Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * Contains event class for displaying a calendar event.
 * @package   core_calendar
 * @copyright 2017 Ryan Wyllie <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace core_calendar\external;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

require_once($CFG->dirroot . "/calendar/lib.php");
require_once($CFG->libdir . "/filelib.php");

use \core\external\exporter;
use \core_calendar\local\event\container;
use \core_calendar\local\event\entities\event_interface;
use \core_calendar\local\event\entities\action_event_interface;
use \core_course\external\course_summary_exporter;
use \core\external\coursecat_summary_exporter;
use \renderer_base;
use moodle_url;

 * Class for displaying a calendar event.
 * @package   core_calendar
 * @copyright 2017 Ryan Wyllie <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class event_exporter_base extends exporter {

     * @var event_interface $event
    protected $event;

     * Constructor.
     * @param event_interface $event
     * @param array $related The related data.
    public function __construct(event_interface $event, $related = []) {
        $this->event = $event;

        $starttimestamp = $event->get_times()->get_start_time()->getTimestamp();
        $endtimestamp = $event->get_times()->get_end_time()->getTimestamp();
        $groupid = $event->get_group() ? $event->get_group()->get('id') : null;
        $userid = $event->get_user() ? $event->get_user()->get('id') : null;
        $categoryid = $event->get_category() ? $event->get_category()->get('id') : null;

        $data = new \stdClass();
        $data->id = $event->get_id();
        $data->name = $event->get_name();
        $data->description = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls(
        $data->descriptionformat = $event->get_description()->get_format();
        $data->location = external_format_text($event->get_location(), FORMAT_PLAIN, $related['context']->id)[0];
        $data->groupid = $groupid;
        $data->userid = $userid;
        $data->categoryid = $categoryid;
        $data->eventtype = $event->get_type();
        $data->timestart = $starttimestamp;
        $data->timeduration = $endtimestamp - $starttimestamp;
        $data->timesort = $event->get_times()->get_sort_time()->getTimestamp();
        $data->timeusermidnight = $event->get_times()->get_usermidnight_time()->getTimestamp();
        $data->visible = $event->is_visible() ? 1 : 0;
        $data->timemodified = $event->get_times()->get_modified_time()->getTimestamp();
        $data->component = $event->get_component();
        $data->overdue = $data->timesort < time();

        if ($repeats = $event->get_repeats()) {
            $data->repeatid = $repeats->get_id();
            $data->eventcount = $repeats->get_num() + 1;

        if ($cm = $event->get_course_module()) {
            $data->modulename = $cm->get('modname');
            $data->instance = $cm->get('id');
            $data->activityname = $cm->get('name');

            $component = 'mod_' . $data->modulename;
            if (!component_callback_exists($component, 'core_calendar_get_event_action_string')) {
                $modulename = get_string('modulename', $data->modulename);
                $data->activitystr = get_string('requiresaction', 'calendar', $modulename);
            } else {
                $data->activitystr = component_callback(

        parent::__construct($data, $related);

     * Return the list of properties.
     * @return array
    protected static function define_properties() {
        return [
            'id' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],
            'name' => ['type' => PARAM_TEXT],
            'description' => [
                'type' => PARAM_RAW,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'descriptionformat' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'location' => [
                'type' => PARAM_RAW,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'categoryid' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'groupid' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'userid' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'repeatid' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'eventcount' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'component' => [
                'type' => PARAM_COMPONENT,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'modulename' => [
                'type' => PARAM_TEXT,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'activityname' => [
                'type' => PARAM_TEXT,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'activitystr' => [
                'type' => PARAM_TEXT,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'instance' => [
                'type' => PARAM_INT,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => null,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED
            'eventtype' => ['type' => PARAM_TEXT],
            'timestart' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],
            'timeduration' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],
            'timesort' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],
            'timeusermidnight' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],
            'visible' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],
            'timemodified' => ['type' => PARAM_INT],
            'overdue' => [
                'type' => PARAM_BOOL,
                'optional' => true,
                'default' => false,
                'null' => NULL_ALLOWED

     * Return the list of additional properties.
     * @return array
    protected static function define_other_properties() {
        return [
            'icon' => [
                'type' => event_icon_exporter::read_properties_definition(),
            'category' => [
                'type' => coursecat_summary_exporter::read_properties_definition(),
                'optional' => true,
            'course' => [
                'type' => course_summary_exporter::read_properties_definition(),
                'optional' => true,
            'subscription' => [
                'type' => event_subscription_exporter::read_properties_definition(),
                'optional' => true,
            'canedit' => [
                'type' => PARAM_BOOL
            'candelete' => [
                'type' => PARAM_BOOL
            'deleteurl' => [
                'type' => PARAM_URL
            'editurl' => [
                'type' => PARAM_URL
            'viewurl' => [
                'type' => PARAM_URL
            'formattedtime' => [
                'type' => PARAM_RAW,
> 'formattedlocation' => [ 'isactionevent' => [ > 'type' => PARAM_RAW, 'type' => PARAM_BOOL > ],
], 'iscourseevent' => [ 'type' => PARAM_BOOL ], 'iscategoryevent' => [ 'type' => PARAM_BOOL ], 'groupname' => [ 'type' => PARAM_RAW, 'optional' => true, 'default' => null, 'null' => NULL_ALLOWED ], 'normalisedeventtype' => [ 'type' => PARAM_TEXT ], 'normalisedeventtypetext' => [ 'type' => PARAM_TEXT ], 'action' => [ 'type' => event_action_exporter::read_properties_definition(), 'optional' => true, ], 'purpose' => [ 'type' => PARAM_TEXT ], ]; } /** * Get the additional values to inject while exporting. * * @param renderer_base $output The renderer. * @return array Keys are the property names, values are their values. */ protected function get_other_values(renderer_base $output) { $values = []; $event = $this->event; $legacyevent = container::get_event_mapper()->from_event_to_legacy_event($event); $context = $this->related['context']; $course = $this->related['course']; $values['isactionevent'] = false; $values['iscourseevent'] = false; $values['iscategoryevent'] = false; $values['normalisedeventtype'] = $event->get_type(); if ($moduleproxy = $event->get_course_module()) { // We need a separate property to flag if an event is action event. // That's required because canedit return true but action action events cannot be edited on the calendar UI. // But they are considered editable because you can drag and drop the event on the month view. $values['isactionevent'] = true; // Activity events are normalised to "look" like course events. $values['normalisedeventtype'] = 'course'; } else if ($event->get_type() == 'course') { $values['iscourseevent'] = true; } else if ($event->get_type() == 'category') { $values['iscategoryevent'] = true; } $timesort = $event->get_times()->get_sort_time()->getTimestamp(); $iconexporter = new event_icon_exporter($event, ['context' => $context]); $identifier = 'type' . $values['normalisedeventtype']; $stringexists = get_string_manager()->string_exists($identifier, 'calendar'); if (!$stringexists) { // Property normalisedeventtype is used to build the name of the CSS class for the events. $values['normalisedeventtype'] = 'other'; } $values['normalisedeventtypetext'] = $stringexists ? get_string($identifier, 'calendar') : ''; $purpose = 'none'; if ($moduleproxy) { $purpose = plugin_supports('mod', $moduleproxy->get('modname'), FEATURE_MOD_PURPOSE, 'none'); } $values['purpose'] = $purpose; $values['icon'] = $iconexporter->export($output); $subscriptionexporter = new event_subscription_exporter($event); $values['subscription'] = $subscriptionexporter->export($output); $proxy = $this->event->get_category(); if ($proxy && $proxy->get('id')) { $category = $proxy->get_proxied_instance(); $categorysummaryexporter = new coursecat_summary_exporter($category, ['context' => $context]); $values['category'] = $categorysummaryexporter->export($output); } if ($course && $course->id != SITEID) { $coursesummaryexporter = new course_summary_exporter($course, ['context' => $context]); $values['course'] = $coursesummaryexporter->export($output); } $courseid = (!$course) ? SITEID : $course->id; $values['canedit'] = calendar_edit_event_allowed($legacyevent, true); $values['candelete'] = calendar_delete_event_allowed($legacyevent); $deleteurl = new moodle_url('/calendar/delete.php', ['id' => $event->get_id(), 'course' => $courseid]); $values['deleteurl'] = $deleteurl->out(false); $editurl = new moodle_url('/calendar/event.php', ['action' => 'edit', 'id' => $event->get_id(), 'course' => $courseid]); $values['editurl'] = $editurl->out(false); $viewurl = new moodle_url('/calendar/view.php', ['view' => 'day', 'course' => $courseid, 'time' => $timesort]); $viewurl->set_anchor('event_' . $event->get_id()); $values['viewurl'] = $viewurl->out(false); $values['formattedtime'] = calendar_format_event_time($legacyevent, time(), null, false, $timesort);
> $values['formattedlocation'] = calendar_format_event_location($legacyevent);
if ($group = $event->get_group()) { $values['groupname'] = format_string($group->get('name'), true, ['context' => \context_course::instance($event->get_course()->get('id'))]); } if ($event instanceof action_event_interface) { // Export event action if applicable. $actionrelated = [ 'context' => $this->related['context'], 'event' => $event ]; $actionexporter = new event_action_exporter($event->get_action(), $actionrelated); $values['action'] = $actionexporter->export($output); } return $values; } /** * Returns a list of objects that are related. * * @return array */ protected static function define_related() { return [ 'context' => 'context', 'course' => 'stdClass?', ]; } }