action to carry out.
     * @param string|object $license the license object or shortname of license to carry action out on.
    public function execute(string $action, $license) : void {


        // Convert license to a string if it's a full license object.
        if (is_object($license)) {
            $license = $license->shortname;

        $viewmanager = true;
> $message = null;
$redirect = helper::get_licensemanager_url(); switch ($action) { case self::ACTION_DISABLE: require_sesskey(); license_manager::disable($license); redirect($redirect); break; case self::ACTION_ENABLE: require_sesskey(); license_manager::enable($license); redirect($redirect); break; case self::ACTION_DELETE: require_sesskey();
> try {
< redirect($redirect);
> } catch (\moodle_exception $e) { > $message = $e->getMessage(); > } > redirect($redirect, $message);
break; case self::ACTION_CREATE: case self::ACTION_UPDATE: $viewmanager = $this->edit($action, $license); break; case self::ACTION_MOVE_UP: case self::ACTION_MOVE_DOWN: require_sesskey(); $this->change_license_order($action, $license); redirect($redirect); break; case self::ACTION_VIEW_LICENSE_MANAGER: default: break; } if ($viewmanager) {
< $this->view_license_manager();
> $this->view_license_manager($message);
} } /** * Edit an existing license or create a new license. * * @param string $action the form action to carry out. * @param string $licenseshortname the shortname of the license to edit. * * @return bool true if license editing complete, false otherwise. */ private function edit(string $action, string $licenseshortname) : bool { if ($action != self::ACTION_CREATE && $action != self::ACTION_UPDATE) { throw new \coding_exception('license edit actions are limited to create and update'); } $form = new form\edit_license($action, $licenseshortname); if ($form->is_cancelled()) { return true; } else if ($data = $form->get_data()) { $license = new stdClass(); if ($action == self::ACTION_CREATE) { // Check that license shortname isn't already in use. if (!empty(license_manager::get_license_by_shortname($data->shortname))) {
< print_error('duplicatelicenseshortname', 'tool_licensemanager',
> throw new \moodle_exception('duplicatelicenseshortname', 'tool_licensemanager',
helper::get_licensemanager_url(), $data->shortname); } $license->shortname = $data->shortname; } else { if (empty(license_manager::get_license_by_shortname($licenseshortname))) {
< print_error('licensenotfoundshortname', 'license',
> throw new \moodle_exception('licensenotfoundshortname', 'license',
helper::get_licensemanager_url(), $licenseshortname); } $license->shortname = $licenseshortname; } $license->fullname = $data->fullname; $license->source = $data->source; // Legacy date format maintained to prevent breaking on upgrade. $license->version = date('Ymd', $data->version) . '00'; license_manager::save($license); return true; } else { $this->view_license_editor($action, $licenseshortname, $form); return false; } } /** * Change license order by moving up or down license order. * * @param string $direction which direction to move, up or down. * @param string $licenseshortname the shortname of the license to move up or down order. */ private function change_license_order(string $direction, string $licenseshortname) : void { if (!empty($licenseshortname)) { if ($direction == self::ACTION_MOVE_UP) { license_manager::change_license_sortorder(license_manager::LICENSE_MOVE_UP, $licenseshortname); } else if ($direction == self::ACTION_MOVE_DOWN) { license_manager::change_license_sortorder(license_manager::LICENSE_MOVE_DOWN, $licenseshortname); } } } /** * View the license editor to create or edit a license. * * @param string $action * @param string $licenseshortname the shortname of the license to create/edit. * @param \tool_licensemanager\form\edit_license $form the form for submitting edit data. */ private function view_license_editor(string $action, string $licenseshortname, edit_license $form) : void { global $PAGE; $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('tool_licensemanager'); if ($action == self::ACTION_UPDATE && $license = license_manager::get_license_by_shortname($licenseshortname)) { $return = $renderer->render_edit_licence_headers($licenseshortname); $form->set_data(['shortname' => $license->shortname]); $form->set_data(['fullname' => $license->fullname]); $form->set_data(['source' => $license->source]); $form->set_data(['version' => helper::convert_version_to_epoch($license->version)]); } else { $return = $renderer->render_create_licence_headers(); } $return .= $form->render(); $return .= $renderer->footer(); echo $return; } /** * View the license manager. */
< private function view_license_manager() : void { < global $PAGE; < < $PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('tool_licensemanager/delete_license');
> private function view_license_manager(string $message = null) : void { > global $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
$renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('tool_licensemanager'); $html = $renderer->header(); $html .= $renderer->heading(get_string('licensemanager', 'tool_licensemanager'));
> > if (!empty($message)) { $table = new \tool_licensemanager\output\table(); > $html .= $OUTPUT->notification($message); $html .= $renderer->render($table); > }
$html .= $renderer->footer(); echo $html; } }