Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 311 and 400] [Versions 400 and 401] [Versions 400 and 402] [Versions 400 and 403]
Cache display administration helper. This file is part of Moodle's cache API, affectionately called MUC. It contains the components that are requried in order to use caching.
Author: | Peter Burnett <peterburnett@catalyst-au.net> |
Copyright: | 2020 Catalyst IT |
Copyright: | 2012 Sam Hemelryk |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 887 lines (37 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
administration_display_helper:: (25 methods):
Class: administration_display_helper - X-Ref
A cache helper for administration tasks__construct() X-Ref |
Please do not call constructor directly. Use cache_factory::get_administration_display_helper() instead. |
get_definition_actions(\context $context, array $definitionsummary) X-Ref |
Returns all of the actions that can be performed on a definition. return: array of actions. Each action is an action_url. param: context $context the system context. param: array $definitionsummary information about this cache, from the array returned by |
get_store_instance_actions(string $name, array $storedetails) X-Ref |
Returns all of the actions that can be performed on a store. return: array of actions. Each action is an action_url. param: string $name The name of the store param: array $storedetails information about this store, from the array returned by |
get_store_plugin_actions(string $name, array $plugindetails) X-Ref |
Returns all of the actions that can be performed on a plugin. return: array of actions. Each action is an action_url. param: string $name The name of the plugin param: array $plugindetails information about this store, from the array returned by |
get_add_store_form(string $plugin) X-Ref |
Returns a form that can be used to add a store instance. return: cachestore_addinstance_form param: string $plugin The plugin to add an instance of |
get_edit_store_form(string $plugin, string $store) X-Ref |
Returns a form that can be used to edit a store instance. return: cachestore_addinstance_form param: string $plugin param: string $store |
get_possible_locks_for_stores(string $plugindir, string $plugin) X-Ref |
Returns an array of suitable lock instances for use with this plugin, or false if the plugin handles locking itself. return: array|false param: string $plugindir param: string $plugin |
get_store_configuration_from_data(\stdClass $data) X-Ref |
Processes the results of the add/edit instance form data for a plugin returning an array of config information suitable to store in configuration. return: array param: stdClass $data The mform data. |
get_addable_lock_options() X-Ref |
Returns an array of lock plugins for which we can add an instance. Suitable for use within an mform select element. return: array |
get_add_lock_form(string $plugin, array $lockplugin = null) X-Ref |
Gets the form to use when adding a lock instance. return: cache_lock_form param: string $plugin param: array $lockplugin |
get_lock_configuration_from_data(string $plugin, \stdClass $data) X-Ref |
Gets configuration data from a new lock instance form. return: array param: string $plugin param: stdClass $data |
perform_cache_actions(string $action, array $forminfo) X-Ref |
Handles the page actions, based on the parameter. return: array the empty or overridden forminfo array. param: string $action the action to handle. param: array $forminfo an empty array to be overridden and set. |
action_rescan_definition() X-Ref |
Performs the rescan definition action. return: void |
action_addstore() X-Ref |
Performs the add store action. return: array an array of the form to display to the user, and the page title. |
action_editstore() X-Ref |
Performs the edit store action. return: array an array of the form to display, and the page title. |
action_deletestore(string $action) X-Ref |
Performs the deletestore action. return: void param: string $action the action calling to this function. |
action_editdefinitionmapping() X-Ref |
Performs the edit definition mapping action. return: array an array of the form to display, and the page title. |
action_editdefinitionsharing() X-Ref |
Performs the edit definition sharing action. return: array an array of the edit definition sharing form, and the page title. |
action_editmodemappings() X-Ref |
Performs the edit mode mappings action. return: array an array of the edit mode mappings form. |
action_purgedefinition() X-Ref |
Performs the purge definition action. return: void |
action_purge() X-Ref |
Performs the purge action. return: void |
action_newlockinstance() X-Ref |
Performs the new lock instance action. return: array An array containing the new lock instance form. |
action_deletelock(string $action) X-Ref |
Performs the delete lock action. return: void param: string $action the action calling this function. |
generate_admin_page(\core_cache\output\renderer $renderer) X-Ref |
Outputs the main admin page by generating it through the renderer. return: string the HTML for the admin page. param: \core_cache\output\renderer $renderer the renderer to use to generate the page. |
get_usage(int $samplekeys) X-Ref |
Gets usage information about the whole cache system. This is a slow function and should only be used on an admin information page. The returned array lists all cache definitions with fields 'cacheid' and 'stores'. For each store, the following fields are available: - name (store name) - class (e.g. cachestore_redis) - supported (true if we have any information) - items (number of items stored) - mean (mean size of item) - sd (standard deviation for item sizes) - margin (margin of error for mean at 95% confidence) - storetotal (total usage for store if known, otherwise null) The storetotal field will be the same for every cache that uses the same store. return: array Details of cache usage param: int $samplekeys Number of keys to sample when checking size of large caches |