Up one level | ||
amd/ | ||
classes/ | ||
criteria/ | ||
lib/ | ||
templates/ | ||
tests/ | ||
action.php [source] [137 lines] | Page to handle actions associated with badges management. | |
ajax.php [source] [48 lines] | Sends request to check web site availability. | |
alignment.php [source] [113 lines] | List alignments, skills, or standards are targeted by a BadgeClass. | |
alignment_action.php [source] [43 lines] | Processing actions with alignments. | |
alignment_form.php [source] [94 lines] | Form alignment for editing. | |
assertion.php [source] [66 lines] | Serve assertion JSON by unique hash of issued badge | |
award.php [source] [227 lines] | Handle manual badge award. | |
backpack-add.php [source] [156 lines] | Optionally award a badge and redirect to the my badges page. | |
backpack-connect.php [source] [63 lines] | Connect to backpack site. | |
backpack-export.php [source] [63 lines] | Export badges to the backpack site. | |
backpackemailverify.php [source] [83 lines] | Endpoint for the verification email link. | |
backpacks.php [source] [117 lines] | Display a list of badge backpacks for the site. | |
badge.php [source] [90 lines] | Display details of an issued badge with criteria and evidence | |
badge_json.php [source] [128 lines] | Serve BadgeClass JSON for related badge. | |
badgeclass.php [source] [57 lines] | Display details of a badge. | |
criteria.php [source] [111 lines] | Editing badge details, criteria, messages | |
criteria_action.php [source] [93 lines] | Processing actions with badge criteria. | |
criteria_form.php [source] [106 lines] | Form classes for editing badges criteria | |
criteria_settings.php [source] [122 lines] | Page for editing badges criteria settings. | |
edit.php [source] [167 lines] | Editing badge details, criteria, messages | |
endorsement.php [source] [109 lines] | Endorsement information | |
endorsement_form.php [source] [97 lines] | Form endorsement for editing. | |
endorsement_json.php [source] [69 lines] | Serve endorsement JSON for assertion. | |
external.php [source] [105 lines] | Display details of an issued badge with criteria and evidence | |
image_author_json.php [source] [52 lines] | Serve profile image author JSON for assertion. | |
index.php [source] [196 lines] | Page for badges management | |
issuer_json.php [source] [54 lines] | Serve Issuer JSON for related badge or default Issuer if no badge is defined. | |
lib.php [source] [75 lines] | Defines various library functions. | |
mybackpack.php [source] [159 lines] | User backpack settings page. | |
mybadges.php [source] [119 lines] | Displays user badges for badges management in own profile | |
newbadge.php [source] [132 lines] | First step page for creating a new badge | |
overview.php [source] [84 lines] | Badge overview page | |
preferences.php [source] [66 lines] | Badges user preferences page. | |
preferences_form.php [source] [47 lines] | Form class for editing badges preferences. | |
recipients.php [source] [115 lines] | Badge awards information | |
related.php [source] [113 lines] | Related badges information | |
related_action.php [source] [43 lines] | Action related badges. | |
related_form.php [source] [110 lines] | Form related badges. | |
renderer.php [source] [1153 lines] | Renderer for use with the badges output | |
upgradelib.php [source] [52 lines] | Contains upgrade and install functions for badges. | |
view.php [source] [136 lines] | Displays available badges to a user |