Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
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 * Provides the class that defines the form for the H5P authoring tool.
 * @package    contenttype_h5p
 * @copyright  2020 Victor Deniz <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

namespace contenttype_h5p\form;

use contenttype_h5p\content;
use contenttype_h5p\contenttype;
use core_contentbank\form\edit_content;
use core_h5p\api;
use core_h5p\editor as h5peditor;
use core_h5p\factory;
use core_h5p\helper;
use stdClass;

 * Defines the form for editing an H5P content.
 * @copyright 2020 Victor Deniz <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class editor extends edit_content {

    /** @var $h5peditor H5P editor object */
    private $h5peditor;

    /** @var $content The content being edited */
    private $content;

     * Defines the form fields.
    protected function definition() {
< global $DB;
> global $DB, $OUTPUT;
$mform = $this->_form; $errors = []; $notifications = []; // Id of the content to edit. $id = $this->_customdata['id']; // H5P content type to create. $library = optional_param('library', null, PARAM_TEXT); if (empty($id) && empty($library)) { $returnurl = new \moodle_url('/contentbank/index.php', ['contextid' => $this->_customdata['contextid']]); print_error('invalidcontentid', 'error', $returnurl); } $this->h5peditor = new h5peditor();
> $this->set_display_vertical(); if ($id) { > $mform->addElement('html', $OUTPUT->heading($this->_customdata['heading'], 2)); // The H5P editor needs the H5P content id (h5p table). >
$record = $DB->get_record('contentbank_content', ['id' => $id]); $this->content = new content($record); $file = $this->content->get_file(); $h5p = api::get_content_from_pathnamehash($file->get_pathnamehash()); if (!$h5p) { // H5P content has not been deployed yet. Let's check why. $factory = new \core_h5p\factory(); $factory->get_framework()->set_file($file); $h5pid = helper::save_h5p($factory, $file, new stdClass()); $errors = $factory->get_framework()->getMessages('error'); $notifications = $factory->get_framework()->getMessages('info'); } else { $h5pid = $h5p->id; } if ($h5pid) { $mform->addElement('hidden', 'h5pid', $h5pid); $mform->setType('h5pid', PARAM_INT); $this->h5peditor->set_content($h5pid); } } else { // The H5P editor needs the H5P content type library name for a new content. $mform->addElement('hidden', 'library', $library); $mform->setType('library', PARAM_TEXT); $this->h5peditor->set_library($library, $this->_customdata['contextid'], 'contentbank', 'public'); } $mformid = 'coolh5peditor'; $mform->setAttributes(array('id' => $mformid) + $mform->getAttributes()); if ($errors || $notifications) { // Show the error messages and a Cancel button. foreach ($errors as $error) { $mform->addElement('warning', $error->code, 'notify', $error->message); } foreach ($notifications as $key => $notification) { $mform->addElement('warning', 'notification_'.$key, 'notify', $notification); } $mform->addElement('cancel', 'cancel', get_string('back')); } else {
< $this->add_action_buttons();
$this->h5peditor->add_editor_to_form($mform); $this->add_action_buttons(); } } /** * Modify or create an H5P content from the form data. * * @param stdClass $data Form data to create or modify an H5P content. * * @return int The id of the edited or created content. */ public function save_content(stdClass $data): int { global $DB; // The H5P libraries expect data->id as the H5P content id. // The method H5PCore::saveContent throws an error if id is set but empty. if (empty($data->id)) { unset($data->id); } else { // The H5P libraries save in $data->id the H5P content id (h5p table), so the content id is saved in another var. $contentid = $data->id; } $h5pcontentid = $this->h5peditor->save_content($data); $factory = new factory(); $h5pfs = $factory->get_framework(); // Needs the H5P file id to create or update the content bank record. $h5pcontent = $h5pfs->loadContent($h5pcontentid); $fs = get_file_storage(); $file = $fs->get_file_by_hash($h5pcontent['pathnamehash']); // Creating new content. if (!isset($data->h5pid)) { // The initial name of the content is the title of the H5P content. $cbrecord = new stdClass(); $cbrecord->name = json_decode($data->h5pparams)->metadata->title; $context = \context::instance_by_id($data->contextid, MUST_EXIST); // Create entry in content bank. $contenttype = new contenttype($context); $newcontent = $contenttype->create_content($cbrecord); if ($file && $newcontent) { $updatedfilerecord = new stdClass(); $updatedfilerecord->id = $file->get_id(); $updatedfilerecord->itemid = $newcontent->get_id(); // As itemid changed, the pathnamehash has to be updated in the file table. $pathnamehash = \file_storage::get_pathname_hash($file->get_contextid(), $file->get_component(), $file->get_filearea(), $updatedfilerecord->itemid, $file->get_filepath(), $file->get_filename()); $updatedfilerecord->pathnamehash = $pathnamehash; $DB->update_record('files', $updatedfilerecord); // The pathnamehash in the h5p table must match the file pathnamehash. $h5pfs->updateContentFields($h5pcontentid, ['pathnamehash' => $pathnamehash]); } } else { // Update content. $this->content->update_content(); } return $contentid ?? $newcontent->get_id(); } }