Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.


    $idp = optional_param('idp', null, PARAM_RAW);

    // Check for timed out sessions.
    if (!empty($SESSION->has_timed_out)) {
        $session_has_timed_out = true;
        $SESSION->has_timed_out = false;
    } else {
        $session_has_timed_out = false;

    // Define variables used in page.
    $isvalid = true;
    $site = get_site();

    $loginsite = get_string("loginsite");

    $loginurl = (!empty($CFG->alternateloginurl)) ? $CFG->alternateloginurl : '';

    $config = get_config('auth_shibboleth');
    if (!empty($CFG->registerauth) or is_enabled_auth('none') or !empty($config->auth_instructions)) {
        $showinstructions = true;
    } else {
        $showinstructions = false;

    $idplist = get_idp_list($config->organization_selection);
    if (isset($idp)) {
        if (isset($idplist[$idp])) {

            $targeturl = new moodle_url('/auth/shibboleth/index.php');
            $idpinfo = $idplist[$idp];

            // Redirect to SessionInitiator with entityID as argument.
            if (isset($idpinfo[1]) && !empty($idpinfo[1])) {
                $sso = $idpinfo[1];
            } else {
                $sso = '/Shibboleth.sso';
            // For Shibboleth 1.x Service Providers.
            header('Location: ' . $sso . '?providerId=' . urlencode($idp) . '&target=' . urlencode($targeturl->out()));

        } else {
            $isvalid = false;

    $loginsite = get_string("loginsite");

< $PAGE->set_title("$site->fullname: $loginsite");
> $PAGE->set_title($loginsite);
$PAGE->set_heading($site->fullname); $PAGE->set_pagelayout('login'); echo $OUTPUT->header(); if (isloggedin() and !isguestuser()) { // Prevent logging when already logged in, we do not want them to relogin by accident because sesskey would be changed. echo $OUTPUT->box_start(); $params = array('sesskey' => sesskey(), 'loginpage' => 1); $logout = new single_button(new moodle_url('/login/logout.php', $params), get_string('logout'), 'post'); $continue = new single_button(new moodle_url('/'), get_string('cancel'), 'get'); echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string('alreadyloggedin', 'error', fullname($USER)), $logout, $continue); echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); } else { // Print login page. $selectedidp = '-'; if (isset($_COOKIE['_saml_idp'])) { $idpcookie = generate_cookie_array($_COOKIE['_saml_idp']); do { $selectedidp = array_pop($idpcookie); } while (!isset($idplist[$selectedidp]) && count($idpcookie) > 0); } $idps = []; foreach ($idplist as $value => $data) { $name = reset($data); $selected = $value === $selectedidp; $idps[] = (object)[ 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value, 'selected' => $selected ]; } // Whether the user can sign up. $cansignup = !empty($CFG->registerauth); // Default instructions. $instructions = format_text($config->auth_instructions); if (is_enabled_auth('none')) { $instructions = get_string('loginstepsnone'); } else if ($cansignup) { if ($CFG->registerauth === 'email' && empty($instructions)) { $instructions = get_string('loginsteps'); } } // Build the template context data. $templatedata = (object)[ 'adminemail' => get_admin()->email, 'cansignup' => $cansignup, 'guestlogin' => $CFG->guestloginbutton, 'guestloginurl' => new moodle_url('/login/index.php'), 'idps' => $idps, 'instructions' => $instructions, 'loginname' => $config->login_name ?? null, 'logintoken' => \core\session\manager::get_login_token(), 'loginurl' => new moodle_url('/auth/shibboleth/login.php'), 'showinstructions' => $showinstructions, 'signupurl' => new moodle_url('/login/signup.php'), 'isvalid' => $isvalid ]; // Render the login form. echo $OUTPUT->render_from_template('auth_shibboleth/login_form', $templatedata); } echo $OUTPUT->footer();