Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
< * Copyright 2016-2017 MongoDB, Inc.
> * Copyright 2016-present MongoDB, Inc.
* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *
< *
> *
* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ namespace MongoDB\GridFS; use ArrayIterator; use MongoDB\Collection; use MongoDB\Driver\Cursor; use MongoDB\Driver\Manager; use MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference; use MongoDB\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use MongoDB\UpdateResult; use MultipleIterator;
< use stdClass;
use function abs;
> use function assert;
use function count; use function is_numeric;
> use function is_object;
use function sprintf; /** * CollectionWrapper abstracts the GridFS files and chunks collections. * * @internal */ class CollectionWrapper { /** @var string */ private $bucketName; /** @var Collection */ private $chunksCollection; /** @var string */ private $databaseName; /** @var boolean */ private $checkedIndexes = false; /** @var Collection */ private $filesCollection; /** * Constructs a GridFS collection wrapper. * * @see Collection::__construct() for supported options * @param Manager $manager Manager instance from the driver * @param string $databaseName Database name * @param string $bucketName Bucket name * @param array $collectionOptions Collection options * @throws InvalidArgumentException */
< public function __construct(Manager $manager, $databaseName, $bucketName, array $collectionOptions = [])
> public function __construct(Manager $manager, string $databaseName, string $bucketName, array $collectionOptions = [])
< $this->databaseName = (string) $databaseName; < $this->bucketName = (string) $bucketName;
> $this->databaseName = $databaseName; > $this->bucketName = $bucketName;
$this->filesCollection = new Collection($manager, $databaseName, sprintf('%s.files', $bucketName), $collectionOptions); $this->chunksCollection = new Collection($manager, $databaseName, sprintf('%s.chunks', $bucketName), $collectionOptions); } /** * Deletes all GridFS chunks for a given file ID. * * @param mixed $id */
< public function deleteChunksByFilesId($id)
> public function deleteChunksByFilesId($id): void
{ $this->chunksCollection->deleteMany(['files_id' => $id]); } /** * Deletes a GridFS file and related chunks by ID. * * @param mixed $id */
< public function deleteFileAndChunksById($id)
> public function deleteFileAndChunksById($id): void
{ $this->filesCollection->deleteOne(['_id' => $id]); $this->chunksCollection->deleteMany(['files_id' => $id]); } /** * Drops the GridFS files and chunks collections. */
< public function dropCollections()
> public function dropCollections(): void
{ $this->filesCollection->drop(['typeMap' => []]); $this->chunksCollection->drop(['typeMap' => []]); } /** * Finds GridFS chunk documents for a given file ID and optional offset. * * @param mixed $id File ID * @param integer $fromChunk Starting chunk (inclusive)
< * @return Cursor
< public function findChunksByFileId($id, $fromChunk = 0)
> public function findChunksByFileId($id, int $fromChunk = 0): Cursor
{ return $this->chunksCollection->find( [ 'files_id' => $id, 'n' => ['$gte' => $fromChunk], ], [ 'sort' => ['n' => 1], 'typeMap' => ['root' => 'stdClass'], ] ); } /** * Finds a GridFS file document for a given filename and revision. * * Revision numbers are defined as follows: * * * 0 = the original stored file * * 1 = the first revision * * 2 = the second revision * * etc… * * -2 = the second most recent revision * * -1 = the most recent revision * * @see Bucket::downloadToStreamByName() * @see Bucket::openDownloadStreamByName()
< * @param string $filename < * @param integer $revision < * @return stdClass|null
< public function findFileByFilenameAndRevision($filename, $revision)
> public function findFileByFilenameAndRevision(string $filename, int $revision): ?object
< $filename = (string) $filename; < $revision = (integer) $revision;
> $filename = $filename; > $revision = $revision;
if ($revision < 0) { $skip = abs($revision) - 1; $sortOrder = -1; } else { $skip = $revision; $sortOrder = 1; }
< return $this->filesCollection->findOne(
> $file = $this->filesCollection->findOne(
['filename' => $filename], [ 'skip' => $skip, 'sort' => ['uploadDate' => $sortOrder], 'typeMap' => ['root' => 'stdClass'], ] );
> assert(is_object($file) || $file === null); } > > return $file;
/** * Finds a GridFS file document for a given ID. * * @param mixed $id
< * @return stdClass|null
< public function findFileById($id)
> public function findFileById($id): ?object
< return $this->filesCollection->findOne(
> $file = $this->filesCollection->findOne(
['_id' => $id], ['typeMap' => ['root' => 'stdClass']] );
> assert(is_object($file) || $file === null); } > > return $file;
/** * Finds documents from the GridFS bucket's files collection. * * @see Find::__construct() for supported options * @param array|object $filter Query by which to filter documents * @param array $options Additional options * @return Cursor */ public function findFiles($filter, array $options = []) { return $this->filesCollection->find($filter, $options); } /** * Finds a single document from the GridFS bucket's files collection. * * @param array|object $filter Query by which to filter documents * @param array $options Additional options * @return array|object|null */ public function findOneFile($filter, array $options = []) { return $this->filesCollection->findOne($filter, $options); }
< /** < * Return the bucket name. < * < * @return string < */ < public function getBucketName()
> public function getBucketName(): string
{ return $this->bucketName; }
< /** < * Return the chunks collection. < * < * @return Collection < */ < public function getChunksCollection()
> public function getChunksCollection(): Collection
{ return $this->chunksCollection; }
< /** < * Return the database name. < * < * @return string < */ < public function getDatabaseName()
> public function getDatabaseName(): string
{ return $this->databaseName; }
< /** < * Return the files collection. < * < * @return Collection < */ < public function getFilesCollection()
> public function getFilesCollection(): Collection
{ return $this->filesCollection; } /** * Inserts a document into the chunks collection. * * @param array|object $chunk Chunk document */
< public function insertChunk($chunk)
> public function insertChunk($chunk): void
{ if (! $this->checkedIndexes) { $this->ensureIndexes(); } $this->chunksCollection->insertOne($chunk); } /** * Inserts a document into the files collection. * * The file document should be inserted after all chunks have been inserted. * * @param array|object $file File document */
< public function insertFile($file)
> public function insertFile($file): void
{ if (! $this->checkedIndexes) { $this->ensureIndexes(); } $this->filesCollection->insertOne($file); } /** * Updates the filename field in the file document for a given ID. * * @param mixed $id
< * @param string $filename < * @return UpdateResult
< public function updateFilenameForId($id, $filename)
> public function updateFilenameForId($id, string $filename): UpdateResult
{ return $this->filesCollection->updateOne( ['_id' => $id],
< ['$set' => ['filename' => (string) $filename]]
> ['$set' => ['filename' => $filename]]
); } /** * Create an index on the chunks collection if it does not already exist. */
< private function ensureChunksIndex()
> private function ensureChunksIndex(): void
{ $expectedIndex = ['files_id' => 1, 'n' => 1]; foreach ($this->chunksCollection->listIndexes() as $index) { if ($index->isUnique() && $this->indexKeysMatch($expectedIndex, $index->getKey())) { return; } } $this->chunksCollection->createIndex($expectedIndex, ['unique' => true]); } /** * Create an index on the files collection if it does not already exist. */
< private function ensureFilesIndex()
> private function ensureFilesIndex(): void
{ $expectedIndex = ['filename' => 1, 'uploadDate' => 1]; foreach ($this->filesCollection->listIndexes() as $index) { if ($this->indexKeysMatch($expectedIndex, $index->getKey())) { return; } } $this->filesCollection->createIndex($expectedIndex); } /** * Ensure indexes on the files and chunks collections exist. * * This method is called once before the first write operation on a GridFS * bucket. Indexes are only be created if the files collection is empty. */
< private function ensureIndexes()
> private function ensureIndexes(): void
{ if ($this->checkedIndexes) { return; } $this->checkedIndexes = true; if (! $this->isFilesCollectionEmpty()) { return; } $this->ensureFilesIndex(); $this->ensureChunksIndex(); } private function indexKeysMatch(array $expectedKeys, array $actualKeys) : bool { if (count($expectedKeys) !== count($actualKeys)) { return false; } $iterator = new MultipleIterator(MultipleIterator::MIT_NEED_ANY); $iterator->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($expectedKeys)); $iterator->attachIterator(new ArrayIterator($actualKeys)); foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) {
< list($expectedKey, $actualKey) = $key; < list($expectedValue, $actualValue) = $value;
> [$expectedKey, $actualKey] = $key; > [$expectedValue, $actualValue] = $value;
if ($expectedKey !== $actualKey) { return false; } /* Since we don't expect special indexes (e.g. text), we mark any * index with a non-numeric definition as unequal. All others are * compared against their int value to avoid differences due to * some drivers using float values in the key specification. */ if (! is_numeric($actualValue) || (int) $expectedValue !== (int) $actualValue) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns whether the files collection is empty.
< * < * @return boolean
< private function isFilesCollectionEmpty()
> private function isFilesCollectionEmpty(): bool
{ return null === $this->filesCollection->findOne([], [ 'readPreference' => new ReadPreference(ReadPreference::RP_PRIMARY), 'projection' => ['_id' => 1], 'typeMap' => [], ]); } }