Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
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 * Contains event class for displaying a calendar event's icon.
 * @package   core_calendar
 * @copyright 2017 Ryan Wyllie <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace core_calendar\external;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

use \core\external\exporter;
use \core_calendar\local\event\entities\event_interface;

 * Class for displaying a calendar event's icon.
 * @package   core_calendar
 * @copyright 2017 Ryan Wyllie <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class event_icon_exporter extends exporter {

     * Constructor.
     * @param event_interface $event
     * @param array $related The related data.
    public function __construct(event_interface $event, $related = []) {
        global $PAGE;
        $coursemodule = $event->get_course_module();
        $category = $event->get_category();
        $categoryid = $category ? $category->get('id') : null;
        $course = $event->get_course();
        $courseid = $course ? $course->get('id') : null;
        $group = $event->get_group();
        $groupid = $group ? $group->get('id') : null;
        $user = $event->get_user();
        $userid = $user ? $user->get('id') : null;
        $isactivityevent = !empty($coursemodule);
        $issiteevent = ($course && $courseid == SITEID);
        $iscategoryevent = ($category && !empty($categoryid));
        $iscourseevent = ($course && !empty($courseid) && $courseid != SITEID && empty($groupid));
        $isgroupevent = ($group && !empty($groupid));
        $isuserevent = ($user && !empty($userid));
> $iconurl = ''; > $iconclass = '';
if ($isactivityevent) {
< $key = 'icon';
> $key = 'monologo';
$component = $coursemodule->get('modname');
> $iconurl = get_fast_modinfo($courseid)->get_cm($coursemodule->get('id'))->get_icon_url(); if (get_string_manager()->string_exists($event->get_type(), $component)) { > $iconclass = $iconurl->get_param('filtericon') ? '' : 'nofilter'; $alttext = get_string($event->get_type(), $component); > $iconurl = $iconurl->out(false);
} else { $alttext = get_string('activityevent', 'calendar'); } } else if ($event->get_component()) { // Guess the icon and the title for the component event. By default display calendar icon and the // plugin name as the alttext. if ($PAGE->theme->resolve_image_location($event->get_type(), $event->get_component())) { $key = $event->get_type(); $component = $event->get_component(); } else { $key = 'i/otherevent'; $component = 'core'; } if (get_string_manager()->string_exists($event->get_type(), $event->get_component())) { $alttext = get_string($event->get_type(), $event->get_component()); } else { $alttext = get_string('pluginname', $event->get_component()); } } else if ($issiteevent) { $key = 'i/siteevent'; $component = 'core'; $alttext = get_string('typesite', 'calendar'); } else if ($iscategoryevent) { $key = 'i/categoryevent'; $component = 'core'; $alttext = get_string('typecategory', 'calendar'); } else if ($iscourseevent) { $key = 'i/courseevent'; $component = 'core'; $alttext = get_string('typecourse', 'calendar'); } else if ($isgroupevent) { $key = 'i/groupevent'; $component = 'core'; $alttext = get_string('typegroup', 'calendar'); } else if ($isuserevent) { $key = 'i/userevent'; $component = 'core'; $alttext = get_string('typeuser', 'calendar'); } else { // Default to site event icon? $key = 'i/siteevent'; $component = 'core'; $alttext = get_string('typesite', 'calendar'); } $data = new \stdClass(); $data->key = $key; $data->component = $component; $data->alttext = $alttext;
> $data->iconurl = $iconurl; > $data->iconclass = $iconclass;
parent::__construct($data, $related); } /** * Return the list of properties. * * @return array */ protected static function define_properties() { return [ 'key' => ['type' => PARAM_TEXT], 'component' => ['type' => PARAM_TEXT], 'alttext' => ['type' => PARAM_TEXT],
> 'iconurl' => ['type' => PARAM_TEXT], ]; > 'iconclass' => ['type' => PARAM_TEXT],
} /** * Returns a list of objects that are related. * * @return array */ protected static function define_related() { return [ 'context' => 'context', ]; } }